Simon Huntington Unsung Hero
Created on 05/04/2005 • 1318 Posts & 117 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Simon chuckled at Winter's sudden hug. Just like him to want to shock and dismay at every possible turn. He replied with a grin, 'Well you 19 years ago
- post Simon was returning to his office when he saw Winter. He called out to the albino.'Winter,' he reached out to shake the man's hand. 'Last 19 years ago
- post Simon laughed as she winked at him. 'I know that wink,' he said. She purred at him. 'Promises...,' he whispered as he leaned in close and 19 years ago
- post Simon stepped out of his blue jaguar and looked around. The sun was nestled quietly in bed and he inhaled as he looked up into the new even 19 years ago
- post Simon watched the Wolf leave the table. He was not happy, but a happy beast is not what he wanted. Lykaois could hate him all he wanted, b 19 years ago
- post Simon turned his hand over and smiled, 'The Praetor wants his answers.' He said mocking the Wolf's strange behavorisms. 'Bring the Praetor 19 years ago
- post It took everything not to snap his head back in surprise at The Wolf as he spoke. Simon felt his pupils dialate but maintained his annoyed 19 years ago
- post Simon immediately spot the Wolf at his private booth. He crossed the dance floor staring at the vampire that was probably better off dead. 19 years ago
- thread (Follows The wolf from The Domicile)[i] The entry from the sewar to the House of Pain was located all underneath to prevent any unintenti 19 years ago
- post Simon scratched his head listening to Carol finish her urgent message. 'Alright Carol.' He nodded slowly, hand still on his head. 'No, no 19 years ago
- thread (Follows The Shower and Simon) [i]Simon spooned Ellis, running his fingers up and down her shoulder. He was waiting. Suddenly Ellis bur 19 years ago
- post Their first love making after she had turned him was like electric fire. The sensations were 1000 times the best sex he had recently had wi 19 years ago
- post Simon's heart just about stopped as she took him into her mouth. He shut his eyes tight and rode the wave of pleasure. The things she was 19 years ago
- post Her bed was centered in the middle of the spacious room. It was on a platform about 4 feet high with stairs to climb. Her living space was 19 years ago
- post Simon ran his hands down her arms, her skin was moist and soft. He had, in fact, come to talk to her about The Wolf, but seeing her standin 19 years ago
- post Marthinus came up behind Simon and let himself out the door with a nod. Simon looked down at his touched the drying blood. Ellis' exit wou 19 years ago
- post Simon walked over to the door and closed it behind the Lt's and the human. Ellis was nodding, listening to Marthinus and coming closer to h 19 years ago
- post The Wolf was trying to ask him something. He wondered what was so important that it would offer aiding the clan. Simon looked over at Elli 19 years ago
- post Simon stood with his arms crossed. Ellis' declaration of her needed shower only compounded the smell of blood in the room. They were all c 19 years ago
- post Simon flinched slightly as the bullets pierced Ellis. He expected her to move but didnt. She fed on the annoying human and signaled for th 19 years ago