Ger Kogji Party - House
Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step into one of the many rooms available. The formal front room is available along with the kitchen and family room. Several of the rooms have doors leading to the Lanai.
Each of the room has lush tropical plants and abundant seating. Caterers are set up in the kitchen and breakfast area with hor dourves. There is a powder room to the right of the front room.
There are some doors that are locked and guarded by security personel. It would be unwise to attempt to enter these areas.
((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the many rooms of the house to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

The obvious tension Sorin had for the Evenhet leader was enough to drive a vampire to drink. They were both civil at least, which was a good thing. Still, Cyrus believed in respecting leaders and elders so he treated them no differently. Though, he would not be trying to get them to make idle conversation. Alfarinn handled the situation as befitting a leader, which made him smile faintly. Savoring a prawn for a moment, before he answered the question posed to him. Luckily the table was made up mostly of vampires and quite noisy, so he could quietly tell the whole tale without worrying too much. Since his voice was quiet the only people able to hear him were the four closest to him, Alfarinn, Sorin, Dawn and Alex West, aside from those very perceptive vampires in the mix.
"Good to hear. We have been very good. Lucky I suppose as well since we met purely by chance. We both intended to get a quick bite from a convenience store worker, though neither of us realized the others intention. We continued our acquaintance until discovering the truth in Vesper. Fallon had been assaulted by a clanless, turned and left to fend for herself. I offered to mentor her and it grew from there. Nothing like waiting a thousand years to find love."
He chuckled quietly at the last thought. Still he would wait that long for Fallon again. In all honestly, Cyrus had not realized that he could find love until a few months before meeting her. Smiling down at his mate he wished for the end of dinner to come quickly. His patience was swiftly wearing down.
Taking another bite of prawn before returning to the wine he thought about Fallon's affect on his senses. "It is a bit sappy, but finding her has done only good. My senses are keener as I am looking out for her wellfare, my skills are sharp as I train her and my mood is better so I am no longer prone to stay in the forrest for days at a time. I highly recommend it actually."

Alex's compliment on her Louisianan accent kept the blonde smiling. Thank you. Oui, I do indeed! she proclaimed happily. After all, what good Creole doesn't? It had been a while since Amberelle had been able to converse with anyone at length in French and she found she missed it. 'Not to mention, speaking it keeps you sharp. I really should try to find some way to keep myself up with all of my languages.' Dismissing that for consideration some other time, the blonde continued speaking between delicate bites.
I'm from New Orleans where we spoke it quite a bit at home. And, when visiting Europe also. Though I haven't had the chance to visit London yet. But there's no real rush is there? Amby was floating along in a great mood just smiling, her topaz eyes twinkling.
If you don't mind my asking, what brings you to Nachton, Alex?

Putting down his fork, Alexander wiped his mouth and smiled pleasantly at Amberelle. Her eyes were most enchanting.
"I came on business actually. Family... and personal. Investment banking and stock trading. Nothing terribly exciting I'm afraid. I have a knack for riding the econmic winds of fortune."
Alexander reached for a glass of ice water and took a quick sip. He placed the glass down and turned towards Amberelle.
"And what interests, pray tell, take up the time of a delightful creature like yourself?"

"And what has been keeping you busy since we last spoke...that was...the Mayor's Ball, right? Such a night that was."
So she decided to go for broke and just put it out there...and if his name still didn't come back to her, she'd ask Alexi. He would have met the man at the same time certainly.
As she listened raptly, the next course of soup, and then salad were served. Shay inhaled deeply as each dish was set before her, thoroughly enjoying the wonderful scents that were still making her mouth water. How nice it was that Fallon had gone to so much trouble finding not only dishes that fit the party theme, but that were also just scrumptious. The idea of having a party of her own crossed her mind then, but fortunately it kept right on going. At this time in her life she really didn't want the headaches involved in what went on with planning such an activity. For now she would just enjoy the trouble her hosts had gone to.
Thinking of Alexi, and never wanting his attention to wander too far, Shay put a soft hand on his thigh, under the table. Rubbing his leg, and feeling the muscle under his slacks, she grinned a little mischievously. She could be so bad right now...but she held back, and just kept eating her salad.

Coincidently, Ana smiled as a passing waiter pulled the chair out and allowed her to sit, she was bordered on the other side by novelist Shay. Her attention was to Mathias but she smiled at both, then glanced down the table in both directions before laying her napkin in her lap and picking up her fork to munch on some salad.

