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Ger Kogji Party - Lanai

Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step out onto the lanai. This is essentially a huge glass walled room where the pool, spa, koi pond and many seating arrangements are. There is a bar set up near the seating with a very helpful bartender named Frank making just about anything you could ask for. There is a tropical band playing in one of the larger open areas near the limbo pole.

The area is lush with plants, lit with tiny lights creeping up the support beams and in the water features. The pool houses several floating blooms at the moment so swimming would be frowned upon. There are two security guards dressed to match Dave manning the door off the lanai. Both are tall, muscular and vampire. Pestering either of them, Gestal or Stephan, seems like a daunting task. Thank you.

((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the warm porch to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe was sorry to decline Fallon's offer, but she still cheered at the thought that she wouldn't lose touch with her friends again, and in fact owed them a pajama party at some point.

"I would stay, but Kem and I have some loose ends to tie up still." She smiled. "I have something for him, from Egypt, that I need to give to him. Sooner, rather than later, I think."

To stave off the curiosity she knew would be forthcoming, she gave a little wink. "I'll tell you both all about it when we get together again... which will be soon, right?" Her tone of voice was more statement than question; they all had so much catching up to do, it couldn't possibly be too long before they managed something, even if just a dinner.

((ooc: Aishe and Kem out for private thread purposes, but please feel free to assume they will both mingle politely until most of the guests leave. Please pm if any questions!))
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus smiled slightly and leaned his head on Alfarinn’s shoulder for a brief moment, reflecting that his companion always had a way of making him feel at ease. He had been sorry to see Mai go, though he could look forward to the next day, and already he had crept to the back of the room, content to be a wallflower until his lover happened along.

Looking down at his feet as his smile broadened, he waited for the color in his cheeks to go back to normal before meeting Alfarinn’s eyes again. Dawn’s loud invitation and his lover’s visible affection were not exactly conducive to his more retiring nature but he couldn’t say he minded at least one of those actions. To think he had once been such a stick in the mud, as Palmer would say, about so much as touching in public.

The mood changed very quickly, however, when he realized that he did not have Sorin in his sights.

[I thought he left ahead of us…]

Annoyed, he carefully scanned the room and was prepared to make his way back to the dining room when he spotted the Elder of the Night. Assuming that Alfarinn probably saw him now as well (and in fact had probably caught him first), he sent, trying to keep the swearing going through his mind out of his speech.

[I wonder what he was up to.]

That they would have to be more careful was obvious, though it was of course also possible that Christian had him in his sights this entire time. Even so, that was something of a scare.

All too soon Sorin was joining them in watching the limbo game, which looked to be dying down. Turning to greet his Elder, he put on his driest expression and deadpanned.

“On the contrary. The fun follows me wherever I go.”
Christian Bern 18 years ago
Christian turned and was about to head out the room to find David. If anyone would know whether the Elder of the Night had left then it would be the security guard on duty. It would not have been his first choice to have to ask but his security man was smart enough to know not to question him openly over it.

He was relieved to see Sorin step up next to Thaddeus. And though it was likely unnecessary, he sent Alfarinn a response.

[There he is. At least we know he hasn't left. I should go explain Claire's absence. ]

Straightening his jacket, Christian headed over to stand next to Cyrus. Quietly clearing his throat to gain the Anantya's attention, he said.

"I would like to offer an explanation of my date's hasty departure. She requested that I relay her regrets but she was paged with a medical emergency from the shelter where she volunteers."Â?

Christian gave a sad smile and a shrug before turning his attention towards the game being played.

"I am afraid its rare for them to have people actually qualified to help in such cases."Â?
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn noticed the new set of emotions that entered the area and was intrigued and alarmed by them. He was not at all surprised to see that they belonged to Sorin. Answering Christian, he sent.

[Yes, I see him. ]

Smiling at his lover's response, Alfarinn bent and gave him a small kiss on the back of the neck.

[It certainly does. He's worried and a bit angry. We cannot be certain this concerns us but it is worthy of noting.]

He released Thaddeus and stepped back as Christian made to move towards their host.

[I should go and try to help him out. I feel bad that we've put him into this situation. Even though he's quite capable of making small talk with people he has just met, I think it would be at least somewhat kind to join him. Perhaps it will be less awkward. Will you be alright here? Or would you like me to stay?]

A part of him really wanted Thaddeus to ask him to stay. He hated the idea of leaving his companion standing alone with Sorin. The question was unfair of him and Alfarinn had to acknowledge that; he wanted Thaddeus to selfishly request his presence in order for him to be able to accept without feeling over protective. He reminded himself that Thaddeus was far from alone. They were in a crowd of people for the love of Odin's little ravens!

Moving to stand next to Christian, Alfarinn figured that not having him there to agitate Sorin further was probably better anyway but he'd race back over to his lover the second Thaddeus asked for him.

