Get a Grip (open)
Amir accelerated down the road leading into Nachton, giving a short sigh and relaxing into the familiar feel of his bike. He hadn't ridden it since his return to the Manor. In fact, he hadn't gone anywhere since his return, and that was part of his problem.
He had discovered since recuperating that the thirst that drove him to feed night after night whether he needed it or not was fiercer than ever. He knew it was understandable, given that he had had that problem since his turning and being starved almost to death had exacerbated it. But he couldn't rely on Jin to feed him forever, for Jin could not rely on the Manor staff to feed him forever. Amir had wanted to go out and Jin had supported the choice, which meant a great deal to Amir, who was still not entirely certain of his own judgment.
So they were both tucked onto Amir's bike, Jin behind Amir with his arms tight around the Huntsman's waist, a comfortable arrangement, Amir thought. He had woven Jin's long hair into a tight, thick braid before they left, something Amir had secretly enjoyed and was looking forward to doing again. The pattern and repetition had been soothing, the feel of the cool silken weight in his hands equally relaxing.
He didn't pay any attention to the speed limit, as per the norm, as he cruised into the city limits and took them onto the Strip. There was no better place to go for a quick meal on any given night. Amir wanted to, no, needed to, test himself. See if he could keep himself in check when surrounded by this flood of humanity. As he pulled the bike up against the curb near a series of nightclubs and dismounted he was already scanning the area, senses sharp, fangs extended, well aware of every pedestrian who walked by. He followed them each with dark, hungry eyes while he waited for Jin.
"Where do you want to go?" His voice was strained; he was already holding himself back, trying to keep from pouncing on the closest person and drinking until he might explode.
Still staring upward Amir grinned and laughed, a strange sound as it ended in a soft moan. He could hardly believe they were here in this place, in this position. It wasn't him at all... not the old him. He wasn't really sure who he really was, but he did know he wanted to be here right now, with Jin.
Finally looking down Amir frowned. This was wrong. Jin was kneeling on the dirty ground and what he was doing felt... well, incredible. Amazing. He wanted it with an intensity that frightened him. At the same time though, as much as it was one of the sexiest things he'd ever seen, the idea that Jin should kneel in the dirt before him made him feel guilty.
"Jin... you shouldn't have to do this," Amir said, his words ragged. "I should..."
He was torn again. He felt a raging desire to take Jin himself, claim him, wrap his arms around him and hold him, bring him pleasure that way. At the same time the other half of him wanted the exact opposite.
He closed his eyes briefly with a long shuddering sigh as Jin's mouth sent a wave of hot pleasure coursing up his shaft, into his stomach, spreading through his body. It was incredible; it was arousing. The sight in front of him was one he was certain would emblazon itself on his memory and he welcomed it. He just wasn't sure he deserved it.

Deciding that it was nothing that needed his immediate attention, Jin hummed softly in a sort of noncommittal answer and went back to enjoying the feel of Amir, firm and warm, in his mouth and the hand still wound in his hair.
When his companion spoke, Jin did stop. Reaching over to replace his mouth with a hand, he then looked up at Amir.
"Why should you?"
He stood up then, pressing himself against Amir and pushing his companion back more firmly against the brick wall. Jin nibbled softly on his lover's neck before speaking again. "I want to do this for you." He ran his fangs over Amir's neck and sighed softly. "...and me."
Leaning back enough to look at the Huntsman, Jin asked. "What do you want? Because I want you. It doesn't matter how." He rubbed himself against Amir's hip and moaned softly. "just now, please."
"I want it too," he whispered hoarsely as Jin's fangs traveled over his neck. His hand freed itself from Jin's hair, both arms wrapping around the Nightsman's waist, diving beneath his shirt once again, this time down to the waist of his pants to unfasten them. He slid his hands beneath the warm silk of the blue boxers under them, one sliding around to Jin's ass, pulling him closer yet, the other hand reaching for Jin's hard length, fitting it gently to his hand. He explored and stroked as he turned them both until it was Jin who was pressed back against the wall.
"What do I want?"
Amir let his lips travel gently down Jin's neck once again. "I want you, too. Right here. Right now."
It wasn't natural for Amir to be the submissive one but things were different with Jin. He didn't mind it so much with him... actually enjoyed it. Right now, though, he still felt that predatory sort of aggression that came from having fed. He hesitated still, just for a moment, then gently moved his hands, sliding them down, hooking them into the waist of Jin's pants and boxers, pulling them both along as he smoothed his hands over Jin's hips and thighs.
