The Butler is a pimp *nods*
Well not literally, he's actually a Butler...but you know what I mean.
And Thaddeus is calling me a traitor :X
The Butler
Butler He raised his eyebrows (both eyebrows, much to his disappointment) at Arin's accounting.

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago

19 years ago
Poor Thaddeus, he's so abused by the help.

Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
I always love posts from the butler.

Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
ROFL Hilary

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
*shakes head* poor Butler.

19 years ago
No wonder the man is disgruntled!
Of course not everyone can have such a manly name as Sorin, nor our commanding countenance...perhaps he will do better in the next life.
Of course not everyone can have such a manly name as Sorin, nor our commanding countenance...perhaps he will do better in the next life.