Tai heaved a sigh and glanced around the club. it was hard to keep a sneer off his face, but he managed well enough, remaning neutral as he gazed around. It had been too long, he thought, since he'd seen Ellis. Several weeks. She hadn't been back to the opera house. She hadn't holed up at the Domicile, that he knew of. And now, as far as he could tell, she wasn't here at the House of Pain.
He was beginning to wonder.
Walking in and taking a cursory glance around did not an investigation make, however. Tai strode over to the bar and ordered a screwdriver, tipping the bartender generously and turning to lean back against the bar. Watching the crowd in front of him writhe and pulse like a singular living creature, he really wanted a shower.
He'd been here once or twice with Ellis in the past, and as usual it wasn't the vampire community that gave him that feeling. It was the others. The small, pathetic humans who needed a thrill and thought they were dangerous with their fake fangs and over-the-top makeup and goth clothing. Even as a human Tai got his kicks elsewhere. This venue, this building, was just an elaborate facade for an underworld these poor suckers couldn't even begin to comprehend.
And he was no better really. If one of them fell over him and his fangs happened to slip into a neck or two, he wouldn't complain. He knew why some of the vampire community called them "cattle." Still a relative newcomer, Tai wasn't certain he was comfortable with that term... he wasn't so far removed from them, particularly as he'd come into his own existence as Ellis' lackey.
Oh well. Either way here he was. Now where the hell was Ellis? he wasn't about to pine away for missing his creator. He worked for her for the time being, and he was not used to being idle. It was boring.
Apathy Kills
Jan strolled past the bouncer at the underground entrance and paused to take a look around. Same old place, The HoP, a few new faces perhaps, but the vibe was certainly the same.
He smiled, or something very close to it, and made his way towards important item number one. Asking for a red wine, the Tacharan turned and leaned against the bar and glanced around the place looking for important item number two.
Entertainment, good, bad, legal or illegal. Jan wasn't feeling very picky.
Ichiro Taiji
16 years ago

16 years ago
Jan cast a sideways glance at the collected looking Oriental man that moved up to the bar nearby. Was he a vampire looking for an easy mark or someone simply searching for a date or a business partner?
Jan snorted quietly to himself; what kind of company did business at the House of Pain? The fetish crowd wasn't exactly the scene that saw too many company big wigs huddled in the corner with shirt sleeves rolled up in deep discussion while a server brought them 'another round'.
It was hardly his concern why the man was here but he seemed interesting enough. Jan figured he'd keep an eye on him and see what kind of taste the guy had; perhaps he liked little girls with lots of white makeup.
Jan snorted quietly to himself; what kind of company did business at the House of Pain? The fetish crowd wasn't exactly the scene that saw too many company big wigs huddled in the corner with shirt sleeves rolled up in deep discussion while a server brought them 'another round'.
It was hardly his concern why the man was here but he seemed interesting enough. Jan figured he'd keep an eye on him and see what kind of taste the guy had; perhaps he liked little girls with lots of white makeup.
16 years ago
"Make room, Runt."
Joseph Wolbrecht was an attorney during the daylight hours but here in this place he was a leather clad god. The self proclaimed deity shouldered his way past a guy who looked young enough to be carded for cigarettes and movies, much less a rough establishment like the House of Pain. Easy prey as far as he was concerned; let the kid realize that this wasn't the kind of place to sneak out to with your fake id.
He shouted to the bartender for another scotch and didn't look back to see whether the girl he'd been amusing himself with lately had managed to keep up or not. Summer,as she called herself, was a sub on the lookout for a permanent dom and somehow she'd managed to catch his eye. It was probably the blonde hair, so rare in a goth place like this that was full of dyed jet black tresses. Joseph knew that he'd get bored with her eventually and send her packing but for now she was the toy of the month.
((OOC: I thought I'd give us something to play with.
Joseph Wolbrecht was an attorney during the daylight hours but here in this place he was a leather clad god. The self proclaimed deity shouldered his way past a guy who looked young enough to be carded for cigarettes and movies, much less a rough establishment like the House of Pain. Easy prey as far as he was concerned; let the kid realize that this wasn't the kind of place to sneak out to with your fake id.
He shouted to the bartender for another scotch and didn't look back to see whether the girl he'd been amusing himself with lately had managed to keep up or not. Summer,as she called herself, was a sub on the lookout for a permanent dom and somehow she'd managed to catch his eye. It was probably the blonde hair, so rare in a goth place like this that was full of dyed jet black tresses. Joseph knew that he'd get bored with her eventually and send her packing but for now she was the toy of the month.
