Skill Dictionary

The vampire was gifted with an uncanny grace when made. They are easily able to walk on precarious perches such as rope, able to move from tree to tree, and land like a cat in most tumbling situations.

This vampire has the amazing ability to go unseen. Able to walk about in silence or to go unnoticed in plain sight. It isn't that they are invisible, they just seem to get passed up.

Using their blood they are stronger and able to move more quickly. Extended use of this power makes the vampire exceedingly hungry and they will need to feed more often.

This is the ability to know another living being that you are in tune with them more than most others, similar to Savage Savant but with creatures of more complexity. This could be vampire or human. You're able to sense their feelings and whims easily and while you can't always hear their thoughts you do get impressions of strong desires and fears. A person bonded to the vampire is able to call the vampire in times of danger and the vampire is able to call in return.

The vampire can appear to be different things. They can specify in general what they look like or be specific down to minute details if they wish, such as a mole on their left cheek. It does not mean that you can turn into anyone specific like your prey's funny uncle bob. Any attempt to look like someone specific is doomed to failure. At best you look like a poor imitation of what you were trying to achieve. You might have blond hair, blue eyes, and an ample chest but that would be as close as you could get to Dolly Parton and in a look alike contest you likely wouldn't even win third place. In short, no one would mistake you for the real person at all. However, a face the vampire has created before with the ability can be repeated. So a vampire who has appeared a certain way in a bar on Monday could appear the same way on Tuesday.

The vampire can take on the shape of what their target wants or needs the most. The vampire has no control over what shape they take but they will know what it is before it manifests so stopping the change before it happens is possible. Perhaps you are a brunette and your intended prey is wanting a buxom blonde, no problem. This ability has the potential for allowing you to be someone very specific. If the person the man in front of you desires most is his mistress, Jessica then when you use the ability then that is the form you will take. Just beware, he might really need to talk to his grandmother.

Vampires can obviously take more punishment then a human. This power would allow them take even more. Being shot would still knock you backwards, but with this you might get right back up with no pain, whereas someone without would still feel pain from a gunshot. You would still be susceptible to the normal things that harm vampires, fire, sunlight, a stake etc.. though it may take longer for it to affect you.

This is the ability to take over someone of a weak will and make them do as you bid. For roleplay purposes this would be mainly NPC humans. If you are going to try and control another vampire or player human then you would need to PM them and get their ok.

Unlife has changed the vampire's body to make it extremely flexible. The vampire is able to contort their bodies in ways that would astound Houdini and confound most anyone trying to bind them or contain them. Short of a nailed coffin... good luck

Vampires with this ability are able to insert themselves into the unconscious minds of their victims and change their dreams in various ways. The vampire can even change the events of a dream to his whim showing the person the images he wants them to see. For example: Nightmares - The vampire is able to invoke intense nightmares in his victims, over time cultivating fears that haunt the victims in their waking hours. Luring - The vampire influences the pleasant dreams of the person with images of themselves generally causing an obsession in the dreamer. In all cases of dreamwalking you have to potentially battle the will of the dreamer, dependant on the victim's age (if another vampire) and various role played circumstances. The victim’s subconscious mind draws on what it finds familiar or appropriate in the situation and may be able to change minor details of the dream the vampire wishes to present. *note – The above examples are suggested ways the ability could be used; a vampire is not limited to using one or the other and is free to roleplay the ability within the bounds of its description.

Vampires with this ability are able to get emotional impressions from the people near them. The range is very close at the early stage of the ability and later develops into being able to sense and process the emotions of an entire room. With full concentration perhaps even an entire building. *note* that is at a very advanced stage and would be something difficult for even an ancient

The body of this vampire is not tied so closely to the earth, they are able to achieve an almost spirit like form, mist like in appearance.

This is the ability to look intimidating to those of a weaker will. Imagine a cat with its hackles up or a dog growling and showing teeth. The vampire with this ability looks especially fierce when baring fangs and claws.

Basically tricks of the mind. There are two versions: Evoking - These glamours trick the emotions of the person causing them to feel a certain way. Illusions - These glamours trick the thinking of the person causing them to believe or see what you wish them to. Most vampires are only able to concentrate on one person at a time. Glamour is thought to have its origins in Gaelic lands where bards and druids were known to be able to work magic through words and song. ( possibly a very advanced form of hypnosis ) *note – The above examples are suggested ways the ability could be used; a vampire is not limited to using one or the other and is free to roleplay the ability within the bounds of its description.

This is semi telekinetic in nature and allows the vampire to control their jumps and falls, staying in the air longer than normal, landing lightly from long drops etc...

The uncanny and supernatural ability to perceive nearly everything going on around them making it nearly impossible to surprise them. This power does require a small bit of concentration.

The vampire with this ability can control another person's body making their limbs move against their will. Simple actions are easy, more complex movements are harder. Note: the vampire cannot control the automatic functions of the body, therefore they cannot stop their heart or cause them to stop breathing, they also cannot cause the person to speak against their will with this ability. The puppet master must be within physical sight of the person for the ability to work. (no cameras, live tv feeds, or psychic mediums)

This is the ability to pick up things from inanimate objects. Picking up a necklace you might be able to sense that it once belonging to a Lady in Waiting who always seemed very sad, etc...

Many coming from earlier times when mankind was closer to nature and her creatures, some vampires are able to commune with animals. Able to speak with them ( they're animals don't expect philosophical conversations ) call them, eventually even relive their memories and mentally merge with them and use their senses as your own. Vampires with this discipline tend to have a special animal that they commune with. A vampire who normally communicates with a wolf might be able to understand a dog but wouldn't understand a cat. A long time familiarity with a particular animal makes it easier to use their senses because a trust and friendship has been built.

