Let Me Make You An Offer... (attn: Guillaume)
The phone rang a couple times before Britney heard the pick-up. The voice wasn't familiar to her although she knew from the record that she had actually called this one before.
"Good afternoon, my name is Britney and I'm calling to let you know about a fantastic new product on the market. If you or anyone you know has ever experienced problems with pests then we have the solution to your problems! Mice, rats, rabbits, raccoons, you won't have to deal with them anymore when you purchase our new Solar Powered Ultrasonic Animal Repeller. It's safe for the environment and the animals, and it will work miracles in any home or business!"
So far, she hadn't been interrupted. This was a very good sign! "They come with mounting stakes, or brackets if you want to put them on a wall instead. I recommend buying several, although they will work pretty far, maybe thirty feet. Depending on the size of your home you may need four or five."
She waited eagerly for whoever was listening to either tell her to go to hell, or buy some. Britney hated her job with a passion, but it paid the bills. Her perky demeanor and cheerful tone usually got her enough sales to get a monthly bonus, too.
((ooc: We love you, Guillaume. ;) ))
"Hello, DuBois speaking."
Please let it be a client, please. Or a call to finalize his grades and his graduation, that would be acceptable too.
His stomach dropped when a perky voice nearly chirped at him from the other side of the line. This was bad, this was very bad.
He closed his eyes and counted to ten trying to ignore what she was saying, but it was so hard. Despite himself he started to get curious about the idea of repelling animals. He could hardly shift and chase all the raccoons away from Terminus at all times and they did tend to get in the trash.
With a mighty effort of will he managed not to immediately order fifteen and asked a question.
"How did you get this number?"
Stupid no call list. It was a lie. A joke. Why did they even have one!
Britney affected her most innocent tone of voice. "This number was randomly selected from a list of potential buyers. Not everyone receives an offer like this one."
Moving right along she added, "If you order now I can give you a twenty-seven percent discount! Normally we sell these amazing devices for 29.95, but you can get yours today for 21.99! It's a steal. In fact, if you order twenty or more I can further discount them and sell them to you at 15 dollars apiece."
Britney had never actually sold that many but the profit was worth it. She had read her notes on this account and vaguely remembered selling at this number before, a large quantity of glowing pebbles. Obviously it was a business of some sort... that, or some dude just really liked glowing pebbles.
Navid said with a faint note of desperation in his voice. He didn't get -many- calls, very few in fact, so it must be working but that made the ones that slipped through all that much worse.
She started talking numbers and he could already feel his resolve, already shaky, weakening. That really wasn't too much. Maybe he could manage one or two, that couldn't hurt anything could it? It might help keep the raccoons away from the trash, maybe even stray cats. Apparently the scent of two wolves wasn't enough for that.
"What kind of range do they have? Are they battery powered or do they need an outlet?"
Merde now she knew he was interested. His stomach twisted, he was interested at least he thought he was. Maybe he wasn't, maybe it was just a sick addiction. Maybe he should just go to a casino and have done with it, but if he did he wouldn't have these animal repeller things.
"They have about a thirty foot range, sir, usually plenty for any back yard or garbage area if that's what you want them for, and as the name suggests, they are indeed solar powered. No need to use batteries or outlets. They recharge during the day and sustain themselves all night. The charge lasts quite a while too, so even if you have a few rainy days you should still be fine."
Always add a personal touch, that was her motto. "I have four in my backyard, one in each corner, and I haven't seen any squirrels at the bottom of the bird feeder in months. No trouble with raccoons either."
She didn't have a backyard, or a bird feeder, which would explain the lack of squirrels, but he didn't need to know that. And she didn't have trouble with raccoons because she lived on the tenth floor. But it was a true statement at least!
Of course she would have them. Recommendations always made such products harder to resist. Although, the sane part of his brain knew that this girl would probably sell them if they worked or not.
"What about domestic animals? They won't bother... dogs will they?"
He could hardly ask about wolves, but dogs should be close enough for his needs. It would hardly do to have the damned things drive he and Kiyo crazy. Navid wondered briefly about Evan and decided better safe than sorry.
