Alec Devereaux Broken
Created on 08/25/2005 • 1201 Posts & 66 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post It seemed that she'd been experimenting on her own. Excellent. That indicated a general desire to learn and improvise when left to one's 17 years ago
- post Wait a second...where are the skulls of your victims and the trappings of your dark arts? Oh, wait...you must not be in Human Resources! V 17 years ago
- post She seemed to be a bit...in shock...as they made their way through the arcade. He was fairly certain that she was just trying to organize 17 years ago
- post Now that had to be the best response ever. Alec liked the arcade for many reasons. First, he seemed to be regarded as almost a part of a 17 years ago
- post Alec figured it was time for an essential. "Next is possibly the most crucial set of skills you could develop. How to properly create an 17 years ago
- post Don't worry, we'll get to cleaning up the rabble eventually! > 17 years ago
- post I think it was an Evenhet plot to undermine Tacharan and Anantya credibility by not allowing us to clear up our mistakes! Yeah! *looks aro 17 years ago
- post Smiling at her enthusiasm, he cocked his head. There were a couple of complications that it would bring up, as well as a few missing skil 17 years ago
- post I hope I'm not the only one who remembers all of my passwords... :P 17 years ago
- post At her sudden outburst, Alec chuckled. "I am sorry. I have always accepted and understood the hates that people feel as unstoppable for 17 years ago
- post I've had this happen a couple of times before. Clearing the whole net buffer helps - deleting temp internet files, clearing history, cleari 17 years ago
- post Raising an eyebrow at the monitors, Alec briefly wondered what Shay was meaning, then realized it must have to do with the nude form of Ho 17 years ago
- post Veri 4tw! 17 years ago
- post Wewt! 17 years ago
- post Ahh, -isms. Always a lovely topic. "I think the -isms are mostly human constructs. I cannot find evidence for them elsewhere. What I 17 years ago
- post He hadn't meant to skip Shay's last question, so he doubled back. "Yes - I started with Greg Senior after I fed on him after he got off 17 years ago
- post Alec considered. When would she meet Simon? Well, when Ellis was dead, Marthinus restored, the werewolf threat managed and internal poli 17 years ago
- thread [I] It had been quite awhile since he'd visited the Mullar residence. With all of the chaos he simply hadn't made the time. Sometimes his 17 years ago
- post Sensing that reinforcing Simon's decision would have been A Bad Thing right then, Alec kept it simple. "We'll get it done, boss." Left i 17 years ago
- post Alec was shocked and horrified at Carol's response, but his emotional state was visible only by a slight widening of the eyes in her direc 17 years ago