((OOC: I thought I'd give us something to play with.

16 years ago
Jan had been so intent on the Japanese man that he had not really paid any attention to the stranger that walked up. He was getting slack in his old age. The guy shoved a large shoulder and elbow into his chest which spilled Jan's wine all over the blood red silk shirt. Why hadn't he chosen to go more punk goth tonight? Those outfits were far easier to clean.
Annoyed, partly at himself, Jan's eyes narrowed at the stranger's back and he commented coldly.
"I think you've made a very big mistake."
Annoyed, partly at himself, Jan's eyes narrowed at the stranger's back and he commented coldly.
"I think you've made a very big mistake."
Ichiro Taiji
16 years ago
It was second nature for Tai to determine, as subtly as possible, who was located where in any room he was in, and who might be marking him. So, while he worked on his drink, it didn't exactly escape his notice that two or three people were eyeballing him. Two were women, which Tai considered promising, and the third was a young man, hardly more than a boy in appearance, who Tai supposed could be equally promising depending on preference.
When the man clad in leather passed by, roughly shoving the kid away and causing him to spill his drink, Tai's first reaction was to watch and see what the kid would do. But the man, followed by a blonde-haired woman, pushed his way in at the bar right next to Tai and bellowed his drink order in the man's ear.
Tai, whose face was normally fairly expressionless, winced at the guy. Rude was all right in certain situations, if you had the balls and the skills to back it up. Tai found himself wondering if that was the case here.
Tai heard the young man who'd been shoved aside speak from behind the man in leather, and smiled to himself.
"At least one," he added to the comment. Possibly two very big mistakes, if this boy was as tough as he was trying to come off. Tai had learned the hard way not to take size for granted anymore.
When the man clad in leather passed by, roughly shoving the kid away and causing him to spill his drink, Tai's first reaction was to watch and see what the kid would do. But the man, followed by a blonde-haired woman, pushed his way in at the bar right next to Tai and bellowed his drink order in the man's ear.
Tai, whose face was normally fairly expressionless, winced at the guy. Rude was all right in certain situations, if you had the balls and the skills to back it up. Tai found himself wondering if that was the case here.
Tai heard the young man who'd been shoved aside speak from behind the man in leather, and smiled to himself.
"At least one," he added to the comment. Possibly two very big mistakes, if this boy was as tough as he was trying to come off. Tai had learned the hard way not to take size for granted anymore.

16 years ago
Jan wasn't about to let the guy off with any more warning than that. Not waiting for a response, he tossed the remaining wine straight into "Mr. Leather's" face. He followed that up with a punch to the throat and a kick in the shin.
It was probably plainly obvious to anyone not living the pampered good life just exactly where Jan had gotten his skills. It wasn't in a gym or a dojo with rules and points but in places where getting into a fight generally meant someone was actually trying to kill you.
Not that he was interested in killing the musclebound idiot that ruined his shirt...
Hey, his shirt!!
The man had so conveniently started paying for a drink and not expecting any opposition from "the runt" he had pulled out his wallet. Jan picked it up from the table and darted backwards and to the side away from a blonde that had followed "Brawn for Brains" to the counter.
It was probably plainly obvious to anyone not living the pampered good life just exactly where Jan had gotten his skills. It wasn't in a gym or a dojo with rules and points but in places where getting into a fight generally meant someone was actually trying to kill you.
Not that he was interested in killing the musclebound idiot that ruined his shirt...
Hey, his shirt!!
The man had so conveniently started paying for a drink and not expecting any opposition from "the runt" he had pulled out his wallet. Jan picked it up from the table and darted backwards and to the side away from a blonde that had followed "Brawn for Brains" to the counter.
16 years ago
Something about the kid's voice made it carry even over the roar of a busy night club. Joseph turned and raised stunned eyebrows at the little rich brat who was obviously too stupid to live.
Another voice commented as well and,being of sound mind, Joseph turned his head slightly to see where this new and potentially more dangerous threat was coming from. He turned back in time to get half a glass of a nice Beaujolais in the face.
Pain then exploded in his throat and Joseph drew in a ragged breath from his bruised windpipes. His hands flew in reflex to the delicate area. The kick to the shin was added insult to injury and he glared through a red haze of wine and fury at the little pissant who obviously had a death wish.
