Ger Kogji Party - House
Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step into one of the many rooms available. The formal front room is available along with the kitchen and family room. Several of the rooms have doors leading to the Lanai.
Each of the room has lush tropical plants and abundant seating. Caterers are set up in the kitchen and breakfast area with hor dourves. There is a powder room to the right of the front room.
There are some doors that are locked and guarded by security personel. It would be unwise to attempt to enter these areas.
((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the many rooms of the house to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

Stepping into the dining room her heart skipped a beat when she saw the place cards, and her golden eyes darkened with anxiety as they danced around the table searching for her name. She took a deep breath and blinked a moment when she realized the handsome stranger from the bar would be sitting beside her and not the Elder Nightsman. Whichever of the Gods had deigned to smile upon her and spare her Sorin's company, she sent them a silent prayer of thanks. And a silent squee of delight at the chance for such an attractive dinner companion.
The young Creole stepped up to her chair and slid it back before taking her seat. Sliding up to her place quietly, she adjusted her sarong slightly and got settled comfortably. Turning to the stranger, she held out one of her hands.
Hi, I don't think we've been introduced... Amberelle De'Espionne.

“I hope you do not mind the change in seating. I am afraid I've been taking up a good deal of Thaddeus' time of late.”
Alexander smiled graciously and offered his hand.
"I certainly don't mind at all. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Alexander Westmoreland - Alex West for short."
Alexander was about to comment when a softer voice addressed him. Softer and female.
Hi, I don't think we've been introduced... Amberelle De'Espionne.
Alexander turned to find the alluring blonde haired woman he had longed to talk to earlier. Now he understood Dawn's sly comment. He would have to thank her later.
"And a rare pleasure indeed Miss Amberelle. I have the companionship of one handsome gentleman and one beautiful woman. I am unaccustomed to such attention."
Alexander held her offered hand briefly and smiled in appreciation.

[I don’t know. I think he’s up to something.] Oh, -that- narrowed down the possibilities.
Mai did a fair job of distracting him from his worries with her unique style of greeting, but that was certainly welcome and he was happy to return the hug, unable to work up any true embarrassment at making a scene and wondering where his propriety had gone with vague amusement.
“I’m very glad to see you too Mai.” At the very least, his penchant for understatement had not gone the same way as his decorum.
The objects of his previous musing soon approached and it was all he could do for a moment just to take in Dawn’s personality. Mentally he shook his head – what was he to make of this seemingly open, guileless young woman? Even if this –was- all an act he strongly suspected she was –still- getting screwed over somehow by Sorin.
Well for the moment all he could do was smirk off Dawn’s teasing, looking down at his shoes for a moment in mock embarrassment before lifting his chin to address the ceiling.
“It was –John Lennon- and –Paul McCartney-.“ He made a gesture as though to say ‘where’s the love’, then broke into a grin. “It’s lovely to see you again Dawn. Good evening, Sorin.” He added that last with a slight nod, thinking it would appear odd if he neglected to greet his Elder even if he was elbow deep in people. Thankfully Alfarinn arrived before more conversation could be had, though unfortunately Dawn departed before he could do a proper round of introductions. He had half hoped Alfarinn might spare some thought to Dawn’s state of being.
[Oh, plenty of Grey to go around I expect…]
Turning around, he noticed for the first time that Palmer had, oddly enough, disappeared as well. Hadn’t he just been right behind him? And who was the happy asshole sitting in his seat?
A little surprised by the vehemence of his initial reaction, especially considering that it wasn’t as though the chair had his name on it, he compensated by being amiable. Or as amiable as he ever was when meeting strangers.
“Well met, Mr. West.” Pondering what confusion they might create when he and Alfarinn would –both- be referred to as Grey-San peeled away the last of his moodiness and the smile he offered at the end of his greeting was genuine enough. Then Alfarinn stepped in and offered to do some rearranging, which, though it meant they would be separated, was in his opinion an excellent idea. Alfarinn knew Cyrus and would have the huntsman to talk to, and he doubted his lover would have any trouble bringing Mr. West into conversation.
[No, that’s fine…I miss Mai too…]
He looked to Mai, wondering what she would make of this game of musical chairs, but trusted there would be no issues there.

