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Ger Kogji Party - House

Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step into one of the many rooms available. The formal front room is available along with the kitchen and family room. Several of the rooms have doors leading to the Lanai.

Each of the room has lush tropical plants and abundant seating. Caterers are set up in the kitchen and breakfast area with hor dourves. There is a powder room to the right of the front room.

There are some doors that are locked and guarded by security personel. It would be unwise to attempt to enter these areas.

((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the many rooms of the house to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

Shay 18 years ago
Once the toasting was completed, Shay excused herself from the table, and went looking for the powder room. Struck suddenly by a migraine, she took along her clutch, and popped a few aspirin once she found a glass of water.

She hated when these things happened, and was lucky not to be often bothered, but something tonight had set this headache off, and it didn't appear anything was going to help.

After sitting on the lanai with an ice cube pressed to the back of her neck, she knew she was fighting a losing battle, and returned to the dining room. A quick word with Alexi, and they were ready to leave.

As Fallon and Cyrus began moving back to the lanai, Shay managed a quick word with them too, as well as a congratulatory hug, and then followed beside Alexi to the car. A few hours of quiet, and dark, and hopefully she would be good as new.

(Shay out)
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Returning Alex's toast with a 'And you as well,' Amberelle took a long sip of bubbly. She wasn't very fond of champagne, unless it was in a Mimosa, but it was customary for toasts so she downed the glass drinking to the many happy wishes offered. After her clanmates announced they would be moving to the lanai again and several other guests begain to follow, the blonde turned to her dinner companion.

Thank you for making the meal so much more enjoyable. If you'll excuse me? I think I will go freshen up before joining everyone. Finding the nearest restroom so she could wash her hands and reapply her lip gloss sounded good to her. And maybe she would run into Alec and see what caused her friend to bolt out of the room like he had.

Standing, she set her napkin beside her plate and gave the Brit a warm smile. Maybe we could continue our conversation..? And I wouldn't mind introducing you to a few people I know here.. if you like. There, the ball was in his court.

((OOC Amby out pending response from Alex ))
Alex West 18 years ago
Alexander nodded politely and smiled at Amberelle.

"Certainly, Amberbelle. That would be most delightful. It would be an honour."

((ooc - Alexander out, permission for Amberelle to move Alex. Sorry for late response - been sick))
Ysabel 18 years ago
Well, her timing apparently couldn't have been more perfect. The near-splutter as Ambrose inhaled some champagne was somewhat satisfying.

His response though... to hold tightly to her hand, was rather unexpected. Not unwelcome at all, either. She managed a perfectly ladylike blush (she hadn't lost her touch after all), and glanced up at him through her fringe of long lashes to smile as she tickled his palm with her fingernails.

Fortunately the party was migrating back into the lanai, and any attention they may or may not have drawn was turned to the departure of the newly-affianced couple. Manners dictated that they accompany their host and hostess, even if a few minutes later, so Ysabel rose with Ambrose and moved along. Dayle didn't follow, so Ysabel assumed her sister was looking to greet someone else. She wasn't going to complain about having Ambrose to herself for a few minutes.

Ysabel and Ambrose made their way back to the lanai with a few others, arriving just as a limbo pole was being held in place and their hostess slid under with ease.

((ooc: Ysabel and Ambrose out to the lanai))
Suki Langston 18 years ago
Nodding seriously at Cyrus' instructions she looked at the bundles of joy in the basket. Miss Desiree was quite taken with the little fuzzball in her hands as well. The staff discretely cleaned up around everyone that was left sitting at the table but Suki felt it was time to move. Standing carefully she kept the basket snug against her torso.

"I think I will take these little ones into the Den if anyone would like to join me."

With a smile at Dayle and Wesley, she headed towards the kitchen and into the large leisure room with its soft couches and comfortable carpet. Still she put a pillow down before sitting upon the floor. Two of the kittens were stirring now and she picked them up to cuddle before allowing the manx to explore his new home.

Apparently Miss Desiree thought it was a good idea and brought her fluffy friend into the room, though she chose to sit upon the sofa with her kittin in her lap.
Dayle 18 years ago
Dayle wasn't one to hang around her sister when there was mingling to be done - though admittedly this was the first party they'd been to as escorts for each other in... longer than she could remember.

So when her sister and her boyfriend got up from the table, Dayle remained behind.

She was completely content to sit at the table until someone took her unfinished drink. Then the Asian woman across from her stood, cradling the basket of kittens, saying that she'd be going into the Den.

Knowing it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to interact with people (since it was one of the reasons her sister had invited her, after all) Dayle nodded and stood, and followed her through the kitchen. Moving to sit a bit more than arm's reach away from the kittens, Dayle slid her shoes off then carefully folded her legs underneath herself, resting on her feet.
"I'm sorry," she said to the caretaker of the kittens, "But I missed your name."
Suki Langston 18 years ago
Fingers busy playing chase and tickle with the somewhat dopey orange tabby, Suki smiled at the woman that joined them in the den. A blush darted briefly to her cheeks as Dayle asked her name. Quickly she stopped the game and offered her hand to the woman sitting on the floor with her.

