Get a Grip (open)
Amir accelerated down the road leading into Nachton, giving a short sigh and relaxing into the familiar feel of his bike. He hadn't ridden it since his return to the Manor. In fact, he hadn't gone anywhere since his return, and that was part of his problem.
He had discovered since recuperating that the thirst that drove him to feed night after night whether he needed it or not was fiercer than ever. He knew it was understandable, given that he had had that problem since his turning and being starved almost to death had exacerbated it. But he couldn't rely on Jin to feed him forever, for Jin could not rely on the Manor staff to feed him forever. Amir had wanted to go out and Jin had supported the choice, which meant a great deal to Amir, who was still not entirely certain of his own judgment.
So they were both tucked onto Amir's bike, Jin behind Amir with his arms tight around the Huntsman's waist, a comfortable arrangement, Amir thought. He had woven Jin's long hair into a tight, thick braid before they left, something Amir had secretly enjoyed and was looking forward to doing again. The pattern and repetition had been soothing, the feel of the cool silken weight in his hands equally relaxing.
He didn't pay any attention to the speed limit, as per the norm, as he cruised into the city limits and took them onto the Strip. There was no better place to go for a quick meal on any given night. Amir wanted to, no, needed to, test himself. See if he could keep himself in check when surrounded by this flood of humanity. As he pulled the bike up against the curb near a series of nightclubs and dismounted he was already scanning the area, senses sharp, fangs extended, well aware of every pedestrian who walked by. He followed them each with dark, hungry eyes while he waited for Jin.
"Where do you want to go?" His voice was strained; he was already holding himself back, trying to keep from pouncing on the closest person and drinking until he might explode.
"How many blocks is 'a few,' and in which direction?" He asked. "We'll go check it out."
He watched as Jin attempted to feed the girl. Taking another sip of his drink he slid it unfinished onto the bar and stood, stretching his back with his arms linked behind him. He was just fine with running down some thugs for dinner, and his faint nod and smile at Jin told his companion so.
Amir wondered if Jin was motivated purely by altruism or if he, too, thought Amir would have more fun and possibly more success this way. Either way it seemed like they'd stumbled on a good way to find food. Amir hoped these muggers didn't take too much searching though. He was starting to feel the edge rather keenly.
Waiting for the answer he hoped she would supply, Amir shifted almost imperceptibly back and forth on the balls of his feet. A hunt right now would be good.
"Ummm... two blocks no more than three, back that way."
She pointed so that you had to turn right as you walked out the door.
"The purse is a Coach navy blue leather hobo shoulder bag. ... Ummmm... my wallet is... was... bright canary yellow."
Kat was more or less resigned to the fact that she was going to get nothing back from this little adventure and was trying to use the past tense about her things. They were just things after all, she was still here and safe. Safeish.
Her eyes near bugged out of her head when the white haired guy gave her some cash. She hadn't had a decent meal since landing. She'd blown all her money on the flight. Kat smiled brightly, the first honest smile of the evening. It was nice... they were being nice. Maybe they weren't out to get her after all.
"Thank you so much. When you come back if you give me your address I'll pay you back. I promise."
The idea of an unpaid debt didn't sit well with Kat. Besides you should reward the kindness of strangers. The next person whitey chose to help out might needed it even more than she did.

He smiled at her when she finally seemed genuinely happy for the first time during their encounter. Hopefully they could find some trace of her stuff while finding a nice meal, for Amir at the very least, and then come back and give her more good news.
"We'll be back and let you know how it goes."
Placing money on the bar for their drinks, he smiled at Amir and then headed back for the door. Jin wondered what sort of nefarious deal their arrival and quick departure after speaking to the woman at the bar must look like. It amused him the truth was far more complicated than anything a nosy conspiracy theorist might come up with.
Once outside, he turned to Amir.
"So how would you like to go about this, Huntmaster?" Jin gestured at himself and added. "Like this or..." he gestured lower to the ground, indicating their animal forms. "like that?"
They turned right out the door, as the woman in the bar had indicated. Amir headed back into the alley with Jin, glancing behind them. "Oh, I think the second option might be fun tonight," he said.
It wasn't a problem. Jin was capable of traveling completely unseen in either of his forms, as Amir had witnessed in the past, and Amir himself was well acquainted with enough shadows that it was highly unlikely anyone would notice his own form in detail enough to recognize he was not a common dog.
