Ger Kogji Party - House
Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step into one of the many rooms available. The formal front room is available along with the kitchen and family room. Several of the rooms have doors leading to the Lanai.
Each of the room has lush tropical plants and abundant seating. Caterers are set up in the kitchen and breakfast area with hor dourves. There is a powder room to the right of the front room.
There are some doors that are locked and guarded by security personel. It would be unwise to attempt to enter these areas.
((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the many rooms of the house to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

Pointing her fork at Thaddeus' plate, Mai stated solemnly.
"You should eat, Thaddeus-san."Â?
Grinning, she sniffed at a piece of pineapple before putting it into her mouth. Juicy and it smelled good. Mai then began searching through the salad for all the other pieces of the fruit.
"I will come visit some time."Â?
Normally one did not go inviting themselves over to other people's homes but Thaddeus was family and it was the duty of older family members to drop in unannounced to make certain that the younger ones are doing everything properly. She suspected that she would find Thaddeus to be living right but the visit would be mostly to see him and Alfarinn again. It was good that Thaddeus had found the Elder, perhaps some day Alfarinn would come back to Anantya and bring his children with him. The clans would once more be one family.

Ah, well, he could admit he was a brat once in a while.
Now, though, he turned to Mai, wearing a ‘see, I’m eating’ expression that held just a slight smirk.
He was quite pleased at Mai’s declaration and nodded his consent, already thinking of what they could do at such a visit.
“I would like that, very much. Hopefully soon we’ll have a nicer place, too…”
He was abruptly cut off by his other neighbor, who had apparently chosen the wrong moment to laugh. He would have been sympathetic but she didn’t seem to be the least bit embarrassed at her display and so he thought the emotion would be rather wasted. Instead, he turned back to Mai after beaming a slight smile at Alfarinn.
“…perhaps we’ll even throw a party. Palmer hinted at that earlier this evening.” His ears reddened a little at just what else his friend had hinted at, though it was a happy sort of blush rather than an uncomfortable one.
He had pretty much tuned out Dawn’s rowdiness, as he typically did after a certain level had been reached, but then she clearly addressed him and he had to tune back in to her in order to make out what she said. Once he had it parsed he looked over to her with an arched eyebrow, his face entirely serious and his tone dry.
“Good to know.”
Honestly. What were they doing talking about stealing his lover at all? For that matter he thought it might be better if Sorin kept his conversation away from Alfarinn entirely. Deciding to let his irritation slide, he turned back to his food, which would be gone in…oh, a day or two at the rate he was going.

"How you doing? Sorry things get a bit crazy in large gatherings. Beside you is Amberelle, though she appears quite captivated by her other neighbor. Across the table from me is Ambrose and one of the two twins is his girlfriend Ysabelle, unfortunately I dont know her sister's name."
Suki smiled across the table she hoped the other woman would introduce herself. This was not something Cyrus had prepared her for, clanmates yes, guests no. Turning her attention to the main course she enjoyed the flow of quiet conversation around them. There would be time to mingle after the dinner.

She shimmied playfully in place, winking at Fallon and shooting a grin over at Ana. "Besides, where else would a girl wear coconuts? I'm just glad you didn't turn me away at the door." She lowered her voice to a somewhat conspiratorial tone. "Everyone else here is so much more sophisticated in their dress."
In truth, she didn't feel too horribly out of place in her get-up. It helped that Kem was willing to be equally silly right along with her, but she had always been the one to urge him to more and more outrageous behavior. Outrageous for Kem, at any rate.

Cyrus paid it no attention, his eyes and mind were on Fallon. How her smile shone so brightly and how the lights lit up her beautiful face. Standing without ceremony, he left his end of the table with only a slightly nervous smile to Alfarinn. Making his way to his mate, he barely noticed when Suki jumped up and raced from the room. Apparently his third surprise had not been deligated to anyone else.
Laying his hand gently on his kitten's shoulder he turned her chair slightly so that she was half way facing him. Uncaring if the table conversations continued or not he looked deeply into Fallon's eyes. Without looking up, he knew Suki had returned now carrying a lidded basket in her arms. Cyrus took one brief moment to scoop it up easily from his familiar.
Dropping to one knee before his mate, tricky in a knee length pareu but he was sure the brief flash of thigh wouldnt bother Ana too much, he smiled up at her. Balancing the basket on his thigh he deftly palmed the small box he had tucked under his waistband earlier. Holding the small box up he flicked both lids open at the same time as he presented them to Fallon.
"Fallon Tierney, will you marry me? Now and forever."
The ring was sparkling in its bed of black velvet. The basket on the other hand, was quietly purring. Inside were six kittens, from pure white persian with a flattened face, to a swirly gray green manx, to a warm brown siamese, to the cream scottish floppy eared, a black harlequin himilayan and one rather dopey looking orange tabby. Holding his breath he hoped she said yes, he would hate to have to raise kittens all alone.

