Welcome to Indecision
"I love you..." Fallon murmured into Cyrus' neck, just before Ginger opened the door to the limo. The drive from their own manor, to Heolfor, was uneventful, unless you counted the 'necking' session they got into on the back seat. Aware that she might be meeting two heads of the Anantya clan, Fallon resisted letting the experience get too frisky. Her appearance was definitely something she was concerned about, but then too, being with Cyrus now was much like it had always been, and the desires he stirred in her never seemed to cease.
But their car trip was now over, for a while, and she straightened her skirt as her legs swung out the side of the car. She had chosen a straight, brown tweed skirt, of a heavier silk material, and a simple cream colored blouse. The tigers eye necklace Cyrus had given her several months ago now, was all she wore to dress up the outfit, and she hoped she did not disappoint the elders in her attire. Plain brown heels and a matching belt completed her outfit.
"I do hope either Morrigan, or Sorin will find use for me. I adore Mai, and would be honored to work with her as well, but..."
The look she gave Cyrus was one that she knew he would understand. Mai was Elder of the Hunt...the part of Anantya Cyrus belonged to...but also the part of the clan that dealt with any physical battles that were required, and not anything Fallon felt either equipped, or comfortable in doing.
No...after discussed the matter with Cyrus in length, she felt she could be of better use in the Order of the Night, or the Rose. That was why she had drug Cyrus along today. For some reason it seemed important to resolve this matter BEFORE they were married.
And Cyrus, in his infinite patience with her, had agreed to come along.
Standing on the steps of the manor, Fallon waited for her mate to reach her side. While doing so, she looked out over the grounds, and up at the beautiful, star-filled skies, and again thanked those stars for all she was now blessed with.

"I love you, my kitten."
It was a treat to watch his marvelously put together mate exit the vehicle. The more proper the outfit the hungrier he was to remove it from her. Still he knew she was nervous so he kept all but the heated look from caressing her. For her comfort he had worn dress slacks in a dark gray and a black silk shirt. Onyx glinted from his cuffs and eyebrow but all the other visible piercings were absent. As he emerged from the car the cuff of his pants snagged on a knife in his ankle sheath. Cyrus was not used to wearing dress shoes and missed the comfort of his boots that nestled his knives comfortingly against his ankles. With a quick flick of a mental wrist the pants straightened properly as he joined Fallon.
"You will be a fine addition to any of the orders."
Keeping the rest of his opinions silent he opened the door of Heolfor for her. They had already discussed this several times. No matter how much he tried, she would not simply drop considering the Order of the Night. The Mongol's protective instincts growled in protest at the thought of her doing dangerous undercover work. Research sure, organizing perfect, infiltration? No way in hell. Ginger drove the Cadillac away for now as a low growl sounded from his throat. Perhaps Elder Sorin would be so kind as to listen, privately of course, to his reasons why he did not want his mate in the Night.
He offered Fallon a slightly apologetic lopsided grin, he could not help how he felt but would not ruin her mood by rehashing the discussion here on the steps.

As Khalid walked there were the streets had no name known to him, taking all of the necessary steps that would take him to Heolfor Manor, he noticed how the moonlight, as much as the streetlights, spread out all kinds of shades of shadow around him. This made the assassin realize that he was as well lit as when he would have been hit by a prison's searchlight.
But he wasn't here in a prison, nor was he here in his function of thinner of the herd, slayer of those that needed to be slain - of a solemn and serious hunter. No, for Khalid's doing, his current goals were quite peaceful, though if he would reach those goals, wholesome slaughter and selective murders were certain in his future.
The assassin thought them over once more, the fourth time or so since leaving the motel, of which he didn't bother to remember the name, and having made his decision to go to the Manor. First and foremost, his main goal right now, was to rekindle his relationship with Clan Anantya, rejoin the Order of the Hunt. It had been a while since he had gotten an assignment from them, and he had the feeling he was getting rusty as far as official Anantya business went.
Plus it was the fastest way to get to Mai, the Elder. Had someone read his mind, he or she would probably be surprised about how adamant he was about meeting her, but the same little bat that had told him they were somewhat comparable, had told him she could teach him about the Art of War, as well, and that was something Khalid was looking forward to.
The Art of War, more than the book itself, was something that held great interest for the assassin and whenever he had the chance or the time, he would spend time getting to know it. For someone with no goal, even the smallest pursuit could be a goal of great importance, as was the case with Khalid from time to time.
While he was at it, he could get a suite at the manor, as well. As easy as a dingy motel or cheap hotel room was, he hated spending money in such a way that it didn't last. Of all things he had ever bought or rented, it were those rooms he detested the most; they never lasted. A suite, he reasoned, would.
Thinking such thoughts, the Vampire made short work of the last few roads and byways and before him, the wall surrounding the 130,000 acres of land just outside of Nachton proper appeared. At the centre, Heolfor Manor.
The entrance was, from where Khalid was standing, just a few hundred meters further, but the assassin stopped in his tracks nevertheless; for a moment, he contemplated if he would scale the wall and make his way to the manor across the several gardens and parks. In the end, he decided against it. No doubt, the Vampire thought, there would be other times to test and taunt the manor's security.
Once at the entrance proper, he was glad the guards had done their homework. Khalid was recognized as being of Clan Anantya and was allowed onto the estate. After walking down the few paths separating him from the front door, he was just in time to see how a couple entered before him, who, Khalid noticed with an amused smile, loved each other. A lot.
Showing no signs of being distracted by the Cadillac driving off, the assassin bee-lined for the male; Khalid figured he was an as good source of information as any Vampire walking around here. Before speaking up to him, he greeted the woman with a smile as warm as he could make it; she was a fine...specimen, to be sure.
"Excuse me. I am looking to speak to Elder Mai; do you have any idea where she is and when I can speak to her?"Â?
Khalid was going straight for his point, as ever.