"My appologies. Suki Langston at your service. I am Cyrus' assistant."

Desiree simply laughed at her faux pas or possibly the kitten who chased her hand to where it hovered mid air and was leaping up to it. Suki smiled with a laugh at the antics.

"Sorry about that. Hope these lil ones dont bother you."
Dayle 18 years ago
Smiling, Dayle firmly shook the hand offered to her. "Pleased to meet you, Suki. Thank you very much for having me."

When they let go of each other's hands, Dayle looked down at the kittens, then at the woman on the sofa and back. The little creamy flop-eared kitten yawned and stretched, then when it saw its 'siblings' a bit more active suddenly stood up and hopped on its feet, back arched, tail curled. Wiggling her arm, the bracelets on Dayle's wrist jingled and flashed, catching the kitten's attention, who immediately crouched into a pounce mode, and wiggled its bottom before launching at Dayle's hand.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus gave Palmer a raised eyebrow that clearly said ‘where do you think you’re going’ before proceeding to pay no more attention to his departing friends. Sorin and Dawn were headed for the Lanai and as they would need to keep an eye on the Elder from now on, he turned to Mai, prepared to ask her to join him.

His expression grew serious, as it often was, when Mai announced that she would be visiting tomorrow, though he was nonetheless pleased with this sudden decision. They would have a good deal to talk about, and depending on how tonight's search went there may even be some sort of resolution.

Of a way that was really nothing to look forward to. And in another way it was. As usual, he was of two minds on the matter.

"Yes, we're still at the apartment, and we would love to have you for a visit."

It seemed Mai wished to join the mass exodous and he was happy to oblige her, standing up and offering his arm to the Elder of the Hunt.


He thought it a shame that she was leaving so soon but Mai came and went as she pleased. She was always there when he needed her, in her own time and in her own way, and that was enough.

He looked over his shoulder as he walked away, smiling slightly at Alfarinn and hoping his companion wasn’t terribly put out by his extended visiting with Mai.

[Holding up?]

/ooc Thaddeus and Mai out (sorry I’m slow!) Edit: And Sorin out. Also, really sorry Dawn, I seriously thought I saw Sorin post and move you both out but I was apparently smoking crack that day.
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie had watched Alec go, and had then been absorbed back into the conversation around her. She had participated as much as possible, but with the amount of wine that had gone past her lips, she was pretty much just floating along. When those around her began to stand up and move to the next room she followed suit, wondering briefly where Alec was.

As she passed through the hall the big man that had taken her coat stopped her.
"Ma'am your purse has been ringing, beeping and buzzing for the last ten minutes. I think it might be important."

Ginnie sighed softly and tried to push the fuzz of alcohol away and followed him to the coat room. She pulled pager and blackberry from it's small depths and checked the displays. It was "work" and it was urgent if the emails they had sent were true. Sighing softly she asked the man for a piece of paper. He went to retrieve it and she dialed Alec's cell phone.

He answered on the second ring.


"Trouble's afoot. I've got to cut out early, and I'm going to need your help."

"Sure thing. You at the coats?"


"On my way."

She hung up and tucked both devices back into her purse and took pen and paper from the guy. She wrote a brief note to Cyrus. (Cyrus, Urgent business has called us away suddenly. Thank you so much for your hospitality and we hope to visit your home again soon. ~Ginnie and Alec.) She asked the coat guy to give it to Cyrus and let him help her on with her coat. Alec put his on as well and they left to go save the underground from itself...again.

((Ginnie and Alec completely out))

((sorry for our lack of participation. Thanks so much for the party Fallon and Cyrus!))
Suki Langston 18 years ago
Suki laughed at the antics of the kittens. They would be quite a handful for sure but it seemed only right somehow. Luckily they were all about the same age, so size would come from their breeds not one being older and bullying anyone else. Watching the floppy eared beauty prepare for a pounce she marvelled at the energy. Smiling at the woman she warned her slightly.

"While they are young, they do have very sharp claws, so do exercise caution. Kincaid's Morrigan Treasure here is fiesty. Silly breeder name, but Fallon will get to rename them once she has time."

Of course that was the only full name she recalled off the top of her head, mainly because she had liked it. Treasure was a sweet name for a kitten. Though something simple would be best for daily use.
Dayle 18 years ago
"Thank you for the warning," Dayle replied, just as the little kitten pounced and landed on her hand, but the claws stayed retracted and all it did was lick the skin of her arm. She looked down at the little creature, its little eyes looked up at her soulfully, and she felt it purring gently against the back of her hand. "Morrigan Treasure, hmm? While 'Treasure' certainly is an apt and cute name, perhaps something sillier like Booty, Loot, or Capn' Jack might suffice better?" With a grin at Suki, she carefully picked the kitten purring against her hand into her lap.

"They're so adorable... Almost enough to entice me into getting my own. But I'm so rarely at home lately, I would hate to take on the responsibility and then have it hate me for lack of attention. Or food. Or clean litter..." Though Dayle did wonder what her sister would think were she to come home with a pet...
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Realizing that the bulk of the party was heading back to the Lanai, Dawn forked a last bit of food down and leaned back in her chair slightly. Smiling, she put her hands over her full stomach - she hadn't eaten so much since she'd changed. She'd be dropping a mad bomb later. Pushing her stomach out as far as she could, Dawn chuckled and turned to Sorin.