She thought on her escort's added information. He made clockwork mechanisms and Claire thought she could easily see him with such a hobby. It took precision, attention to detail and a steady hand for such work. What impressed her most was that he considered it within the realm of possibility that he would make toys for a shelter. Even though it was merely an excuse, somehow it seemed possible for him to actually carry out such a kind and selfless gesture.
Taking their seats, Claire looked up at Palmer who was busy socializing with ease. She gave him a shy smile and reached out to gather some of the appetizers onto her plate. Turning back to Christian, Claire made the best of their situation and looked for topics of small talk.
"The man at the door was someone you knew?"Â?

Giving her adopted son a smile, Mai thought he looked well enough. There might have been some tension to his shoulders that she had not seen very often since he had come to know Alfarinn but he still looked strong and optimistic. Studying people's reactions socially was not something she did well and she could be wrong but Thaddeus had been a pleasant constant for over three hundred years. He was the sole exception to her anti-social tendencies.
It seemed to her that the dark times that she foresaw for him had not happened the way she had feared. Her Ba-di had grown and flourished through the hard times and without her intervention. He had even found a love to keep him whole no matter what obstacles lay ahead.
"You are happy, yes?"Â?
It was her first concern for him after knowing that he was safe and healthy. Therefore it was a good place to start.

He raised both eyebrows at Mai’s question and searched for an answer. Oddly his impulse was to reply with a resounding ‘yes’ in spite of the more hellish parts of the past few days.
After a moment, he nodded softly, almost amused at himself. This wasn’t a difficult question, after all.
“I am. “ He looked down with an introspective sort of grin before raising his eyes and going more serious, hoping to convey his sincerity. “Happier with you here.” Realizing he must sound tremendously sappy, he looked around at the spread at the table. Waiters were working their way down the table with soup and salad, and he imagined the appetizers would be cleared away in the process. With that in mind, he put a shrimp and some fruit on his plate. He could remember liking shrimp, though he hadn’t had it in ages, so this seemed like a safe thing to try before things got more adventurous.

Ysabel smiled widely when she recognized who was across from her, and as she sat down she said warmly, "Lady Claire! It's lovely to see you here." Taking in her clan-sister's appearance, combined with the attractive man she assumed (hopefully correctly) was Claire's date, she added, "You look beautiful."
She wanted to introduce herself to the gentleman next to Claire, but in favor of waiting politely for Claire herself to acknowledge the man as her companion, she held her tongue.
((ooc: permission to enter Ambrose and Dayle, seating arrangement provided by hostess with some minor brain explosions... did our best with it... please let me know if we're totally off))

Shay was there as well, and her date Mathas, and as Aishe glanced down the table even further she saw Ambrose with two identical blonde women. Across from them was a dark-haired woman she didn't know, and, "Chris!"
She'd had no reason to suspect her own creator would be here tonight but here indeed he was. Of course, it stood to reason that if Alfarinn was here, Chris might not be too far behind. Or perhaps the reason was the lovely young woman next to him. Reasons aside, a very happy feeling settled over her as she realized gathered around her were the man she loved, the dear friends she loved, the teacher and friend she also loved... yep. Lots to love in this room right about now.
Now if only they could coat all these shrimp with chocolate...

Poking at the salad on his plate, Christian glanced around the room at everyone seated. Thaddeus was talking to Mai, Sorin was talking to some woman with blue hair, Alfarinn was talking to Cyrus. There were a lot of people he did not know but that was hardly a surprise; Christian did wonder how many of them were Anantya. There had been more Evenhet than he expected so it seemed reasonable to assume that the couple invited a wider circle of friends than the two acknowledged clans. Hopefully everyone would remain civil through the entire festivities.
Smiling at Claire, he answered her question.
“He is one of the Evenhet security team. It appears that his independent work led him to accept a job here as a... deterrent, shall we say? David is a good man and quite diligent.”
He hoped his clan mate understood that it was alright for him to be here. Pondering slipping by later and briefly conversing with David, Christian fell silent. He looked up when he heard his name.
“Hello Aishe...and is that.... Kem?”
Christian squinted and pretended not to be able to see through the blinding pattern of shirt.
“It looks as if you've found him.”
Looking up at his other clan mate, he asked in apparent stone faced seriousness.
“Regret it yet?”

His appetizer plate was removed and the next course was set down before him. Ignoring the wait staff, Sorin blinked at Dawn's description of Alfarinn' coverage."Â?
"Interesting, Dawn, So you know about these sites -how- exactly?"Â?
Smirking at her, he was privately amused that she only seemed to know the Elder of Evenhet as a pretty spoiled rich boy. He also had to wonder what Thaddeus would make of hordes of strangers writing explicit scenes with vivid, and many times badly worded, details involving themselves and his lover. Some might even involve more than one of them at the same time, or they find him stranded, or wounded, or lost and in dire need of help that only they could provide...with the minimum of clothing. Of course the grateful Arin would end up being total besotted by them. He would quickly marry the hopeless little sap and together they would be the next...what was that loon on television of late?... Tom and Katie.
Glancing up at Thaddeus, He gave his clan mate a private smile before turning his attention back to Dawn. Had Thaddeus found the internet yet? Perhaps he could arrange a discovery.
"Like the girlie blonde ones, do you?"Â?