Vampires with this ability are able to mentally send thoughts to another person and receive any focused mental reply sent their way. Note: The Sender has to make the connection first in each instance, this is not a lasting bond. It works for a brief send and receive and then has to be initiated by the sender again. The reply has to be focused this is NOT telepathy and a person with sending CANNOT read minds.

This is the ability to change into a less complex form, such as an animal. A vampire with this ability can only choose one other form of an animal (no mythical creatures here please) and there should be a reason for their choice. Ex. A European vampire would not turn into a skunk which isn't found in Europe. A rural vampire probably wouldn't be a rat and a city bred vampire would not be a wolf.

This is the ability to hide or fake your emotions, fooling even those with Empathy.

This is the ability to insinuate an idea to someone of a weaker will. The power of this ability is that unlike a direct command the victim will assume it was their own idea from the start. The weakness of the ability is that the person must not be entirely opposed to the idea and it takes longer to suggest it properly than a simple command.

This is the ability to push objects around. (Not yourself, unless you also have Gliding) This is limited to objects the vampire could normally lift and throw with ease.

This is the ability to take an object that belongs to a person and use it in order to find the owner. The object can only be used once. The intense concentration required for this ability taints the impressions from the object and causes it to be useless for future attempts.
In human form, tasting blood can initiate transformation in all werewolves; werewolves with the blood frenzy ability would experience faster changes when tasting blood. In wolf form, the taste of blood will provide a burst of strength and offers improved reflex and reaction times (not your stamina or ability to move faster). Tends to reduce the wolf's human retention somewhat due to the need for blood.
If this wolf gets their nose stuck in a scent, they'll be able to track for quite some time, even in adverse conditions. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form (though the wolf form inherently has the advantage of a keener sense of smell).
Some werewolves better understand their animal ken than others. Those with this ability are able to understand the basic needs of their canine brethren such as, hunger, food, injury etc.. They are also able to convey a sense of trustworthiness and even get specific ideas across. Follow me, stay here, safe place etc..
Werewolves with this ability, can, with study, gain some understanding of what another person needs. They must watch and focus on the person, it won’t instantly occur to a person what is wrong, and from there the were would have to discern what to do on their own.
Werewolves with this ability have a ‘knack’ for working with their hands, particularly in refined, delicate work. In wolf form their claws are long and thin, furthering their ability to complete more intricate tasks.
Sight of this werewolf engenders in the viewer flashbacks of their claws, teeth, or eyes. They liken it to "seeing something out of the corner of their eye" and it scares them. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form (though the wolf form inherently has the advantage of being more menacing in appearance and size).
A werewolf with this ability always appears balanced and poised, in both human and wolf form. Running, walking and even standing are done with a fluid ease.