It was then that he noticed the kid was rifling through his wallet. Joseph's hands came away from his throat and reached out to grab the shirt of his assailant.
"You're going to pay for that."
In retrospect it was not the best line ever spoken and some part of the lawyer's brain winced at the lack of verbal finesse but at the moment he was fueled by pain and anger. He'd get his verbal blows in once the kid was bleeding on the ground.
Another voice commented as well and,being of sound mind, Joseph turned his head slightly to see where this new and potentially more dangerous threat was coming from. He turned back in time to get half a glass of a nice Beaujolais in the face.
Pain then exploded in his throat and Joseph drew in a ragged breath from his bruised windpipes. His hands flew in reflex to the delicate area. The kick to the shin was added insult to injury and he glared through a red haze of wine and fury at the little pissant who obviously had a death wish.
It was then that he noticed the kid was rifling through his wallet. Joseph's hands came away from his throat and reached out to grab the shirt of his assailant.
"You're going to pay for that."
In retrospect it was not the best line ever spoken and some part of the lawyer's brain winced at the lack of verbal finesse but at the moment he was fueled by pain and anger. He'd get his verbal blows in once the kid was bleeding on the ground.
Ichiro Taiji
16 years ago
Tai, not normally prone to outward emotional displays, found himself laughing as the kid let fly a wicked throat jab to the leather-clad man, then followed up with a kick in the shins. Classic street rat, there. To make matters worse, the youth brashly plucked the man's wallet from the bar and began going through it.
At seeing the man's outrage, Tai bit back another round of laughter and said, "Well technically, it looks like you're going to pay for it."
He leaned back against the counter. The man was reaching out for the youth, as if to grab his shirt. Tai figured as long as it appeared he'd be purchasing a new one for the kid, he was probably welcome to rip this one.
Raising one eyebrow over macho-man's shoulder to the youth, Tai said, "Need a hand?"
The kid had handled himself well so far. Tai would be happy to step in and help finish the job if the bouncers didn't do so but he wouldn't presume to step in on another's fun. He contented himself with observing events as they played out while waiting for the young man's answer.
At seeing the man's outrage, Tai bit back another round of laughter and said, "Well technically, it looks like you're going to pay for it."
He leaned back against the counter. The man was reaching out for the youth, as if to grab his shirt. Tai figured as long as it appeared he'd be purchasing a new one for the kid, he was probably welcome to rip this one.
Raising one eyebrow over macho-man's shoulder to the youth, Tai said, "Need a hand?"
The kid had handled himself well so far. Tai would be happy to step in and help finish the job if the bouncers didn't do so but he wouldn't presume to step in on another's fun. He contented himself with observing events as they played out while waiting for the young man's answer.
16 years ago
Hafwen ground her teeth in irritation at this latest turn of events. The arrogant ass that she had started dating was generally not as stupid as most of the men who were as aggressive as she desired. She had some hopes that he'd actually stay around a while before she grew tired of him.
It wasn't as easy as one would think to be an immortal who preferred to be dominated and told what to do. Originally Hafwen had the perfect unlife with a protective and powerful creator who lavished her with affection but dominated her in exactly the way she wanted. Unfortunately, he was strong enough to get noticed by those with even more power, and far sooner than she'd like, Hafwen found that she was on her own.
Now her "king for a day" boyfriend had gone and pissed off the wrong people. She didn't know who these two were but she had noticed as they were approaching the bar that the "boy" looked neither nervous nor amazed by his surroundings. His gaze had been almost bored before Joseph decided to bring the guy out of his internal musings and that likely meant he'd been here plenty of times before. Hafwen could conclude by the fact that he was still breathing one very important thing and that was that he was far more than he seemed.
An internal battle warred within her as she watched her leather clad friend learn this fact the hard way. Should she save him or just let it go if the guy decided to kill Joseph for his bad judgement?
When the other person offered to help, Hafwen chose probably the less wise decision ; though two to one odds against her poor little mortal really did seem a bit unfair.
The "kid" was right next to her pulling all the money out of Joseph's wallet. She chose the devil she knew somewhat better and hoped that the second man was actually someone Joseph could handle on his own. Jumping on the guy's back, Hafwen wrapped her legs around his waist and an arm around his neck.
Leaning down close to the kid's ear, Hafwen spoke.
"I suggest you back off."