" is like...oh! Like improv. With a computer. You just follow the path of fancy across a greater theme and find all sorts of stuff. Like say you want to know more about prawns. You go to a major web engine and put it in as your subject. Almost always there'll be a link to someplace else off of the page, so you follow the chain until it stops. Like the whole Kevin Bacon seven step thingiemahoojie."
As she was sipping some water, Sorin uttered her next comment. The results were somewhat explosive. The sudden laugh caused the water to shoot out her nose and onto the glass, which then sprayed down her arms. Laughing, she grabbed her napkin and wiped up.
"Glad I got t'use th'swimsuit after all! Oh, an' typically, no. He wouldn't qualify as my type. Nothin' wrong wit' girly, but a bit lookin? Not so wispy? Oh, an' less wit' th'blonde. I mean, he's a nice lookin' guy'n all, jus doesn't get m'motor purrin', y'know?"
Somehow she figured Mr. Bjorn wouldn't be losing any sleep over that knowledge. Digging back into her shrimp, Dawn scrunched her mouth. Managing not to laugh, she figured that between her short hairs being dark, not light, and having an innie pretty much eliminated her from the running. S'ok, more dessert for Thaddy then. Smiling to that side of her, she added
"But even if'e was I wouldn't steal'im fromya! No worries!"

"Ah, yes, the Mayor's ball, what a night indeed. All the more reason I am glad to see you well - and you too Mathias, look at me, paying all the attention to the fair lady. Can you blame me, I ask? Well, I suppose you could, but no slight intended, truly."Â? He beamed a smile at the couple and moved his glass to make room for the salad. Spearing a pineapple with his fork, he took in the table once more and caught Claire's eye as she gave him a little discreet smile.
He was quite unable to resist a slight wink before moving on to see that everyone on the opposite end of the table was comfortably occupied.
This might have been easier, he reflected, if they had arranged things so that they could slip out earlier in the party rather than later, and return in time for dinner. But then, that would depend on Sorin to a large extent. Still, getting through dinner intact and then an evening of socializing while he and Claire ran off to help the orphan children might be more of a strain than he anticipated for Thaddeus in particular. Not that he was worried his friend was cracking up but he wondered how much of his earlier good cheer had been feigned in the spirit of acting the happy party goer. The investigation of the apartment had put a strain on him and he imagined that there were things going on that he wasn't aware of.
Realizing he was brooding, he looked down to see that a good three quarters of his salad was gone. Smiling, he paid attention to the next bite and found that it was quite delicious.

"An unexpected perk," he commented, "if it turns out people can't see my face for the forest of banana trees in the way."
Aishe gave a triumphant sort of little nod ("He wasn't tough to find with that shirt on"), and he looked at her with raised brows and then turned back to Chris with amusement at the remark about finding him.
He simply shook his head at the woman next to him, and with a soft laugh replied once more to Chris. "No regrets. Not yet. Except for a soft scream of anguish from the closet when this shirt came out of the bag."
All silliness aside, however, he met Chris' eyes squarely and sent, [And of all the people I've been thanking lately, for keeping her safe, it appears I owe you the greatest debt. I could never have given her what you did. U ru ese. I'll do my best not to let either one of you down.]
They were only words, he thought as he gave Chris a very brief bow, hampered by the table. There was just one way to prove he meant them, and that was time. Fortunately, they would have that in abundance from now on.
((ooc: No permission to send to Chris but y'know, it can always just bounce off his adorable little skull.

"Has he been hunted down?"Â?
If there was a rogue vampire running around making an army of bewildered young ones then he or she needed to be stopped; it was something that effected both clans. In truth it affected everyone. Alfarinn thought it was likely that Cyrus would have hunted the criminal himself if there was any trail at all to be found. If not, then Anantya was best suited to the task with some of their members able to track by supernatural means.
He did smile knowingly at the very long wait to find that special someone. His eyes found Thaddeus and he smiled to see his lover's head bent attentively to Mai. The two of them were really very charming together and he was glad they both got the chance to catch up.
Turning back to Cyrus, he smiled.
"I believe I can relate."Â?
He nodded at the Huntsman's words. There was something about protecting a loved one that made a person give every ounce of themselves, more than they would to save their own life. It was true for him when they faced Lykaios and he knew that he would have died had Thaddeus not been there to help him and inspire him to push beyond his normal limits
" There is much truth in what you say, sappy or not. I brood and drink far less these days and that is one of the least benefits from having Thaddeus in my life."
Raising his glass to Cyrus in a toast, he said quietly.
"To becoming better men and finding very compelling reasons to do so."Â?