"Or birds? I know you said the squirrels haven't bothered your bird feeder but have they bothered the birds?"
"I've never heard a single complaint about dogs being bothered by them at all," she said cheerfully. "As for birds, I can honestly say the ones at my bird feeder have never been fatter and happier now that the squirrels aren't stealing all their food."
She liked to think that if she'd had a little backyard and a bird feeder that her birds would be fat and happy, anyhow. And she wasn't completely lying about the dogs; she hadn't heard any complaints because she didn't know anyone who'd bought one who had a dog.
"So should I write you down for a bunch of them? Twenty? Twenty five? Do you have a large area to cover? You might need more than a few."
Britney opened up her order screen and used the pre-existing information on this customer to start filling it out. He had introduced himself as DuBois. She almost sort of remembered him from last time. He was a decent sort... not the kind she expected to go for the things she was selling but, who knew, they came in all forms. Surely he must have some use for what he bought. Or he was a compulsive buyer or hoarder or something.
He started doing some mental math, the size of the area around the dumpsters, the cost of the units. The price per unit was right if he ordered twenty or more but that was quite a bit of money. On the other hand if he only got a few and they worked well he might want more and then he wouldn't get the discount. With a sigh, he gave up.
"If I order twenty, I'm assuming I'll get free shipping and a thirty day trail period on them."
Guillaume shook his head as he said it. He really shouldn't be able to make these assumptions but he'd ordered enough stuff, rubbish and otherwise, from telemarketers that he knew their patter and offers better than they did. Once he knew he was caught he did try and drive a hard bargain though.
"I can offer you a discount in shipping, sir, but there's no trial period. These are proven effective through customer testimonial."
She filled out the number ordered as twenty and checked the shipping. "The charge for shipping has already been reduced, but I can give you a further discount as long as you don't need them in, say, tomorrow."
Unfortunately there was only so much Britney was authorized to do for each client. This particular product didn't have a trial. "You'll be happy with them," she said. "I might need to buy some more, myself, for the front yard."
If she had a front yard, she'd totally do that. Anyhow, on with the sale!
"So twenty of them, to this address?"
"No I don't need them tomorrow as long as they are here in two weeks that should be just fine.â€
To be honest he didn't need them in two weeks either but he didn't want to be stuck waiting forever either. Half the fun of ordering these things was opening them and installing them.
Wait? She had his address. He could have sworn he asked them to take his name off the list after the glow pebble incident.
"Yes that is the address. That will be fine.â€
And he'd be programing this number into his phone as a blocked number. That should slow them down at least a little bit.
"Britney... you seem like a nice enough person, please don't call again.â€
Navid tried to make his plea personal. If it helped them sell it should help him keep from being sold. That would be a very good thing. Spirits only knew how much he|| Evan was going to give him about these things. He didn't need to be buying anything else for a while.
Then he asked her not to call again; that was actually something she heard often enough for it not to hurt her feelings. What did being nice have to do with it? She was a nice person, but this was her job.
"I'm sure I don't need to tell you that I don't have any control over the call list sir," she said, trying to sound sympathetic. Deep down, though, she wondered what was wrong with making a purchase here and there. She didn't like being a sales person, but not every product she sold was pointless.
At any rate, it was true that she had no control over whose number came up for her to sell to. And as he had bought from them several times now, it was unlikely he would avoid further contact. Maybe he was a shopaholic though; she might feel bad about it if that were the case, but she didn't know. So she just did her job.
"Thank you for your purchase today. Those will ship in the next twenty-four hours, and you'll have them in five to seven business days!"
She tried to end the phone conversation on a cheerful note, but really she had to wonder what he was going to do with twenty solar powered sonic animal repellers. Maybe it was best not to know.
((ooc: Britney out))
Not that he meant a word of it. She probably sensed it too, but at least she hadn't asked him if there was anything else she could do for him. The next thing he new he'd wind up with 24 karat plated unicorn bookends, it had happened before.
Guillaume heard Brittany click off and end the call. Maybe he could keep the purchase secret? Certainly no one would notice them, after all who paid that much attention to the dumpster area after all. At least that was what he told himself.
