A Lesson in Trust (attn: Eiryk)

Alexander leaned back, his weight bearing down on the climbing harness he wore, climbing rope held in both hands, his right hand up to feed out the rope and his left down by his thigh to smooth it as it came through. The balls of his feet rested on the ground but the rest of his weight was suspended by the harness and its counterbalancing weight.

He looked up, watching with amusement as Eiryk clung to the wall about twenty feet above him, making his way up an inverse but looking somewhat stuck.

"Up and to your right. The small blue grip," Alex advised.

They were in an excellent climbing gym where Alex was showing Eiryk exactly what rock climbing was all about. Naturally Eiryk had immediately known how to tie the perfect knot in his climbing rope, and Alex had to admit it was sort of yummy watching the ease with which he scaled the walls. This was a difficult one, however, and Alex had to wonder if coordination might fail Eiryk. It hadn't yet; he was doing fine. But the inverse wasn't easy at all.

The gym was enormous. It was one of Alexander;s favorite finds since coming to the city. Three stories of walls of all kinds, all levels, all difficulties, including a really good bouldering wall to traverse. He'd been visiting since his first week here, having dropped by early on to deliver business cards since he sold climbing gear at his store. It was natural for him to share his enjoyment of it with Eiryk; now that he knew why Eiryk hadn't accepted his invitations before, Alexander had become very good at finding indoor and night time activities for them.

Right now they were up on the third story of the gym, Alex having taken them straight back to the more difficult climbs. It also afforded them some privacy as no one else was here in this section this late at night, save one attendant who knew Alex and therefore wasn't really making the rounds to this area very frequently.

Watching Eiryk, Alex silently encouraged him to reach out and grab the blue grip. It was tricky, but he'd gotten that far.

Eiryk 13 years ago
Eiryk had never even considered a rock climbing gym. Leave it to Alex to come up with it. Alex had quite a knack for finding this sort of thing, that let them get out and active, play together, and to do something that interest both of them. He was really enjoying this.

Strength wise Eiryk was more than covered but that didn't make the ins and outs of the actual climb any easier. You still had to plan a head for your next hold and the one after that, distribute you weight properly and, most importantly for Eiryk, not fall.

He was managing pretty well, there had been an odd slip and bobble here and there but over all this was something he'd done before. Not precisely, but the concept was similar. It was fun.

"Right, right, right..."

Eiryk muttered as he searched for the hand hold Alex was suggesting. He found it, but it was just a little out of reach. Just a little, but he stretched, got his fingers around it... but just for a second. Stupid inverse it changed his perspective for some reason. For just a moment Eiryk thought he'd make it, he hung in the air for a bit and then fell.

Fell was a relative term for Eiryk. As he felt himself lose his hold, without even thinking about it, rather than letting Alex catch him, he slowed his fall, gliding, he thought, gently to the ground.

Alex looked less than amused, and apparently had other ideas. Eiryk was now, sort of stuck. He couldn't reach the floor or the wall.


It wasn't like any one had seen and it was just habit.

"You could let me down you know... Just a suggestion."

He grinned brightly, Not really seeing anything wrong with his MO. It worked and you didn't need a harness.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
"You can do it. Just go for it," Alex encouraged.

Eiryk did go for it. He slipped and fell, but he was very close. Alex leaned back and set himself to catch Eiryk's weight. Instead, he staggered backwards as Eiryk did not fall at the rate Alex expected him to. Alex stared, wide-eyed, as Eiryk simply... floated... to the end of the rope he'd been given. He floated. In a slow, lazy, downward direction.

"Are you kidding me?" Alex hissed at Eiryk, his voice jumping up at least an octave, maybe two. He glanced frantically around the gym but no one was staring or running or pointing or anything.

Heaving a sigh of relief Alex glared up at Eiryk. Having not fallen on a normal arc, Eiryk wasn't even swinging back and forth. He was simply hanging there, looking unashamed.

Alex frowned. He let the rope out a bout a foot, letting Eiryk drop, then closed his hands, jerking him to a stop. He proceeded to lower Eiryk in this manner until his boyfriend hung just above him, unable to reach the floor. As he did, he said through gritted teeth,

"You. Are. Supposed. To. Fall."

As Eiryk dangled there Alex closed the distance between them and looked up at the blond, still holding the rope to keep him suspended.
"That's not how it works, Eiryk, what the hell was that?" he whispered angrily. "Have I ever seen you do that? How come I didn't know you could do that? What if someone saw you do that?"

