Simon Huntington Unsung Hero
Created on 05/04/2005 • 1318 Posts & 117 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Simon saw Mathias from across the room, just where Ellis said he'd be. He inwardly sighed as he crossed the main floor to the private Tacha 19 years ago
- post Simon tapped his fingers softly on the table top. He watched the crowd part as Ellis walked away on her mission. When she disappeared, he 19 years ago
- post Simon watched the Wolf admire his new prize or was it an old love...either way it creeped him the fuck out."There is more. Are the Tacharans 19 years ago
- post Simon watched Ellis fling the ring back carelessly at Lykaios. His hazel eyes tracked its movement in the air. God damn Ellis. There was 19 years ago
- post "It seems we two have kept to our word."Â?'I...'Simon had decided to fuck with Wolf a little and ask him a barrage of questions concerning 19 years ago
- post Simon reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the small little ruby ring. He felt Ellis stop and look at the ring, probably recognizing 19 years ago
- post Simon felt the sneer before he realized he was doing it. The wolf's presence always had that affect on him. He looked at Ellis who grinned 19 years ago
- post Simon never had time to tell Ellis about the Wolf...so he brought her to the House of Pain with him.He did not wait for her as they emerged 19 years ago
- post Simon put his hand on Nova's shoulder and pulled his children close. Jan and Nova's loyalty would never be questioned. He whispered to the 19 years ago
- post Simon checked his watch. It had been an hour since he talked to Lykaois, he needed to find Ellis and head to the House of Pain, but he neede 19 years ago
- post Simon's head snapped towards the door. 'Nova.' He was certain now that he'd tell them both everything. Maybe, as his vampire children, th 19 years ago
- post Jan knows. He had to know. Simon watched his child look at him with such surprise. Simon, in his descendant's quarters. If this was goin 19 years ago
- post 'We have to tell the Elders.'Simon felt his stomach lurch. 'I know we do, I know. Right now you're the only one I've discussed this with. 19 years ago
- post 'You will rule this Clan and make it what Ellis couldn't or wouldn't do to make it honorable. You have my loyalty as your human contact and 19 years ago
- post I have to look it up in myphp within the database. Pm'ing your pid though. 19 years ago
- post 'I've gotten word of the beast's whereabouts.' Simon took his hands out of his pockets but tried not to fidget. 'I meet with the Wolf in 2 19 years ago
- post Fucking computer, Simon thought. He had forgotten about the computer sensor. That meant he had been standing there for 10 minutes. He was 19 years ago
- post Simon shook off the rain that accumulated on his jacket as he entered the Domicile. He ran his fingers thru his hair, half out of annoyance 19 years ago
- post The wind had picked up causing Simon to pull the collar of his jacket up around his neck. Coming down off the steps, his pace picked up as 19 years ago
- post 'Alright, then.' Simon gave them a slow nod and smiled. 'I have some things to do to prepare for this. I'll be at my booth in 2 hours. I 19 years ago