((OOC: Yes, indeedy, She's trying suggestion on Jan ))
It wasn't as easy as one would think to be an immortal who preferred to be dominated and told what to do. Originally Hafwen had the perfect unlife with a protective and powerful creator who lavished her with affection but dominated her in exactly the way she wanted. Unfortunately, he was strong enough to get noticed by those with even more power, and far sooner than she'd like, Hafwen found that she was on her own.
Now her "king for a day" boyfriend had gone and pissed off the wrong people. She didn't know who these two were but she had noticed as they were approaching the bar that the "boy" looked neither nervous nor amazed by his surroundings. His gaze had been almost bored before Joseph decided to bring the guy out of his internal musings and that likely meant he'd been here plenty of times before. Hafwen could conclude by the fact that he was still breathing one very important thing and that was that he was far more than he seemed.
An internal battle warred within her as she watched her leather clad friend learn this fact the hard way. Should she save him or just let it go if the guy decided to kill Joseph for his bad judgement?
When the other person offered to help, Hafwen chose probably the less wise decision ; though two to one odds against her poor little mortal really did seem a bit unfair.
The "kid" was right next to her pulling all the money out of Joseph's wallet. She chose the devil she knew somewhat better and hoped that the second man was actually someone Joseph could handle on his own. Jumping on the guy's back, Hafwen wrapped her legs around his waist and an arm around his neck.
Leaning down close to the kid's ear, Hafwen spoke.
"I suggest you back off."
((OOC: Yes, indeedy, She's trying suggestion on Jan ))

16 years ago
Jan tucked the considerable chunk of change he had found in his search of Einstein's wallet into a front pocket. Raising his eyebrows at the comment that -he- would be paying in this situation, Jan smirked wryly at the man at the bar who pointed out the obvious for those not able to keep score.
It was then that the previously passive girlfriend decided to acquire a protective streak. Jan sighed and rolled his eyes heavenward before grasping her arm and preparing to toss her off like a sack of potatoes.
Only she didn't come loose so easily. Jan's brain summed up this new information as his eyes went to the guy he had just pushed around and then back to the arm around his neck.
Well now, that's something different.
He chuckled, or tried to, and then pushed her arm down enough so that he could breath and speak.
Looking over at the man who offered to help, Jan smiled.
"Sure, if you don't mind. It seems I have a -new- dance partner."
The girl bent down to speak to him and Jan shrugged somewhat awkwardly in answer to her statement.
"In case you hadn't noticed, Your friend started this."
It was then that the previously passive girlfriend decided to acquire a protective streak. Jan sighed and rolled his eyes heavenward before grasping her arm and preparing to toss her off like a sack of potatoes.
Only she didn't come loose so easily. Jan's brain summed up this new information as his eyes went to the guy he had just pushed around and then back to the arm around his neck.
Well now, that's something different.
He chuckled, or tried to, and then pushed her arm down enough so that he could breath and speak.
Looking over at the man who offered to help, Jan smiled.
"Sure, if you don't mind. It seems I have a -new- dance partner."
The girl bent down to speak to him and Jan shrugged somewhat awkwardly in answer to her statement.
"In case you hadn't noticed, Your friend started this."
16 years ago
Joseph grabbed the front of the punk's shirt just as Summer jumped onto his back. He yanked them both forward while considering how likely she was going to get in his way. He was almost a little touched that she had stood up for him; it hardly seemed her nature; perhaps he should keep her around for a while longer.
Pushing thoughts of the girl aside, Joseph pulled back a large fist and prepared to flatten the smirk right off the little shit's face.
In his anger, he had completely forgotten about the man behind him. Somehow the offer to help had not registered until the kid took the guy up on it.
Trying to salvage a situation that was quickly getting out of his control, Joseph used the hand still holding the kid's shirt to yank him and Summer around in between him and his next potential assailant.
((OOC: Feel free to mangle him however you'd like. ))
Pushing thoughts of the girl aside, Joseph pulled back a large fist and prepared to flatten the smirk right off the little shit's face.
In his anger, he had completely forgotten about the man behind him. Somehow the offer to help had not registered until the kid took the guy up on it.
Trying to salvage a situation that was quickly getting out of his control, Joseph used the hand still holding the kid's shirt to yank him and Summer around in between him and his next potential assailant.
((OOC: Feel free to mangle him however you'd like. ))
Ichiro Taiji
16 years ago
Tai raised his eyebrows as the young man grappled with the woman.