He had restrained the aggression before; he could do it now. He could be gentle. He wanted to, with Jin. Jin was more than someone to have sex with. So much more. The setting, public, gritty, dirty, was all wrong for Jin. If he wanted, Amir would comply, but, Amir realized, it didn't mean he had to take Jin that way.
He released a long sigh, then, suddenly relaxing as he finally reached that truth. It was all right to care for Jin. He wasn't going anywhere. Amir leaned back slightly, allowed himself to smile. It wasn't his usual silken, sly expression but rather a far more hesitant, sweet smile.
Amir reached beneath Jin and lifted him carefully. "Up," he whispered softly, still smiling, knowing if they made too much noise anyone passing by could come and investigate. He cradled Jin carefully in his arms, having no trouble supporting him. Pushing back gently, not wanting to grind Jin uncomfortably against the wall but needing it for leverage, he reached between them and carefully guided himself into position. He was wet, from more than Jin's mouth, although that had certainly done the trick.
As gently as he could he pushed himself slowly, slowly into Jin, waiting for his partner to move himself against him, taking his cues from Jin. He didn't want this to hurt; bad enough they didn't have what they needed for it to be perfectly smooth. The least he could do was move as carefully as possible. Need outstripped the desire to wait right now, though... as they joined, Amir rested his forehead against Jin's and then leaned forward just a bit more, kissing him softly.
"All right?"

Jin tilted his head back as his partner's lips found his neck once more; he watched Amir through slitted eyes as the Huntsman explained in a bit more detail. "Then take me. I'm willing." If there was any remaining doubts he wanted to allay them.
Amir divested him of his pants and boxers, both loose fitting garments pooling easily at his feet. Jin returned the brilliant smile that he was given, loving the warmth that it brought to his companion's face.
Finding himself lifted out of his clothing, Jin favored Amir with an amused expression before wrapping his now bare legs around his partner's waist. With a sigh, he leaned his head back against the brick wall and forced himself to relax as Amir entered him, slowly and as gently as possible. It was still rougher than it could be if they had been better prepared and he bit his lip harder to keep from expressing any discomfort. Once Amir was past a certain point it began to feel better.
He panted softly, gripping Amir's shoulders tightly. After a few moments, Jin loosened his hold and nodded. "Yes, I'm alright." To prove that point, he tilted his hips and pushed his back more firmly against the wall, at the same time pulling Amir closer with his legs. Jin moved experimentally pushing away so that Amir slid almost fully out and then back in, several times before murmuring hoarsely "Better than alright."
Finally Jin claimed everything was good and Amir believed him. They moved carefully, quietly, at first. Amir supported Jin easily with one arm and reached down with the other. He took Jin into his hand, caressing the length of his aroused cock, letting his fingertips play delicately over it before closing them around and stroking, softly, in time with his thrust as he buried himself deeply, but still somewhat slowly, inside his lover.
Jin had asked for now. Amir wanted that every bit as much but it was important to him to do it properly. Still, he couldn't get past the fact that it was almost unbelievably erotic to see Jin pressed against the brick wall, the two of them obscured by the shadows of the buildings around them, intimately entwined as if they were in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
He pulled out once more, ran his hand up Jin's length, and then breathed out a tense sort of sigh as he buried himself once more, his hand gliding down, tightening, pressuring slightly. Amir wished he had more hands. He wanted to touch every bit of Jin, caress his face, bury his fingers in that silky mane.
Instead he had to content himself with a kiss as he began to pick up the pace. Just a little. His movements were still slow, intense in their control and depth, making each stroke count instead of racing toward the finish line at a frantic rate. He was going to take Jin there soon, yes, if he could, but not quickly, and not roughly. It could be achieved with tenderness and care.
Amir kept his movements easy, almost fluid, particularly those of his hand as he gently massaged and caressed Jin's cock. His lips quested downward along the golden sweep of Jin's neck, seeking his pulse. He sucked, bringing heat to the surface. Oh, he was going to bite. There was no doubt. He was addicted to Jin like a drug. He wanted his blood, wanted to taste him, wanted to hear those soft cries of pleasure and feel that strong body tremble, momentarily vulnerable in his embrace.
