Jan Blood Sucker
Created on 06/18/2005 • 516 Posts & 24 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- thread [I]Jan found himself at the mall during Christmas because that was what you did. Or something? Really he was bored and watching the other 14 years ago
- thread [I]Jan was taking down the instruments, wires, amps and other sundry things that belonged to the band when Ash wobbled back into the room. [ 14 years ago
- post Jan watched the little turn for his benefit with amusement. Obviously the blonde had no problem with being watched at all. It seemed to li 14 years ago
- post I was thinking of Sendhil Ramamurthy when I was making Amrit. and Tall and Scandinavian does fit Alfarinn fairly well Alexander SkarsgÃà 14 years ago
- post "The world we knew won't come backThe time we've lost can't get backThe life we had won't be ours again"Jan found his attention wandering ba 14 years ago
- post Eyes scanning the crowd below, Jan noticed a blonde man coming towards the stage. He watched the man's progress as he continued to sing. T 14 years ago
- thread [I] Jan picked up the electric guitar and nodded to the remaining members of the band. They'd make it through even if he had to play and s 14 years ago
- post Jan pointed forcefully off the stage to his inebriated band member. He wasn't entirely sure what had gotten into Ash but he would find out 14 years ago
- post As the song came to an end, he turned and pointed to another on the list of practiced songs. Ash nodded and passed the info back to the ot 14 years ago
- post Jan looked back at the band and shrugged. He had paused their normal overly serious dark music and sang something silly for the sake of the 14 years ago
- post Jan chuckled at Carol's happy squee and gladly returned the extra hug. He nodded and was about to lament that, yes, they had paid him to s 14 years ago
- post Frowning in thought, Jan considered the cemetery a few moments before replying. "Well, you know how much advertising do they really need? 14 years ago
- post Jan's hand paused just as he was about to wrap it around the rim of the glass. Looking up, he saw Carol heading towards him. He turned lea 14 years ago
- post Upon his shoulder, ravens,his face like stone, engravenAstride a six-hoofed stygian beast,he gathers the fruit of the gallows treesDriving l 14 years ago
- post Jan smiled at the crowd gathering in the room, a slow lazy curling of the lips. He was rather pleased Nox Æternus was asked to p 14 years ago
- post Jan shrugged a shoulder and looked around the club. "Yep, it looks like I managed to escape." He was sure that Val really meant that 15 years ago
- post Now there was something he never would have guessed... A car dealership. Jan hoped it was expensive,flashy cars for the fiery redhead or hi 15 years ago
- post Jan raised his eyebrows at Val's stated occupation. There were many jobs that would be classified as spinning tall tales and he wondered w 16 years ago
- post Jan laughed at Val's observation and he had to agree that drinking did help in almost every situation that he could think of. It would seem 16 years ago
- post Val did have a very valid point; there were plenty of better things to do in the winter than throw rocks around on ice. It hardly seemed l 16 years ago