"I have to admit... it looks like you're getting the cuter end of the bargain."
Nice guy, Tai thought as the man pulled the youth and the woman between the two of them. Puts his girlfriend before himself. Real class act.
Of course, now Tai had the delightful job of leaving the younger man to his "dance partner" while trying to somehow get through to his own. With the woman on the youth's back, Tai's route overhead was well blocked... but there was only one set of feet between them now, instead of two.
With an agility unheard of in humankind, Tai ducked to the side slightly, spun around, and came up behind the man. In the same motion he snapped his heel out into the back of the man's right knee. With one hand, he reached around as the man fell back slightly, his right arm going around his opponent's neck. With his left he stretched, found the pressure point in the wrist, and squeezed with enough force that the man had no choice but to let go of the youth's shirt.
"We could dance too," Tai said, "but I'm afraid you're not my type."
Holding the man tightly by the neck and one arm, Tai nodded over his shoulder to the man with a woman on his back. "We'll just watch for now."
"I have to admit... it looks like you're getting the cuter end of the bargain."
Nice guy, Tai thought as the man pulled the youth and the woman between the two of them. Puts his girlfriend before himself. Real class act.
Of course, now Tai had the delightful job of leaving the younger man to his "dance partner" while trying to somehow get through to his own. With the woman on the youth's back, Tai's route overhead was well blocked... but there was only one set of feet between them now, instead of two.
With an agility unheard of in humankind, Tai ducked to the side slightly, spun around, and came up behind the man. In the same motion he snapped his heel out into the back of the man's right knee. With one hand, he reached around as the man fell back slightly, his right arm going around his opponent's neck. With his left he stretched, found the pressure point in the wrist, and squeezed with enough force that the man had no choice but to let go of the youth's shirt.
"We could dance too," Tai said, "but I'm afraid you're not my type."
Holding the man tightly by the neck and one arm, Tai nodded over his shoulder to the man with a woman on his back. "We'll just watch for now."
16 years ago
Hafwen frowned and squeezed the guy she was playing piggy back with just a little harder. She couldn't tell whether or not her suggestion worked. He wasn't attacking Joseph but then he had her to deal with. It didn't really matter anyway because now someone else was attacking her boyfriend and he seemed more than happy to do some physical damage. Looks like maybe she jumped in too soon.
Hafwen sighed to herself, She picked a fine time to be aggressive.
"Yeah, well he's an idiot. I agree. I think you could tell your friend not to hurt him and we'll just go."
It sounded lame even to her own ears. Joseph had been an ass and picked on the wrong people. Now she was asking them to just let the whole thing drop. Didn't seem likely to happen.
Hafwen sighed to herself, She picked a fine time to be aggressive.
"Yeah, well he's an idiot. I agree. I think you could tell your friend not to hurt him and we'll just go."
It sounded lame even to her own ears. Joseph had been an ass and picked on the wrong people. Now she was asking them to just let the whole thing drop. Didn't seem likely to happen.
16 years ago
Joseph smirked a little at the kid bent over by the weight of Summer on his back but then he turned his attention to the serious looking guy who was... no longer behind them.
Then there was a moment of panic and the thought of running. The problem with Oriental people was that you just didn't know which of them were seriously dangerous. Obviously this one was one of those that were. Pain flared to life in his leg and an arm went around his neck before he had time to react to the assault.
The skill of his current opponent caused Joseph to use all his senses to try to focus; the rage fled. He watched almost detached as a hand came forward and pinched his wrist; his hand unclenched against his will. Joseph came to the calm revealation that he was probably not going to get out of this situation without being in a lot more pain.
Ignoring the arm around his neck, He clenched his unharmed fist and the shoved his elbow hard backward into the man's chest and then stepped backward and bent forward in order to throw the smaller man over his shoulder.
"Why not? Its just a dance. Who knows you might like it."
Then there was a moment of panic and the thought of running. The problem with Oriental people was that you just didn't know which of them were seriously dangerous. Obviously this one was one of those that were. Pain flared to life in his leg and an arm went around his neck before he had time to react to the assault.
The skill of his current opponent caused Joseph to use all his senses to try to focus; the rage fled. He watched almost detached as a hand came forward and pinched his wrist; his hand unclenched against his will. Joseph came to the calm revealation that he was probably not going to get out of this situation without being in a lot more pain.
Ignoring the arm around his neck, He clenched his unharmed fist and the shoved his elbow hard backward into the man's chest and then stepped backward and bent forward in order to throw the smaller man over his shoulder.