He supposed he could figure out where he was meant to be sitting but with everyone having the same thought that was going to be a bit of a trick – instead, he decided to mingle a little.
Giving Claire and Christian a wave as he walked by, he meandered over to the foot of the table, where Fallon appeared to be unengaged. Now –there- was a crying shame. Fortunately the man of steel was ready to end this injustice.
Sliding into a chair, he picked up the place card and held it up to the light before setting it back down again and turning to Fallon.
“How about if I be Aishe until she gets here,” he said with a wink. “See any resemblance?” Having never met this Aishe, he realized he could really be setting himself up with that one, but he was well aware he was opening the door anyway. Going on, he added: “Or perhaps you were enjoying your moment of respite from conversation.” Resting his elbows on the table and placing his chin on his laced fingers in an effeminate gesture meant to resemble one of Fallon’s girlfriends, he rolled his eyes skyward. “Being hostess can be –so- demanding.”

"I'll find our cards, a moment, love."
Focusing on weeding out all of the extraneous color from his vision, Alec's eyes sharpened and shifted to a gray scale. Glancing at each of the lovely cards, he shifted his vision again, making everything seem a little closer than it was. Ah...there they were. Pausing a moment, he allowed his eyes to refocus within what he assumed was the normal human range - what happened to be normal for him, anyway.
"Looks a little crowded with all these folks going around the tables. I guess mine isn't the sharpest nose here. Let's hang back until it settles a bit."

"While I could pretend that you do resemble my friend, I think I like you as you are Mr. Calhoun. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate your company right now. I was beginning to think when the other diners found they were to be sitting next to me, they made other arrangements."
Fallon winked and laughed softly, as she admired the gentleman's soft manners, and apparent desire to help make her feel at ease in her own home. Under different circumstances she might have found it odd, but now she was just thankful for having a kind face to look at, and someone to share a few words with.
She toyed with the idea of just changing the name cards, and moving Aishe and Kem down one seat each, but then decided that probably wouldn't be the proper thing to do. Again she wondered why she had been so set on arranged formal seating, instead of a much more relaxed buffet. Besides that, she was looking forward to more catching up with both her girlfriends. So instead she decided to just enjoy the man's attention for as long as he chose to offer it.
"I do hope you're enjoying your visit, and have a hearty appetite. I had such fun planning the menu, and found everything I taste tested to be really good. I just hope everyone else does."
Making sure everyone was well fed was just a part of Fallon's desire for this evening. So far the first part, getting everyone to show up had gone very well. Once dinner was finished, she hoped people would find the rest of the evening festive and fun. But now she was concerned that everyone enjoy the food, and leave with full stomachs.
"Have you been to Hawaii, Mr. Calhoun? Maybe you could let me know if the dishes taste very authentic?" It was a little late to be concerned about such things, but the idea just came to Fallon, and now she couldn't help but be curious. She wondered if Cyrus might consider a trip there some day, so she could see for herself.

The catering crew seemed to take it all in stride. The put appetizers down for those sitting and hovered by those standing in hopes of enticing them to sit for a plate. Since Cyrus had nodded at the woman offering him the plate she put it down. Of course he had not seated himself yet, but stood between the chair and the table. When Mai and Thaddeus moved he bowed to his Elder respectfully, knowing that his sentiment and heart had been in the right place.
With a bow to Alfarinn in welcome he took his seat, hoping the Evenhet leader took his. "I now realize the brilliance of round tables, this organization is difficult."
Placing his napkin in his lap he picked up his fork and sampled the shrimp. It was interesting. Something he would not normally pick for himself but somehow it flowed perfectly with the atmosphere of the party. Raising his glass of wine at his mate he sent her a look full of love and appreciation. Since Sorin and Dawn seemed to be doing ok conversationally, he turned his attention to the blonde beside him.
"Alfarinn, how have you been? We never did get much time to catch up at the Mayor's Ball."

"Oh look, there's Mai! And Thaddeus! So is Alfarinn here too? Ah, and Chris!"
His eyes flew from one to the next as she pointed them all out, and although his expression didn't change his resolve not to let Aishe wander in strange cities unattended certainly did. How did one wander into Nachton and meet nothing but vampires? Had she met a single human aside from the quiet Ana? Kem supposed he should be glad Aishe seemed to be a vampire magnet and not a serial killer magnet.
Still, her pleasure at seeing her friends and acquaintances here was obvious, so he didn't voice his concerns out loud. Visually confirming that Alfarinn was, indeed, in the room, Kem resigned himself to being seen by his friend in what had to be the world's most obnoxious shirt. He briefly wondered if there was any chance Alfarinn might have gone color-blind over the last few months and then decided even if he had, someone would most likely fill him in anyhow.
The seats were filling quickly and as they made their way to an empty few near Fallon, Kem found a setting with his name on it, next to one that wasn't Aishe's. Glancing over at the one on the opposite side where another gentleman was sitting, he managed to catch a few snatches of the conversation.
Waiting for the most convenient lull after the man's Aishe-impression, he said, "Apparently I have two dates tonight. How will I ever choose?"
Then, directing the next to Fallon with a smile, "Would you like us to slide down one? There's plenty of room."