He held off though. That bite would be best felt when they were both ready, closer to climax, closer to something more wonderful. In lieu of the real thing Amir nipped gently, a precursor of what was to come, as his hips continued their gentle rhythm and his hand stroked slowly, relentlessly. Soon, his movements all said. Very soon.

It was a strange sensation to have the occasional breeze drift past, brushing lightly over exposed skin. He was acutely aware that he was in public, with his ass and legs bare being fucked senseless by an incredibly handsome man. Jin could feel the rough texture of the brick pressing into his back through the loose fitting silk shirt and somehow that just made it all that much more erotic. The biggest thrill was that any moment someone could walk up and spot them. It just touched at the edge of his fears, giving him that rush of adrenaline and nervous energy. It was titillating and added a hyper focus to the whole experience. Jin marveled at the silky cool strands of Amir's hair, the hard, yet soft feel of his partner's body pushing against him, the sounds of the street and the night, the occasional voices of people who entered and left the convenience store, and the clean warm scent of Amir so close and strong against the less savory scent of the dirty alley
They had to be quick and yet it seemed, here in the shadows of this narrow street, that they had all the time in the world. This moment was theirs.
Jin returned Amir's kiss with needy urgency; his hands ended their journey and came to rest on either side of his lover's jaw. He gently pulled Amir close as he prolonged the embrace, lips and tongue hungry to touch and taste.
The hand on his erection was perfection. Amir's unhurried pace was agonizing but exactly right to make the experience last long enough for both of them to truly and fully enjoy it. He would not want it any other way and Jin was glad that Amir seemed to understand that and want the same thing.
The Huntsman found his neck and sucked just hard enough to suggest that a bite was soon to come. Jin panted and gasped as Amir nipped gently. He closed his eyes, tilting his head back against the bricks. In a voice barely above a breath, Jin said.
" Please... don't stop."
He could feel his body straining for release and knew Jin could not be far behind. His companion's kiss was desperate, urgent, and needy but that only made it more delicious. It was an incredible feeling, knowing he could inspire that sort of emotion in Jin, when he felt it so strongly himself as well.
Amir tasted the skin of Jin's neck, familiar, comforting, yet arousing at the same time. Jin's voice whispered into his ear and Amir smiled against that warm silken skin. "I won't stop," he murmured against Jin's neck, his tongue flickering out to taste the blood-warmed spot he'd just created.
With careful attention to timing once more Amir slid nearly all the way out, then stroked his hand lovingly down Jin's erection as he penetrated him again in a smooth motion, fully and deeply, leaning forward slightly and biting down. He gave a soft, muffled moan into Jin's neck as the Nightsman's blood flowed rich and strong.
This was euphoria. The sensations overwhelmed him and he came as he drank, moving gently within Jin, his hand working ceaselessly to bring Jin with him, caressing and stroking his partner slowly and rhythmically. His climax was strong in its intensity but his body still moved fluidly, as if this release was just an extension of their lovemaking, a continuation rather than a finale.
Amir pulled away as the waves of pleasure receded but didn't fade entirely. He ran his tongue gently over Jin's neck, lowering his head to softly kiss his collar bone. The red haze of his previous feeding had left him and his senses began to return. There was only enjoyment now... the need and desperation had faded for the time being, leaving him breathless at the idea that this was really happening between them.

His partner did that and more. Jin gasped as Amir stroked him in earnest, writhing a bit, in desperate longing for the feel of Amir once more buried deep inside him. He did not have to wait long; his lover leaned forward and Jin nearly wept with pleasure as Amir added his bite to the wonderful things he was already doing to him. It was hard not to make a sound. He could feel his lover come inside him, Jin tightened his hold with his legs and wrapped his arms around Amir, cradling him close. Leaning his head back against the brick he felt each pulse of his lover's climax as Amir continued to move within him.
It was all perfect, despite their surroundings. Jin shuddered, closing his eyes tightly, his mouth open in a silent scream of ecstasy as his own climax washed over him, pulsing around his lover and through out his body.
Hanging spent in Amir's strong grasp, Jin let out a small quiet sigh of contentment. He ran a languid hand through his partner's soft black hair and smiled. "Thank you, Amir. That was perfect."
He added with a wider grin. "I think I should like to hunt with you more often."