"Why not? Its just a dance. Who knows you might like it."

16 years ago
Jan choked slightly as the girl tightened her grip on his neck. Obviously she didn't know who she was messing with here; she was trying to tarnish gold. It was like someone putting a banana peel out to trip Tina Turner.
"Yeah, well she's a bit clingy for my taste."
The guy that came to his rescue was fast, damn fast. Inhumanly fast. Of course so was Jet Li if you asked Jan. It was too early to say he wasn't definitely dealing with one of his kind; only the paranoid saw vampires around every corner.
He looked down at his freed shirt and then up at Mr. Leather. Smirking, he took one hand off the ones around his neck in order to give the jackass a small finger wiggle wave.
Jan snorted at the girl's admission that her boyfriend was an idiot. In response to her suggestion, he slowly shook his head no.
"You want him to stop then -you- tell him. Personally, I'd like you off my back. I am fairly certain I don't owe you money nor am I the father of your unborn child...so take your muscle bound boy toy and run along."
"Yeah, well she's a bit clingy for my taste."
The guy that came to his rescue was fast, damn fast. Inhumanly fast. Of course so was Jet Li if you asked Jan. It was too early to say he wasn't definitely dealing with one of his kind; only the paranoid saw vampires around every corner.
He looked down at his freed shirt and then up at Mr. Leather. Smirking, he took one hand off the ones around his neck in order to give the jackass a small finger wiggle wave.
Jan snorted at the girl's admission that her boyfriend was an idiot. In response to her suggestion, he slowly shook his head no.
"You want him to stop then -you- tell him. Personally, I'd like you off my back. I am fairly certain I don't owe you money nor am I the father of your unborn child...so take your muscle bound boy toy and run along."
Ichiro Taiji
16 years ago
Tai nodded philosophically at the young man, amused by his ability to banter under pressure, although even with the woman on his back he didn't seem too put out. That probably bore some further speculation, as she was a good deal heavier then him, by appearances.
The man Tai was restraining finally came to his senses, using his right arm to jab at Tai's chest and then grabbing his outstretched arm to throw him. The chest jab didn't injure him although it did carry enough force to knock him back. When the throw came, Tai just went with it. Too many years of training in various martial arts had gone by for him to forget the basics in a bar-room brawl.
As he twisted obligingly over the man's shoulder, Tai tightened the arm that was still around he man's neck. He landed blind, half-on and half-off a bar stool, kicking it quickly out of the way before he lost his momentum. Using that force, he cranked his arm over and returned the favor, adding a ittle vampire strength to make up for the loss of speed from his landing.
"I kow this step, too," he said amiably enough as the man went sailing over his own arm, landing on his back on the bar with an audible crunch that could have been bone, glass, or both.
Tai leaned on him casually, fingertips resting lightly at the man's throat. He pushed gently, enough to restrict the airflow, and smiled down.
"No more of that. I'm too old for childrens' games."
By now he was really hoping the man would ignore him and come at him anyway; that way he'd have an excuse to get rough.
The man Tai was restraining finally came to his senses, using his right arm to jab at Tai's chest and then grabbing his outstretched arm to throw him. The chest jab didn't injure him although it did carry enough force to knock him back. When the throw came, Tai just went with it. Too many years of training in various martial arts had gone by for him to forget the basics in a bar-room brawl.
As he twisted obligingly over the man's shoulder, Tai tightened the arm that was still around he man's neck. He landed blind, half-on and half-off a bar stool, kicking it quickly out of the way before he lost his momentum. Using that force, he cranked his arm over and returned the favor, adding a ittle vampire strength to make up for the loss of speed from his landing.
"I kow this step, too," he said amiably enough as the man went sailing over his own arm, landing on his back on the bar with an audible crunch that could have been bone, glass, or both.
Tai leaned on him casually, fingertips resting lightly at the man's throat. He pushed gently, enough to restrict the airflow, and smiled down.
"No more of that. I'm too old for childrens' games."
By now he was really hoping the man would ignore him and come at him anyway; that way he'd have an excuse to get rough.
16 years ago
This situation was becoming more and more unpleasant by the moment. Somewhere in the back of Joseph's mind a small voice was mocking him for the "lessons" he thought the kid needed to learn.
Obviously, the voice continued in his head, you were never too old for such education.