The werewolf with this ability has a superb knack for hiding. They find places that are suited for helping them remain unseen and if they stay perfectly still will almost always remain totally unnoticed.
A werewolf with this ability can leap twice the normal distance and height of a normal werewolf making him able to bound over things like security fences and cars at a run. NOTE: Not likely to be leaping tall buildings any time soon. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form.
Those with this ability are able to get a sense of the weakness and strength in others. This generally requires some patience and either watching (or if applicable, talking to) the potential target to get a sense of them. The result of this study does not give specifics but will tell the werewolf if the person is a safe target or someone he should not mess with. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form (though the wolf form inherently has the advantage of heightened senses relative to the human form).
When in human form the wolf is able to resist the effects of the full moon for one of the three nights of the full moon. (either the first or the last but not the night of the full moon) and does not change involuntarily for that night.
One with this ability has a lot of stamina. They can outlast most runners in a long distance race. They can push themselves a full day without any time to rest but will be tired at the end of that run and need to take a break and sleep before pushing themselves again.
Werewolves with this ability have voices that carry over long distances and howls so loud they are painful to those in hearing range.
The werewolf with this ability has that certain something, call it charisma or perhaps enthusiasm that motivates people to become interested in the activities and goals that the were has. Others seem to want to be around that person and without that person they would split up; weres with Team Spirit can therefore act as a rallying point. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form, though obviously via different methods of communication.
One of the pack with this ability is able to get a split second sense of precognition when danger is about to befall someone in their nearby vicinity (in the same room, on the same block, etc..) It is just enough time to push someone out of the way of an oncoming car or pull someone into the alley before they are seen.
These wolves are more conscious of their human self amidst the full moon madness and can sway the beast within them in order to aid their conscience later. Examples might include not chasing a child and choosing someone else instead, not mauling someone or reigning in the urge to run wild until they have made it safely into a wooded area.
Werewolves with this ability are able to draw others to them easily; they have a way of getting people to show up that makes them quite useful for organizing committees and parties. They can also quickly and easily make themselves the center of attention in a gathering.
Werewolves with this ability are able to hear a broader range of sounds than "normal" wolves. This may cause pain at higher frequencies, but they can hear softer sounds easier - i.e. the whisper of a human 200 feet away, as opposed to 100.
The werewolf is able to sense spirits or energies around people they come in contact with. They cannot communicate with them but they can sense the emotions of the spirit or energy.
A wolf with this ability is able to use a short burst of speed and are faster than the average human or werewolf. They can reach a maximum of 80 miles and hour for brief amounts of time. Note: this speed is based on wolf form though they are fast in human form as well.
Werewolves with this ability can take a punch and keep on swinging. While weapons can certainly still inflict damage, they can withstand more injury than most. Silver will still harm them, though the damage may be slightly less.
Werewolves with this ability are able to leave a trace of themselves on potential targets by biting or scratching the victim. This ‘taint’ is something that members of their pack can see if they pay careful attention. One does, however, have to be watching the marked target carefully in order to discern the taint and who caused it. NOTE: Humans and members of the other pack will not see this taint.
Werewolves with this ability appear well behaved and have an innocent quality about them. This ability won't help them if there is evidence to show they have committed a foul deed but they will be one of the last persons anyone believes capable of doing such a thing. People tend to respond sympathetically to werewolves with this ability. Ex: I just can't believe Butch would attack those people. He always seemed so nice! Poor guy, I wonder what set him off.
Those with this ability are able to immediately get a sense of the general level of strength of the people and animals in their line of sight. This person is stronger than you, this one is weaker. With some study (no less than 10 minutes) they are able to gain more specific information. Ex: After some study you could determine that a target is physically strong but not very intelligent or from a conversation with a potential target you are able to find out that her child is the most important thing in her life.
The werewolf is gifted with an uncanny grace when transformed. They are easily able to walk on precarious perches such as rope, able to move from tree to tree, and land like a cat in most tumbling situations.
In human form, the taste of blood will initiate a swift, nearly instantaneous, transformation. In wolf form, the taste of blood will provide an extreme burst of strength and offers unmatched reflex and reaction times (not your stamina or ability to move faster). Increases need to taste blood. Tends to reduce the wolf's human retention somewhat due to the need for blood.
The werewolf has the ability to move about unseen unless directly looked at, in both human and wolf form. They blend well into the environment much like a chameleon, their skin or fur actually changing color to match their surroundings.
Some werewolves better understand their animal ken than others. These are able to communicate and even control (through their very apparent alpha status) canines. NOTE: This does NOT work on werewolves. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form
one with this ability seems to have tireless endurance and can run for long distances without stopping to eat or sleep for several days at a time. Five days max before the need to sleep occurs. This ability pushes the body's limits and when a wolf uses it they tend to sleep like the dead once they stop. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form.
There is something disturbing out your appearance that gives people the creeps. They remember your face with a case of the shivers. Perhaps it was a set of piercing eyes or maybe a dangerous smile but whatever it was it gets you noticed and feared. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form (though the wolf form inherently has the advantage of being more menacing in appearance and size).
One of the pack with this ability can make the conscious choice to protect someone and while they grant the individual their protection they will get a sense of when that person is in danger or will be in the near future. NOTE: The further into the future this sense goes the more vague and weak the sense of danger. Most would not try to sense too far ahead because the ability becomes muddied with each danger, large and small that a person might be subjected to. When in human form, you can sense your ward’s human dangers, and while in wolf form you can sense your ward’s wolf dangers.
The werewolf can sense those of strong presence or deep connection around the people that the were meets. These are sometimes considered to be the spirits of those that have passed on but some werewolves think they are merely an energy that can be picked up by those sensitive enough to do so. Whatever the cause, those with this ability get a vague sense of the "spirit or energy" That is there as well as some flash of insight about them or what was important to them. Ex: There is the sense of an older female presence who gives off a maternal feeling towards the person they are around. It could have been a mother or grandmother or simply a very concerned older friend. You see a front porch swing on a hazy summer day in your mind. It is important but you have no idea why.
The werewolf with this ability has hands or paws (form depending) that are adept at performing delicate, painstaking tasks. In wolf form their claws are uniquely long and fine, ideal for making marks as a way of communication, for example, and their paws show quick reflexes and have graceful movements. Note: this ability is an agility of the hands or paws and does not reflect overall grace or balance
When in human form the wolf is able to resist the effects of the full moon, and does not change involuntarily. On the day of the full moon they must turn, however, due to the stress of holding human form.
The werewolves with this ability are able to mark someone as a target that is able to be seen by others of their pack. Each person who has this ability makes a distinctive mark so that not only does their pack know that someone from their pack marked the victim but they also know who did it. It is impossible to hide this mark from those who can see the person (even if the wound is hidden). This is accomplished by scratching or biting the victim. NOTE: Humans and members of the other pack will not see the mark.
There are those in a pack with a knack for helping others. These have the nurturing instinct and they always seem to know what another person needs, sometimes even when the other does not. NOTE: This does not mean they can heal someone, it means they know what is wrong with a person and have a good idea of what would be helpful. For instance they might know someone has a migraine and to turn off the lights and place a cool cloth on their head. They would not be able to magically make it go away. This ability does include people outside the pack as well. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form.
Werewolves with this ability are able to hear a broader range of sounds at greater distances than the typical wolf, have a strong and relentless sense of smell, and excellent night vision.
Seeing this werewolf evokes a feeling of pity and helpfulness, which may enable the wolf to more easily attract prey, or the human to receive needed assistance. People tend to perceive this werewolf as pathetic, making it a bit easier to worm their way out of trouble.
Werewolves with this ability are able to sway groups of people to their point of view when they are present. People tend to agree with them and they are able to work a room to great effect. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form, though obviously via different methods of communication.
This werewolf is able to keep more of their human mind when changed. They are less likely to go on a hunger rampage.
Werewolves with this ability can shatter glass or rupture eardrums with their howl while in wolf form. In both human and wolf form, their voice can carry for long distances to call for help.
A wolf with this ability is sleeker and faster than most of his kind and is able to outrun most of the pack. Speeds here can reach up to 130 miles an hour, making a cheetah look slow but like a cheetah such speeds would not be able to be maintained very long and would only be good in a sprint. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form.
Werewolves with this ability can not only get groups together, but can inspire them to work to accomplish a goal when they are present. Things just seem to fall into place when this one person is part of the team. While not necessarily the ‘superstar’ of the group, a werewolf with team spirit brings others together to perform their very best.
Werewolves can obviously take more punishment then a human. This power would allow them take even more. Being shot would still knock you backwards, but with this you might shake it off and get right back up with no (or minimal) pain, whereas someone without would still feel pain from a gunshot. You would still be vulnerable to silver, though you would be able to withstand more external contact. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form (though the wolf form is inherently more durable to begin with).
Werewolves with this ability are able to not only mark potential targets for their pack mates to see, though that is an advantage in and of itself. Additionally, a werewolf can, for brief periods of time (no more than 30 seconds), ‘see’ through the mark. They will not hear or smell their surroundings but they could potentially get a visual that would indicate the target’s location, for example. Werewolves can also send flashes of minor, but noticeable pain at the site of the mark (where the victim was bitten or scratched). NOTE: Humans and members of the other pack will not see the mark.
Those with this ability have learned to harness a part of the raging virus inside them and exert their will over it. At the taste of blood, those with this ability can pull some of the strength, speed and reflexes from their werewolf form without causing the change. It is the will to stay in human form after tasting blood that some weres believe to be the biggest boon of this talent. Large amounts of blood will still over power the werewolf's senses and cause a change.) In wolf form, the taste of blood will bring about a burst of speed and strength.
Regular bullets and weapons don’t so much as penetrate the skin when used normally, and while silver still packs a mean sting it causes dramatically less pain than those without this ability.
Werewolves with this ability are loved by their canine ken and after a short time of getting to know an animal they have a loyal companion for life. These weres are able to speak clearly with those canines they are close to and their every command will be followed faithfully and with full trust in the werewolf.
Werewolves with this ability have an uncanny insight into other people’s needs, to the point of knowing specifically what is necessary to set someone right. Depending on the relationship, they can even be aware of a loved one’s needs when they are thousands of miles apart.
Werewolves with this ability are able to make a group conform to their will and develop a consistent following whether they are present or not. This is not a form of direct mind control; rather, groups of people tend to see these werewolves as being perfectly reasonable and correct, and are highly regarded amongst their peers. Those with this ability have an uncanny way of broadcasting their needs and wants, and so groups of people tend to have a rare insight into their leader’s requirements and a strong desire to carry them out. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form, (though obviously via different methods of communication).

