Ger Kogji Party - Lanai
Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step out onto the lanai. This is essentially a huge glass walled room where the pool, spa, koi pond and many seating arrangements are. There is a bar set up near the seating with a very helpful bartender named Frank making just about anything you could ask for. There is a tropical band playing in one of the larger open areas near the limbo pole.
The area is lush with plants, lit with tiny lights creeping up the support beams and in the water features. The pool houses several floating blooms at the moment so swimming would be frowned upon. There are two security guards dressed to match Dave manning the door off the lanai. Both are tall, muscular and vampire. Pestering either of them, Gestal or Stephan, seems like a daunting task. Thank you.
((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the warm porch to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

Ginnie's return was quick though, and once they were all seated Aishe couldn't help but grin at Ginnie's question.
"I've done lots and lots over the last year," she said. "New job, lots of new friends," she paused to raise her glass slightly to both Ginnie and Alec, including them in that statement, "and best of all, I definitely found what I was looking for."
With a helpless shrug she added, "It doesn't sound like lots and lots, but really, the details would take days to delineate. And as I'm pretty sure this party won't last quite that long, perhaps we should simply stick to the short short version and save the longwinded one for dinner sometime?"
Fishing around for another cherry she asked, "What about the both of you? Busy? Not so busy?"

Deciding she'd rather talk about almost anything than stand there mute a second longer, she chose the coward's route that Shay had opened. I didn;t see Alec and Ginnie come in! I should probably go and say hello before dinner starts.. She turned with a slightly appologetic look to Sorin. If you would excuse me..?

"Hmm, well we've made it through our first Christmas and birthdays and I finished some research that has taken the better part of the last decade. I've made a couple of new friends, and Alec and I finally went on a date. I'll let Alec tell you about his side of things, so that I can sit here and beam at him while I drink my sex in a glass or whatever it's called."
She gave Aishe a wink, and sipped from her frilly drink. It really was quite good. She also hoped that directing the conversation to Alec would give her some more time to remember how to play nice, or afford her the opportunity to simply ignore the girl. 'Yeah, you're a real class act, Ginnie. One with out a leg to stand on.' Therapy, yep, she needed therapy and perhaps a lot more alcohol.

Dayle was all too aware of the preponderance of Anantya; though she did recognize a few Tacharan from her dossiers and one-on-one meetings, as well as her trainings with Alec and Ginnie, she desired a modicum of anonymity for the night.
Alexander forced himself to smile. The 'Code Duello' was clear. He had been verbally slighted, and the mockery of his accent was deplorable. In another time he would have demanded satisfaction from Dayle - or most likely her chosen champion. But this was the 21st century, not the 18th century. And this was neither the time nor place for such action.
"Indeed, Miss Dayle. We will leave it at that. Out of respect for your sister, Ambrose, and our generous hosts I take my leave. I wish each of you a good night."
Alexander nodded to each in turn, maintaining the thin smile on his face all the while. He took three steps backwards, and then turned on his heels and made his way to the bar.
((ooc - nothing personal - he's just a stickler for things like that!

When Alec was about to spout off that they'd been on lots of dates, he stopped, reconsidered, and realized even if one considered the various functions that they had attended AS dates, well, no. They really hadn't. He'd have to work on that. They'd done a lot of things together, but that wasn't necessarily the same as going on a date - a destination outside of home or work for the sole purpose of pleasure and doting upon one another.
"I guess most of the functions that we've attended haven't been exactly dates, no. So we went to elekTRONicka, did the whole fountain shop and ice cream deal. I refreshed her memory on how to pinball and she shamed me on the shooting games."
He decided not to mention the fact that they were probably featured in the wettest of dreams of the teens that had been in attendance that evening. That would be a bit lewd for mixed company, no matter how true or funny. Considering how to proceed, Alec decided the middle route would be the safest. Not precisely lying, but certainly not telling the whole truth.
"Um...yes, I've been incredibly busy, actually. Both in personal assignments and in group management and training. I'm lucky to have a patient person to come home to. I never imagined that I'd be able, let alone willing, to take on so many projects and still keep it together."

Shrugging and leaving any bickering to the sisters he just signaled the bar tendered for another round for himself and Dayle. Belle was being very lady like about her drink.
“Later Alex.”
Just because Dayle had been a bit snippy didn’t mean he had to be.
Once Alex was a fair distance away and he was sure they wouldn’t be heard he looked over to the more modern twin.
“I think you made a friend.”

