Has anyone noticed..
Anantya seems to be the clan of choice around here.. we're way more active / populated.. So does that make us the coolest?

19 years ago
But of course!

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Yup, I thought so =D

Chryseis Angelique
19 years ago
damn straight!

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus appears naked in the Anantya Clan Forums.
Of course we are teh greatest clan ever!
Of course we are teh greatest clan ever!

Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
*looks at Thaddeus
Maybe you should put some pants on if you want to continue being cool today.
Maybe you should put some pants on if you want to continue being cool today.

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
The water in the bathtub was cold

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
It wasn't THAT cold buddy.. /smirk

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
You know, I kind of can't believe I'm engaging in a discussion on my character's penis size :.
Thaddeus is about to have a fit of the vapors.
Before he faints, he would like to say that he is hung like a bear.
Thaddeus is about to have a fit of the vapors.
Before he faints, he would like to say that he is hung like a bear.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Teddy bear maybe.. And I have smelling salts

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
A Teddy Bear Float in teh Macy's Day Parade!!!!
*watches Thaddeus faint*
Poor kid :. I can't help it, I get all competitive and stuff like one of those sports moms.
Except not really because if moms got competitive over their son's measurements that would really be strange.
But you know what I mean.
*watches Thaddeus faint*
Poor kid :. I can't help it, I get all competitive and stuff like one of those sports moms.
Except not really because if moms got competitive over their son's measurements that would really be strange.
But you know what I mean.

Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago

19 years ago
LMAO! I'm crying I'm laughing so hard. *Picks poor Thaddeus up off the floor*

19 years ago
No messing with the boy. It takes hugh kahonies...and other parts... to do some of the things we Order of the Night have to do. We are grace under pressure.
*whispers to Thaddeus* Next time don't let them see you in cold water.
*whispers to Thaddeus* Next time don't let them see you in cold water.

Dawn Ratana
17 years ago
It has been awhile since everyone got to have fun at Thaddeus' expense! Oh, and the water was just fine for Sorin. :P
It has been awhile since everyone got to have fun at Thaddeus' expense! Oh, and the water was just fine for Sorin. :P

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
Dawn is dirtay! She looked at Sorin and stuff! eww eww eww!

Alex West
17 years ago
Look who's talking, Miss Paragon of Virtue. 
**grovel grovel - just kidding**

**grovel grovel - just kidding**

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
O_O .....! oh boy will you pay for that one!
It's *Sorin* we are talking about!
It's *Sorin* we are talking about!

Thaddeus Grey
17 years ago
God dammit, where are the smelling salts?
Poor Thaddeus.
Poor Thaddeus.