Morrigan Kinsey Legend Bound
Created on 04/09/2005 • 770 Posts & 24 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Morrigan watched as Henry stood and took Ysabel's hand, bowing over it. The little vermin who was still close by 'awwwed' and put a hand to 13 years ago
- post Morrigan walked down the stairs with the rest of the group, noticing a larger number of people still crowded in the lobby than she expected 13 years ago
- post Morrigan settled down to watch the rest of the performance. She noted with amusement that faith saves the day and the vampire goes to hell 13 years ago
- post Morrigan laughed out right at the idea of cost of living adjustment on the virgins. Shaking her head at him, she was still smiling. " If y 13 years ago
- post Morrigan chuckled softly at the human expressing problems with the exchange rate on murder to immortality ratio. She tapped a finger to her 14 years ago
- post Morrigan laughed quietly and agreed with Eiryk's view of what troubles these vampires would have in modern times."It would be difficult. I a 14 years ago
- post Morrigan quirked an eyebrow at the suggestion that their order be taken care of quickly and the resulting scurry by the waiter. An Evenhet 14 years ago
- post Morrigan smiled at Eiryk and nodded her head. That he was Evenhet might mean that he was human, as they insisted on letting their people cl 14 years ago
- post Obviously it wasn't meant. The blonde would have been dinner in a heartbeat had she thought he had purposefully ruined a perfectly good dre 14 years ago
- post This particular opera might only be good as a comedy but Morrigan was happy enough to be out and doing something entertaining. The Order of 14 years ago
- post Morrigan had looked around for the combatants. They had quickly taken the fight all over the estate and now she could not see where they we 14 years ago
- thread [I] Morrigan came out of the Manor and headed towards the Cathedral. There were things she needed to look up in the catacombs about some m 14 years ago
- post Morrigan was oddly pleased that he had come to see her even before visiting his creator and then she berrated herself for such childish and 14 years ago
- post Morrigan smiled at him. Of course he would do his best; he was a perfectionist. Having similar tendencies, Morrigan knew that she would l 14 years ago
- post Morrigan frowned. A grandchild? And so close! It seemed only a matter of time before they came for the ones in Nachton. She smiled gratef 14 years ago
- post Morrigan nodded slightly and indicated the pew that she had just left. Sitting down, she patted the cushioned seat next to her. "Then you 14 years ago
- post Morrigan favored him with an almost shy smile. She took the proffered handshake and replied to his praise. "And you have always been a maste 14 years ago
- post Morrigan smiled, her face still turned away. It was good to hear Jing's familiar voice. Standing, she turned and walked towards him. "We hav 14 years ago
- thread [i] Morrigan sat on the first pew of the cathedral and gazed upward at the stained glass window. Was the world about to fall apart as they k 14 years ago
- post Morrigan nodded to Mai, acknowledging the decision to come with this important information, slight though it was. She gave the Elder of the 17 years ago