Seeing Chris there, with a lovely young woman beside him, was an unexpected pleasure. Who was that? A clanmate? She beamed at them both, but she couldn't exactly drag both Ana and Kem every this way and that to individually greet every single person she knew. Well, not right before dinner anyway. Perhaps afterwards she could do some dragging.
[Who is that with Chris? I've never met her before, is she Evenhet?] At least she could sate some of her curiosity now; Kem would probably know if the young woman was a clanmate or not. Her answer would have to wait, though, as they reached the end of the table near Fallon and she observed a rather girly impression of herself that made her laugh out loud.
"You have to bat your eyelashes a bit more," she said to the man. "And we'll have to do something with those nails."
Flashing a grin at Fallon as well, Aishe offered a hand to the man at her seat. "I'm Aishe. It's nice to meet you, Aishe."
[Personally, I think I have better... hair.]

Not that she was starving, or anything. Her appetite had picked up considerably while she and Alexi had been in Europe, but at the moment her concern leaned more towards not wanting to be the last to enter the dining room. She didn't even mind making an entrance, but was compelled to observe the propriety she had grown up with. Her mother had done her utmost to make sure all the O'Mannon kids were punctual, if nothing else. To this day Shay was uneasy any time she found herself running late for anything.
Accordingly, Shay was glad to see they weren't the last to be seated, and directed Alexi to the side of the table with the most empty chairs. Her assumption rewarded Shay with two name cards that indicated where she and Alexi were to sit, and was silently happy to find Ana's name to her other side. Dinner parties weren't the most conducive situations to in depth conversations, but at least she'd have a little more time to get to know her new friend. The chair next to Alexi was still empty, and Shay couldn't make out the name on the card there, so she had no clue who he would have to converse with besides her.
Smiling when she noticed a few other people were also trying to find their places, Shay sat down and waited for Alexi, and Ana to eventually fill the adjoining chairs. In the mean time she waited until Fallon had stopped talking and put a friendly hand on her hostess' wrist.
"I wanted to thank you again for the invitation tonight, and tell you I love your home. It's just so beautiful and...friendly." Shay didn't include the thought that it was a little too tropical for her own personal tastes, but that didn't stop her ability to appreciate the loveliness that surrounded her.
Besides, it was her sense that the house exuded love and warmth that was more important to Shay. The way people seemed so at ease in the home sustained the notion that Fallon and Cyrus' home would always be a welcoming haven to their friends.
Smiling at the man sitting next to Fallon, Shay thought he had looked familiar. She imagined she must have met him at one of the other functions she had attended with Alexi, but was sorry she couldn't remember his name. So she extended her smile his way, in the hopes that he wasn't as forgetful as she had been, and might offer a greeting that would remind her.
It was further delightful to see Aishe and Kem appear next to the man, and hoped they might be seated close as well. Dinner conversation didn't look like it would be dull or boring at least.

The young Creole stepped up to her chair and slid it back before taking her seat. Sliding up to her place quietly, she adjusted her sarong slightly and got settled comfortably. Turning to the stranger, she held out one of her hands.
Hi, I don't think we've been introduced... Amberelle De'Espionne.
Alexander turned to find the alluring blonde haired woman he had longed to talk to earlier. Now he understood Dawn's sly comment. He would have to thank her later.
"And a rare pleasure indeed Miss Amberelle. I have the companionship of one handsome gentleman and one beautiful woman. I am unaccustomed to such attention."
Alexander held her offered hand briefly and smiled in appreciation. It seemed as though Alfarrin was engaged in conversation, and Alexander was free to engage in conversation with this delightful creature.
"I am Alexander Westmoreland, Anantya. Most people call me Alex West."
Her fingers were soft and delicate, and Alexander was tempted to gently press his lips against it. A custom considered curiously quaint these nights, and somewhat crude if done incorrectly. He refraimed from doing so.
"I trust your evening has been pleasant so far, Miss Amberelle. I look forward to enjoying the fine cuisine our hosts have prepared and conversing with you."

