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Ger Kogji Party - Lanai

Now that you have entered the party and been greeted at the door, please feel free to step out onto the lanai. This is essentially a huge glass walled room where the pool, spa, koi pond and many seating arrangements are. There is a bar set up near the seating with a very helpful bartender named Frank making just about anything you could ask for. There is a tropical band playing in one of the larger open areas near the limbo pole.

The area is lush with plants, lit with tiny lights creeping up the support beams and in the water features. The pool houses several floating blooms at the moment so swimming would be frowned upon. There are two security guards dressed to match Dave manning the door off the lanai. Both are tall, muscular and vampire. Pestering either of them, Gestal or Stephan, seems like a daunting task. Thank you.

((This thread is for the party guests that wish to make their ways out into the warm porch to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.))

Mai 18 years ago
Mai had listened to the music and the singing from the down the hall as the guests drifted away from the dining room. She walked next to Thaddeus in amiable silence, glad that he seemed to be looking forward to her appearance tomorrow.

Once they reached the room, Mai took stock of the people inside. There was an event taking place with others standing around to watch. She tilted her head and pondered the pole supported by two bars. After watching several people go under the pole and noticing the notches on the bars, Mai understood the purpose of the game. It was very practical and she whole heartedly approved of the practice in both stretching and balance that it required.

Thaddeus looked down at her and she could sense his question. She looked up at him and gave him a small grin.

"It would be unfair."Â?

She approached Cyrus and bowed.

"I must return to my duties, Cyrus-san. Thank you for your hospitality and many blessings be upon your future path."Â?

Smiling towards Fallon who was taking part in the game, Mai gave her a bow as well.
Cyrus 18 years ago
He had been aware that Thaddeus and Mai had entered the game area, but was unprepared for her comments to him. She was, as always, silent in her step. Since he had been watching the game and not keeping an eye out she was closer than he expected. Cyrus recovered and quickly dropping into a respectful bow he thanked her for her presence.

"All of our thanks for your attendance tonight, Mai. We appreciate your time and enjoyed your presence. Please feel free to call upon us at any time."

He stood ready to escort her to the door, pleased she had attended.

((Stealthy feet assumed by me.))
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
After a few more passes under the pole, it had started getting fairly low. Amberelle was easily the tallest of the limboing women, but was managing to hold her own quite well. A few decades of dancing lessons and martial arts coupled with her unnatural agility kept the Creole in the "game" longer than may have been expected.

Slipping her sandals off and leaving them near where Fallon stood, the young Anantya stepped up near the pole. Mentally she was glad she'd worn the matching swim bottoms to her top, no need to worry about who could see what! Loosening her skirt/wrap some, she swayed to the music, humming along happily. She watched the girl before her come up with a flourish and followed after her, arms extended to the side for balance as she bent herself backwards over her feet, bouncing lower some to the music as she shimmied her way under. Blonde hair dragging the ground, she exhaled and curled her chest to allow her endowments to slide under the pole. Once she was clear, she pulled herself upright again and danced her way to the gathered women with a little swirl and a happy giggle.

Trying to catch Ysabel's eye, she clapped and cheered her clanmate on when the Brit's turn came to follow. "Hopefully after her turn under, I can grab her for a moment and see how things went with her and that stubborn cowboy of hers!"
Ysabel 18 years ago
Having almost mastered the challenge the first time, Ysabel took another go at the limbo bar. She wasn't quite as successful this time around; blushing furiously at the awkward position she was forced into, she did her best to make it beneath the bar without compromosing what little honor she had left by then.

The bar had lowered enough though... she couldn't make it under with a simple little bend, and her breasts were about to brush it, which would be even more embarrassing. So she decided to bow out gracefully, twisting and bumping the bar with her shoulder. As she did she noted Amberelle clapping and watching.

She scurried to her clanmate's side, grateful for a familiar face as she tried to regain a bit of modesty. "I'm glad you're here," she said wholeheartedly. "I'm not sure I would have tried it to begin with if I hadn't had your lead to follow."

