The End Is Near - The Stand Mafia @ TAC.COM

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
~TS Elliot – The Hollow Men
A deadly flu developed by the US military in a forgotten California desert has wiped 99.9 percent of the population, and you are one of the few left in its terrible wake. What will you do now? The Seattle survivors are preparing for a great journey, but what will their destination be? You must help them decide, while the forces of good and evil work to tear your group apart. Join us as we travel east through a desolate wasteland that was once America, waiting to be rebuilt. Prepare to make your Stand - will the party make it to Mother Abigale in Boulder, Colorado, or will the evil Flagg lure them to his center of operations in Las Vegas, Nevada?
Or will the madman in the dark kill them all before they make either goal?
[COLOR=red]Mafia is a forum based role playing game played over the course of several days. The object of the game is to kill your opposition and be the last team standing.[/COLOR]
Sign up and play to find out as we make our own way through Stephen King’s epic journey, The Stand. Visit for more information. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
/ooc Please join up in this thread; you can choose to fill out the form below or simply include the information listed in prose. You are welcome to portray your character’s arrival at the space needle, but if you choose not to we will just assume you are there with the rest of the group.
Keep in mind that clues are drawn from these bios, so it is to your benefit to add more detail in order to give us a variety to draw from.
Place of origin: (note: This will be taking place in the Seattle area in the beginning so where ever you are from, you should currently be living or have some reason to be in or around Seattle )
Mode of transportation:
Items being carried:
Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out our FAQ here -
Scenario -
Ready to SIGN UP? -
This is being hosted by Verileah and Mai - Any additional questions you can pm them at Feel free to post with questions or excited...ness!

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
I fully expect to see ALL OF YOU signed up. =D

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
*hides under a rock*

17 years ago
I DID !!
I DID !!

Alec Devereaux
17 years ago

17 years ago

Alec Devereaux
17 years ago
"Cookies" Maldonado is coming for you! You WILL buy some well preserved Thin Mints! :P

17 years ago
I wish I could!
I just don't have enough time right now. If the next one is after VBS and before school starts then I think I might actually try my hand at it.
I just don't have enough time right now. If the next one is after VBS and before school starts then I think I might actually try my hand at it.

17 years ago
Henry is ready even though I have never read the book or seen the miniseries. hahaha

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
It's not as intensive as you think, sarah. You don't need to devote any more time to it than you already do now. We really need at least 15 to sign up, we'd love to have ya!
I wish I could!
I just don't have enough time right now. If the next one is after VBS and before school starts then I think I might actually try my hand at it.
It's not as intensive as you think, sarah. You don't need to devote any more time to it than you already do now. We really need at least 15 to sign up, we'd love to have ya!

17 years ago
As we have all seen it will slow SA to a grinding halt in many cases so your reply load here will probably be lessened.

17 years ago

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
yeah SA weill be slow while y'all play =(

17 years ago
Well, I can only speak for myself, but it never effected my posting here before.

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
you're a minority.
I can tell you from experience it will be a ghost town here until about 2/3 of the townies are bumped off. And TAC will be quiet as a tomb as well.

17 years ago
You won't be seeing Billie or I for the entire length of mafia for the most part. Unlike people posting on clues and voting on lynches we're collecting info, keeping it all straight, making up clues and....KILLING PEOPLE.
That takes a lot of work.
That takes a lot of work.

17 years ago
Well given the last game, I think I was the first one killed off, I guess I'll be spending a lot of time here talking to myself lol

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
Roz made me sign up, she MADE me.. Honest. But I'll be here and active! I'm not going spreadsheet happy with clues like I did the last couple times.

Simon Huntington
17 years ago
The page hits go through the roof on tac when we do mafias though. 1k hits to like 5k the first couple of days. I'm really looking forward to it =D
The page hits go through the roof on tac when we do mafias though. 1k hits to like 5k the first couple of days. I'm really looking forward to it =D

17 years ago

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Those of you who have not signed up yet, I will beat you about the head and shoulders repeatedly. Those of you who have place holders (AISHE) please remember to fill them out before midnight 2/28. We need everyone who signed up to play and if a few more sign up, it'll be even that much more fun to kill you!