Alex threw his hands up in frustration, forgetting all about the rope and dropping Eiryk onto his ass on the padded floor.

"Oh shit. Sorry."

He stared at Eiryk and then put his hand over his mouth and giggled... actually giggled.
Eiryk 13 years ago
That damned harness pulled in some odd places, not necessarily comfortable ones either. Eiryk kept trying to catch himself, to glide but Alex wasn't having any of that. He kept jerking to a stop before he could get any control.

It had been a mistake, but in the back of his head he had known they were in a very isolated part of the gym. He was fairly certain no one would see anything. Beyond that, it was a reflex.

"Falling is over rated. And hurts."

Eiryk said in a very matter of fact tone.

"Besides, I forgot."

He added sheepishly, gliding had been one of the abilities he had discovered and it had proved rather handy over the years. Still dangling from the rope he looked at Alex and scratched his head.

"Ummm... I don't think you have. Probably not. And if some one saw it... well they'd be inclined to forget it."

Suggestion made Eiryk nervous from time to time, but it could be very useful, almost necessary in a situation like this. So he just accepted it with a shrug. You couldn't have people go off telling wild tales about floating people.

And suddenly he was on the ground. Rubbing the worst of his bump he frowned at his boyfriend and might have said something but then Alex started giggling. It was an infectious sound and with a grin and something almost resembling coordination Eiryk tackled Alex hitting him about the knees and knocking him to the ground too.

"You'll be sorry for that one later."

There was nothing but play and affection in that threat though.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex rolled his eyes. "It doesn't hurt. It's a wedgie at the very worst, if you have your gear on wrong."

He stared at Eiryk and put his hands on his hips.
"You can't just go brainwashing anyone who sees you make a mistake," he admonished. Never mind that he was lecturing a twelve hundred year old vampire. Some things just weren't right!

Eiryk had other ideas, however, stifling his fit of laughter by lunging and tackling him. Alex gasped as his right knee flared up painfully but hid the noise under another laugh as he hit the mats. He didn't want Eiryk to know; he hadn't meant to do it and he didn't know Alexander's knee was still hurting.

Wrapping his arms around Eiryk for a brief hug and a kiss Alex reached out for the rope that connected them over the belaying hook and pulled.
"I probably will be," he grinned at Eiryk, "but I'm okay with that."

He leaned back and used the free-hanging rope to pull Eiryk back up, muscles flexing as he worked against gravity, laughing softly as he raised Eiryk back up about three feet off the mats.

Using the tension he'd accrued Alex pulled himself off the mats as well, standing solidly on both legs and trying to determine the extent of the pain in his knee without Eiryk noticing. Not bad. He lowered Eiryk and pointed at the wall.
"Try it again? Without the freaky circus act."

He grinned at Eiryk. Now that he knew nobody had seen, and that he'd gotten over the shock of seeing Eiryk floating, he had regained his composure. As Eiryk faced the wall and placed his hands on it, Alex stepped in, smacked him on the ass, and stepped back with an innocent smile.
Eiryk 13 years ago
"Well no not anyone... and it depends on the mistake."

Eiryk, while judicious with that ability, couldn't claim that he had never used it to take care of issues like that and maybe a little larger. He didn't make people forget he'd picked a bad paint color, or had worn bell bottoms.

Listening too and watching Alex were two of his favorite things. Eiryk thought he heard a gasp, but given that he'd tackled Alex at the time it didn't seem that odd. He seemed to be hesitant or bracing the ropes with some care but Alex was always careful. Part of Eiryk's brain wondered if something was wrong, but it wasn't enough to make him go all mother hen on Alex.

"That is quite the comment coming from my contortionist boyfriend."

He might be dead, but he had seen Cirque De Soli, Eiryk was not totally out of touch. Oddly enough this made him think of taking Alex to Vegas for a weekend.

Getting the hand and toe holds once again and concentrating on moving up the wall he was totally unprepared for Alex to get frisky on him, or at least suggest he might later. Eiryk yelped, but he was not displeased nor did he sound hurt, just surprised. He turned and leered at Alex.

"Are you going to follow up on that later?"