Her smile was cheerful enough but her face was still quite red; it wasn't the sort of game she normally would have played, but it'd have been worse, in her opinion, to be standoffish.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Looking at the spread before her, Dawn grinned. Limbo!

Assessing her internal situation, it was possible that she wasn't quite liquored up enough to make it fair for everyone else. Heading to the bar, she grabbed one of the big fruity cuppa jungle deals that he'd set out and walked over to the lineup. Seeing that Amby was involved slowed Dawn's consumption some. On the other side of the coin, Mai was walking away. Prospects were looking good. Sipping lightly, she asked no one in particular

"T'late t'join in?"
Fallon 18 years ago
"Saved by the dawn...who would have thought that would be something I'd be saying these days?" Fallon was next in line, but eyeing the even lower bamboo pole, she was truly expecting this to be her last 'go round'. So when Dawn arrived, and was ready to go, Fallon eagerly stepped aside.

"Never too late for you Dawn...please...go for it!" And still caught up in the excitement of the night, Fallon bounced on her toes, and clapped her enthusiasm for her Anantya sister. Besides, maybe Dawn would topple the pole herself, and Fallon would be spared the embarrassment.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
All smiles, Dawn burst out

"RIGHTEOUS! Luv th'limbo!"

Dancing in place for a moment, she gave a Cheshire cat grin and licked her teeth. She really had an advantage in this crowd. She placed her drink down by the pole and took up the starting position. Bouncing in place a moment, she slowly and rhythmically lowered herself down, hovering under the pole in time to the music, leaving a bit of room to spare. Popping up on the other side, she winked at Fallon, slapped her hands onto her own chest and quipped

"I've got'n unfair advantage! No boobies! Thankya, A-Cups!"

A blank look passed across her face, and she laughed.

"I never thought I'd git a chance t'say THAT!"

Scooping up her drink, she held her cup aloft in Thaddeus' direction.

"Thaddeus! Let yo hair down an take'a pass under th'pole! I bet it aids digestion'n stuff! 'Sides, you'll do GREAT! Your chest is almost as flat as mine!"
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus remained where he was when Mai went to say her goodbyes to Cyrus, not wanting to completely monopolize the Elder, and smiled in wry amusement at the surprising success of the limbo game. Never let it be said that Anantya didn't know how to have fun.

Well, to be fair, he suspected those clanmates participating were outnumbered. Even so.

Dawn seemed to be enjoying herself with her usual level of exuberance and he found that he rather admired her physical grace...if not her verbal stylings. Perhaps he was simply being a stereotypical Anantya; stuffy and out of touch. With a self deprecating grin, he shook his head politely at Dawn's invitation, raising his voice enough to carry the short distance.

“I'll pass, thank you. My hair is about as down as it gets.”
Mai 18 years ago
Mai bowed again to Cyrus and turned to find Fallon. Despite her normal lack of familiar gestures of expression, Mai found the new Anantya in between rounds under the pole and gave her a hug.

"It is good to see you so happy, Fallon-chan and to see how happy you have made Cyrus-san. I wish you both well."Â?

She smiled at the woman and let her get back to her friends.

"I must go. I thank you for the invitation."Â?

Nodding to Thaddeus as she walked towards the door. Mai said her farewells.

"Goodbye, Thaddeus-san. I will see you tomorrow. Tell Alfarinn-san that I thank him for allowing us to talk."Â?

Mai wound her way outside and on to her self appointed task.

((OOC: Mai out...the hugging of Fallon without permission but pm'd. let me know if I need to edit. ))
Fallon 18 years ago
Fallon laughed heartily as she first watched Dawn, and then listened to her comments. The girl certainly was unabashed, and full of the kind of energy and temerity Fallon had always admired and envied. Chuckling further, Fallon wondered how Cyrus would react if she began to speak and act at all like Dawn. Saved from giving that silly notion any further thought, by a lovely hug from the gracious Anantya elder, Fallon returned the affectionate gesture.

