Ger Kogji Party - House
Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step into one of the many rooms available. The formal front room is available along with the kitchen and family room. Several of the rooms have doors leading to the Lanai.
Each of the room has lush tropical plants and abundant seating. Caterers are set up in the kitchen and breakfast area with hor dourves. There is a powder room to the right of the front room.
There are some doors that are locked and guarded by security personel. It would be unwise to attempt to enter these areas.
((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the many rooms of the house to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

"Aren't they cute?"
She wished she could sit down on the floor and put the little ones in her lap to snuggle them all close. But that would not be too polite for the party. Instead she graciously allowed Miss Desiree to scoop up the white puffy one to cuddle. She guessed the others would soon be held by friends. Though, Suki feared somewhat handing them out to any ol' vampire. This was probably just her new 'nanny' position's protectiveness kicking in.

Clapping along with the rest, she smiled at Christian next to her and also found herself glancing towards Palmer to see his reaction to the happy news. No doubt the Huntsman was clapping louder than any in the room; there seemed to be not a bone of aged cynicism in Palmer's body. Either that, or he hid it very well.
Raising her champagne glass, she toasted to the happy couple and to the possibility of love for anyone.
"À l'amour et àla santé"�

Ambrose had the good manners to keep his musings quiet, it was likely only Belle heard him. The proposal was sweet and rather romantic. The cowboy in him entered into a minor tug of war with the fella who’d hung up his guns for a woman for a moment, before he decided it didn’t matter as he wasn’t the one getting married.
Leaning over he whispered to Belle.
“Don’t go getting any ideas.”
It was simple enough to hear the smile, the tease, under that growl. While he’d not done or said anything overt to indicate a commitment there was little doubt that there was something more there.
Returning his attention to the couple, he raised his glass in toast.

The only way Ambrose would ever say anything like that, she realized, was if he actually did feel something more for her. The idea made her smile, but she went along with him and simply whispered back, "Not for a moment."
She waited for him to take a sip of his champagne before adding, "No, not at all. I'd prefer a basket of horses, not kittens. Adorable though they are."

Squeezing his hand, once she had latched onto it again, Fallon leaned towards her husband-to-be, and whispered.
"Do you think it's too soon to move the party back onto the lanai? I've a surprise of my own just for you, but I'm willing to share it with the others..."
Her eyes still sparkled with the hint of tears, but her heart was so full of love that there was no way anyone would mistake her for being unhappy.

Ahh, a question she herself wasn't even sure of the answer to sometimes. The courses changed and Amby took that moment to form her answer. Once their plates were cleared and the entrees left in their place, she replied between bites. Well I am afraid just some of the more mundane stereotypical pursuits.. shopping, for one. Giving him a small grin, she shrugged a shoulder slightly to say " I am a female," then continued. I like working out, I've spent a few years studying martial arts she explained. And since I settled in at the Manor I have been spending some down time lately catching up on my reading and TV shows. As I said, I have fairly mundane pursuits. "Of course the there is the whole I used to enjoy robbery and be a professional assassin, and now I hunt thugs for fun and profit thing... but I doubt anyone would find that suitable dinner conversation, so we won't be mentioning *that*!" she added to herself.
Anything further stilled on her lips as her eyes followed Cyrus around the table quizically. When he dropped to his knee beside Fallon, Amberelle gasped faintly. It was probably the most romantic thing she had ever seen. Her eyes misted and she clapped along with everyone else. A flicker of something darker crossed her face for a moment. 'I will be sure to make sure Fallon leaves out the obey thing in her vows.. but then again I suppose not everyone is as honorable about their word as others..' The line of thought was snipped and the young blonde's smile returned in full force.
The kittens were the icing on the cake she decided. Considering her clanmates' feline attributes she thought the idea of offering to raise them together was one of the most wonderful things the Mongol could have offered to his mate. Raising her glass high she echoed everyone's good wishes. After a deep sip she glanced back at Alex.
That was one of the most romantic things I have ever heard of.. the kittens slash kids made it perfect, non?

At Mai's toast, Dawn raised her glass high and tossed it back. She didn't know what she was saying, but it'd probably totally appropriate if the Elder was drinking like that, too. Slapping a hand down on the table, Dawn shouted.
Smiling, she turned to Sorin, suddenly serious.
"Only if the dresses match my hair. I wouldn't want to clash, after all."
Laughing, she returned to the food in front of her.