Nonetheless, Ysabel simply favored Dayle with a slightly chilly glance after offering Alex an apologetic smile and remained at Ambrose's side, making a mental to note to locate her clanmate at a later date and perhaps tender a better apology for her sister's behavior.
No wonder she hadn't had a date in ages, she thought slightly waspishly, if that's how she'd been treating her suitors.
That sentiment, however, wouldn't have crossed Ysabel's lips for love or money. It was far too petty and hurtful, and Dayle didn't deserve it. Ysabel settled for leaving it at the one glance and a soft, "really, Dayle," of reproof.
Ambrose was on the receiving end of the same withering look. "Ambrose, don't encourage her," she murmured in mock horror. "Or we'll see about that limbo after all."

If Kem's ears could have perked up at that point they would have; there was nothing more likely to bring out his inner geek than arcade games. "That sounds like fun," he said. It was with some slightl surprise, as he'd never actually considered bringing Aishe there. "We should try that sometime."
He looked at her, brows raised, gauging her reaction. Upon receiving her answering grin, he offered a slightly sheepish shrug to the couple next to them. "I've been out of the dating picture long enough that I've got no qualms over the shameless plundering of someone else's ideas... by your leave, of course."
Long enough being several hundred years. Kem was increasingly aware, in the last few days, of the fact that now that he had suddenly obtained one (incredibly cute yet stubborn) girlfriend... and equally, that he had very little idea of how exactly one went about keeping said girlfriend entertained, interested, and otherwise satisfied. Apparently, careful research and study were in order.

But then Ambrose poked her with his comment of making a friend, and she felt the side of her face freeze from Ysabel's chilly gaze. 'Really, Dayle,' she whispered and again Dayle wondered what she'd done wrong. She hadn't chased him away... And she hadn't said what she'd said with malice...
But Alex walked away. Internally shrugging, she half decided to speak to her sister later about what had - or hadn't - happened and instead sipped from her tropical drink. The liquor passed over her tongue with a twang of citrus and was swallowed reflexively. The thoughts of her worry over what she'd said disappeared with the arrival of liquor burn.

...not after their first encounter. The corner of his mouth hitched up in a private grin remembering that particular scene. Raising his wine glass to his lips, Sorin took a casual look around the room, checking out the couple's chosen décor.
((OOC: Makes chicken noises...

"Privyet Sorin, I think Dawn has quite succinctly and incomprehensibly summed things up - although I think her pronunciation of Duibne Industries is a new interpretation"
Elder Sorin...and with what Shay had told him about Ambrielle (and by association Dawn), it would seem that Mathias was in the presence of a leader of Anantya. Most likely not of The Hunt,as he did not recognize Mathias,or at least did not seem to. Then again it had been a couple hundred years and a continent ago when Mathias last called himself Anantya so who knew. However.that was a past Mathias preferred to forget,so he was relieved when the conversation and attention swirled away from Shay and himself.
"If you will excuse us,there are some co workers I must speak with. Sorin an honor to meet you. Ambrielle,Dawn truly a pleasure ladies"
He gave them a short bow and hand in Shay's moved in and amongst the gathering crowd. Holding Shay close he whispered in her ear.
"My apologies for the quick exit laskovaya moya, but Sorin is an Elder of the Anantya clan and that chapter of my life is something I do not wish to deal with right now. He did not seem to know me, and quite possibly my name is no longer listed in the history - but I felt it might possibly stir something unpleasant. And I want every memory to be a pleasant one this evening."
His lips briefly rushed hers as they stood in the crowd,but every bit of the love and devotion he felt towards her was transmitted in that instant. Truly, he wanted no dark pasts to cloud the bright now.
He nodded at Shay's suggestion - the change in company was definitely in order.
"Sounds wonderful my love,pray lead on for I am but your humble slave."
Smiling,he again extended his arm to Shay, and began to move towards their friends.

Intead she veered from her path towards the crowd containing Alec and Ginnie and instead skirted around the room slowly and back to the bar. Making sure she chose the furthest point from the Nightsman but where she could keep an eye for him approaching, Amberelle smiled at the bartender until she had his attention and then quietly ordered a double shot of Patron Citronge.

"How's everyone tonight? Enjoying the liquor I see." She cast a wink at Alec when she saw his coconut drink.
Giving Ana a small wave with her hand down by her side, Shay smiled, and shifted her eyes to Alexi, trying to infer that he was the boyfriend she had referred to that day she and Ana had met. She itched to ask Ana if anything had come of 'Joey', but would wait until she could get the younger girl alone. With Ana being a virgin, Shay assumed she wouldn't feel comfortable talking about intimate things in the company of others. Although she hadn't shown any such qualms when she blurted out her sexual status that day at the studio.
"Mathias, this is Ana. Russ and I met her a few days back when we were out walking. I think she's going to take dance lessons at Wren's too, if I'm not mistaken."
Shay had told Alexi all about her meetings that day, and how she really would like to start taking dance. Problem was she still hadn't figured out a schedule to incorporate that new activity into.
Smiling at the others standing, or sitting around in the group, Shay decided to just introduce herself and Alexi to the others as well. After all it was a party...and not an uncommon method of getting to know people.
"Hi Ginnie...Alec..." Then smiling again at the man in the banana shirt, sitting next to the girl in the coconut bra, Shay put her hand towards them both. "I'm Shalimar O'Mannon...Shay...and this is Mathias." Still never sure how much information she should offer up about her lover, she never offered more than his first name. Should he want, he could fill in that blank. "Quite a fantastic house Fallon and Cyrus have here."