I would say my evening looks to be very enjoyable, Alex.. and please, just call me Amberelle. I see no need for such formality between, she glanced around discreetly to make certain no one with unknown affiliations was nearby, clanmates.
Delicately unfolding her napkin and placing it across her lap, she nodded almost imperceptibly and a plate appeared before her. She was quite impressed with the staff after attending hundreds of similar functions, and made a mental note to compliment Fallon on her choices. Taking a deep whiff, she mmm'd softly and smiled. As she picked up her silverware to cut a bite of the prawn, she glanced at Mr. West.
How long have you been in Nachton, Alex? I don't remember seeing you around the manor. 'And boy would I.." she thought to herself. Chewing the bite slowly, she savored the delicate flavors and listened.

"Less than a week Amberelle. And before that I was in London."
Alexander laid the napking across his lap before rolling back the sleeves of the cotton shirt he wore and examining the silverware. Everything had been set out perfectly. The prawns had been pre-shelled so there was no need to get messy peeling out the tender pink flesh. Alexander picked up a fork.
"And I'm most certain I would remember you Amberelle if I ran into you at the Manor. My quarters are in the West Wing, not far from the training facilities. You are more than welcome to drop by at any time. I haven't yet had the chance to meet many of the residents."
Alexander picked up the lemon and squeezed the juice over the prawns.
"You have a most delightful accent Amberelle, Parlez-Vous Français?"

He came to himself at Thaddeus' greeting. It would not be appropriate to show his displeasure at this point in the proceedings. Dredging up a smile from the depths of his talents, The Elder of the Night displayed it for his errant clan mate.
"Good Evening Thaddeus. It is nice to see you looking well and happy."Â?
And little bastard. Dawn wandered away from him and off to find her seat. Trying not to feel abandoned, which was hardly an emotion suiting someone of his power and status, Sorin gave Thaddeus a nod before looking towards the table.
"I am sure we will have time to catch up after dinner. I look forward to hearing how things have been going with you."Â?
Yes, indeed, do tell me how the latest efforts to destroy my life and the clan have been going, traitor. Have you considered in your moral superiority how your actions will effect your clan? No, I doubt you have.
Making his way to his seat, Sorin watched Dawn swap around a few of the little placards and wondered just who she might be terrorizing with her 'helpful' reorganization. It would seem it was to benefit someone he didn't know. Ah well, her antics were amusing if nothing else. When she returned to her seat, Dawn explained the situation. It would seem Amberelle was the target of the interference.
"Ah, well hopefully she will find her voice. Hmm? Who were you fixing her up with?"Â?
Amused at his clan mate's assessment of Alfarinn, Sorin turned a smug glance towards the man's direction.
"That would be Alfarinn of Evenhet. Perhaps you've heard of him. If not, I wouldn't worry. He is no one of importance."Â?
Reaching for one of the shrimp, Sorin popped it into his mouth before turning to give Dawn a mirthful grin.

At Sorin's question, Dawn grinned.
"Oh, that new guy Alex'whitey in th'islander clothes. They were makin' gooey eyes at each other earlier, so I thought they might wanna get sticky after the party. Jus doin' my part! Think she's jonesin'."
Alfarinn of Evenhet? She hadn't heard of him. Probably passed him on the street or something and she just wasn' was some web site that she'd seen with him all over. Laughing, she understood.
"Dude! He's got like a fansite where all these teeniebopper Nachton girls git all juicy an'wet all over thinkin'bout 'im! That rules! They like swap smut that they've written with'im an'them all over each other's junk and shit. They'd prolly git even hotter if they thought'e was a vampire. Dirty girls."
Laughing, Dawn popped some shrimp in her mouth. Tasty!

"Looks a little crowded with all these folks going around the tables. I guess mine isn't the sharpest nose here. Let's hang back until it settles a bit."
"Sound good to me."
Ginnie watched as the room ebbed and flowed around her. She was hoping for a moment with Ana, but it seemed it would have to wait. She decided that if she didn't have the chance tonight she would locate the girl's address and send a letter, or find out where she worked. She remembered something about the library, but she didn't know if Ana worked there. 'Well I'll just have to find out."

