hey Roz/ Vex / someone...
How can I make my email for an account the same as one of my other ones?? Amby goes to my work email now but umm.. yeah.. I won't be having this for much longer. My hotmail is my main one, but is the one for Temp's account and it won't let me use it twice! Is there a way to do it?
Help =)

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
I think we can set that up but we have it turned off. Lemme see.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Try now?

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
still says the email you have netered is already in use =(

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
ehh.. if it's not possible y'all I'll just make Temp's a dummy one until I get my new work email at Bechtel and change Amby to it then.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Yeah it won't let me do it either. Sorry.

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
EHHH... Would make life easier to have everyone's come to the same email so you don't miss PMs and stuff but I can see why for verification reasons it needs to be the way it is.

17 years ago
Bechtel??!! I didn't know that was the company you were going to work for/Xandare worked for! My BIL worked for them for over ten years, and did very well, though he had to travel a lot. Grats on getting in with such an awesome company!

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
heheh yeah it's an awesome place to work i am told so it's why i was sweating getting the job so much =) my future bosses have been there over 15 years each, working their way up. Once you're in it sounds pretty damn awesome. And i'm direct hire no contractor BS.. weeeee!

17 years ago
Just to update this, ( i just saw this thread
) multiple registrations per users is now enabled.

Thaddeus Grey
17 years ago
<3 thank you so much, this is wonderful!