He then proceeded to scurry up the rock wall as fast as he could, only slowing to the inverse where he fell before. Unsurprisingly, he fell again. This time he glided for a second before remember Alex had him tied up and doing his best to fall. He was moderately successful.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex rolled his eyes a little at Eiryk and shook his head. He wasn't going to discuss ethics with Eiryk; in the long run it wasn't his business really. He knew Eiryk would never hurt anyone. Alex cheerfully ignored the irony of making that observation about his bloodthirsty boyfriend.

As Eiryk labeled Alex a contortionist he started to protest and then stopped.
"Okay, granted," he said, "but anyone can do what I do with enough practice!"

Eiryk's surprised yelp and subsequent leer were met with Alex's warm smile.
"Depends on whether or not you behave."

He leaned in, pressed a soft kiss to Eiryk's lips, and said,
"Good behavior now gets you bad behavior later."

Eiryk certainly went quickly up the wall, predictably slipping at the same point on the inverse and sort of remembering to fall properly. Alex laughed and smiled up as he slowly lowered Eiryk to the ground.

"Not so fast next time," he said, laughing. "Want me to show you a few tricks?"

Chalking his hands briefly he stepped up to the wall. They didn't have to worry about switching roles; Alex wasn't going far and didn't plan on falling. What he did to, though, was climb up a few feet and turn to look at Eiryk.
"Watch," he said with a smile.

Carefully Alex traversed the wall horizontally, stopping periodically and swinging an arm or a leg away, showing Eiryk the trick of balancing on fingertips and toes, holding his body close to the wall, bending his elbows or knees to rest when necessary.

"It's all about distributing your weight," he explained. He reached up for a small hold, balancing himself on his opposing hand and foot to free up that angle. Carefully he climbed about ten feet up, one hand or foot free the entire time, and then came back down the same way.

Gathering his rope he nodded to Eiryk.
"Try it now."
Eiryk 13 years ago
"I may have left my halo at home, but so long as yo keep up your end of the bargain... I'll try and be good."

As he watched Alex's demonstration Eiryk wondered if there was a way to drop Alex on his ass. He wasn't coming up with one.

"Why aren't we just using a ladder again? Even castle sieges involved ladders, dowers, stairs even!"

It was all hot air though, mostly any how. Eiryk was having fun, oddly enough especially the falling. He didn't get to glide as often as he could and in all truth Eiryk had forgotten how much fun it was. He was half debating jumping off something really tall later. Although, he had to wonder how Alex would take that.

Undeterred by his previous failures Eiryk started up the wall again. He did go slower this time, really trying to concentrate on the distribution of weight like Alex had shown him. With a little more concentration he did make it further along the inverse this time and realized he had no idea how to change his orientation and center of gravity. Eiryk just sort of hung there while he thought about it.

"Do I get a prize if I get to the top of the wall too?"

Motivation never hurt any one.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
"Because this is how you do it when you're outside in nature," Alex said. "Remember, nature? It's that green and brown stuff you can't redecorate in French Country."

He watched with pleasure as Eiryk managed to get higher on the wall, with much more style. The blond stopped at the most difficult part of the wall where the inverse went over a lip and continued straight back up to the very top.

"Of course," Alex called up to him, pushing back with his toes and rocking back and forth in his climbing harness a bit. "An extra special one."

He grinned; he wasn't opposed to providing motivation at all.
"There's a big green grip just up and to the left of your left foot. If you can get your toe in there, you can reach for the small yellow grip over the lip of the wall. Do that, and you're good."

Well, Eiryk was good any way Alex looked at it, really, but telling him that beforehand would only distract him. So he watched and waited to see if Eiryk could get this on the third try.
Eiryk 13 years ago
"I prefer the blue wavy thing. You don't climb that."

Eiryk managed an odd mix of cheerful and surly as he shot back at his lover. There were no toe holds in the ocean, and you couldn't fall. While these thoughts filtered through his brain he was still mostly trying to puzzle out what his next move was and half wishing he was Spiderman.

Clinging to the rock face for all he was worth Eiryk turned to look at Alex at his promise.

"Oh yeah? Do I get a hint?"

He didn't need one. Even if it was a stick of chewing gum Eiryk could think of something to do with that which would be more satisfying and less wholesome.

Concentrating too hard to be bothered with breathing Eiryk followed the directions he'd been given and slowly worked his way up over the lip and on to the straighter part of the wall. Grinning triumphantly he finished pulling himself upright. While taking a moment to congratulate himself he sized p the rest of the wall. It shouldn't be too bad. He didn't see another big inverse like that one, some of the walls had more than one nasty bit, this one did not.

