That was fast...
Thaddeus was about two more words from having to drive his own sorry ass around the mall parking lot, as far as Palmer was concerned. He cared about his friend very much but right now the nightsman was getting on his last nerve. ‘Palmer, we need to go this way. No, never mind, I think this is the right way. Watch out for that man!’
It wasn’t until he noticed Thaddeus give a sharp hiss and clench his teeth that he realized what was happening and why his friend was being so god damned annoying. Deciding to give the poor guy a break, he obediently turned into the requested entrance, sans commentary, and slowly cruised around the Nachton Mall in search of an injured Evenhet to pick up and stash in his rental.

Maybe he just couldn’t handle this.
He frowned at that thought. Alfarinn needed someone to take care of him – ridiculous as it sounded, he knew instinctively that it was true the moment it occurred to him. It didn’t matter that he was an ancient, an elder even; Alfarinn needed him, and Thaddeus couldn’t help but feel a measure of tenderness at that.
In the course of his intense thoughts and conversing…no, communing seemed a better word…with Alfarinn, he had gone into autopilot with regard to everyone else. It wasn’t until Palmer gave a rather peevish response to one of his terse requests that he realized his friend must think him rude. Instead of making proper amends, though (a task for which he simply didn’t have the mental energy right now) he simply spoke in a more subdued fashion.
“He should be coming out of that building.”
Still thoughtful, he said nothing more as Palmer pulled up to the curb, and he got out silently to open the door for the boyfriend he didn’t quite understand but worried over all the same.

Pointing to an employee side entrance, he headed in that direction.
"Let's go through here."Â?
Thaddeus had been driving to the mall even as he and Nova's attacker were fighting and Alfarinn couldn't help but be both pleased and a little embarrassed at the same time. He hoped his companion didn't think he couldn't take care of himself. Big bad elder was beaten up by some fledgling with a culinary implement. Yet it was nice to know that Thaddeus was concerned enough to want to know what was going on and willing to drop everything to come help him. Of course Thaddeus was a good person and he knew that his companion would be willing to do that for any friend. Feeling slightly less elated by the concern left him exhausted by the experience.
They had conversed briefly and he told the two Anantya which exit they would be appearing from. Once outside, he scanned the parking lot for familiar faces but in the sea of chaos and cars that was impossible. Sliding down onto a metal park bench, Alfarinn closed his eyes and waited. Thaddeus would find him.
"Any luck with Simon?"Â?

It rang once before cutting out. –Damn it-. She scrambled to catch up to Arin; fortunately he had stopped at a bench well within sight.
“No, no luck…stupid signal…,” She said with more hostility than the situation would normally warrant, but for the fact that they had all just been through an ordeal and Simon was still missing. “You’d think here of all places…hey, are you okay?”
She wondered if Arin were more seriously hurt than she realized – it was worrisome to see him sitting down, his eyes closed as though he were in pain. She peered, studying him intently. She had no idea how old he might be, but even a young vampire should be healed by now. It was impossible to tell, his shirt being as bloody as it was, if the skin underneath were whole, and she didn’t quite have the nerve to feel up Arin Bjorn in a mall parking lot, though anyone else and she wouldn’t have hesitated to lift up the shirt and have a peek.
She looked down at her own hand, discreetly, and frowned at the blood caked on her hand. God, what a mess.

He thought he caught a glimpse of pale blonde hair through the crowd, but just as quickly it disappeared. Frustrated, he tapped on the car window and pointed out into the crowd, indicating to Palmer that he was going to go and look for the pair. Palmer made as if to get out but he shook his head and turned to walk up the concrete pathway.
Humans, he reflected with a trace of annoyance, could be so oblivious. How they could continue milling about, busily finishing their shopping, not even noticing two injured parties in their midst? He supposed it was fortunate that they hadn’t drawn attention to themselves but even so…
He gave a mental shake of his head at his own musings – it was rather ironic, he thought, that he could be annoyed at people’s tendency toward self involvement while at the same time worrying over Alfarinn’s penchant for good Samaritan acts.
When he spotted Alfarinn and a woman who fit Nova’s description, his pace through the crowd increased – as a matter of fact he might have nudged a few people out of his way to get to the bench faster, even though that necessitated more contact than he would have liked with people he didn’t know.
It was just about impossible to hide his dismay when he got close enough to the two of them to speak; they made quite a pair, Nova with her black trench that covered everything but her blood speckled shoes and hands, and Alfarinn with his wounded side. He composed himself quickly enough, though, and held out a hand toward Alfarinn.
“The car is just over there – we should get you two out of sight.”