The werewolf with this ability can sense prey and predators even not within his line of sight with ease (but within his near vicinity, no more than a mile away) and if he studies someone or some thing within his sight for a short while then he will be able to determine more specific weaknesses, such as: the prey favors his right side, the woman is trusting, the man seems open but is actually guarded, the target is actually well balanced and appears to have martial arts training. In wolf form you would sense predators/prey that are relevant to the wolf, and in human form you would sense predators/prey that are relevant to the human.
Werewolves with this ability have amazing senses – exceptional night vision, a peerless sense of smell, and highly sensitive hearing, as well as the ability to notice minute details. For this reason they are able to discern the differences between specific scents, sounds and sights. For instance, they would be able to tell that one robe in a crime scene was worn in the desert while another was worn in a more humid environment.
The werewolf with this ability has what some would call a master's hands; quick and clever, some would say crafty. Naturally talented at tasks that require careful hand work, with practice and education they have the potential for true greatness in a variety of fields. As a wolf, their paws and claws are quick and refined and function well for more delicate tasks than the average wolf would be able to perform. Note: this ability is an agility of the hands or paws and does not reflect overall grace or balance
One with this ability is the ever ready of the werewolf world. Pushing their bodies to the extreme they can run for a week without stopping for food and drink. With short breaks for a few hours of sleep and a least some food once or twice a week these tireless souls can run for over a month with little down time.
A wolf with this ability is speed personified. They are the fastest of the pack and able to reach speeds of nearly 180 miles and hour in a sprint. Like most sprinters they cannot keep up that pace for very long but for these wolves 80 miles an hour is an easy cruising speed able to be kept up for the standard time the average person in good health is able to run. Note: This speed is based on wolf form. They are inhumanly fast in any form but faster as a wolf.
With concentration, you are able instill fear to the extent that you cause permanent psychological trauma to a human or animal, as well as reaping the physiological consequences of extreme fear. At a simple pointed glance, you can cause your lessers to cringe in your presence and mortals to flee in terror; the level of fear you induce depends on your concentration. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form (though the wolf form inherently has the advantage of being more menacing in appearance and size).
Werewolves with this ability are natural leaders; in both human and wolf form, when they are at all involved a group tends to get more accomplished, stay on task, and work well as a team. There is no direct mind control involved in this ability, but when a werewolf with gestalt is present others seem more unified, almost as though they are one being working together so well that verbal communication is almost unnecessary. While this is not a telepathic ability, they seem to understand what is needed before anything is even said; they have a feel for when to wait, when to attack, that there is a weak spot in the group on the left side so someone moves over to cover it, and so on. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form (though obviously via different methods of communication).
Your mind stays fairly consistent from form to form. While you still feel the normal biological urges that a werewolf in wolf form experiences, you are able to reason and exercise self control and use your human judgment as a wolf.
One of the pack with this ability is able to sense upcoming dangers to the pack as a whole. Though this tends to be somewhat confusing the more people the danger involves. They are also able to sense danger to various pack members they see on a regular basis.
Leapers have the ability to jump unmatched heights and distances, enabling them to leap the length of a football field, and as high as four to five times their height. All things being equal, this ability works with the same level of effectiveness in human and in wolf form.
When in human form the wolf is able to resist the effects of the full moon and does not change involuntarily. However, on the night of the full moon they must still spend at least part of their night giving in to the urges of the lunar madness before being able to change back into human form.
Some animals just seem to know when the super natural is around. The wolf with this ability can see the dearly departed in an area or around a person and communicate with them. There is controversy among the packs about this ability. Many believe that the person is truly seeing spirits while others believe that it is simply an extra sense that allows them to know things about the background of a person or place. NOTE: Using this on another person would require the other person to let you know who would be around them and give you details on that person. You cannot simply make up spirits around a person. In clan areas it would also be best to ask your leader what spirits are in the area.
This werewolf so capable of blending with their surroundings that they can walk about unseen in both human and werewolf form. They can even go unnoticed with someone staring directly at them, however those with heightened senses have a good chance of noticing that something is there.
A werewolf with this ability has a sense of center that is nearly impossible to shake. They can perch on tiny objects, remain steady on shifting terrain and are able to orient themselves during a leap or fall. Additionally, they are able to keep their center during combat, providing a healthy advantage in a fight.