They would very likely be able to get closer to the muggers in animal shape (well Amir would, at least), than they would in their human forms. Granted, Amir did not think he was particularly intimidating in appearance either way but Jin would be easily recognized a a human. At least in his shifted form they wouldn't be able to give him a human face.
"Let's do a little scouting and see what we find," Amir said. It would have been easier for them to have gotten the woman's scent in the bar but that wasn't possible. At least they had a description and a direction. The worst thing that happened would be they found nothing and returned to the bar empty-handed.
Amir smiled softly at Jin and shook his head. "You have a kind heart," he observed, knowing his Clan mate did have his limits but that Jin was usually inclined to be friendly and helpful. "I could do worse than to follow your example. But in this case... I was just hoping for a meal."
He admitted it without shame but with a small amount of remorse. Amir did wish he could be a little more like Jin. He stepped closer, brushed his hand lightly against the side of Jin's face, and then moved away, shifting smoothly as he did and waiting for Jin to do the same. Amir would not be able to follow Jin once he was blended; Jin would have to accompany him.

He blinked when Amir said he was kind hearted. Jin opened his mouth to protest but shut it again when Amir reached out and lightly brushed his cheek. Looking down at the canine in front of him, he murmured. "I was mostly hoping to find something for you to eat also." He shrugged and blended into the background before changing. Then he bumped his large feline head against Amir's side before following the jackal in the direction of the alley.
Heading back toward Jin's large, hidden form Amir went in the direction the woman had indicated, to the right after exiting the bar, and sniffed for traces of that particular scent. He did not have the heightened senses some vampires did but he did have the nose of a jackal, which helped. He caught traces of the scent here and there, enough to know he was on the right track.
Trusting Jin was following closely Amir made his way through the streets, clinging to shadows, shying away from strangers as any stray would be expected to. After about two blocks he made a sudden turn into an alley between two run-down buildings, somewhat off the main Strip.
Amir could smell the fear here. It was thick and cloying. The alleyway reeked of it. Standing on his hind legs he nosed the tops off of two trash cans, looking for anything that might be a clue. There was nothing on top and he was hardly going to go diving so he knocked the first can over, bouncing back out of the way.
The first can revealed nothing of interest but the second can bore a cell phone. Amir shoved it with his nose and sniffed it more. Aside from smelling like garbage there were other scents on it... not just the woman's. Amir pushed it out of the strewn garbage in the alleyway and across it where he and Jin could shift safely back if they needed, to examine it.

It was pretty amusing to watch and he sat back on his haunches and observed his fellow ancient engaging in very stray-like behavior. His eyes caught a glint of something of something in a red jewel tone. Jin stood up to take a closer look. Not long after he spotted it, Amir began pushing it away from the other refuse and toward where Jin had been sitting.
Shifting back to his human form, he reached down to pick up the little android smart phone. "Good thing she's got a case on it." Jin observed the scratches from being tossed in the trash and shoved around the asphalt. Its screen was miraculously still in one piece. The muggers were smart enough to turn off the device; either that or she didn't have it on in the first place. The latter theory didn't seem likely though since the woman had just had an interview and was hoping for a call back.
Jin turned on the device and it promptly told him that she had messages. He set it on the ground so Amir could see and, wrapping one arm around his companion, poked through the phone's menu with one finger. There was a document reader app and he poked that open. One of the first listed showed a resume.
"Well, Katherine Shelton, your day is looking better." He smiled over at Amir and then poked open the note app.
Hope the future is brighter. No need for thanks.
-A and J
Jin tucked the phone in his pocket and then turned to his companion. "Well, Master Sleuth, got an idea which way they went?"
He faded from view and shifted again, rumbling a soft sound to let his companion know he was ready to follow.
When Jin took the time to type in a kind little note on the cell phone Amir shook his head, remembering how his companion had insisted his kindness was merely inspired by trying to find Amir a meal. Which, in and of itself, was kind. There was no getting around it... Amir had seen Jin be determined and dutiful, stern, commanding, and once or twice downright chilly. But fundamentally he was kind. Whether he would admit it or not. He was a wonderful mate for Mara, and Amir was still floored that they wanted to share themselves with him.