"I am indeed happy, Mai, and assure you Cyrus completes me in a way I never knew was possible. Thank you for your gifts and wishes, and for taking time out of your busy life to join us here tonight. Your presence helped make the evening memorable."

Releasing the woman from the tender embrace, Fallon watched as Mai left. Suddenly needing to be with her fiancé, Fallon left her place in line, and walked where Cyrus still stood, at the bar. Without any words spoken, or mischievous looks, Fallon waited until Cyrus was no longer speaking to anyone. She then proceeded to walk up to him, put her arms around his neck, and lean into his chest.

"I know it's silly, but I missed you. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you, and to thank you again for this wonderful night" A soft kiss to his cheek, and Fallon turned to leave, intending to go back to the game on the lanai.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn and Christian had been conversing lightly of non secret clan matters after most everyone left the room. He felt responsible for dragging his friend to a party where he knew very little people and setting it up so Chris's date would end up deserting him part way through. It sounded like some evil high school prank when he thought about it but he hoped there was no lasting ill effects from the situation. It had been good to see Kem and Aishe here because at least his somewhat stand offish security chief would have more people other than himself and Thaddeus that the man was likely to converse with.

They made their way towards the noise of the crowd. He was looking forward to finding Thaddeus again and making certain that he was alright. Sorin was not in this room and so it stood to reason that he was in the one with his companion. Alfarinn reminded himself that Thaddeus was quite capable of handling himself, that he was in a crowded area and that Mai was with him.

[I'm quite well. You?]

He gave the Elder of the Hunt a nod and a smile as they passed in the hallway. She did not look like she cared to be detained and so Alfarinn continued on. Mai never seemed to hurry exactly, or at least she never appeared to rush, but there were subtle signals in her calm demeanor that made it clear that she was intent on her departure.

Coming up in time to hear Dawn's invitation to Thaddeus and his lover's reply, Alfarinn chuckled quietly and wrapped his arms around Thaddeus. Leaning closer, he raised an eyebrow and quietly inquired.

"Is that so?"Â?

Alfarinn looked up at the women limboing and was impressed by the grace that they all seemed to possess.

[I suppose it probably for the best. I would hate for you to make them look bad.]

Smiling inwardly at his companion, Alfarinn then surveyed the room and found that he did not see Sorin. Alarmed, he wondered if the Anantya managed to slip out while they were all enjoying themselves at the party. He looked back towards the entrance for Christian in hopes that the sender would catch his meaningful gaze and contact to him. While waiting he asked Thaddeus.

[Have you seen Sorin?]

((OOC: The actions and whereabouts of 40 blue billion of my own characters...with permission ))
Cyrus 18 years ago
It was enough to just enjoy watching the people around him having a good time. From the limbo'ing Dawn to the hug between Fallon and Mai. Cyrus was content and happy with how the evening had gone. Now to let the guests finish their fun and leave so he could have his mate to himself. He asked the bartender for a soda water and turned to find Fallon in front of him, as if his lascivious thoughts had conjured her to his side.

Quiet through her small speech he could only marvel at her. To live for centuries without knowing just how much better life could be with a wonderful partner at you side. As she turned to leave he held her arm. Gently, as if she was made of spun glass he pulled her close to him and kissed her with all the passion and emotion that welled inside of him. The flowers around their necks mingled and crushed slightly in places while their lips feasted on each other.

Releasing her from his grasp he felt the familiar reaction his body had for her but did not care for shielding anyone's sensibilities right now. Instead he gently brushed her lower lip with his thumb.

"I love you, Kitten."
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
"Ok! Who's next, then?!"

Turning, she waved goodbye to Mai, not thinking about the disconnect. Mai had superpowers and stuff, she'd know. Grabbing her fruity drink, she took a long sip and frowned at it. No...this really wasn't what she wanted at all. Heading back to the bar, she glanced over to say hey to Fallon and saw Cyrus turn and just plant a mother of a kiss on her.