This werewolf is a convincing actor who never seems to get into trouble with authority and exudes an aura of innocence. In both wolf and human form the were comes across as one who, for whatever reason, would not cause trouble…even if said were is caught red handed at the scene of the crime. The werewolf might appear too pathetic, too cute, or possibly too innocent to have caused mischief. Moreover, the were seems harmless, and one may be compelled to approach in order to help or just make friends. This makes for an excellent way to attract prey.
Werewolves with this ability have such perfect control over their vocal chords in both forms that they can create sound at the frequency of their choice, significantly broadening their communication options. Their howl or their voice is also a formidable weapon, as it is loud enough to cause injury and damage.

More so than the rest of your clan, you believe humans are worthless as anything more than food. You do not socialize with them any more than necessary and it would take an extreme case for you to consider one a friend.

Addictions are bad enough for humans but for vampires they have to satisfy their addictions through another who has indulged in their particular vice. Alcohol, drugs, etc..

Whatever your fear it is serious. This isn't just a dislike.. this is an unreasoning terror of something.

For whatever reasons this person doesn't remember anything about their mortal life.

A person who has behavioral traits that include orderliness, rigidity, obstinacy, obsession with rules, meticulousness, and stinginess.

Its dark, wet.. and just wrong! You don't like it and won't have anything to do with it. No boat trips for you and baths aren't your favorite thing either.

You are constantly in a bad mood; irritable and cranky at the very least. You may potentially go into a towering rage very easily on a bad day; could be bad for someone so easily able to kill.

You lack physical coordination and skill. You run into things, trip over things...air seems to be one of those things...

You are unable to see the differences in color.

This vampire believes that being a vampire is a curse for something they've done wrong. This vampire believes he really is something evil and therefore believes that crosses, holy water, and garlic actually affect him. It’s up to the player to run how and why he believes this and what results it has on his psyche.

Your clan is the best. Everything else is inferior. You rarely associate with people outside of your clan. If you -do- favor the peons with your presence then you feel compelled to show them what they are missing.

Unable to satiate hunger without feeding from multiple, perhaps even several victims a night.

You were turned at an advanced age. In a sea of people with eternal youth you have wrinkles, gray hair, and liver spots. While you might be more easily trusted as an elderly type, you will never be seen as young and happening. In a nightclub people are likely to ask you if you're looking for your granddaughter. NOTE: Must have been made a vampire after your 60th birthday.

This is a person who was turned before the age of 13. Your childish appearance makes it difficult to hunt the streets alone, people constantly ask where your parents are, getting into bars is impossible even with a fake id. NOTE: Children under the age of 5 cannot be turned, they cannot ingest enough of the vampire's blood needed to make the change.

making it more difficult to pass for human/go unnoticed in public, and thus making hunting/blending in more of a challenge.

Some vampires just don't trust all this new fangled hardware. If vampires were meant to fly...they'd turn into bats. Doesn't like flying, cars and computers, etc...

You're probably smart but your fashion and social skills are severely lacking. Do people chuckle at your attire? Have trouble understanding what you consider basic English? Do you think modern dance is something like disco mixed with the moonwalk? If so, you're probably a geek.

Lying is fun. You lie often and compulsively. People have a hard time believing anything you say.

This vampire hears the voices of those people they've killed (not drank from and let live )

You hear people talking to you that no one else can hear. These are imaginary and not a part of a telepathic skill.

Slow to wake/respond when faced with danger during daylight hours

You have a habit of becoming enchanted with someone; whether a current lover, a politician, a famous person, your own creator, etc, you are almost incapable of maintaining a separate identity from this person. You like their favorite things, every idea they've ever had is the best ever. You're not only a member of the fan club, you're the founder! It can be difficult for others to get a word or an opinion in edgewise because you're too focused on your current idol to make your own decisions. (This flaw can be changed from person to person, or can remain focused on the same person. It's up to the player to decide). *Note: you're not a stalker, you're just a fanboy/girl.

The persistent conviction that one is or is likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness is neither present nor likely, and persisting despite reassurance and medical evidence to the contrary .

Life holds nothing new. You often wonder why you still plod through it day after day . In your youth you've seen and done it all and now very little shocks or interests you. Love, sex, money, adventure...meh, whatever. NOTE: Must be 1000 or older.

You have an obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need.

My, what big teeth you have, Grandma! These vampires have larger than normal canine teeth making them impossible to hide.

This vampire just isn't up with the times . They have a hard time understanding the technology of any era ahead of the one they lived in and disdain ideas from newer times . The vampire believes that the era he was born in looks the best and refuses to change his appearance(beware the leisure suited vampires of the 70's).

