I'll be gone early tomorrow until late on Monday. Trying to get all of my characters to a place where it won't be inconvenient for anyone else :X.

19 years ago
We'll miss you and you and you.

19 years ago
And me too, right?

19 years ago
*hides autographed glossy photo of Arin Bjorn under her bed*
No, he's not talking to -you-.
Sick twisted jackass.
No, he's not talking to -you-.
Sick twisted jackass.
19 years ago
*sniffs and goes off to pick his teeth with a sword or mutilate squirrels or some other horrible thing.*
19 years ago
*shudders* -honestly-.
And that's my -boss- you're drooling on, Nova!
And that's my -boss- you're drooling on, Nova!

19 years ago
We might miss you.... the first time but hold still long enough and I'm sure we can fix that. *smiles innocently*

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Such wonderful friends I have
P.S. Nova stop drooling over Alfarinn, if not for my sake than for the sake of Tacharan honor.
Oh wait...:P

P.S. Nova stop drooling over Alfarinn, if not for my sake than for the sake of Tacharan honor.
Oh wait...:P

19 years ago
So you're saying that drooling over Alfarinn is not a worthy past time...interesting. 
Careful with the honor cracks there,Blondie.

Careful with the honor cracks there,Blondie.

Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
This entire conversation is frightening me.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
And now I know I am not the only one that has all their characters having conversations in their head... somehow knowing that is not as comforting as I'd imagined. Oh, but we will miss you Thaddy-poo...

19 years ago
wee! Have fun all of you.
That reminds me...I'll be out of town until Sunday evening. We're going to the State Fair. *glee* I'm fairly certain non of my characters are in any situations that would require me to post over the weekend, but if they are before I leave, I'll fix it....somehow.
That reminds me...I'll be out of town until Sunday evening. We're going to the State Fair. *glee* I'm fairly certain non of my characters are in any situations that would require me to post over the weekend, but if they are before I leave, I'll fix it....somehow.

19 years ago
I finally get back in the game and she wants to leave again....damn. That's ok. I'm just annoying the IT people.

19 years ago
Weeeeeee'rrrrrrrrreeeee baaaaaack!

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
I have returned only to find this from Chryseis!
Oh, and 'hey' about that other stuff.
Thaddeus has always been such an eyeful of innocence to me...

Oh, and 'hey' about that other stuff.

19 years ago
Welcome back. 
I'm a complete rogue who is using you for my own evil means.

I'm a complete rogue who is using you for my own evil means.