"Well, y'have fun finishin' off yer eats. Me an' my Food Baby 'ere are gonna get our drink on. Otherwise'll kick all night. Gotta get some alky down there 'fore'e gets fiesty!"

Standing quickly out of her chair, she turned to Thaddeus and Mai

"Remember to chew better'n I did an'ave'a good night if I dun seeya laters!"

Stretching her hands high above her head, she pullled in her abdomen as she walked out to the Lanai.

((ooc: Dawn out, responses or no because she's just like that))
Suki Langston 18 years ago
"Pets are quite a commitment. But that is why one has an assistant!"

Suki laughed slightly at her own joke while Miss Desiree snorted and rolled her eyes. The boast was not prideful just stating a fact in Suki's head. Still she offered Miss Yolgrave a wink.

"It is my hope that Fallon picks something nice, like a real name. Instead of things like Spot or Fluffy, applicable though they may be. I am not a fan of descriptive names, it lessens their importance and that isn't right."Â?

No one would think twice about naming a dog Spot or a fuzzy cat Fluffy. Where did it stop? Were humans going to end up being named Bare or Brown? Not something she wanted to ever see in her lifetime. Waving away those silly thoughts she reflected for a moment on the evening before sighing happily.

"It's been such a good evening."Â?

Strange how she had been escaping to live on her own, only to end up with two new people in her life that stood as 'parents'. Still it made her happy just the same.
Dayle 18 years ago
"Happy, Sleepy, Dopey..." Dayle let her voice trail off, first because of how ridiculous the name ideas sounded, as well as the simple fact she couldn't remember all seven dwarves. "How about Sunday, Monday, Tuesday? Just skip Wednesday, because I've never met anyone who enjoyed being the middle child." She winked and smirked.

"I think it has been an amazing evening. While opening your home to many people, you've made each of them feel welcome and safe, and I can't think I'd seen anyone who didn't seem to be having fun." It had been some time since Elsa and Richard had held such a party, and while Dayle didn't always fully enjoy them, the Arslantai party was a 'hoot'.
Suki Langston 18 years ago
Suki laughed at Dayle's list of dwarves and days as names. How horrible to be named Sunday?! She couldnt even imagine how badly that would suck and was happy the kitties wouldnt know the difference between a random word or their name. Still calling a kitten Treasure may be a bit like saying Fluffy. And she could not even imagine calling this little bundle of love Morrigan, no Celtic war goddess in her. Yet.

Miss Desiree depositied her little guy in Suki's lap before hefting herself from the couch.
"You young ladies have fun. I got to say goodnight to Cyrus and head home. You kids always keep late hours that just dont work for us old people."

Suki laughed and watched the oblivious human exit the room for the Lanai. Smiling at Dalye she could only shrug.

"I suppose for some people its late, but its been such a good party I dont know if I want it to end just yet."
Dayle 18 years ago
"Good night," Dayle said to the other woman as she departed and suppressed a giggle. Wondering at Suki's smile - was she a young vampire? Dayle couldn't tell - she agreed with the Asian woman as she commented on the party. "I've probably said it before, and I'll say it again, it has been a wonderful party. Though, like your friend there, it is getting a mite late, and I don't want to overstay my welcome. I haven't been to such a wonderful party in so long, I've forgotten where the courteous cut-off is."

Dayle reached to stroke the soft bundle of fur in Suki's lap as she said, "I should go soon. Though my sister and her boyfriend are my conveyance," she amended after a moment's thought.

"I'm not sure if I've said enough how much I've enjoyed tonight." She looked up at Suki with her brow arched as another kitten brushed up against her leg.
Suki Langston 18 years ago
"I am glad you have enjoyed it. And with this crowd I doubt there is a cut off time before dawn."

Suki laughed at the thought of vampires partying until dawn but she was sure that many would leave at a more reasonable hour. Still she had a laundry list of things to get done tomorrow.

"If I did not have so much on my plate tomorrow I would stay up myself but with the clean up crew arriving at noon, a housekeeper interview at 3 and a painter for the upstairs arriving at who knows when I cant."

It sounded daunting but far far away from her comfortable spot with a warm purring fluffbal on her lap and two more snuggled against her leg. The little ones could keep her company during the day but most likely they would be happily nocturnal with their parents. Dayle made her smile at the repeatition.

"It has been mentioned but I doubt anyone minds hearing praise repeatedly!"

Gently she moved the sleeping little ones into the basket and coaxed the others to curl up with them. It had been an exciting night for them all.

"Lets go see if we can find that ride of yours is going to spend all night here. If so, we can call a car for you."
Suki Langston 18 years ago
Suki had had a wonderful evening and enjoyed saying goodbye to to all as they left. She smiled when Cyrus picked up Fallon. Basket of kittens in her arms she headed to her own room.

((Thank you all for coming to the housewarming party!! All are considered out.))