Life is weighing you down hardcore. You're not sure why you're here. Maybe you'll go take a nice sunbath . Maybe not . You don't know. You go through every day wondering if it could or should be your last. You constantly contemplate various methods of suicide.

You're not right in the head . if you want your character to have a mental disorder not described in flaws already, please list it here . for example: Turette's, Autism, etc.

Lost limbs before being made a vampire and now still does not have them. This is a varying flaw.. a hand might not be so difficult to deal with but not having legs would make being a vampire... well, rough to say the least.

Feels that harming humans is wrong, and often goes without blood for as long as possible, usually to the point of extreme weakness

Has left behind relatives/loved ones and is pained at the inability to have a relationship with them (more of a younger vampire problem).

It's what it sounds like . Please choose one or more personalities to RP . You must describe these in some detail . and they must be RP'd.

Perhaps you are young or perhaps just very sheltered. For whatever the reason you do not understand the ways of the vampire world. Maybe you believe that crosses will harm you or that you're evil or maybe you believe that everyone is still basically humane because you don't feel any different. Whatever the cause, you are inexperienced and it shows. NOTE: Must be 500 or younger.

You have psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem. Its all about you and you let everyone know it!

You have this spasmodic tick whenever something starts to stress you out. People can easily tell when you’re nervous, lying, or irritated.

There is something or someone that holds your attention a good deal of the time. You talk about this thing, collect it, read about it, stalk it, whatever. If someone else, even a conversation at a table nearby, brings up the topic of your obsession you would feel compelled to join in. You are the type of person responsible for restraining orders.

You have tendency to dwell on unwanted thoughts or ideas and perform certain repetitious rituals, especially as a defense against anxiety from unconscious conflicts.

This person refuses to fight. Might refuse to take blood from an unwilling donor or might simply refuse to harm their prey.

We really are out to get you...but you knew that. You have a psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason. You know its true whether or not anyone else believes you…besides they are probably in on it too.

Likes only a certain type of prey and will spend large amounts of time each night finding just the right one. This is a variable flaw as some things would be harder to find than others. Please keep this in mind when picking your traits.

You feel extremely protective of humans, more so than most of your clan. You go out of your way to keep them from harm, rushing into fights, saving the drowning, helping the suicidal. Cause humans are people too!

A severe mental disorder characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning.'re a whack job .

You hate authority and rules of any kind . if people are walking one way down the street then you are walking in the other direction . You tend to break laws, mouth off to cops and incite riots .

You feel very strongly about things and your feelings are easily hurt . You take critisism harshly . You cry over commercials and lost puppies . In short, you're tenderhearted, perhaps overly so.

You believe in superstitions. All of them, or perhaps just the ones from the region of your home. Black cats, broken mirrors, stepping on cracks, these things are to be avoided at all costs! If you suffer from bad luck, it must surely be because you failed to observe one of these things.

Your clan is young but just as good as the rest. Anyone who even implies otherwise is wrong and you feel compelled to point it out. In the company of vampires from other clans you are competitive, needing to prove that you, and your clan, is just as good as they are.

any normal or bright light hurts this vampire's eyes causing the need to wear sunglasses in well lit places and making him easily blinded by a bright light.

This is a minor flaw. For whatever reason the vampire refuses to eat a certain group of people.. perhaps young blondes remind him of his little sister and he can't bring himself to eat them .
You don't take much interest in news or current events; what do you care about what happens to people you don't know? You can’t be troubled by people's problems and generally aren't considered a sympathetic ear.
There is something that makes you anxious when present; enough to cause shortness of breath and a desire to leave the vicinity. Ex: Heights, Tight Spaces, the Dark.
The werewolf's tastes during the change carry over to their human form. Werewolves with this flaw are still omnivorous, but they are 'turned off' by the taste of cooked food.

The werewolf’s tastes are dictated by the human form and carry over to the wolf form. Werewolves with this flaw find the taste of raw or even very rare meat revolting.

You easily lose your orientation and finding locations is often confusing and stressful for you.
You have no concept of wilderness survival at all. Trees and animals all look alike to you and surviving outdoors for you would take sheer luck.
You're shorter than average height and weight in both human and werewolf forms. Men must be shorter than 5'8” and women must be shorter than 5'4” and must have a less than average weight.
Cats (large and small) do not like this were and tend to avoid them at all costs. If cornered with a were they will hiss and claw but otherwise they are simply agitated and will strive to stay far away from the were.
These werewolves are mesmerized by fire and flickering light.At an early they probably had to be burned more than once to keep from touching it. As adults they simply love watching flames, playing with matches,lighting candles, twirling prisms or watching sunlight move through the trees and are easily distracted by these things around them.
You have a strong personality and strong opinions. You rarely back down or compromise. You are not a good team player.
In both human and werewolf for you are tall and spindly. You stand out above the crowd and sometimes its hard to find clothes and shoes to fit you. Males need to be over 6'2” and women over 5'10” and their weight should be less than average to reflect this flaw.
You lie, so what? Everyone does it right? You will lie to your girlfriend, your mom, hell, you even lie to yourself. At least you can keep them straight...most of the time.
You look more like your animalistic form even as a human in the form of excessive body hair on at least your arms and legs.
You don't like to be around others and do not work well with other people. You are hard to get to know and keep to yourself.
You don't like confrontation at all. That doesn't mean you won't fight to save your life but you avoid fighting and arguing where ever possible.
These werewolves like to stay with the pack. Show a high desire to conform and are subject to their peer’s opinions.
You hate to lose and love to gloat when you win. You pursue winning aggressively.
'Mine' is your favorite word. Forget loaning your prized possessions out to friends; you have your name on everything you own and don't want other people messing up your stuff. And people better knock before coming into your room, too!
You dream often and your dreams tend to be unpleasant. Bed time is not something you look forward to.
Cities are like the undiscovered country for you and even if you've been there more than once they always seem strange and unnatural. You are more used to the outdoors and rural life. The Urban landscape is somewhat overwhelming and confusing. You aren't happy until you are away from all the fast cars, strange smells and harsh lights.
Call it the voice of conscience, reason or a long gone grandmother, for weres with this flaw there is a nagging sense of being watched and judged. These weres get the sense that certain actions aren't approved of and sometimes have to battle their guilt over actions they've taken. Note: This companion could a generic sense of right and wrong or a specific memory of someone such as hearing their mother's voice reminding them not to spoil their dinner, or to straighten out their life.
These weres have a habit of observing minor superstitious practices...just in case. Avoiding cracks, black cats, kissing their dice for luck, etc... They could follow common superstitions or have some of their own such as always wearing a certain shirt when their baseball team plays or feeling that they must prepare for a portion of their job in exactly the same manner each time or risk having it go wrong.
You find that the slightest change in environment - scents, sounds, flashes of light - or turn of subject sends you off in tangents, be it in work, conversation, or hunting. You can prevent it; it takes some concentration though.