The damage was done and all Navid could do was try and shake it off and get back on with his day. With a sigh he turned back to the invoices he'd been working on, but not before he programed that number into his phone and told it to reject all calls.
Two weeks passed and the package arrived as promised. He'd had a few flights and couldn't install them right away, but his first day off Navid got up early to put them up, ensuring each got a lot of day light. If these worked he'd feel better about himself and his weakness.

As they headed out their door and down the back stairs Kiyo heard a strange keening sound, high pitched, shrill. As he descended the staircase he shook his head a little bit, trying to clear it, but it only got worse. He turned to look at Evan, his features screwed up in a grimace of confusion.
"Do you hear that?" He asked. His senses were keener than either Evan's or Guillaume's but theirs were still well above those of the average human.
He jogged down the last few stairs. "Oooh," he said, clapping his hands over his ears.
Kiyo headed past the back door to Terminus and over to the wall where there was a strange green device down sort of low to the ground. Kiyo bent to look at it and the sound as he got close nearly made his ears bleed. He pressed his hands even tighter to his ears, whirled, and ran back past the door toward Evan.
"Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off, turn it off," he cried, running past his boyfriend and halfway back up the stairs. "What the hell is that thing?"

As they headed downstairs Kiyo's brow furrowed and his head tilted to the side. He asked if Evan heard anything. At first there was nothing and so he shook his head, no, but as they went further down the stairs there was a definite hum and whine.
It was annoying, not overly painful to him but definitely in the range of something to be dealt with. It was almost like a high pitched electric hum of computer hardware or a fluorescent light that was about to go out. Given time he probably could have tuned it out as something that was normal and therefore forgettable but it would probably be something that made any headache worse and potentially cause irritability for some unknown reason. Evan always suspected that was why humans in cubicles with a range of electronic devices making different barely audible noises were always so cranky. Of course it could be simply that they had a crappy job and worked long hours away from the sunshine and outdoors.
Something was much worse for Kiyoshi though and Evan watched in bemusement as his partner ran down the stairs and up to some device near the base of the building and then back up to him. His hands were clapped over his ears and he was yelling for it to be turned off.
Evan moved toward it and bent down to take a closer look. Here it was much worse and he found himself gritting his teeth as he fumbled around for a switch. Once he found it, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Kiyo after turning it off.
Except that he still heard the sound but it was very faint.
"Do you still hear it or are my ears ringing?"

"Your ears aren't ringing," he said. "There has to be another one."
Together they began to walk around the perimeter of Terminus, locating many more green boxes mounted on the walls. Some of them were fairly high up, but there weren't any they couldn't reach. Kiyo thought his brain might be vibrating more and more with each one.
"What are these?" he whined softly as they proceeded to find the next few.
It had to be Guillaume; who else would put anything up around Terminus but one of the owners? Besides, when Kiyo was focused he could catch a whiff of Guillaume's shampoo and deodorant near each one. He lived with the man; he knew Guillaume's scent.
"Guillaume knows about them," he said. "I can smell him. Ow ow ow ow ow." He broke off as they found another green device and switched it off. Kiyo was pretty sure he was positively googly-eyed by now. When they hit the side of Terminus where there were no cars or patrons he grabbed Evan's shirt and tugged himself close, burrowing his face against his boyfriend's side for a second while he relaxed.

Kiyoshi asked him about the devices and he could only really give his best guess. "Well I can hear them and find them mildly irritating and you find them painful so I would guess they are some kind of wildlife deterrent.†Evan shrugged his shoulders at his boyfriend.
Someone was being helpful and since it wasn't him then Kiyoshi's statement that Guillaume knew something about them made perfect sense. "Hmm, I guess he didn't hang around very long after turning them on.â€
Holding Kiyoshi close, he smiled down at him. "I am sure we can convince him to relocate his solar powered weapons.†Evan kissed the top of his partner's head. "On the up side, we can tell him that they obviously work.â€
Going into the store room he started to check their stock, counting napkins and swizzle sticks and other random things. It wasn't his favorite job but it had to be done. It was mindless enough though that Guillaume noticed when the humming went faint and eventually stopped.