"Call Carol if you can."Â?
He remembered the name of the blonde woman that came to his home a while ago. Alfarinn also knew that they were bonded. He was not sure how much Nova knew about Simon's situation but he did know that Carol would be able to tell whether he was still alive and in danger.
The healing lung tissue was a disturbing and slightly uncomfortable feeling, worse than the itch and sting of knitting muscle and flesh. Alfarinn inhaled deeply in experimentation and when that seemed to work, he did so again. The searing pain had all but faded to a remembered thing.
Hearing and feeling Thaddeus approach, Alfarinn smiled and opened his eyes. He answered Nova's question while watching his companion.
"I'm fine now."Â?
Turning to look at the woman next to him, he gave her a bigger grin.
"Shall we take a ride while we figure this out?"Â?
Accepting the hand that was held out for him, Alfarinn stood and smiled down at Thaddeus. He spoke softly.
"Thank you for coming."Â?
It was not just gratitude for the ride but also a thankfulness for his lover's willingness to come down here, for his worry and his attention. He probably did not deserve any of them after getting himself into this mess but he was grateful for them none the less and hoped Thaddeus did not think he had gotten himself injured for the sake of sympathy. Pushing those thoughts aside, He reached for the bags of Christmas presents.
"No peeking."Â?

With Alfarinn with Nova, he had little doubt that she was OK, but he made haste toward his car and slid into it quickly to use the car phone. He caught his reflection in the mirror and tried to wipe the blood and grime off his face. As far as he could tell, Ellis was no where to be seen and he wondered if she'd leave her side kick alone to fight with an ancient. Knowing her he was on his own and she was long gone.
He activated the phone in his dashboard and tried Nova's number, hoping she would pick up.

That guy Alfarinn had been with at the ball came up as she was scrolling through her numbers. She looked up and gave a little wave with her gory hand, forgetting already that it looked rather disgusting even without the hole in it.
“Oh hey…Tad, right? Can you look at him? He’s claiming to be fine but I have my doubts.” Shaking her head, she looked down at her phone again without waiting for an answer. What the…where’d her signal go! Beyond annoyed now, she gave a terse nod when the guys suggested they get to the car (presumably Tad’s) and sort this mess out. It was just as they arrived at the curb, where a grey towncar was idling, that all four bars leaped up at once. Woot! She was about to hit dial when her ring tone (Chili Peppers, as it happened) went off and the little yellow device started vibrating like mad. A glance at the ID showed her that it was Simon.
“It’s him!”
Holding up her blood encrusted hand to indicate that she was going to stop and pick up, she hit the speak button while people unceremoniously pushed past her like a river flowing around a sandbar.
“Simon! Are you alright? Jesus, where are you?”
Feeling it was safe to start walking again now that they had at last made contact, she followed behind the others as they got into the car, taking the front seat when Tad waved her in. It wasn’t until she sat down that she realized there was another man in the car. That gave her pause (mostly because he was pretty damn hot) and she lifted her hand, once again, in greeting, still oblivious to what a mess it was.

“It’s Thaddeus actually…”
He trailed off, realizing that one, it was hardly the time to be pedantic about what was, in the scheme of things, a small matter, and two, she wasn’t listening anyway. Instead, he turned back to Alfarinn, frowning a little now. Was this bravado on his behalf or was Alfarinn sincerely well? He could still sense some lingering pain through the bond, but it was considerably less than before and with it he could also sense a sort of calm preparedness for the next series of events. All in all he wasn’t exactly assured but he thought even if he wasn’t alright just yet he would be soon.
In fairness to Thaddeus, he sincerely felt that keeping a hold of Alfarinn was essential to getting him into the car, but he still felt a lingering guilt, questioning his motives even as he carefully pulled his companion to his feet, keeping his fingers gently but firmly wrapped around Alfarinn’s.
He had the grace to look sheepish at his companion’s thanks.
“I couldn’t sit still,” he admitted. “I was driving Palmer insane.”
Fortunately he was spared the need to embarrass himself further by the necessity of leading the way to the car. Still, he could feel his skin heating up as he leaned forward, just slightly, to gently take the bags from Alfarinn’s hands.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
He led the way back to Palmer, nearly managing to get them all the way into the car before Nova stopped suddenly. Apparently Simon had managed to get in touch with her at last, which was good news, but did the woman –have- to keep flashing around her hand? Agitated, he quickly ushered her into the car, giving her the front seat so he could sit with Alfarinn in the back.