You are fierce. You push yourself and everyone around you, a lot of times too much. People find you hard to get along with and call you confrontational.

You have thick hair on arms, legs, face and back. Even women with this flaw would tend to have hair where they would not normally grow it.. For men with this flaw beards are full and quick growing. Your five o clock shadow begins before noon. If the person with this flaw is female this could be caused by excessive male hormones or possibly high insuline levels, a condition called hirsutism
These weres tend observe superstitions but may also have some of their own. They also believe in charms,curses and the common folklore of their people. They take these superstitions seriously and do them out of belief instead of simple precaution.

The werewolf's tastes are dictated by the human form and carry over to the wolf form. Werewolves with this flaw avoid meat where possible, though they will eat it when cooked enough that they can't see pink.

The werewolf's tastes during the change carry over to their human form. Werewolves with this flaw will eat fruits, vegetables, and grain if they have to, but they greatly prefer uncooked meat.
You keep people at a distance so much that it is a force of habit. There are very few people you trust and even those sometimes have a hard time getting through to you. You don't like depending on others and avoid it whenever possible.
It IS whether you win or lose. Winning is all that matters and you will do whatever it takes to do so. While you might be the ultimate gamer or sportsman, people think you take this obsession too far.
Your home is your castle and you hate it when people invade your space; in fact, this makes you quite angry. You are inclined to suspect that people are moving in on things that you believe belong to you (whether they actually do or not) and will become aggressive if someone steps over your lines.

You could get lost in your own bedroom. Even with simple directions it generally takes you more than one wrong turn to actually get somewhere.
There always seems to be a little to much on your mind. You find yourself moving from one task to the next and, with a frustrating face-palm or snap of the fingers, to back to the first task again.
There is something that you are afraid of that you just can't seem to get over. It bothers you and can be disruptive to your lifestyle. Ex: Heights, Tight Spaces, the Dark, Crickets, Snakes (Hi Indy!).
You aren't the leader of the pack and never will be. You like being told what to do and making decisions on your own is difficult for you.
In both human and werewolf form you are huge! Clothes have a hard time fitting you, furniture isn't made for you and vehicles never have enough leg room. Males need to be over 6'5" to have this flaw and Women have to be over 6'0"

These werewolves believe that someone or some thing torments them from the beyond. Whether this is an actual spirit, their conscience or just a crazed imagination is up for debate but for whatever the reason things just seem to go wrong for them, things are misplaced, they hear footsteps and whispers. Doors rattle and floors creak when they are around etc...
Cats (large and small) are afraid of this were and hackles are raised the entire time the were is around. Felines will hiss and growl until the were leaves their presence. Little provocation is needed for felines to attack what they consider to be a frightening menace.
You're not one of those interfering busy bodies who feels the need to step in every time there's a conflict – either to stop it or to escalate it. Stay out of it is your motto, and that's easy to do when you just don't care. In fact, you don't care much about –anything-; you're a classic under achiever who just isn't motivated enough to get interested in anything.
This were feels the driving need to tell untruth. It could be used to impress other people, it could be out of a sense of paranoia or it could simply be for fun but whatever the reason, this werewolf lies and lies often.

If everyone could just get along then your world would be a better place. You don't like confrontation and you refuse to fight or even argue but you also believe others shouldn't fight either and do your best to get people to put their disputes aside in a non violent method.

The werewolves with this flaw have a fascination with fire and a compulsion to start them if there is anything handy with which to do so. They become mesmerized by the flames and can stare at them for a long time if undisturbed. They might have the compulsion to flick a lighter on and off, or light a whole box of matches, and burn every candle in the house at once. As children they were the type to set things on fire with a magnifying glass and might still do so if one is nearby.
You're smaller and weaker than most everyone in both human and werewolf forms. Men must be shorter than 5'6" and women must be shorter than 5'2" and must have a less than average weight. NOTE: This does NOT make you faster, this is a flaw (You would need other abilities to make you faster)

You are an extreme urbanite and cannot stand to be without the latest tools of the modern world. You always have your cell phone, laptop, GPS device, pager, PDA, PSP and other gizmos that you simply can't live without! You are at a loss without these things and will complain and feel awkward in their absence. Go into the woods?! Forget it! There is no WIFI out there. You stay in the city whenever possible surrounded by your shiny toys.
You are plagued by nearly nightly nightmares and remember most of them when you wake up. You dread falling asleep, knowing you will have terrible dreams. These dreams may even manifest themselves in a physical way; you may grind your teeth, sleep walk, talk or even scream in your sleep, and so on.
You hate cities and the trappings of civilization. You would rather run free amongst the trees and wander wherever your feet take you. You have very little culture and have a hard time remembering how things are done in the 'civilized' world... such as wearing clothes, not eating with yours fingers, etc...