While Jin poked around on the phone Amir had taken the opportunity to scent it thoroughly. While the variety of different flavors assaulted his nose, he was pretty sure he could pick out the scent of the muggers. He voiced his amusement with Jin's note by letting loose a jackal-laugh; he couldn't yip or bark or otherwise make doglike noises. Instead his sounds consisted of some very eerie noises that many people described as haunting or ghost-like. It was one of these he voiced now, a hooting quality to it that sounded like laughter.
Trotting to the end of the alley he lowered his nose and scoured the ground until he caught the scent of the muggers, or what he assumed was the scent of the muggers. It was acrid with adrenaline, stress, anxiety, and triumph. He whuffed softly once he found it and began to follow it out of the alley, this time not as concerned with sticking to the shadows. For the most part, though, the muggers had also done that. Amir and Jin crossed a few streets before Amir stopped for a second. Raising his nose to the air he ran forward into the parking lot of a gas station. Crossing the lot, he smelled what he needed to smell.
He raced past it, rounded the corner, and headed into the alleyway behind it. Once there he shifted back, crouching against the wall of the building.
"That's them in the station wagon," he said, referring to the car they'd run past in the lot.
"I can't believe dat's all the money we got outa her. Damn it, this is going to take forever." Eddie ranted yet again while slamming his hands against the steering wheel. He huffed loudly and leaned back against the head rest closing his eyes tiredly. "At this rate we ain't gonna make it to Indianapolis."
Juliet continued to quietly stroke the navy blue leather purse, glad she refused to let Eddie toss it in the trash with the phone. She sighed quietly when he started ranting again. He was normally very calm and polite, even cheerful. Heck, he even called the woman Ma'am as he mugged her.
Her brow deepened as she frowned thoughtfully. "We'll just have to find another one, We can do that, it won't be too hard, We'll just pick better next time, you'll see, stupid bitch was a poser that's all, we'll look for a real rich woman the next time, everything will be okay, Eddie, you don't need to worry, let's go...okay?" Juliet took a deep breath and looked at him hopefully.
"Hey, now, it weren't her fault she didn't have no money." Eddie turned to her with a frown. "Kinda makes me feel bad that we stole from her but what's done is done. There's no reason to blame her for it."
He smiled at Juliet and agreed with her. "That's right. They can't keep us down, Baby. We're like Sid and Nancy, Bonnie n Clyde, Robin Hood and Maid Marion." Eddie chucked her under the chin before nodding back to the convenience store. "You want somethin before we get goin again?"

They made it to a gas station and Amir took off at a run across the parking lot. This seemed like a good sign and was an amusing development. Jin trotted along behind his companion in a half-run, half-walk sort of feline prance that would have looked dainty on a domestic house cat.
Reaching the shadows, Jin saw that Amir had resumed his human form and was watching something back out in the parking lot. He shifted as well and turned to look as his partner commented that the people they were after were in the station wagon.
The area was not very busy and despite the ambient city noises Jin could hear snatches of their conversation. He was not sure why they were mugging people for money but it was obvious that there was more motive behind it than the typical thug who did it because he could. The woman spoke at an almost unintelligible pace that reminded him of Hammy from Over the Hedge. He wished that Mara was here so that he could mention the similarity to her since they had watched the movie together and adored the different animal characters. The hyper, cheerful, fast talking squirrel had been his favorite.
The man got out of the car and was heading toward the convenience store. Jin turned to Amir.
"Her first?"
The couple had handily separated themselves from each other. If they were quick then Amir could drink from her before her boyfriend even made it back out to the car.
Only, he found once more that he didn't want to Command her. She was useless, a blight on society, good for nothing but feeding him, apparently. Why should he care? It didn't matter what he did to her... and yet he still didn't want to Command her.
Well, there were other ways to feed.
"Yes," he said to Jin, his voice gruff with hunger. "Her first."
Amir considered for a very brief moment. He didn't have a lot of time before the man returned. Not that he was concerned. His eyes never leaving the woman, though, he shifted forms again. Jin could do what he wanted to do regarding the victim's possessions. Amir would retrieve the purse, but primarily he just wanted to drink.
Bounding lightly from the shadows he pricked his ears forward, wagged his tail, and ran up to the passenger side of the station wagon, putting his front paws up against it in all apparent doggy eagerness.