"You had better have ideas because I can do the rest of this."

Eiryk didn't even bother to turn around for that he just set himself up to scale the rest of the wall. Soon enough he had reached the top, although he wasn't sure what to do then. He really didn't want to climb back down and Alex hadn't seemed keen on his 'circus act'. Great he was tied to a rope, hanging on a fake rock and didn't know what to do next. Some days he needed to plan ahead better.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alexander laughed at Eiryk's blunt statement of preference. "It's warm enough now," he said. "Why don't we do that next weekend?"

Eiryk had been promising (or threatening, he wasn't sure which) to take him out on a boat ride for some time. They often did things Alex liked. It was more than time to go out on Eiryk's boat, now that the weather was warming up a bit.

"Yeah, here's a hint. You'll love it." Alex grinned up at Eiryk. That was all he was willing to give.

He cheered as Eiryk finally made it over the most difficult part of the wall and watched him scale the remainder with incredible ease, admiring the view. There was definitely something to be said for being the belayer at this point.

"Of course I have ideas. I always have ideas." Alex said that in normal tones knowing Eiryk could hear him from where he was, but no one else in the gym could.

Once Eiryk reached the top he looked somewhat lost. Taking pity on him Alex said,
"If you don't want to climb down, you can just fall." He smiled. "I'll catch you."
Eiryk 13 years ago
Now that sounded like a plan, next week would be a full moon too so it would be nice and bright for Alex. Do some sailing, go for a swim it would be fun. He was going to look forward to it.

As Alex promised things he'd love Eiryk bobbled a bit, but it wasn't much and didn't stop him from reaching the top. Rather than shouting back down to Alex He just looked down and licked his lips rather suggestively.

"You want me to what?"

It wasn't that He didn't trust Alex to catch him it was that he spent a lot of time avoiding falling. And when he did fall from this kind of height he had coping mechanism. Well it would be better than climbing down.

Mentally counting to three Eiryk let go and just fell.


It was a lot of work not to slow himself but if this didn't say love he didn't know what did.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex leaned back on the rope as Eiryk let go of the rock face. The war cry was amusing considering Alex had enough tension on the rope that there was almost nowhere for Eiryk to fall, really. His boyfriend swung out like a big blond cat toy and Alex, feeding rope smoothly through his hands and letting Eiryk gently down to the ground.

Once his boyfriend was on the floor Alex glanced around surreptitiously and stepped up to Eiryk, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist, pulling him close, leaning down, and kissing him intimately.
"There's your preview."

Now that Eiryk had trusted him that far Alex was satisfied. He jumped right into questioning him as he unharnessed them both and tugged Eiryk along by the hand to an even further corner of the gym, and a harder wall.

"You never said you could fly," Alex said, his voice a bare whisper. "That's... really damn cool. Why didn't you tell me?"
Eiryk 13 years ago
It was almost as good as his way, Eiryk thought as Alex let him down. He tried a couple of dramatic poses as the rope was let out, but none really felt right so he gave up and went along for the ride. All in all though he was happy to be back on the ground.

Even happier when Alex gave him a real kiss. Eiryk sighed happily and kissed Alex back, he also let his hand wander a little bit, he might have grabbed Alex's ass... a little bit. Maybe. Probably. He did like Alex's ass.

"Mmmmm... good preview. "

He was going to have a hard time waiting to get to the action after that. Rock climbing as foreplay, who knew.

He happily followed along to what looked like an even trickier wall. Eiryk rather hopped Alex planned on climbing this one.

"Well cause I can't fly... but..." Eiryk frowned and considered, "would you believe I just didn't think about it? After all I don't do it that often. It is rather a reflex these days too."

He had promised Alex no more secrets and was working hard to live up to that. He didn't want Alex to get the idea that he'd been holding back on this point. It hadn't been a secret, just something he hadn't thought to offer up.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex hooked them both up properly to the next rope, leaving Eiryk to tie his own knot. No one tied knots like Eiryk; Alex had seen what he could do with a plain length of rope. When they were hooked up Alex refreshed him quickly on how to belay properly.

"Just remember, I don't float," he said with a smile. Hopefully Eiryk would keep the proper amount of tension in the rope, or if Alex fell it might be interesting.

Chalking his hands once more he gripped the bottom of the wall and began to climb. This section was in the corner and almost all of it was on the inverse. It had been a while since he attempted a climbing challenge this tough.