The lawyer found himself staring at the ceiling. Was that a bit of water damage? Someone should probably have that checked. The very calm individual he had been entangled with didn't even seem winded by the exchange of blows.
One did not get through law school without being a complete idiot...though the voice was now laughing hysterically in his mind. He knew when to call it quits and admit defeat.
"Ok, I'm done. I'll leave."
Obviously, the voice continued in his head, you were never too old for such education.
The lawyer found himself staring at the ceiling. Was that a bit of water damage? Someone should probably have that checked. The very calm individual he had been entangled with didn't even seem winded by the exchange of blows.
One did not get through law school without being a complete idiot...though the voice was now laughing hysterically in his mind. He knew when to call it quits and admit defeat.
"Ok, I'm done. I'll leave."
16 years ago
Hafwen narrowed her eyes at the kid she was perched upon. He didn't seem very agreeable. The problem with suggestion was that it was sometimes hard to tell if it was truly working. He had not disagreed with her but he certainly wasn't helping the way she had hoped.
About that time Joseph went flying onto the bar. Hafwen decided that she had somehow managed to engage the lesser of two evils...
Or at least the less combative... for the moment.
This night really wasn't going nearly as well as she'd planned.
Dropping off the kid's back, Hafwen lunged toward Joseph's assailant. Grabbing at the man's arm that was pushing against her boyfriend's throat, Hafwen hoped her suggestion would work better here.
"He hasn't done anything to you." Technically not true. "so why don't you leave him alone."
About that time Joseph went flying onto the bar. Hafwen decided that she had somehow managed to engage the lesser of two evils...
Or at least the less combative... for the moment.
This night really wasn't going nearly as well as she'd planned.
Dropping off the kid's back, Hafwen lunged toward Joseph's assailant. Grabbing at the man's arm that was pushing against her boyfriend's throat, Hafwen hoped her suggestion would work better here.
"He hasn't done anything to you." Technically not true. "so why don't you leave him alone."

16 years ago
Jan watched in open appreciation as the leather bound ogre landed soundly on the bar. He slid a glance at the bartender who sighed and continued taking drink orders. Violence and property damage were not new things to the House of Pain.
The girl had gone quiet and Jan wondered if he should try shrugging her off again. Then before he could make good on that action, she had pushed away from him and gone for his ally.
Jan was kind of hurt. One throw and all of the sudden the stranger became the center of attention.
"What? I'm no longer dangerous?" Sighing melodramatically, Jan glared at the girl. "Some people are so fickle."
Hopping up onto the edge of the bar and looking down at the man laying there, Jan picked up one of the drinks the man had ordered. He downed it and gestured with the glass.
"You put up with that kind of sass?"
((OOC: Sorry for the delay, Dragon*Con took its toll))
The girl had gone quiet and Jan wondered if he should try shrugging her off again. Then before he could make good on that action, she had pushed away from him and gone for his ally.
Jan was kind of hurt. One throw and all of the sudden the stranger became the center of attention.
"What? I'm no longer dangerous?" Sighing melodramatically, Jan glared at the girl. "Some people are so fickle."
Hopping up onto the edge of the bar and looking down at the man laying there, Jan picked up one of the drinks the man had ordered. He downed it and gestured with the glass.
"You put up with that kind of sass?"
((OOC: Sorry for the delay, Dragon*Con took its toll))
Ichiro Taiji
16 years ago
Tai momentarily considered adding a few emphatic punches, but his objective had been simply to even up the odds. He had his opponent on his back, looking bruised and winded, and the woman had dropped her own assault to make peace.
He shrugged and let up on the leather-clad man on the bar at the woman's urging. "Quite the little peacemaker," he commented. "In your own way, I would imagine."
He kept one eye peeled for any further signs of aggression from either party. Tai had grown up with men both honest and dishonest. It wouldn't surprise him if this man or his bitch decided to try to get the drop on one or the other of them.
Turning to the younger man he cracked a smile at his sauciness and returned to his own drink, tawny eyes watching the troublesome couple.
He shrugged and let up on the leather-clad man on the bar at the woman's urging. "Quite the little peacemaker," he commented. "In your own way, I would imagine."
He kept one eye peeled for any further signs of aggression from either party. Tai had grown up with men both honest and dishonest. It wouldn't surprise him if this man or his bitch decided to try to get the drop on one or the other of them.
Turning to the younger man he cracked a smile at his sauciness and returned to his own drink, tawny eyes watching the troublesome couple.