Frozen mid bite, he watched as Cyrus pulled out the ring...the...ring.....the......ring. His eyes almost immediately sharpened to hone in on the work of art in its tiny box. The information came eagerly, forcefully to his mind. Whispering without realizing it, he spilled
"Mon dieu...dix carats, tout le reglage de platine...quarante mille euros souterrain."
Blushing even more heavily, he quickly reached for the glass in front of him, draining the contents. Embarrassed by his somewhat open display of covetous in the home of someone he would NOT steal from during an emotional situation, he wiped his mouth. Thankfully, the ring was now out of sight. His whisper had been in French, and Amberelle was probably outside of hearing. With the ambient noise, it was probably missed by everyone. Probably. Still, he was mortified.
Putting his hand down on his plate to get the outside edge dirty, he smiled weakly and stood. Whispering to Ginnie, almost robotically,
"I'll be right back, need to wash up."
((ooc: Alec out for a moment))

“Have to be one hell of a big basket so this had better be a negotiable detail.”
If that’s what she wanted, should something like this ever happen, he’s do his best but he really hoped she wasn’t at all serious.
What the fuck was he thinking? No this wasn’t the way it was supposed to go. He was still a cowboy, he was supposed to ride off into the sunset alone. Granted his riding still needed some improvements and a horse was a poor substitute for a lover but commitment wise you couldn’t beat it.
Even as he debated these points with himself, Ambrose’s hand sought Ysabel’s and keeping them under the table rather tightly held on to it. Forever was a damned long time in their case.

The kittens were the icing on the cake she decided. Considering her clanmates' feline attributes she thought the idea of offering to raise them together was one of the most wonderful things the Mongol could have offered to his mate. Raising her glass high she echoed everyone's good wishes. After a deep sip she glanced back at Alex.
That was one of the most romantic things I have ever heard of.. the kittens slash kids made it perfect, non?
Alexander listened politely to Amberelle, quietly nodding as he sipped as his glass or making small comment between bites of food. She was certainly captivating and had a diverse range of interests. He made a mental note to go over financial and investment options with his clanmate in the coming nights. Being prepared was always a sound move.
Alexander raised his glass and echoed the salutations and good wishes for Cyrus and Fallon. The very notion of vampires being bonded to one another for eternity sent a shiver through Alexander's spine.
He'd only heard of a few such instances of eternal relationships that had lasted well, and more than a few cautious tales of how badly it could go. Nothing like having a scorned partner scheming against you for all eternity.
The kittens were a nice touch, if somewhat overly sentimental. But Alexander smiled nonetheless. This was a time for celebration.
Amberelle's comment about romance interrupted Alexander's train of thought and he applied in the affirmative, still sticking to French as he commented on how honoured and priviledged they were to witness an event like this.
Alexander tipped his glass towards Amberelle's and smiled at the slight 'chink' it made as it touched her's.
"And to your health, wealth, and prosperity Amberelle. May you benefit heartily from all three in the years to come."

She pulled it out and showed it to Christian sitting next to her.
"It seems there is an emergency at the shelter. I'm afraid I need to go."Â?
Claire gave him something of a disappointed smile and added.
"You should stay though. I am sure Alfarinn and Thaddeus would be glad of your company and I hate to spoil your evening."Â?

"For those of you that are finished eating please feel free to enjoy the rest of the house. Please do not move on our account though, the wine and food is plentiful for all tonight!"
Turning his attention to Suki and the kids he gave her a stern look. "You can take them to the den, but keep them in off the lanai, the koi are bigger than they are."
With one arm snuggly securing his mate to his side he opened the other to wave towards the house with a wink. "Our home is yours. Though we are adjourning to the lanai."
((Cyrus & Fallon heading out to lanai pending responses.))

“I see. I understand. You are a saint, Madam.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the phone.
“If you have time to wait then I can call the limo back. If not then I am sure there is someone here with a vehicle who could offer you a ride.”
Christian waited for her answer feeling for a second absurdly inadequate for having to rely on someone else to provide transportation even though that was the plan. Many years of similar situations kept him from looking up at Palmer and giving him some sort of cue that now was his time to offer assistance. He trusted the Huntsman to be on top of things. However,just in case a little nudge never hurt.
[Time to be a knight in shining armor, Superman.]
Christian smiled internally at the title Palmer had given himself a while back, keeping his attention carefully on Claire all the while.

What’s not to like?
Joining in the applause with enthusiasm, he spared another glance toward Grey, who to his surprise was not at that moment making googly eyes at Alfarinn but looking around the table. Claire gave a toast in French and he turned his attention to her, not understanding a word she said but taking the opportunity to raise his glass anyway.
It was tempting to make a comment to the blonde sitting next to him, something along the lines of ‘wonder who’s next’, with a wink, but he resisted the urge to make mischief and instead craned his neck to peek at the kittens as the good looking Asian women carried them off.
With all the noise, he didn’t hear Claire’s pager go off as he had hoped, but he was paying close enough attention that he saw her showing Christian and leaned in to ‘interfere’.
Grinning a little at Christian’s (possibly inadvertent) pun, he sent back, quickly.
[Oh, I think I’ll stick to being a hunter, let Claire deal with the Night.]
“I beg your pardon, but I couldn’t help overhearing…” he gave Claire a beaming smile “…that you may be in need of a ride?” He tried, and failed, to give Christian a sympathetic expression before continuing to Claire. “My car is parked right outside; I’d be glad to take you wherever you need to go.”
Cyrus and Fallon’s timing couldn’t have been better; perhaps in the chaos of everyone leaving their exit wouldn’t even be noticed.