You have a debilitating fear of something that will paralyze you should you be forced to encounter it. You feel anxious even thinking about it and it is disruptive to your lifestyle. Ex: Heights, Tight Spaces, the Dark, Fire, Flying.
You couldn't be troubled to reach out your hand to save a drowning man; you wouldn't so much as spit on a man on fire. Beyond being unsympathetic, you completely lack empathy. Goals are difficult for you to accomplish because...wait, you don't care about anything enough to –have- goals.
Fire is a passion. These werewolves like to watch things burn. The bigger the better. There is a driving need to light fires and many are always looking to make the next one brighter or more spectacular. This habit consumes their waking thoughts quite often, much like the blazing flames they are driven to start.
You find it hard to concentrate on any one task for more than a few minutes at a time. Yes, you -did- leave the stove on, and you've burnt down four city blocks!
Those with this flaw are so convinced that there is something evil torturing them that they tend to have physical afflictions, fevered dreams, and monumental ill luck that occasionally even threatens their life. Even the skeptical who spend time around these poor souls might start to believe that something super natural exists but it still might be extreme dementia on the part of the afflicted were.

If all your friends jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, well you'd be right there with them! You are incapable of making a decision without someone's approval and would much rather just take orders.
In both human and werewolf form you are massive! Not only are you taller than most everyone but you are also more broad. Muscle or fat or both. Furniture fears you! And many vehicles are uncomfortable. Your clothes and shoes almost always need to be tailor made. Males need to be over 6'5" and Women over 6'0" and their weight should be well above average to reflect this flaw.
Cats (large and small) hate this were. Every feline from the neighbor's tabby to wild cougars will attack the were on sight. They are rarely driven off in fear but instead seem intent on fighting to death. (Which tends to be required unless the feline is in some way incapacitated or confined.)
You are a lot smaller and weaker than those around you. People who are fragile tend to have health problems of some kind such as a lower immune system, hemophilia, fragile bones. Men must be shorter than 5'6” and women must be shorter than 5'2” and must have a less than average weight.
When it comes to finding –any- location you haven't visited before, give it up; you couldn't find your rear end with both hands in your back pockets squeezing. Even after you –have- been somewhere, you usually don't remember how to get there again.
The werewolf's tastes are dictated by the human form and carry over to the wolf form. Werewolves with this flaw find meat and blood disgusting and can barely stomach the idea of gifting one of their own. They avoid meat as much as possible, eating it only when fully cooked, and many are full vegetarians.
You have frequent and vivid nightmares. You fight your hardest to stay awake, but eventually you have to give in to sleep, and that is where the terror begins. You violently thrash, talk, walk, and even scream in your sleep as your subconscious mind takes you to one horrible place after another in your mind.
Peace is the answer to all of the world's ills. You won't fight under ANY circumstances to save yourself or others, perhaps believing that it is for a greater good or that fate will decide. You might even extend this belief to everything around you much like some Eastern monks and refuse to harm other animals, even bugs.
You are used to the best in life. Accustomed to room service, maids, and assistants you have no survival skills of your own because you simply have never had to do these things. You not only need the trappings of modern life but you also need someone to take care of you. Skills like washing your own clothes, making your own bed and potentially even driving your own car are alien and unfathomable. People do their own nails?! How uncivilized!
Everything is a contest for you, even if others don't consider it a competition. You –have- to 'win' at even basic things, like finishing a book first or getting the dishes washed in record time. You will cut whatever corners and step on whatever toes you need to in order to add another victory to your internal record.
You are closer to animal kind than man. Going about alone in the city would be dangerous and frightening. You scorn all but the simplest of tools and general prefer to do things by hand where possible. Naked is natural and only bitter cold is enough to convince you to cover up with something without a great deal of convincing.
You have thick long hair pretty much everywhere save the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet, whether male or female. It is quite likely that you suffer from severe hypertrichosis.
The werewolf's tastes during the change carry over to their human form. Werewolves with this flaw cannot bear the taste of cooked food and are completely carnivorous in both wolf and human form.
People can't be trusted. It would take the patience of a saint for someone to call you a friend. You don't even like giving people your real name. Most people with this flaw don't have real friends, not in their mind anyway. They are hermits, wanderers,recluses and even as a member of the pack they rarely socialize with the others and always keep to themselves. They can recognize the authority of their leaders but that doesn't mean they are chummy with them.
You do not allow anyone on your property without permission and are fully willing to use deadly force to defend your possessions. If someone so much as looks at your car, your mate, your stuff, you're liable to bash their face in.
You lie about everything whether you need to or not. You lie so often that no one knows what to believe even about simple things like your name. The worst part of it is that you've told so many lies that you don't even know what's the truth any more.

These weres believe there is signs of the supernatural everywhere. They believe in the folklore and superstitions of their people but also see signs in every day events...constantly. Two dogs barking in front of them could be a fore warning of arguments to come. A broom falling means strangers are coming, seeing a cloud that looks like a skull would be a sign of death to come, etc... Those with this flaw should see portent, both good and bad in things through out their day.

People think of you as a person who is on edge. You definitely have anger management issues. Things are done your way or not at all. You are top wolf, in your own mind at least, but that is all that matters. Those with this flaw tend to get into fights over their believed dominance.