Brook Curious
Created on 05/19/2008 • 57 Posts & 7 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post The badger drug her leather jacket across the ground with a playful trot, she like the way the leather felt within her maw, the way it made 16 years ago
- post -bows- thank you! 16 years ago
- thread [I]The moonlight broke through the trees, as the summer winds blew gently from the south, the smell of soil and foliage entered through her 16 years ago
- thread I am back! WHEEEE!!!! -dances on the interwebs- OLE! 16 years ago
- thread Sorry everyone for not being around, I haven't died, just moved and well...I lack the interwebs, but I am still alive and I should be back i 16 years ago
- post A feral grin crossed over Brook's face as she looked at the new comer, he was okay looking, not her type though. That was if Brook really ha 16 years ago
- post -hugs Amby, and gives her an emergency jet pack- You'll know what to do with it when the time is right...trust me, you'll know. -nods sagely 16 years ago
- post Her attention turned to Celeste and she rose a brow. An Anantya, great. Just wonderful. She felt incredibly uncomfortable around these peopl 16 years ago
- post She looked at Alexandra and rose a brow. She thought that was funny? Brook must have been completely wrong then, or completely right, she wa 16 years ago
- post VTM - Vampire: The Masquerade it's a World of Darkness game. One the very first Rps I got into on table top. 16 years ago
- post Hello fellow White Wolfer! I hear you about VTM, sometimes it is nice to just get a break from the same old jyhad! LOL.. Get something that 16 years ago
- post Shit! Shit! Shit! She was in a state of panic, anxiety took over as sweat beads formed on her brow. 'Don't panic!' She told herself to 16 years ago
- post Only a social club, who were they trying to fool? Brook knew a line of bullshit when she heard it, and now it was making her uncomfortable. 16 years ago
- post Brook was silent as she watched the whole commotion, listening as she rose her brow wondering who this new person was. Her eyes shifted from 16 years ago
- post Brook looked between both women, wow... Just wow. She had nothing to come back on. Which was a shock for her, she usually had something and 16 years ago
- post She smiled at Carol, looking at the food that was offered after all the insults and presumptions that was thrown at her. She didn't need to 16 years ago
- post Brook kept that odd look on her face when it came to Carol, Brook was certain she was from another planet all together. It was the only logi 16 years ago
- post Brook looked at the blond and just blinked at her. Is she for real? Just being neighborly? She didn't know how to reply in a nice mature man 16 years ago
- post Brook glanced at the woman who was waving at her,she paused for a moment, turning her head around to see if the woman might have been wavin 16 years ago
- post There, I replied to your thread in Babylon for the LULZ. 16 years ago