" Alfarinn or Arin works quite well. It is a pleasure to meet you, Alex."Â?
Raising his eyebrow at Alex's greeting of the blonde next to him, Alfarinn nodded in her direction and gave her a grin in greeting. He did not want to distract her from the attention she was already getting and instead turned his attention to Cyrus who seemed to have similar ideas.
He laughed and looked around at the rapidly filling dining room before turning back to agree with his host.
"It can be a challenge. There is social status, personality clashes, lefties and righties..."Â?
Alfarinn smirked and held up his left hand.
"Shall I eat with the right to keep from elbowing anyone?"Â?
He smiled and put a few hors d'oeuvres onto his plate. It was hard to say exactly how he was. In most ways he was better now than ever before and that was probably the best thing to dwell on. Alfarinn looked up at his companion seated with Mai and smiled before turning to Cyrus.
"I have been doing very well of late. As it seems, so have you. How did you and Fallon meet? If you don't mind me asking."Â?
The couple were clan mates so it was quite likely that their story made far more sense than his own. Why yes, my beloved partner asked me to meet him in a neutral location and then grilled me for information concerning his creator. It was love at first sight. Don't all happy couples begin that way?
He heard his name mentioned nearby and looked up to see Sorin's smiling face. Alfarinn gave him a cool expressionless facade in response before turning back to Cyrus and tuning out the Elder of the Night. It was easy enough to do, he had plenty of practice at it.
((OOC: I love love me... We're a happy family... ))

Drink blood for five years and all the taste leaves from your mouth. A tragedy. He really needed to get his priorities in order.
Pulling out the chair for Ginnie, he waited, seeing her comfortably situated before sitting down himself. Almost magically, the shrimp appeared before him. Smiling down at the...tiger prawns...even better...he glanced apologetically over to Ginnie.
"Mind if I tune out for a second? Been awhile since I had prawns."
Closing his eyes, he opened his deep olfactory senses and focused in on his taste buds. Taking a sip of water, he could taste the hint of carbon filtration that had been used to cleanse the water. Yep...they were opened. Slowly taking his fork, he leaned down over the plate and inhaled deeply, careful to limit the scents coming in to as close to the plate as possible.
Skewering a prawn, he popped it into his mouth, and bit down, the flavors washing over his tongue like a story. Like so much of his food, this had been a living creature, and its flavors had a story to tell. A story unfamiliar to Alec...a story of a lifetime of swimming, of eating and finally of death. A cold, rapid transport to a distant land where delicately peeled and treated with some of the world's loveliest flavors.
Alec doubted he'd be so lucky when he bought it. He likely wouldn't go in a pleasurable explosion of flavorful goodness for someone's culinary enjoyment. He'd probably be shot and wasted. A tragedy.
Returning to his senses, he smiled at his lover, and skewered one for her.

"Oh, I'm afraid I cannot be a judge of authenticity, unless it is of low country cuisine,"Â? he said with a regretful shake of his head. "I cannot imagine this will be anything but excellent, though."Â?
With private amusement he wondered how Thaddeus would take to this food, and he spared a glance in his friend's direction. Doing okay by the looks of it. He checked again for Claire and Christian before returning his attention to the hostess.
"But you've never been to Hawaii?"Â? Grinning, he shook his head. "Cyrus needs to handle his business then, take you on a trip."Â? Nodding firmly at his own declaration, he turned as the apparent target of his little switching game approached, beaming in a way that was not at all apologetic. Luckily both she and her date seemed amused rather than annoyed, though he swiftly got up and held out the chair for 'The Real Aishe'. Looking to his blunt, short fingernails for a moment, he feigned bewilderment ('But, but, I just had these -done-') before taking Aishe's offered hand. "Palmer Calhoun, and a pleasure to meet you."Â? he said with a generous flutter of his eyes. "And as it happens,"Â? he added, turning to the tall blonde "I am without a date. I had designs to steal one but alas, I don't think I can compete with the darling Miss Aishe so I'm just going to sit over here."Â? Sliding down into a chair a couple of seats over, he looked to the new arrivals. To his surprise, he spotted someone he recognized.
"Why if it isn't the lovely Shalimar! It is a delight to see you well."Â?

Not that she wasn't having a good time, she was, and much of that was based on the fact that those around her seemed to be enjoying themselves. She imagined she was probably making much more out of the little things than was really necessary, and if she could just stop doing that her own evening might progress that much better. The absence of Cyrus at her side hadn't felt so obvious as it did right now, and while she longed for his gentle, reassuring touch, she settled for a loving smile across the table.
When dinner was finished, Fallon vowed she would glue herself to her man, and venture away only in the company of one of her closest friends. She had, and was still making huge strides in gaining confidence in herself, and abilities, but results of those twenty some years of abuse still surfaced when least expected, and Fallon found herself stepping backwards into feelings of insecurity.
Pushing the prawns across her plate, she took a deep breath and waited for her friends to settle in alongside her.