Amir pulled his hand away and brushed his fingertips lightly over the hard ridge of muscle on Jin's stomach. "Don't thank me," he said softly, solemnly. Jin humbled him with his thanks. Amir should be the one saying that. "You shouldn't thank me."
It was easier than he had thought it would be, being gentle with Jin, tempering the energy he had inside himself and letting it out in a way that was more pleasing to his partner. Amir found it no hardship, in fact, enjoyable, to continue. He eased Jin's legs from around his waist, flashing a soft, sultry smile at the Nightsman.
"I just like hunting you."
As he situated Jin against the wall Amir knelt, tugging his jeans up to facilitate the motion, and braced his hands on Jin's hips. He couldn't share love with Jin and not offer him caring and respect afterward. Hopefully, in this case, too, some residual pleasure. He smoothed his hands up Jin's hips, pushing his shirt away, and lowered his head.
Softly, gently, he ran his tongue over Jin's warm golden skin, erasing any trace of his lover's recent climax. His hands were gentle as they held Jin steady, his thumbs brushing lightly over those taut muscles. He smiled once again at the idea that someone could easily see them if they only walked in the right direction, but that knowledge didn't make him hurry the process any. He was thorough.
He retrieved his partner's clothing and helped Jin quickly, silently, back into the discarded garments. Amir smiled as he stood, the expression open, honest, in a way that it rarely ever was except in front of Mara and Bao and now, Jin. He re-fastened Jin's pants, having been the one to disrobe his lover to begin with, and pressed himself close, lightly brushing his lips along Jin's jaw.
"Ready to deliver the package to our damsel in distress?"
His mouth quirked up wryly as he remembered their reason for being in this situation to begin with.

He was taken aback by the smile. Jin felt his heart pick up its pace and it had already been hammering rapidly from their exertions. He returned the smile with one of his own, this one small, somewhat modest. Being hunted by Amir would be no hardship.
"Next time perhaps I will let you chase me first."
The words were accompanied by an almost saucy little smirk as he got over the initial shock of being the object of such a beautiful expression. It was quickly forgotten and slid slowly from his face as Amir knelt in front of him and began to gently lick him clean. His hands found the Huntsman blindly, one holding onto a shoulder and the other twining itself in Amir's short black hair. Jin tilted his head back and closed his eyes, a little gasp of pleasure escaping him.
Amir was...amazing. Jin could understand why Mara loved him so much for so long. This gentleness was hidden somewhere inside the fierce warrior that everyone saw. His partner moved with all his normal grace and sureness despite his delicate actions. It warmed his heart. Jin couldn't imagine Amir not being a part of their lives. He wanted to see this man more often. He wanted to know him and share himself with him.
As his lover helped him back into his clothes and then leaned into him, Jin wrapped his arms around him. Pulling Amir close, desperately tight for a brief moment. With a soft sigh, he loosened his grip and nodded.
"Yes, I suppose we should go play the heroes."
But he was determined that he was walking off with the prince. The damsel could get her own.
The idea of chasing Jin was a pleasant one. Amir let that daydream run around in is head for a little while. He found find that... more than pleasurable. His smile said so, as he turned it back upon Jin once more.
He was surprised when Jin pulled him so close, with such feeling, but he wrapped his arms around his partner and returned the embrace, pressing a gentle kiss to Jin's lips. Amir lingered a bit, readily admitting he liked being wrapped in Jin's arms, and having Jin in his as well.
He gave his companion a rueful smile and shook his head. "You make a better hero."
Amir handed the purse to Jin, who still had the phone as well. They made their way back through the streets in the same manner as they had before. When they stopped outside the pub Amir tossed his head, indicating that Jin should go ahead and do the deed. After all, Jin could remain blended and simply leave the woman's items on the bar for her. He assumed that was the idea after Jin had left the note on Kat's phone earlier.
The process only took a few moments, after which the two of them made their way back to the Manor. Amir thought, in retrospect, that it had been a pretty damn good night. He'd stayed somewhat composed at the bar, had fed responsibly after, and, well... the bits with Jin were, of course, enough for Amir to have wanted time to stop.
He wasn't sure about being a hero. He'd leave that to Jin, truly. Amir was pretty sure he had fallen too far beyond redemption for that label. Knowing Jin was there though, well, maybe he did stand a chance.
((OOC: Both of our Heroes out for more crime stopping action...stay tuned!))