She just stared. And stared. That was one HELL of a kiss right there! When they came up for air, Dawn realized SHE was blushing. Wow!

"Ok. That was just TOO fucking hot! Wooo!"

Fanning herself with her hands, she grabbed some water from the bar. She'd just seen it and still felt like she needed to wash that sucker down - Cyrus was so getting laid tonight!
Fallon 18 years ago
Willingly Fallon stopped, and went back into Cyrus' arms, and opened herself to his kiss.

As the light, sweet scent of flowers drifted into her nose, Fallon wished for that one moment that everyone around the two of them would vanish, and that she could really express her love for him. Yet knowing their own time would come, and she had eternity to demonstrate that love, she returned the kiss with as much desire, and fervor she could, without stripping down and proceeding further.

As the kiss ended, and she felt his thumb, her lips covered it, and she nibbled the soft pad lightly.

"You do love me...I know that...I have known that, even before tonight...I'll never tire of hearing you say it...and I love you as well, my heart, with every part of my being..."

No further declarations were forthcoming, for the time being anyway, as Dawn had appeared next to Fallon and Cyrus, and was now giving her wonderful commentary on the kiss just shared.

Dawning on to speak, Fallon blushed heatedly, and pressed her face into Cyrus' neck, slightly overcome with embarrassment. She held nothing against Dawn though, and was more surprised at her lack of decorum, but even more at the fact that she really didn't mind her openly display of affection for her man.

Shyly she then turned her face back towards Dawn, and winked. Feeling like they shared some unspoken knowledge, Fallon considered herself growing more and more fond of the brash young woman.

"Guess I should get back to the game...coming along?"

Another quick peck to Cyrus ear, Fallon nibbled there a second too.

"Hold those thoughts love...we'll pick them back up soon, I promise."

And once she cast a seductive eye at him, Fallon left his embrace, to walk back out on the lanai.
Christian Bern 18 years ago
Christian followed behind his Elder musing on some of the discussion and then pondering just what he was going to say to all the myriad of questions that were likely to occur about Claire.

He came to stand near Alfarinn and Thaddeus and gave the Evenhet a questioning glance from the look that he was given. Turning his attention toward the limbo, Christian raised his eyebrows even higher, with a smirk, he murmured quietly to Thaddeus.

"I was not aware that your clan was so....festive."Â?

In all his years Christian would never have pictured the proud Anantya limboing under a pole at a party. He supposed that it just pointed out that an outsider never could fully know what went on in the inside. Giving Aishe an amused smile, he looked for Kem and raised his eyebrows. With his attention focused on the game, Christian sent to Alfarinn.

[Was there some.....]

Glancing about the room, Christian noticed that Sorin was not present. Before he raised the alarm that the Elder had 'fled the building' he sent to Alfarinn again. He was certain they had both assumed that the Anantya Elder would have joined the rest of the party and they coujld not afford to tail him too closely or else they would be noticed.

[Where is Sorin? Do you sense his emotions?]

His own empathy did not allow him to sense emotions outside his immediate area unless there was a camera involved. It was both useful and frustrating at times.
Aishe 18 years ago
Waving to Chris was very nearly her undoing, but even with the limbo pole getting dangerously low, Aishe managed to work her way under once more. Who'd have thought martial arts and fencing would come in handy for contorting yourself under a bamboo pole?

Handy they were, though, she thought as she barely squeaked under the pole, hair draped over one arm and grass skirt over the other. She'd waved to Chris while she was halfway under, and the resulting bobble had very nearly cost her a coconut. It didn't, but it was very clear to her that she wouldn't be making another successful run under the limbo pole unless by some miracle she shrank about a foot.

