A Private Correspondence (Morrigan, Thaddeus, Alfarinn)
Thaddeus fell into step with Alfarinn as they walked down the hall to the marble staircase, listening to the click of Morrigan's heels as she progressed well ahead of them.
He was, once again, brooding. While he knew that this would all go much more smoothly if he waited to tell Sorin, he could not help but think he was being a little cowardly. Wasn't Sorin worth the hopefully small amount of trouble telling him would cause? He had not been able to help thinking that going to Morrigan's office would certainly help in their efforts to avoid the Elder of the Night, and mentally kicked himself for that uncharitable thought. Even so, the matter was academic; they had made their choice.
[I hope I did not give you the impression that I am not beyond proud to be with you...I know I should tell Sorin soon, and have every intention of doing so. I think we agree that this is not the time...I just wanted to assure you of my motivations for leaving my friend out of the loop for now.]
He paused for a moment at the foot of the staircase, looking up, but as Morrigan was only gaining ground he did not linger.

Should you be put in harm's way in the slightest while you are here and others were not aware of your choice to enter the manor, it could be construed as a malicious act and cause further strife between the clans if not an all out war. I am sure you would set things right given your first opportunity, but should word be sent to Evenhet before then, it could be disastrous for us all.
There is, of course, also the worry that your visit could be reported to someone connected to this plot and they might set their sights on you as well. It is best to keep everything limited to as few people as possible, but either situation places you in danger. I'd just like to know what we're up against.
She smiled warmly and watched Alfarinn. Her curiosity was peaked when she saw him look up and then frown. Did he hear something? She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat when he spoke.
Thank you. She bowed her head respectfully and then looked back up at Alfarinn.
I take then that the two of you are bonded. I appreciate your revealing such a private connection to me and I give you my word the information will not be abused. This is, however, beneficial to the situation if you can sense and speak to each other from a distance. I am quite sure you will remain uneasy while he is away and not under your protection, but at least you can take comfort in knowing immediately that he is safe. Thaddeus is in Mai's care - no harm will come to him whilst he is with her.
Morrigan smiled reassuringly, if not for Alfarinn, then for herself.
As comfortable as I may find my office, I do not wish to bore you or make you feel ill at ease. If you would like, I can take you to Thaddeus' quarters to relax until his return. Few choose to disturb Thaddeus in his chambers so I am sure you will have no uninvited guests.

"I thank you for discretion and the concern. Yes, I'm afraid I am no good to anyone at the moment and perhaps waiting out of your way would be for the best. I can come find you again if They come up with more news. "
He stood and tugged on his shirt to straighten it and waited for Morrigan's guidance.
"I can imagine Thaddeus loving his privacy." Alfarinn smiled fondly at the image of his companion up in the early evening, lost in thought with his journal out in front of him.
Alfarinn looked thoughtful for a moment and then grinned at Morrigan and asked almost shyly.
"So what was he like when you first met him? Any good stories I should know?"
It was a possible distraction for them both as they walked and he'd never tire of hearing about Thaddeus and perhaps it would give Morrigan something else to think of for a few minutes at least.

hmmm...Yes, I do believe I have a few. One in particular that I find quite amusing is when Thaddeus was testing his shapeshifting skills. He was on the roof of the manor and some poor soul was lead to believe Thaddeus was trying to take his own life. His descent through the air was apparently quite the sight and the man feared he was about to be the one to break the fall when suddenly Thaddeus shifted into dove form and soared away.
Could you imagine watching as a young vampire came speeding down the side of a building toward you? Morrigan laughed softly. I do believe your love has a taste for flying. Ahhh, here we are.
Morrigan approached the door to Thaddeus' quarters and found a small, dark key on her keyring. She slid in the key and listened for the small click. Stepping back, she nodded politely to Alfarinn.
Should you need anything, you know where to reach me.
((Assuming you chose to follow

"I can imagine that was a most alarming sight for the poor person below him. I am rather fond of heights myself though I cannot fly, it is still an exhilerating experience. I suppose we'll get along."
He nodded at Morrigan and stepped into the entrance of Thaddeus's quarters.
" Thank you again, Morrigan. I am sure that they will do their utmost, You have my sympathy and understanding."
Alfarinn turned and watched her head back down the hall before shutting the door and sitting on the bench to remove his shoes.
((OOC: moving to a new thread. ))