As he paused a short way up, planning his best route, he glanced back at Eiryk.
"Any other fancy tricks up your sleeve I need to be aware of?"
Eiryk 13 years ago
"So, what you're saying is that, gravity works?"

Eiryk didn't know if the gliding or the whole 'oh by the way I talk to foxes' would be more surprising for Alex. Neither was terribly believable and some days he questioned how useful either was. In a more rural society the Dr. Doolittle impression was handy, less so now. But he did enjoy it. There was a small family of foxes that he made it a point to check in with on a regular basis. He wasn't sure if they would be willing to meet Alex or not, they could be quite shy.

But he didn't have much time to think about that again as Alex started up the wall. Eiryk decided that he wasn't fond of inverses. He didn't get as good a look at Alex's ass. Oh well.

He laughed a little to himself as his boyfriend almost read his mind. He would have scratched his head, but needed his hands to man the rope.

"Need not so much but interested in... maybe."

He was willing to share, no questions asked though. Eiryk was working -very- hard at the no lies thing.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
"All too well sometimes. As you should know," Alex shot back with a grin as he chose his route and reached out, grabbing a large easy hold with his right hand and pushing himself up with his toes.

He continued up, enjoying the stretch and flex of various muscles, the control required to accurately scale a wall. He nodded at Eiryk's next words but he was soon too high up to respond well. Unlike his boyfriend, he couldn't hear better than usual. And he didn't think it prudent to encourage yelling about floating and other various tricks.

It took him some time to reach the top of this wall; it was not an easy climb. But eventually he made it. Instead of falling he began to climb down since it was good practice to go both ways, but then he paused.

"Want me to fall so you can see what it feels like?"

He trusted Eiryk; it was hard to mess up belaying. And it was sort of fun to act as a counterbalance to your climbing partner and let yourselves both dangle. Alex didn't mind playing with Eiryk on the ropes. He smiled down at his boyfriend, poised to let go if Eiryk responded in the affirmative.
Eiryk 13 years ago
"Low blow!"

Eiryk called up to Alex. But soon enough Alex was out of hearing range so Eiryk just settled into his job of playing out the rope and admiring the view. Granted the second part wasn't technically part of his job but it was a nice side benefit.

Watching Alex climb down Eiryk couldn't help but think that it looked like far too much work and not nearly as much fun as the falling.

It was oddly gratifying to have Alex ask about falling. It was trust returned and you had to like that. It was all warm and fuzzy. He nodded, perfectly willing to catch Alex.

"You have to do the war cry though... or whatever the Greek version is. Baklava or something."
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex laughed at Eiryk's proposed war cry. "Okay that works," he said. "Baklava it is, but you're making me hungry."

He wasn't particularly worried about Eiryk catching him. He had experienced Eiryk's strength first hand. Even if the rope slipped he was pretty sure Eiryk could recover.

If he didn't trip on anything.

Alex shrugged mentally to himself.
"Baklava!" he called cheerfully to Eiryk, and released himself from the side of the wall. He fell only a few inches before the rope went taut, and he ended up dangling well over Eiryk's head.

Looking down at his boyfriend Alex spread his hands and shrugged.
"So? Are you going to leave me here?"

He sat back in his harness and swung contentedly, enjoying the feeling. It was like being on a really high swing.
Eiryk 13 years ago
Apparently the Greek battle cry had made Eiryk hungry too, that or he was imagining Alex all covered in honey. They could do that too, he always had lots of honey. Could be a mess to clean up though. These musings caused him to for get to let Alex down.

"Nope. I think I'll keep you there away from any one else. You can grow out your hair and change your name to Rupunzel!"

That sounded like a great game to Eiryk. But deciding that would take too long he opted to let Alex down, stealing a kiss before letting the other man's feet hit the floor.

"We could still do the Rupunzel thing... if you want."
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex crossed his arms as he dangled, raising his eyebrows at Eiryk. "I'm not letting my hair down for you when there are like five million walls to climb right here. Because, you know, we're in a rock climbing gym."

He smiled, though, as Eiryk began to lower him. He returned his boyfriend's kiss, setting his feet down and bouncing a little bit to tug Eiryk off his feet.

"No. We will not do the Rapunzel thing," he said. "But we can go find some baklavah."

He grinned at Eiryk.
"Once you climb a few more walls."