Thaddeus Grey
Treasure Hunter!
Created on 04/05/2005
2852 Posts & 218 Threads
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Thaddeus was just coming to the conclusion that Nova might be a little bit obnoxious when Simon (presumably, or they were in trouble) opened
17 years ago
Okay I'm just looking for a place to test and see if I can post *laughs* I don't know if it's me or what but I can't seem to post in the RP
17 years ago
Thaddeus gave Palmer a dubious look at Alfarinn’s stoic remarks regarding his injuries and squeezed his companion’s hand. It was
17 years ago
17 years ago
Thaddeus couldn’t help but return Alfarinn’s smile, though he had no idea of why he should be grinning at a time like this. Perh
17 years ago
Thaddeus scanned the crowd for Alfarinn and his female companion, a Tacharan named Nova that he had apparently met once before. It was crowd
17 years ago
It wasn’t, Thaddeus thought, that he was upset with Alfarinn. He truly wasn’t. He was simply very confused, apparently, about ju
17 years ago
Palmer’s thinly veiled attempts to cheer him up did nothing of the sort. Alfarinn hadn’t sent him anything one way or the other
17 years ago
Thaddeus looked affronted at the suggestion that his gift was anything less than brilliant. “It was a very nice watch. And my –p
17 years ago
Flash page? Spash page! Mashy mashy mash the page!
*mashes page*
All fixed.
Except it completely isn't
17 years ago
forum? forums?
Fauna? No!
*clears throat* Alfarinn speaks the truth.
17 years ago
*grins* Have fun, we'll be here when you get back.
I always figured it was the -parents- that really pushed teachers over the edge, hehe
17 years ago
lol, Theo 'll be there if things aren't too far along by the time I get home from work
17 years ago
Thaddeus knew the moment Alfarinn let down the wall that separated their minds; it was as though he had lost something only to look down and
17 years ago
Chapter Twenty
And now, in front of me I can see my every wish come to fruition.
--Thaddeus Grey
Thaddeus ran his hand over the mark on hi
17 years ago
Chapter Nineteen
Normally when I find out some new information my immediate thought is that I should have known, but in this case I find my
17 years ago
Meh, not late 'til midnight! *grins*. But totally up to you of course.
17 years ago
Mafia is an awesome way to get to know people. It'll be a blast, for serious!
17 years ago
Thaddeus blinked. “Um. Reading a book in my room?”
He got Palmer’s point, in truth, but he was attempting to make one of
17 years ago
Thaddeus blinked, surprised by Palmer’s understanding reaction. He was privately convinced he was being a complete sentimental idiot a
17 years ago