But, who was he to say! He was just the driver, he mused sarcastically.
Soon enough Thaddeus returned, completely unharmed, with Alfarinn and a woman he didn’t know in tow. This must be Nova, the lady fair Alfarinn had run after to rescue. She was busy on her cell phone but spared him a messy wave before turning her attention back to her call, which he assumed must be important. He smiled in satisfaction; he’d seen that little flicker of her eyes. He naturally returned the favor before twisting around to regard Thaddeus and Alfarinn.
“Good to see you back in…oh, that’s a lot of blood, you okay?”
So much for the security deposit on the rental, he thought, but without any bitterness. It was just funny how life happened.
“Where to, kids?”

Simon began to circle the parking lot, trying to keep an eye out for any signs of Ellis' boy Tai or Nova. His body ached for blood and just sitting in the car made his head throb. His clothes were ruined and damp, he was covered in sewer grime and it was freezing outside. At least the warmth of his car kept the chill off but the aching would not go away.
Simon looked behind him at his cache of presents - at least he got his Christmas shopping just about done.

[Its alright,Beloved. I wouldn't be able to sit still either.]
He recalled nearly going out of his mind with worry when Thaddeus was out looking for a missing Anantya. His lover had been in no immediate danger but there was the possibility, in his mind, that Lykaios or the accomplice would choose that time to directly attack Thaddeus.
Crawling into the back seat of the car, he gave Palmer a smile in greeting before settling down. It seemed that Simon was alright if he was calling Nova and so they simply had to sit back and wait for her answer on what had transpired. He looked back at their driver for the evening and relayed his gratitude.
"Thank you for coming, Palmer. Its worse than it looks and luckily its mostly dry now."Â?
He did his best to keep his blood encrusted shirt off the seat and thought it was handy of his attacker not to have stabbed him in the back.
[There was more trouble tonight than just the attack on Nova and Simon. I will explain later though. Both Anantya and Evenhet need to be made aware.]
Pulling out his phone, he sent Christian a text page, requesting the sender to contact him in the usual method. Christian was ever alert, or so it seemed, and within moments of putting down his phone Christian had telepathically contacted him. He quickly relayed his message and request to the Chief of Security and then once more focused on the group. Realizing that a question had been asked, Alfarinn looked over at Nova for the answer.
"I don't know yet. What's up with Simon?"Â?

“We’re right up front in a, uh…towncar, a grey towncar. Arin’s friends came to get us…and who’s Alfarinn?”
As soon as that last question was out of her mouth, she realized what an idiot she was. Arin, Alf – arinn…it wasn’t that much of a leap for Christ’s sake. Embarrassed, she looked over her shoulder to see if Arin had heard, making a pained, apologetic face. Things were moving pretty fast and she guessed she'd just been a little slow on the uptake there, but she still felt like an ass.
“Er…nevermind. Yeah, we’re all in the car, we’re fine…well Arin says he’s fine anyway. The, uh…other guy ain’t exactly fine I don’t think but he isn’t dead either. So…yeah might want to watch out for him. What about you – kinda looked like you were in a tight spot there, you get away free and clear?”
Arin asked to be filled in and she gave him a thumbs up, turning the phone into her neck to loudly whisper an update.
“He’s fine, he got back to his car...”

Both eyebrows went up as his companion spoke in his mind, but he quickly schooled his expression to impassive. For whatever reason Alfarinn did not want to explain the details of their encounter just yet and Thaddeus could respect his partner’s wish for discretion. It worried him that Alfarinn would have to keep pushing himself instead of resting and recovering as he ought but who was he to tell anyone to take a moment and breathe before jumping back into the fray?
He paused for a moment before responding.
[Alright - one thing at a time then. Don’t put off taking care of yourself.]
He was the boyfriend, that was who. He wasn’t certain if he had made an impression or not but he hoped he would be able to take his companion home soon. Alfarinn still seemed to be in ten places at once – using his phone, preoccupied with finding Simon of Tacharan, thinking ahead to whatever news he would need to take to the clans – and all the while insisting he was fine.
Sighing inwardly, he reflected that there was nothing like a good crisis to remind one of what was important before shamelessly eavesdropping on Nova’s conversation. He didn’t know whether to laugh or just shake his head at the woman’s loudly voiced question; the irony of Alfarinn rescuing someone who didn’t know his full name struck him strangely, with a mix of emotions from pride to wonder to bemusement. It seemed that she put two and two together quickly enough, though, and was appropriately embarrassed by her fumble. He pretended to find something interesting on the floor of the car, a pretense to put her at ease. It occurred to him then that she might be putting up a front as well; he’d assumed the blood on her hand, like the blood on her shoes, was a result of a messy fight and was probably not even her own but it was quite possible – likely even – that her hand itself had been hurt. The more he listened the more obvious it was – the way she kept putting off her own injuries and mentioning Alfarinn’s instead, and flipping the conversation around just a little too quickly. It was almost funny – there wasn’t a selfish one in the bunch.