Placing a friendly hand on Christian's shoulder, he smiled and said.

"That's alright. You're among friends. Would you like me to get you a drink to help ease your loss? With enough of them I might even start to look like your date."Â?

His smile became more mischievous as he added, with a coy flip of his hair.

"You should know now that I will agree to dance with you but no kissing, Christian. I am a taken man."Â?
Fallon 18 years ago
The party was definitely dying down, though there were still several friends enjoying themselves. Completely understanding of Aishe's reason for not staying over, Fallon was equally happy Ana had taken her up on her offer. However, after inviting her friend to stay, Fallon remembered not all the upstairs rooms were completely furnished yet. This posed no problem with Ana, since Fallon had decided to speak to Cyrus about using their lower level rooms, and offering the master suite to Ana. She wasn't sure how Cyrus would take that situation, but planned on keeping him occupied well enough not to mind much.

When Aishe and Kem finally did leave, Fallon reaffirmed their future 'slumber party', and plans to talk before hand. Saying goodbye to several others, Fallon found herself back at her man's side. Walking up just in time to hear Christian offering regret for Claire's departure, she patted the man's back, and assured him they understood.

"Please Christian, let Claire know we're just happy to have had her with us for even the short time she was able to be. It was a pleasure meeting her, and we hope to be seeing more of you both in the future."

Sliding her arm around Cyrus' shoulder, Fallon half leaned, half sat on his thigh. She wanted the closeness, and yet didn't want to be too 'mushy', so she tried to find a way to do both, and hoped he wouldn't mind.

Resting her head on his shoulder was more a sign of affection, but she was getting a little tired, and couldn't resist taking the opportunity to relax against Cyrus for a moment.
Cyrus 18 years ago
Nodding his head politely as Christian filled him in on Claire's sudden departure.

"Thank you for letting me know. I hope everything turns out ok, it must be quite urgent to summon her this late in the evening."

While he felt no need to go save humans, he felt a slight stiring of emotion at what his clanswoman did. Perhaps he and Fallon could donate some money to the shelter to help out. It was something to talk over with his mate at a later date and time. Now was a celebration and he smiled at the man.

"I am glad you could join us this evening, Christian. Even if Claire got called away."
Sorin 18 years ago
Sorin smirked knowingly at Thaddeus. It was easy enough to remember his usual responses to the blonde and continue to behave accordingly.

“We are Anantya. It is only natural that we should be followed.”

He pretended to ignore the disgusting display of affection from the Norseman by turning his head towards the others in the room. It would seem the game was coming to a close. Oh well so much for the peasant like frolicking.

Turning back towards Thaddeus he had to dampened his excitement at seeing Alfarinn move away. He took a deep breath and smiled at his blonde clan mate.

“Thaddeus, I wonder if you might be able to come with me for a moment. I would like to speak with you alone. Trust me. It will only take a minute of your time.”

His dark grey eyes did not hold any signs of the smile that was worn on his face. He expected his command to be carried out and so he began walking away, knowing that he would be followed. There could be no witnesses to their conversation and he would have preferred to get Thaddeus to come away with him to some place more private but that would label him as far too guilty. This scene, while not perfect, was the best opportunity he was going to get and time was of the essence.

((OOC: Command with permission. Muaahaahaa))
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Somewhat disappointed that the game had fizzled after her last pass, Dawn sighed. Wondering how to fight off the possible depression, she glanced around. Feeling that water would soothe the easy win, she walked over and slipped quietly into the water and floated. She needed to clear her mind some, but it would be rude to let the lovely scenery go to waste.

Watching as people filtered out, she saw obvious activity around the lead couple and then some around Sorin. She'd felt like he and Thaddeus had been a bit awkward earlier, but now they were talking, so things were probably all good. Waving lazily, she floated along, colliding lightly with one of the floaties.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus gave a little shiver and a slight smile at Alfarinn’s light kiss, wondering at how such a small gesture could stay with him for hours…or until they were in a position to follow through on the promise that little kiss seemed to embody.

Of course, there were serious matters to consider and he should have learned from his lapse in concentration.

[Quite…well, so long as he’s worried and angry –here- and not in his quarters.]

He knew it would look more natural for them both to mingle rather than clinging to each other all evening, though he privately thought that not sitting together at dinner was enough separation. In any case, he could hardly argue with Alfarinn wanting to be there for his clanmate.

[That is quite gracious of you; I’ll be fine.]

It seemed his Elder was determined to carry through on catching up. Thaddeus imagined Sorin would understand when he implied that they shouldn't speak of anything, but even if he thought he could avoid dangerous waters it wasn't a wise idea to go off alone with the Elder right now.