"The coconuts and bananas are perfect, and you two wear them so well. I only wish I had the guts...well, no, that's not true. I could never have pulled that off as well as you did hon."
The comment was in response to Aishe, but Fallon's smile was directed to Kem as well.
As Fallon turned to say something to Ana she noticed Cyrus was no longer seated at the end of the table, but was walking towards her. He seemed slightly ill at ease, but was smiling so she didn't automatically start worrying. Instead her eyes remained on him, and when he neared she returned his smile. She kept the smile as he turned her chair, but her eyes widened a little in confusion. And then Suki was appearing, and handing Cyrus a basket, and Cyrus was kneeling, and presenting her with a box, that opened to reveal a...
"Oh my god! Cyrus! My dear, beautiful, wonderful man...have you lost your mind?" Shocked beyond belief, Fallon couldn't stop the stream of consciousness that just exploded from her mouth, and the tears that began streaming down her face almost simultaneously.
And then the kittens! Kittens! She hoped these kittens were real, but she would find out later. All she could think of was to hug and kiss the man at her knees, and to do so she slid off the chair. Now also kneeling she threw both arms around Cyrus' neck, and hugged him as close as was physically possible, while whispering her answer into his ear. Any thoughts of proper table etiquette flew right out the window, as Fallon's only concern now was to make sure Cyrus knew how much she loved him.
"Of course I'll marry you...if you're sure, you're sure? Are you...sure? I love you so much Cyrus, and never wanted to be with anyone more than I want to be with you. All I want is to love you, and make you you've done for me."
Totally overcome with emotion, Fallon was sobbing against Cyrus' neck now, but trying with all her might to stop. Had it been just the two of them, alone, she might have given way and cried herself out, but there were others present now, and it just wouldn't do for her to dissolve into a puddle of tears.
Grabbing her napkin, which had fallen onto the floor, Fallon turned her head, blew her nose, and dabbed her eyes. Terribly unlady-like, but she had no intention of standing up with her husband to be and having her face running all over the place.
When she felt pretty much back in control, Fallon took Cyrus' face in her hands, and kissed him, with all the love and passion had in her heart for him. The kiss didn't last as long as she might have liked, but again she had to return to her guests, even if only in appearance. She imagined her mind would take a while to get beyond the fact that the man of her dreams had just asked her to spend eternity with him, and she had accepted.
Standing, Fallon took the basket of kittens, and grinned. Such adorable creatures...and what a perfect gift. Reaching to her man, she waited while he stood again as well. She then looked at the small crowd of people seated around the table, and found her voice.
"I said yes!" She laughed, and curled her side into Cyrus' as she felt her cheeks pinken.

"Of course I am sure. You are my mate and I am yours. Always."
With a patience he had not been aware of possessing he waited for her emotional rollercoaster to come to the end. The fact she had said yes was all he needed to calm down his nerves. So what if his shirt was damp, she was his and agreed to bind herself to him forever. Kissing her head before she relinquished her hold on him to dab at her eyes with the fallen napkin he deftly juggled the ring box, basket and an arm around his woman. He found it slightly amusing she took the kittens from him as she made her announcement. His face showed so much masculine pride and satisfaction, the only thing missing was a celebratory cigar or a happy thump of his tail.
"Hope I did not interupt anyone's dinner too much but my patience was at an end and now we have even more reason to celebrate."
The caterers took that moment to bring in flutes of the finest champagne for all.