She looked around the car for something to feed him. Poor thing must be hungry. Opening the glove compartment she found where she had stashed some snacks for later. Juliet pulled out a package of beef jerky and opened the door.
"Oh, You precious thing! Are you hungry you must be hungry. Here! I have something you will like just let me get the bag open and we'll feed you before Eddie comes back. Okay?"
Unzipping the bag, Juliet pulled out a piece of jerky and held out it up triumphantly.
"You sure are an interestin looking dog almost like a fox with them ears but you sure are pretty. I wish I could take you with me but he'd never let me."

However, it seemed that Amir's plan worked. The woman rummaged around in the glove compartment and brought out some food. How generous. Jin chuckled inwardly as she opened the door and talked in rapid stream to her newest friend.
'Precious Thing' He'd have to remember that one.
He gently took the piece of jerky, unpleasant as it was, and gulped it down. When it was gone he exploded into a fit of doggy rapture, wagging his tail, wriggling in apparent delight, and climbing onto the woman's lap as he licked her face. He was not a large animal; it was a pretty tight squeeze but it put him in the perfect position.
It was a quick shift, smoothly done with centuries and centuries of practice. One moment the enthusiastic pup was licking the woman's face; the next, Amir was straddled over her lap, his hands cupping her face.
She had no time to cry out. He didn't leave her any. He wasn't even sure she'd registered what was going on yet as he tilted his head and bit into her neck. He felt that initial tightness as she tensed and then it faded. Her body melted as her blood flowed, hot and nourishing, into his mouth.
Amir closed his eyes in ecstasy as he drank, feeling sanity return slowly. He could almost think again. He sighed softly into the woman's neck as he drank, and drank. He didn't need more but he took it anyway. He wanted it. He had spent too long craving it, needing it... now there was plenty and he had to make sure he took as much as he could. Just in case.
The woman's hand slid away and he heard the crackle of plastic as the little bag of beef jerky hit the ground. He closed his eyes tightly and held his breath. He didn't care if she lived or died...
...but she had been kind to what she'd thought was a stray dog, in spite of her having mugged an innocent woman. That said something. Humans did cruel things to each other all the time. How they treated helpless animals gave more insight into their natures. He shouldn't care. She was just a meal. But, he reasoned with himself, if he left her alive tonight, she could be someone else's meal again next month.
Amir dragged himself from her neck, with a great deal of effort, licking the wounds he'd made closed. The woman was out cold but alive. He hadn't taken too much more than he really needed. He slid out of the car, retrieved the bag of jerky, and put it in her lap along with her limp hand. Picking up the blue handbag Amir closed the car door, shifted forms, and ran off behind the building where he waited for Jin to return.
The dog was now...It had never been a dog. A part of her mind floated a random fact to her brain. It had been a jackal. Huh, that's why it had those ears. Silly, Juliet scolded her subconscious. Everyone knows vampires turn into bats or wolves, not jackals. Well her personal dream vampire was different. She didn't mind, not at all. He was a bit young but very handsome, almost innocent looking. In her dream Juliet brought her hands around him, one smoothing its way along the back of his neck. It was okay, she told him in that comforting gesture, he could take what he needed.
He wanted her, at least for this, and perhaps only in her dreams but he needed her and wanted her and she would give him whatever he asked for because of that.

He watched his companion shift and sink his fangs into the woman's neck all in nearly the same motion. The human didn't have time to call out but he noticed that she didn't seem inclined to. The woman reached up held Amir gently to her as he drank.
Standing over the pair unseen, Jin watched and waited to see whether he was going to need to pull Amir away. It appeared to take a massive amount of will but the Huntsman won the battle against his instincts and moved off the woman on his own.
Jin followed Amir back into the shadows after his companion had retrieved the bag and closed the car door. The woman would survive without the need of medical attention and so Jin felt no need to worry for her welfare.
Looking at his clan mate, he asked.
"So, feel better?"
The other man was on his way out with a couple of sodas in his hands and a smile on his face. It would seem that little set backs like muggings gone bad didn't keep him down for long. Jin watched the stranger crossing bac toward his car and asked.
"Still hungry?"
"Almost," he growled softly.