"I think that's going to be it for me," she said to Fallon and Ana with a grin as she emerged, straghtening her outfit and untangling her hair from her wrist.
Sorin 18 years ago
Sorin emerged from the lavatory with a calm pleasant expression back in place. He had removed himself from the party at the earliest convenience to sort out the situation. Something was wrong; it seemed wrong. The social under currents of the party played through his mind as he looked into the mirror. Alfarinn and Thaddeus were still alive and that was wrong enough by itself. Mai left early; Sorin locked onto this detail and wondered what it could mean. Alfarinn had switched seats with Thaddeus so that the Elder of the Hunt could speak to her blonde shadow of old but they had spoke of nothing important that he could discern. Still if anyone could convince Mai to use codes it would be Thaddeus.

He had to admit things were rapidly getting away from his grasp and worse than he expected. If they had convinced Mai to join their little search then.... well Morrigan would not be a hard sell; the savage redheaded amazon loathed him. Admittedly the feeling was mutual. Morrigan though would insist on evidence but if they had found even the barest shred to link him to Emma's death Mai might hunt him down without bothering to wait.

Perhaps he should look to leaving the country.

His thoughtless child infuriated him as well. She did not bother to greet him and then she left without a word. It was not of consequence that he had not acknowledged her presence either but it had been a small comfort to know she was there. And the one time he might have actually needed her, Claire was gone.

Having mastered himself once more, Sorin entered the scene with the rest of the party goers. He clinched his teeth to keep the frown of disdain from forming. Limbo, members of his clan were dancing under a pole like common slaves for the amusement of others. Not even in his human times had his roman citizens of worth stooped to such banal displays in public.

Gauging the group in line, it seemed like a futile effort anyway, Dawn was the most uniquely suited and quite likely the most physically adept to win the game. However he found himself watching with morbid fascination at the game's progress.

Eyeing Thaddeus, he smiled wryly.

"I see you decided against joining the fun."Â?

((OOC: He did not hear the earlier comment to Thaddeus. This just happens to be a coincidence. ))
Montana 18 years ago
"You did better than I," Ana complimented her exotic friend, "I know I'd have ended up on my behind if I tried it more than those first few times. I just don't have the balance. Or bendability."

Ana was starting to feel the wearing of the night as a yawn suddenly came over her, though she managed to hide it with much theatrical scrunching of her brow and lips. Eyes watering just a bit she commented, "You'd think I'd almost be used to staying up a little late by now, but then most of my nights alone aren't filled with half as much enjoyability as tonight has been."
Fallon 18 years ago
After watching Aishe...the one truly graceful woman she knew...suffer a slight stumble, and then announce she was finished with the game, Fallon decided her next turn would be her last as well. However, after hearing Ana was done in as well, and then watching one of Cyrus' accountant friends, Celeste, knock the bar off, Fallon breathed an audible sigh of relief.

"Gee, that worked out well now, didn't it?" Giggling she ran an arm through Aishe's and another through Ana's, but looked at Ana.

"'re so sweet! And I'm so glad you're having fun. You know, it is getting late though, and if you don't want to make the drive back to the city, we've got extra room! You'd be more than welcome to stay over!"

Suddenly feeling delighted at the ability to invite Ana to stay, Fallon regained a little of her earlier energy. Remembering Aishe she then asked the same of her sister.
"And you and Kem too...we really have loads of room!"

It never occurred to Fallon to even wonder if Aishe and Kem were 'together'. It didn't matter either way, but it seemed natural to her to think they were.
Cyrus 18 years ago
Reluctantly he let Fallon escape his grasp and return to the game. With a wink at his swimsuit clad clanmate he turned to the bar and scooped up the Japanese beer provided to him. Looking about their home, clanmates, and friends, Cyrus counted this evening as a success all around. His love was wearing his ring, they had the warmth and friendship of many people, babies to enjoy raising and the evening had gone quite smoothly.

Though at Fallon's generous offer of letting people spend the day with them, he realized they needed to finish decorating the upstairs. But that was a worry for another day. Content he sipped his beer, watched his clanmates and listened to the conversations he could hear going on around him while he waited for the evening to end.