The sending was not all that surprising; he knew that Kem would probably want to talk to him at some point and this was the first time they had been face to face since Aishe was turned.
[You are welcome. It was her doing. I simply tried to give her the option of someone responsible for a Creator as opposed to just anyone she might have met.]
Turning to his companion, he introduced the couple in front of him.
"This is Aishe and Kem, a pair of Evenhet like myself."Â?
Christian turned back to his clan mates to continue the introductions.
"This lovely lady is Claire Tremaine of Anantya."Â?
He watched Cyrus get up from the table and walk over to the other end. It seemed doubtful that anyone would be surprised by the next words the man uttered. Smiling, he was glad to see that they were both genuinely happy. Taking the champagne glass in hand, he waited for the toast.

He raised an eyebrow as she spewed water on the table and offered a napkin but she had found her own. Smiling at the the reasons for why Alfarinn was not attractive to Dawn, he shrugged slightly and took a sip of his wine.
"Well then it is good that you have eternity to find your prince or whatever it is that you prefer."Â?
Grinning into his own glass at her side comment to Thaddeus, Sorin privately thought that wooing Alfarinn away from Thaddeus would be a difficult steal. Though perhaps if it were a straight up attempted kidnapping she'd have better luck.
He finished the next courses in relative quiet until Cyrus chose to stand and ask Fallon's hand in marriage. Till death do we part seemed like such an insufferably long time to him but he supposed there were ways to deal with that situation if one had grown bored of their partner. For his own sake, he liked to keep his options more open; he found that left less missing people to explain. He took the glass of champagne that was offered and looked around the table. He noticed his child sitting with some unknown gentleman of decidedly short stature by comparison. Well, at least her date's lack of height was something that would help Claire stand out in a crowd. He gave her a nod and a slight smile, somewhat glad to have someone so loyal to him nearby should she be needed.
Leaning down to Dawn, he whispered.
"Perhaps if you're good they will let you be a bride's maid."Â?

But when Fallon was turned - chair included - away from her somewhat and Cyrus fell to one knee... Ana's jaw locked mid-chew and she reflexively swallowed half-chewed bread as Cyrus asked Fallon to marry him. Fallon fell out of her chair to hug him, sobbing, crying, and as a block of pain swelled in Ana's throat (damn unchewed bread!) she felt tears of happiness form at the corners of her eyes.
When Fallon stood and looked around smiling, and reiterated that she'd said 'yes!' Ana's first impulse was to applaud... And applaud she did.

"To finding love despite the odds or length of time it takes. To cherishing that love forever. We wish you all the same happiness we have found."
With a small clink to her glass he sipped his bubbly. While he wished for time alone, he was pretty sure Fallon would be happy with the somewhat public question and subsequent declairation. Mindfull of the basket of kittens who were begining to stir and look around somewhat, he kissed his mate with the passion and love that filled him completely.

Shay turned love filled eyes to the man sitting next to her and smiled. She didn't need any formal promises between them, to reinforce the knowledge that they would be together forever. But that didn't mean she found the words spoken by Cyrus to be less beautiful, or meaningful.
When Ana began clapping, Shay joined in, totally caught up in the wonder of the moment, and very happy for the two new people she now considered friends. And when Cyrus gave his toast, Shay raised her glass and beamed at the happy couple.

Which allowed her to pick up on the comment from across the table, "Ambrose and one of the two twins is his girlfriend Ysabelle, unfortunately I dont know her sister's name." Smiling at the speaker, whom she thought she recognized from around the door when they'd entered, she caught the woman's gaze. "Dayle Yolgrave, pleased to meet you."

Before she could do more chatting with the new acquaintance Cyrus rose from the table. With a quiet "Excuse me a moment" Suki left the table as unobtrusevly as possible. Going to her room she picked up the basket of kittens with a thank you to the woman who had been taking good care of them. Melody had been the woman she found to find her all the cute little bundles of fur and she had happily agreed to watch them until the appropriate time.
With a quick hug and thanks to the woman Suki exited her room and headed back to the party. She had a silly happy smile for the proposal and was so happy she almost cried right along with Fallon. Staying in the back she made sure that everything was handled well. The champagne, taking the empty ring box from Cyrus and making sure the kittens were ok despite their new parents kissing above them.
She took a moment to sip her wine with the toast before offering to take the kittens. In a quiet voice to Fallon she tried not to giggle. "Want me to babysit the kids for a while?"
Only these two would get that the furry kittens were 'kids' she figured, but it was better to offer quietly.