"I think a car would be best."Â?
Palmer came to her rescue, as intended, and she turned to give him a grateful smile.
"That would be lovely. If you don't mind."Â?
She put a reassuring hand on Christian's arm and nodded towards Palmer.
"I think I should be safe with my fellow Anantya if that is alright with you."Â?
Leaning over, Claire placed a small kiss on Christian's cheek before standing up.
"I shall have to make it up to you. Will you take a rain check? I feel horribly rude."Â?
She did indeed feel terribly rude for leaving her supposed date alone at a party while she left with another man despite the very real necessity of it. He was a friend and she did enjoy his company and thought he deserved far better treatment.

Christian sighed and nodded his agreement to the plan. Glancing over at Palmer, he gave him a stern appraisal before turning back to Claire.
"He looks like a complete charlatan to me...but if you are certain."Â?
He smiled at the kiss and supposed the potential ruin of his dating reputation might be worth it for such rewards. Looking up at her, Christian wondered if she was serious about her next offer. She sounded serious but then she was, as Palmer recently pointed out, a member of Anantya's spy organization. It was a shame that it was so difficult to trust even friends in their chosen lives. However, in this case, it would simply be nice if she were being honest and not playing her part. A quiet evening with beautiful intelligent company would very pleasant indeed.
"You are not and that would be wonderful. Go, do good deeds. Don't worry about me. I shall harass my elder and his companion in your absence. In fact, you might owe them the bigger debt by the time I'm done."Â?
Christian smiled at Claire and then at Palmer.
[Be careful and good luck.]
((OOC: No one saw that did not exist *mutters to Palmer* Smart ass))

[Thanks, really. We’ll be fine, just try to keep those two out of trouble.]
Out loud, he spoke in his usual extravagant manner – perhaps overcompensating on behalf of his more serious sending.
“You will –of course- be safe with me. If nothing else, I’m driving a boat of a car. With airbags.” He batted his eyelashes. “I will remember to use my turn signals, though, no worries.”
He pulled his car keys out of his pocket and headed to the end of the table to meet Claire, pausing to give Thaddeus a light touch to the shoulder. He held up the keys and mouthed a ‘be right back’ before leading the way to the door.
/ooc Claire and Palmer out w/ permission

(( returneth to the Lanai-eth! ))

Shrugging, Mai turned to Thaddeus and smiled.
"I can come tomorrow night and see you. How is that? You are at the same place you were?"Â?
They needed to catch up on more than just their daily lives and she understood that they could not safely do that here. Sliding her chair away from the table, Mai stood and took in the people heading out of the room.
"I must go soon. Come with me to say goodbye to Cyrus and Fallon."Â?
She had her own business to take care of for her Order. There was something of importance to their clan that she did not trust to anyone else to investigate. Sorin should really be informed and they should be working together. Mai frowned slightly; later, first she would find out the truth of her suspicions and then she would tell the other elders. She would admit in her own thoughts that she did not trust the Elder of the Night's motives in many situations. This one needed to be handled carefully and from a center of balance and wisdom. Sorin would look first to his own gain.

Fallon's news had made her happy. Aishe hadn't really considered the ramifications of two vampires saying 'I do,' or the real impact of the phrase 'till death do you part.' Even knowing that forever was really forever for her as well now, it had just begun to sink in.
It was big. It was very big. It was even a little intimidating, but not in a 'run away, don't do it!' sort of way. No, if nothing else Aishe was doubly happy that Fallon's happiness reminded her what she might have in store as well.
As they rounded the corner on their way to the lanai, she fell back even more. Tugging Kem's hand to turn him around, she gave a quick glance around to make sure they were alone for the moment, and then threw her arms around his neck with a little hop. Caught off guard Kem might have been, but he didn't hesitate to hold her tightly in return, squeezing just that little bit so her toes barely touched the ground.
Aishe smiled at him, tilted her head just a bit, and pressed her lips lightly to his. In spite of having had weeks together, there had been very little intimacy. For both of them, it was as if it were still too good to be true, and Aishe in particular was hesitant to push Kem too far too fast. They had fallen into easy companionship, holding hands, kissing here and there, spending nights together and drawing them out as long as they could until the sunrise drove them back to their respective homes.
Aishe wanted to tell him, very much, just how thoroughly she loved him. But it would come, in time. In all things, patience, she thought to herself. Now would only pressure him, make him feel like he needed to do what Cyrus had just done, when they hadn't even said such words. She contended herself with the understatement of the year.
[I'm glad we're here together, Kiamhaat.]
With that she wriggled a bit and he let her loose to slide down the broad plane of his chest back to the ground, and she entwined her fingers once more with his to follow her friends back into the lanai.
((ooc: Aishe and Kem out to the lanai))