"Well shit. Guess we know how to clear a room, what? Anyone you wanna scare next?"

"Sure, but that's almost the extent of my repertoire, I'm afraid. You may be long out of practice, but this is my first foray into said arena. Managed to get a lucky shot in with the fountain drink parlor idea. Thought I'd start with an American classic. Japanese businessmen seem to be fond of the karaoke bar...not sure how that'll translate since neither of us are from Japan, but hey, how bad could it be?"
Alec silently hoped that he wouldn't be held to that date idea - he had no idea if his voice was any good as he had simply never thought to really sing. It just wasn't something that came up when stealing an oil painting from a heavily guarded building, replacing an authentic vase with a very clever replica, designing sound sensitive security devices or training mercenaries.
Smiling as Shay and Mathias headed over, he extended his hand to shake with Mathias, giving a short nod. Holding up his drink with the other hand, Alec chuckled.
"It is my camouflage...any time conversation turns my way and I'd rather not answer, I hide behind the fronds. It has been very useful."

She glanced over at Ana, not missing her friend's silence and hoping nothing was wrong. She very much wanted to get Ana and Fallon alone to herself for a whle, but was aware that this was not the right time or setting for it. Her desires in that regard would have to wait.
For now she set her glass aside and stood to shake hands with the two newcomers, Shay and Mathias, feeling Kem do the same behind her. "Nice to meet you," she said with a smile. "I'm Aishe, this is Kem. Pull up a chair and join us!"
It didn't matter to Aishe whether she'd met anyone before or not... she certainly wouldn't have it said that her hospitality was lacking in her friend's house... and besides, what else were parties for if not getting to know people and having a great time with them? She'd never regret being tossed over a table by Alec for an instant. Well... maybe the day after she'd been slightly... regretful. And a bit sore. But it was all in good fun, and she'd met Ginnie too because of it!

"Hello you two."
She finished off her drink and put the glass down on a small table nearby. She placed one of her now free hands on Alec's thigh and glaced down at her clothes. Luckily the little top was staying very much in place. She was going to have to make sure she checked it often with out looking like she was checking it.
"I haven't seen you in a while, Shay. Is everything alright in your neck of the woods?"
It then dawned on her that Aishe didn't introduce Ana, and that she herself had been incredibly rude to the young woman. 'Yeah, ok what did that guy put in that drink?' No wait, Shay knew Ana, that's why she wasn't introduced.
She looked up at Ana decided she would take time to apologize to her the first chance she got. Catching Ana's eye, she hoped that part of that apology showed in her eyes. With a small smile she turned her head into Alec's neck and whispered softly in his ear, her words barely more than a breath of sound, but she knew he would hear her.
"I'm sorry. I was wrong to behave that way. I'll make it up to you later."
There see now she could be civil, and now she wanted another drink.

"Not everyone is so brave as yourself in the face of authority. I dare say they did not fare nearly so well it seems."
He leaned closer his blue haired clan mate and lowered his voice.
"And they were all dressed."
Chuckling at the turn of events, Sorin swallowed the last of his wine and sat the glass down on a table. Looking around at the party goers, Sorin decided there was no one in the room he cared to continue harrassing with his presence. Most of the people were unknown to him and the rest were vaguely familiar Anantya who had not made themselves well known enough to be remembered. Smirking at Dawn, he shrugged.
"Shall we take this act to the Dining room and see if we can clear that room as well?"

The librarian was relatively surprised when Shay came over. She matched Shay's little wave and smiled up at the much taller Mathias. "It's good to finally meet you, Mathias, Shay has spoken glowingly about you." She realized after saying her greeting that Aishe had beaten her to the introductions - was there even a correct order for whom did what? - and felt her cheeks pinken. Glancing around, her gaze caught Ginnie's and she saw the Scotswoman's gaze soften.
Was that an apologetic gaze? Ana couldn't exactly tell, but she hoped so.

Ambrose tried for a look of innocence and failed. He couldn’t very often manage that and any one who knew him longer than five minutes seemed not to believe him so there was little point in practicing it. Besides lying was easier.
“You get that limbo idea out of your head. Short of letting them borrow this” He indicated his cane “That’s one game I wasn’t cut out to play.”
He half choked on his whiskey to see Dawn and an Elder, not just any Elder either keeping company.
“Now that’s a couple I hadn’t pictured.”