Smiling as his proposal was accepted, Mai thought there were many young couples these days. It was good. They were both Anantya so she hoped their road would be smooth and the years together would be filled with happy times.
Taking her glass of champagne, Mai held it up with the rest. She felt that as the elder of the Hunt she was responsible for offering her blessings to their declaration of union. Holding up her glass after Cyrus made his toast, Mai replied with.
"Koi to seki to wa kakusarenu."Â?
Giving them both a nod, Mai added.
And with that said, She drained her glass.
((OOC: What she said basically was Love and a cough cannot be hidden...the equivalent to love concurs all since it cannot be stifled. ))

The two of them barely had time to greet Chris' companion, Claire, before Cyrus quite literally stole the show with his proposal.
[What's with the kittens?] He sent to Aishe, wondering if there was some sort of significance he'd missed in everything she'd ever told him about her friend.
Raising his glass to Cyrus' toast he felt his face color slightly as Aishe glanced slyly sideways at him, lifting her brows and challenging him with her own piercing green eyes as she followed suit and then sipped daintily at the champagne.
She left it at that... for now. Kem had no doubt that in the future they would revisit that topic, but he was quickly learning that there was a dimension to Aishe's patience that rivaled the longest-living of vampires. He hadn't quite figured out yet if that were a good or bad thing.

Kem's voice in her head carried simple curiosity, something quite common, but she had no answer for him. [No clue. Cute though, aren't they?]
She couldn't resist giving Kem just a teeny bit of grief. The barest wiggle of her eyebrows at Cyrus' brief but eloquent toast was sufficient to draw a satisfying blush from him, but she couldn't help leaning into him just a bit. Fallon's happiness was contagious; Aishe slipped her hand into Kem's underneath the table and squeezed as she took another sip of champagne, uncertain if the subsequent warm feeling was because she rarely ever drank, or because he squeezed hers back.

How different it had been this time, and her mind began comparing the other marriage proposal she had received. That was a thought short lived though, and she cast it out of her mind the second it started to enter it. She was done with that life, and had shut it away weeks ago. Now was certainly not the time to revisit it.
Taking the glass of champagne roused her from the beginnings of wedding dreams, and Fallon snuggled closer to Cyrus side. It took a great deal of strength on her part not to start crying again as he spoke the lovely words in his toast. A look down at the basket of fluff balls helped, and she grinned knowingly as his lips pressed against hers.
The clapping again reminded her of their friends, and she grinned from ear to ear. Ana, Aishe, both women so close to Fallon, and being there to share this occasion with her made them feel even closer to her. Hugging Cyrus, Fallon had such an overwhelming desire to share her happiness, but just couldn't find the words. Everything that came to mind seemed trivial, and this was anything but a trivial event in her life.
Laughing and giving Suki a hug, Fallon handed the basket of babies over.
"Just don't spoil them, we want to be able to take them places when they get older."
Turning to Aishe, Fallon grabbed her into a hug.
"And now, please, will you help me plan the wedding?" She laughed when she said the words, but that didn't mean she wasn't serious. It wasn't like she was going to sit down tomorrow and start calling florists, but Fallon knew her wedding to Cyrus had to include their friends, and the thought of planning it without her two closest was unthinkable.
Moving around Cyrus she mimicked the hug with Ana, and repeated the request. She wanted to say so much more, and knew she would, but just not now. For it was then that Mai toasted her and Cyrus, and even without knowing what the words were, Fallon could tell it was a heartfelt sentiment.
Something passed between Aishe and Kem, or so Fallon thought, but it didn't worry her. Instead she just assumed that in time she would probably be returning the wedding planning favor, and it made her heart sing.
Sing...Fallon had a surprise for Cyrus too, but it would need to wait just a little longer.

Shaking his head as Mai downed her glass of champagne, his glance turned toward Sorin, who was leaning in to speak to Dawn. He looked away again, faintly disturbed and thinking of the more cynical reasons for his being here. Would that he could simply share in a moment of happiness without thinking of darker things; Thaddeus hoped, though, that there might come a day when everything was as it seemed.

He and Thaddeus and a ...large wolf. Alfarinn had to admit the kittens were far more endearing and probably made for a better gift.
Catching Thaddeus' look his way, Alfarinn smiled as he joined in the clapping with the others. He thought Mai's toast was appropriate to the nature of love and marveled at how she always managed to find the right words to say and yet say so little.
Holding up his champagne, he drank it slightly more slowly than the Elder of the Hunt and was cheered by the warm wishes for the couple that filled the room.