Legend Bound
Created on 12/30/2005
695 Posts & 46 Threads
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Cocking her head to the side she considered Carol's question for a moment before answering.
"I've been good, as you can see from my choice
16 years ago
Happy birthday, hope it's a great one
16 years ago
Cold blue eyes carefully studied the fluid movements of the Frenchwoman as she made her way to their table. Celeste did raise
16 years ago
Waiting a bit impatiently for the waitress to return with her order Alexa checked her messages on her PDA, seeing she got a message from her
16 years ago
Thanks darling! how have you been? /hug
And i've jumped in Roz, should be fun
16 years ago
Shiny red stiletto heels clicked on the polished floor of Babylon, long toned but feminine legs leading to a black pencil skirt that just re
16 years ago
*glomps Roz* me back , now give me something to kill!
16 years ago
Thanks Aishe /hug
*sees Amby, squeels and glomps to the max* baby poo!! *licks*
16 years ago
Remember ... ME?
She's back and ready to bite some chumps :lol2
16 years ago
Have a ton of fun hon, don't worry about the crazy people here, they'll still be crazy when you return
16 years ago
Welcome and Ellis isn't the only hungry vampire around here babe
16 years ago
Hi... well interesting to say the least, should I even say welcome? *raises a shapely eyebrow*
Nice gun.
16 years ago
Alexandra could feel the uneasiness in Amberelle, the way her body language betrayed her, she could sense the hostile feelings in the men bu
16 years ago
Amberelle DeEspionne;42101oooooo... Is Will gonna come play?
He just might
And tnx Roz
17 years ago
A wise man once said that you only life once... well he was wrong.. for both women walking down the alley life had begun again after death,
17 years ago
Btw you guys are aware that people can't register at this time right? a friend of mine wanted to join but he couldn't
17 years ago
As the wind moved across her skin Alexandra looked over at Amby, feeling slightly mesmerized by the beauty the younger woman was holding, sm
17 years ago
I'm still here *waves* Same for me as for T, time is an issue, big one but I am willing to play to be honest I've been dying to play but the
17 years ago
Woot! that's awesome, and earlier then expected congrats to all of them, awesome news
17 years ago
Laughing softly at Amby's reply Alexa warmly returned the embrace, leaning into her they walked side by side looking at the merchandise that
17 years ago