And yet that was exactly what his feet were doing for him; Sorin had started walking away before he could make an excuse or even nod in agreement. He thought to send to Alfarinn just to let him know where he was going but another part of him rejected that idea. Alfarinn would likely want to leave his conversation and join him, which seemed like a recipe for disaster. Sorin had asked to speak alone and would be annoyed at the company; it wasn't rise to poke at this nest of nettles when they were so close to the end of their investigation. And while he imagined Alfarinn could keep his temper in a one on one, he honestly wasn't sure if the situation wouldn't be -worse- with them both there. They were in a way each other's worst vulnerability – the one button Sorin could press that might cause one or the other to react badly. In any case, this would only be a moment. Alfarinn was very nearby – he could always send something if the situation required a save.

And so he followed Sorin's lead, away from the diminishing crowd to, presumably, find some quiet place to converse. The thought was a little unnerving but, he thought, it shouldn't be anything he couldn't handle and to do otherwise would be suspicious.

/ooc both out...for real. Seriously. Not playing around.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Happy that her clanmate was heading her way, Amby welcomed her with a huge grin. The Creole thought was nice to see the elder vampire wasn't too constrained by old fashioned propriety and could enjoy the game. So many others she had grown up around would never have deemed such a display "seemly".

"I'm glad you're here, I'm not sure I would have tried it to begin with if I hadn't had your lead to follow." Ysabel said. Chuckling, Amby tried to reassure her friend. You did great! I have to admit, she lowered her voice some and leaned in closer, I have a bit of an unfair advantage, specials gifts and such. Straightening up some she gave the shorter woman a cheeky smile. But, after all.. anything goes, non? Oh! While I have you.. tell me, how are things between you and your petit ami? I am guessing he saw his error and appologized...? Amby certainly hoped so. Ever since she and Ysabel had last spoke in the stables, after the couple's fight, the younger woman had hoped they would work things out.

Her turn came up for the limbo pole and she simply shrugged it off with a conceeding nod to her vibrant clanswoman. Amby decided it wasn't worth the curiosity that could come from any present humans to continue on. Sure, she could give the Californian a real run for her money but it wouldn't be fair. Allow Dawn the win, was her thought. One that was apparently shared by most of the participants, as the fun game seemed to be coming to an end.

OOC - red is quoted from Ysa's previous post...
Montana 18 years ago
Though Ana knew she hadn't prepared for the possibility of a sleepover, she agreed to staying over at 'the house'. She hadn't drunk much but she guessed that Fallon didn't want her going home alone, to an empty house.

She gave her goodbyes, air kisses and generic unthreatening 'be good to him/her' comments to Aishe and Kem; 'nice to meet you's to the other guests she'd met.

Later, she hovered in the background as her host and hostess bid adieu to the remainder of their guests, snacking slowly and giggling at some last minute departures fighting off kitten claws.

(( ana out ))
Christian Bern 18 years ago
Christian smiled warmly at being welcomed despite the disappearance of his date.

"Thank you. You are most kind."Â?

He turned and smiled at Alfarinn, shaking his head.

"It would take more than a few drinks to make you look like Claire, my friend...You are a blonde."Â?

With a chuckle he added.

"Besides I would hate to give Thaddeus any cause to be angry with me."Â?

Looking back for Alfarinn's partner, Christian noticed that he was not standing where he had been a moment before. He glanced around the room to see if the blonde Anantya was conversing with friends when he noticed Thaddeus walk back through the entry way. Sorin was also gone once more. Christian frowned slightly and sent to Alfarinn.

[Sorin has left here again.]

He did not mention Thaddeus' absence feeling that was the Anantya's own affair and something that was his prerogative to explain. Turning back to Cyrus, he smiled.

"I think it is best if I say my goodbyes now. Thank you for the wonderful evening. I wish you both the best of luck."Â?

Christian gave Cyrus a nod and then turned to leave, adding to a farewell to Alfarinn as well.

"It was good to see both of you again. Perhaps I will see you at the Towers later if you are coming home."Â?

((OOC: Christian out pending responses ))
Sorin 18 years ago
Sorin made his way back to the entrance quietly. It would be best if he slipped out mostly unnoticed thus making it hard to say when he had truly left. Excuses could be made later. He was an elder after all and their ways were not to be questioned.

Things were unraveling far too quickly and it was time to do some damage control... before the Nachton he had built for himself came crashing down in flames around him like Rome once had.

If he did not take care of Alfarinn soon then the command he placed on Thaddeus would become very noticeable and it was only a matter of time before they started searching for the person responsible. He had some time though; Thaddeus would not appear any different during the party and that meant that anyone could have come in contact with him afterwards. Sorin would go home and do his best to be seen by as many servants and residents as possible. All could later testify to him being tucked safely away in the Manor like a good little Roman.

If such a thing existed. Sorin smiled to himself and plucked his keys out of his pocket.