He wanted to see Nova for himself, to make sure she wasn't putting off any injury that might need attention. She was so young comparatively and with the Asian having Ellis' ancient blood coursing through him, it would have been an uneven fight with him and Nova, however Simon had full confidence that Alfarinn would be no match for him. That was the least of their worries now though.
Continue his slow circle around the perimeter, Simon tried to come up with what he would tell Alfarinn about the werewolves. Just saying it out loud was ridiculous, but it would be on the news soon enough and their nation would start to put two and two together.

[I will try. It seems the world at large is conspiring against us.]
That sentiment was not in any way reassuring to either of them and he should really try harder to be more positive for Thaddeus' sake. Taking a deep calming breath, Alfarinn reflected that they were both alive, and though the future seemed uncertain, it seemed they would still have each other. That was one of the few things that really mattered to him in this world.
[Take me home and I'll be happy.]
He smiled as he caught his nickname and heard the question. Seeing Nova quickly catch on, he neglected to clarify. Instead Alfarinn asked about the Tacharan who seemed to be somewhere nearby.
"Is he headed home? Did you want us to find him?"Â?
Preferably -before- having to drive to some Tacharan stronghold. He really was not feeling his most charming and diplomatic at the moment. The healing process had taken a lot out of him and though he wasn't a young vampire who would be ravenously hungry from such blood loss, Alfarinn was feeling a bit drained and on edge. It did not help that he had not stopped to feed recently, being unwilling to leave Thaddeus alone for very long. It seemed to be something he was going to have to do soon whether he wanted to or not.

“I think he’s coming to us…oh, hey!”
Thinking she saw Simon’s car, she leaned over and, with no regard for niceties (as was her way), placed her hand on the complete stranger’s thigh, using it as leverage to push herself up and over to blast the horn.
A group of teenagers stopped in their tracks and looked their way, one of them sneering at her. Granted, she looked ridiculous on her knees with her ass pointed up in the air, one hand on some guy and the other on the steering wheel, but that was no reason to stare. She gave them the finger to help them along, and to her surprise they scrambled pretty quickly.
Oh – her hand was a bloody mess. She’d forgotten. And damned if she wasn’t freakin –starving-. Issues all around.
Crawling back to her seat, she continued speaking into the phone as though nothing had happened.
“You hear that? We’re right up on the curb at that south entrance.”

He had gathered that he wasn’t supposed to head out just yet, though he was certain Thaddeus would prefer if they got out of there. Nova and Alfarinn were each busy with their own respective phones, calling whoever one called in times of crisis and leaving him and Thaddeus to their own respective musings. Or at least, that was probably what his friend was doing – pondering the implications of events and having deep thoughts. Palmer was just thinking about more basic matters, like food. Maybe their first stop along the way could be a place they could get someone to eat.
/edit - gfd fonts

Pulling open her door he leaned in to look at the occupants. 'Are you alright? Anyone hurt?'

On the other hand, perhaps he was just in an irritable mood through no fault of Nova's, or anyone else for that matter. Someone had gone in and pushed his little universe all out of orbit and it wouldn't be set to rights until he'd done as Alfarinn asked and seen him home, safe and sound.
He didn't know whether to laugh or just throw up his hands when he realized he wasn't entirely certain of which 'home' Alfarinn meant. He had at first assumed that his companion meant their apartment and had replied with a quiet [that's what we'll do, then]. It had taken him a moment to realize there was another option, one that probably made more sense; Alfarinn probably meant that he wanted to go to the towers. He'd said Evenhet and Anantya needed to be informed of something, after all.
Feeling tremendously stupid and not knowing quite how to fix this little conundrum, he slid over in his seat in a silent invitation for Simon to get in, should he wish to talk more. He imagined it would be more proper for Nova and Alfarinn to answer the Tacharan's question as they saw fit; if he answered words like 'could have been killed' and 'terribly wounded' would come into play.
/ooc God, he's so -dramatic- *laughs*

[Thank you, I hope everyone will forgive us for being poor company.]
It seemed, as he looked up towards the front seat and took in the goings on, that the other occupants of the vehicle might not even notice what sort of company they were being. Alfarinn raised an eyebrow and looked over at his companion.
[Well, at least this trip wasn't a total waste for Palmer.]
He winced as the horn sounded and hoped the cops would not rush over to the car to investigate. With as many kids that wandered around this mall, he suspected they would assume that it part of normal teenaged communication and nothing to be concerned about. Still they should move on soon just in case.
Grinning at the welcomed sight of a dirty but alive Simon, Alfarinn answered the question.
"We're all still in one I see you are as well. I'm not sure how you made it out of that mess but I'm glad you did."