Ambrose was now officially uncomfortable. Far too many people he didn't know and all of a sudden, things felt, fancy. He doggedly fixed a half smile on his face and gritted his teeth all the while wishing he had a good reason to excuse himself. Unfortunately, being undead took all the good health reasons away and anything else he could thing of would have either made a fool or a disgrace out of him.
At least Belle seemed at ease and to know more people than he did. He followed her, keeping possession of an arm, a hand, what ever he could. Although he would deny it, it was a bit of a life line.
He nodded at the woman Ysabel had greeted as Claire and tried to come up with a witty yet polite topic of conversation. Given Ambrose's skills in that arena it could be a bit before he spoke again.

"Fallon has requested I not hunt him. Apparently she feels a tinge of gratitude for his turning her. I admit to wanting to foist the terror he inflicted upon her back to him tenfold though. I am keeping an eye out for more fledglings and should I find he repeated this act he will die."
Since her maker had Anantya connections, Cyrus pondered briefly the damage such action would cause before shrugging it off as inconsequential. They had a substanial case to bring forward to the council if they wished and he was clanless. The outcome seemed quite clear to him. Looking down the table at his mate cleared all his anger and thoughts of revenge.
A small smile crossed his face as Alfarinn spoke of his own growing relationship and discoveries. Cyrus was quite happy for the pair as both were very good men and deserved happiness. He nodded at the blone's comments.
"Strange isnt it? I had not even known I could improve myself and yet Fallon did so with such ease and grace."
At the toast he raised his glass and clinked it with Alfarinn's with a quiet exclaimation of "Here! Here!"
Since they had been talking, the staff had served something else. Soup apparently he had not even touched was whisked away and replaced by salad. Ignoring this course for more wine, Cyrus sat back and watched his clanmates, friends, acquaintances and his lovely mate. Soon dinner would end and he could not wait.

"Thank you both for coming. As much as I always enjoy the thought of having a party, it seems they still quite overwhelm me. But with you both here, it makes it enjoyable, and worth the worry."
Grinning at her friends, Fallon cast another look towards Cyrus and caught another one of his glances to her. So intense did the look appear that Fallon couldn't help but blush. And since she couldn't do more than smile back, she again turned her attentions to her friends.
"Are you both having a good time? How do you like the tropical theme? Not over the top is it? I worried about that some...thinking it was a good idea to begin with, and then wondering if everyone might find it just too strange to be anything less than silly."
Fallon's eyes swung back and forth between her friends as she removed her hands from their arms, and picked up her fork again. Somewhere along the line the soup and salad dishes had been removed, and the sorbet had come and gone too. Now she had a plate with pork and the lovely mahi mahi in front of her, and she again appreciated the consistently wonderful flavors of the food she ate.
Her gaze took in the way Aishe looked at Kem, and vice versa, and Fallon knew her friend had found someone as special to her as Cyrus was to Fallon. Knowing that filled Fallon with such a huge feeling of happiness that she nearly bubbled with laughter. Luckily she put another forkful of meat into her mouth before she came off as some loon, laughing at nothing apparent.
"Ana? Been getting out to meet any nice people lately...or still devoting all your free time to your job?"
Fallon had tried a few times to prod her single friend into becoming a bit more assertive, wanting a companion for her as well. And after seeing the way people had looked at the younger woman the last time they had gone to dinner, Fallon felt it was just a matter of time. Ana seemed to have blossomed before Fallon's eyes, and though she had always been cute and attractive in Fallon's eyes, now she seemed to have an underlying confidence that made her appear even more beautiful. A smile spread upon Fallon's face as she looked to both friends with love, and appreciation.

Claire turned her attention to Christian's explanation. That would account for the look of shock and recognition on the man's face. It seemed like everything was fine between them though and so she did not fear that this David had somehow done something incorrect by aiding a member of her clan.
She looked up as two people approached the group. They seemed to be on friendly terms with Christian and she was glad to know that he had more people here that he knew and could converse with . Claire still felt a little guilty for dragging Christian to a party that was mainly not his group of peers but he seemed to be doing well enough. Better than her even, though that was hardly difficult at such social events.
Listening to the banter between friends, Claire smiled politely while they conversed, occasionally paying attention to her salad.