((OOC: Sorin out ))
Fallon 18 years ago
Making her goodbyes, with Cyrus at her side, Fallon beamed in happiness. Everyone had been so gracious to her, and made her again feel welcomed into the family, but more so it was the feeling that had surrounded her for the past several months.

She had been blessed when she had met Cyrus, and she thought it was pretty safe to think that she no longer had to wait for the 'other shoe' to drop. Though she still didn't feel one hundred percent deserving of her happiness, she was no longer feeling like it might be snatched away at any second. Having all these wonderful people come to their home, and enjoy their company along with the others at the party, was like adding just a little more cement to solidify a life Fallon had only dreamed of so long ago.

Putting a little space between her and her husband to be, Fallon's smile was redirected at him. As she watched Cyrus bid farewell to their guests, she tried to objectively see him, as perhaps everyone else did, but found it was impossible. Her vision of Cyrus was colored with love, respect, admiration, pride, and way too much lust at the moment, to begin to think that might be how Christian, or Alfarinn, or Sorin would also see him. Such thoughts, in the midst of their guests, had Fallon blushing for a few moments. But she soon recovered, and during a small lull in the goodbyes, kissed him again on the neck, and whispered into his ear.

"I'm going to go see that Ana is settled, but I'll be back, and when the last guest is gone, I'll see to getting you...settled too."

Giggling a little huskily, Fallon gave him a parting kiss, and said goodbye to a few other people as she went in search of her friend.

(Fallon out)
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Seeing that things were safely winding down, Dawn exited the water and air dried. Passing the time with polite chitchat, she made her goodbyes, reclaimed her clothing and made her way back to the Manor.

((ooc: Dawn out - sorry to linger!))
Ysabel 18 years ago
Ysabel smiled happily at Amberelle. Chuckling at the younger woman's not-so-subtle hint about special gifts, she silently congratulated her for not having used them to win, although in another setting, perhaps, it might even be fun to see who came out on top when the gloves were off, so to speak.

"Well as you can see, we've managed to work things out," Ysabel said to Amberelle's next question. "Well enough, that is."

Drawing a little closer to whisper conspiratorially to her clanmate, Ysabel said softly, "You see, an apology from Ambrose is sort of like a harvest moon. It happens once, for a very short time, and once it's over you're not entirely certain it ever happened at all."

Her grin let Amberelle know her words were meant in jest; that truly everything was all right with the two of them. "Talking to you helped so very much. You helped me keep my head on straight."

The party itself seemed to be winding down, and she had no doubt that shortly they would all be finding their way home. "I should find Dayle," Ysabel said, aware that she hadn't seen her twin since dinner. "I hope we can get together some time soon. I owe you a ride, after all."

With a quick hug to Amberelle, Ysabel headed to the bar for Ambrose, and then to locate her sister. She certainly wouldn't be the first to leave, but she wasn't going to be the last and hold up their hosts either. Propriety had to be observed, afterall... even after (especially after) such a limbo contest...

((ooc: Ysabel out, sorry for the holdup!!))
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
After returning her clanmate's hug, Amberelle looked around and realized the festivities were near an end. Most of her friends seemed to have left, or were no place in sight. A bit disapointed she missed saying hello to Thaddeus, the blonde shrugged and made her way to Cyrus. Thanking him warmly for the enjoyable evening with a big hug and teasingly congratulating him on Fallon saying yes, she asked him to pass the thanks on to his missing fiancee. A last glance around to make sure she hadn't missed anyone and Amby made her way out, and headed home.

((OOC Amby oooouut!))
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn smirked at Christian's reply and responded in kind.

"Well if that is the only difference you noticed then we need to let you out of the Towers more often."Â?

The chief of security was ready to go and so it appeared were many other people. Turning back towards his companion, Alfarinn smiled and reached out a hand for Thaddeus.

"Thank you for the wonderful evening, Cyrus, and we wish you the best years to come."Â?

Entwining his fingers with his lover's,Alfarinn led them both to the door.

"I am sure they are both quite ready for everyone to leave them be. There is much private celebrating to be done after such a proposal."Â?

Alfarinn smiled down at Thaddeus as they headed out the door.

[It was a good thing we did so in private....less waiting to be had.]

The limo was parked out front and as they climbed in Alfarinn could not resist sending along the mental image of him carrying Thaddeus of the threshold of their new home both looking spectacular in tuxes, hair and clothes strewn with confetti and streamers. He raised his eyebrows in impish question.

[Or would you prefer to do the honours?]

((OOC: Both Out ))
Cyrus 18 years ago
Cyrus stood with his arm around Fallon as they said goodbye to all their guests. Finally even the caterers and security left with thanks and payment from the two. Scooping his mate up into his arms he carried her into their suite to celebrate properly.

((Thank you all for coming to our housewarming party. All are considered out now.))