forum or forums?

i redid my bookmark to forums and now thats down but forum is working.

which should i bookmark porfavor!

Alfarinn 17 years ago
she put it back to forum because otherwise we'd have to redo a TON of links
Thaddeus Grey 17 years ago
forum? forums?


Fauna? No!

*clears throat* Alfarinn speaks the truth.
Alfarinn 17 years ago
However, the link from the flash page needs to be changed back because its no longer intended.
Thaddeus Grey 17 years ago
Flash page? Spash page! Mashy mashy mash the page!

*mashes page*

All fixed.

Except it completely isn't

Ellis Duban 17 years ago
However, the link from the flash page needs to be changed back because its no longer intended.