He pulled Jin around the side of the building, into the even deeper shadows there, hidden in the narrow space between two buildings. As soon as his companion cleared the corner Amir tugged him close, enveloping him in his arms, and lowering his mouth the very short distance to Jin's lips.
Holding Jin tight against him Amir captured his mouth with hungry intensity, nipping at his lower lip, demanding access and thrusting his tongue against Jin's, tasting, taking. Gently but firmly, he wound one hand into Jin's long hair while he splayed the other hand across Jin's back to keep him trapped against him.
Amir spent a small eternity at Jin's mouth before moving along his jaw to nip his way down Jin's neck. "Yes. I'm still hungry."
Not for blood though.

He answered Amir's kiss, not that his partner's demands offered much choice. He loved that as well. His partner's confidence in taking what he wanted and being the thing Amir wanted was a heady feeling. Jin found himself quickly consumed by an equal lust that responded to Amir's insistent embrace. He parted his lips, his tongue dancing with his lover's, wanting more. The Huntsman pulled him close; Jin wrapped one arm around his partner's back and the other slid up behind Amir's neck. There was security in the iron grip of his companion's arm and the gentle but firm hold on his braided hair that kept him where Amir wanted him. The return of his partner's strength was a comfort and Jin found himself molding himself to fit tightly against as much of the Huntsman as he could manage.
Amir moved down his jaw and onto his neck; Jin breathed a shuddering sigh, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. He pulled his partner tighter against him, if such a thing were possible.
"Then you should do something about that. I would not want you to go hungry."
Now he was very hungry himself; Jin wanted Amir now. He didn't care how. He just didn't want to wait.
There was no waiting. Amir couldn't even process the steps involved in getting to someplace more appropriate for this activity. He pulled back slightly, rested his dark eyes upon Jin, and knew that he was holding close the only creature of beauty in the darkness they found themselves in. It was poetic in its own way, the dim, dingy alley. The dry, hot wall of the building he leaned back against, dragging Jin with him. Contrasted by the shining star he held tight.
He pulled Jin close once more. Captured his mouth, drank him in as his hands dove beneath the Nightsman's shirt, wandering feverishly over golden skin and hard muscle. "Beautiful," he murmured against Jin's lips as he pulled away briefly.
Everything about Jin was, indeed, beautiful, juxtaposed with the setting. Amir could feel the heat of his arousal; he pushed close, rubbed himself against it with a soft hiss of desire.
Amir did not let go of the silken braid of Jin's hair. Instead he continued to hold it tightly, like a lifeline, his hand twisted into it as he panted lightly in the aftermath of that kiss, and the fierce rush of need Jin's closeness inspired.
There was no doubt that they both wanted, but this setting was not ideal. The prospect of waiting held no appeal, though. Amir's shoulders flexed. He shifted, holding Jin tight against him once more. Where it would be natural for him to demonstrate his desire, he stopped short of doing so.
The brief aggressive fire began to fade, leaving him uncertain how to proceed. "Jin," he said softly, then stopped, started to speak again, and stopped once more.
Words weren't his forte, apparently.

His partner kissed again, fiercely, as Amir's hands explored beneath his shirt. Jin shivered slightly at the feel of those hands that brushed across his stomach and chest. He pressed against them wantonly, wanting to be touched and claimed by them.
Opening his eyes, Jin smiled and lowered his lashes in modest acceptance of Amir's compliment. He was not sure what his companion saw but he was grateful for it. And for the hard evidence of desire that rubbed against his own as Amir pressed closer.
This was hardly the most ideal setting for making love but it would do. There was a heady rush at the idea of being exposed while doing something so very private that made his need all the more urgent, despite the inconvenience.
Jin looked up, watching Amir as his companion seemed to struggle with himself. He wondered if the Huntsman was more accustomed to simply taking what he needed or wanted. Jin was appreciative of the courtesy that was evident in that uncertain stating of his name. Had Amir not respected and cared about him then his partner's course of action might have been easier, simpler at the very least.
Smiling faintly, Jin leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his partner's lips before kneeling down in front of him. He unfastened the button of Amir's jeans with nimble fingers, unzipping them, and then pushing fabric aside to get to the prize he was looking for.
With a small sigh of pleasure, he took Amir's erection into his mouth. He sucked gently, licking and coating his lover's cock with thorough teasing patience, able to find a small amount of restraint while focusing on his partner's pleasure.