Irritated he started swearing under his breath in French.
"Spirits take it. Three hundred dollars flung away to no earthly good. Damned things I knew I should have insisted on a return policy."
He half stomped out to the first repeller, studied it, shook it and finally realized it was just switched off.
"Merde. How the hell did that happen?"
With a shrug he switched it back on. There was the tickling hum again. At least it was still working, but if he had to turn these things on every few hours it was going to be extraordinarily irritating. Guillaume went to the next one, also off. He switched it on. Every single one was off, he turned them all back on. He'd have to check them again in a few hours to make certain they didn't go off again, but for now he went back to work.

"This wildlife doesn't really want to be deterred," he did manage to point out, then he gave a little sigh. "I guess he'll be happy to know they work though."
Then he stiffened, every muscle twitching as the now familiar shriek began again, from farther away. Growing closer. "Augh. I think he found us," Kiyo said as the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He clutched at Evan's shirt once more.
"Make the bad man stop," he groaned. Then he lifted his head and ventured out around the building toward the sound. "He's coming around this side," he said. It had to be Guillaume. Who else would be switching the horrible things back on?

Kiyoshi suggested that Guillaume was coming around the house and asked that the 'bad man' be stopped. It took a little longer for Evan to hear the obvious reason for that statement. The sound was back and growing stronger.
"Stay here a moment.†Evan gave Kiyo a little squeeze before letting him go. "I will go talk to him.â€
Evan went around the corner to find Guillaume at one of the devices switching it back on. "You don't hear the hum?†He looked at his friend in confusion. "That doesn't drive you a little crazy like claws on a chalkboard or something?†The further away you were the better it was but close up and the things were pretty annoying. To be fair they weren't often hanging around just outside the building but sometimes they were and to those, like Kiyoshi, the noise was going to be unbearable. They didn't want to drive away sensitive vampires and werewolves who were paying customers, or helpful employees.
"We switched him off.†Evan gestured toward the box. "They hurt Kiyo's ears. I imagine they would be bad for anyone more sensitive than us. What are they exactly?†Clearly Guillaume had a plan with the things so he wanted to hear it. Perhaps there was another way they could achieve the same thing.
Navid answered, he didn't even have to ask what it was that Evan was talking about. Although, they really weren't that bad and he figured once the music was going no one would notice at all. Although maybe twenty was over kill, even the mild annoyance could be fixed if they only used three or five, they'd just have back ups.
"You what.... oh...."
Well at least they weren't broken. That explained a lot. His face, however, fell when Evan said they hurt Kiyoshi's ears.
"Damned it. They were supposed to be safe around dogs. I figured that should be enough."
Guillaume was quite cross and inclined to kick something, but nothing was handy. Obviously they couldn't use them if that was the case. He was going to find these damned sales people and give them a piece of his mind. There must be a customer service number, complaints and returns or something.
Not having any where to direct his anger he just sighed.
"They are supposed to keep the raccoons and squirrels and the like out of the trash... sonic repelling whatever. Obviously they aren't as safe and harmless as advertised."
He grumbled. Maybe he could sell them on ebay or something.
"That is rather disappointing. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"They're safe," he said, trying to be reassuring. "I mean, no permanent harm was done. They're just... um... a little intense. I'm probably the only one who hears them like that anyway."
It wasn't in Kiyo's nature to argue. Never had been. And certainly not with a member of his own Pack, no matter how much more comfortable he was with him now than when they'd met.
"Maybe if we just keep them around the trash," he suggested a little timidly. "Do we need so many, around the whole building?"
A few of the little things would be fine. Who hung out by the dumpsters anyway? If it was Kiyo's turn to chuck he trash he was definitely capable of doing it from a distance, or just gritting his teeth and bearing the noise for the few seconds it would take.
Being disagreeable didn't come easily to him though, not even now that his confidence was growing. So he sought to recant any of his words that might sound like they'd been complaints, while pressing himself up against Evan. Old habits died hard.
"Or you could leave them. I mean, I can deal with them. I just didn't know they were there or what they were. I don't want raccoons in the trash either."