His mind raced with questions and just as swift answers or at least ideas of what the answers would be. Since he was within the walls the man should be clan, but Cyrus knew how simple it was to get around that with the amount of territory the clan had here. Since he was looking for Elder Mai it was likely he was a vampire of that Order, but he could be a familiar to one as well. The thought that he came to injure Mai almost caused a brief look of amusement to cross his features but since it was too fast his skeptical look remained. Finally he figured that there would be no harm imparting what information he did have.
"Gardens or Cathedral. Though I would recommend an appointment set up by Rupert the butler."
Offering his hand to shake to the stranger he continued to hold the door open in hopes that Fallon would enter and put a bit more space between her and this mystery man.
"Cyrus Arslantai, Order of the Hunt."

It was with some relief that he directed his question to Cyrus, and logically made sense since of the two of them, Cyrus had infinitely more knowledge about Anantya, and Heolfor, as well as the elders. So she stood by mutely, and waited to see if introductions would be made, or if the man would be on his way, as she and Cyrus could then be, as well.
Though she did in unconsciously, Fallon's hand found Cyrus'.

It was that training, in combination with his sharp eyes and tendency to try and actually see as much as possible, that made Khalid surmise that Cyrus was pretty sceptical of the person in front of him. The assassin didn't blame the Vampire of the Order of the Hunt one bit. Had Khalid been in Cyrus' place, he had done the same.
And quite frankly, Khalid admired Cyrus for it, even if that admiration was only a tiny spark in comparison to the burning inferno the Vampiric Assassin felt for some others. The admiration sprang forth from the distrust, as strange as it sounded; Khalid had often said in his ancient past, that only distrust lead to ultimate survival.
Amongst other things, ofcourse. Either way, the assassin had his answers; Mai would be in the Gardens or the Cathedral, but it would be wise to have an appointment set up by Rupert the butler. Almost that was that. Khalid had almost ignored the hand Cyrus had offered to shake, and would have walked away. Almost he would have started to look for that Rupert, but in the end, he didn't.
Though the assassin wasn't without manners, it was that Cyrus told him that he was of the Order of the Hunt that convinced Khalid to stay and take the hand Cyrus had offered.
He grabbed it tightly, and held a firm grip for a few seconds, as if he wanted to assure both the male and the female, who still paid attention to him, that he was strong, literally and hopefully suggesting the figural part. As Fallon stood by mutely, the Vampiric Assassin replied.
"Khalid al-Mufrid."Â?
In other times, ancient times, far away from here, he would have replied with "the Scorpion"Â?, "the Hunter"Â? or "the Shadow"Â?. Not now; he knew he was speaking to Vampires of the Clan and nowadays, he trusted those of Anantya who trusted him with their name with his.
Furthermore, Khalid no longer was the only one with those nicknames or code names. Scorpions, hunters and the shadows had become 'cool' and no longer held the power they had held when he still visited Numair often.
While the echoes of Khalid's words died out, he strained to be slightly more polite, to be just a bit more...nice, for a lack of a better word. Why, he knew exactly: survival once more. Being distrusted while he was in Heolfor Manor would make his stay less pleasant and less survivable than it could be.
Alas, he didn't find any extra words, so he hoped the couple would have some 'bait' for him.

Releasing Cyrus’ hand, Fallon then held that hand toward the stranger, and introduced herself. At the mention of her impending name change, she glanced back to Cyrus quickly, and beamed. But when her eyes left those of her mates, she returned her gaze to the dark man, Khalid, and wondered.
That he was a man of a few words didn’t bother Fallon. She wasn’t much of a chatterer either, unless she was with Cyrus, Aishe, Ana, or Suki. Cyrus was really the only man she ever felt real comfortable talking about ‘anything’ with, finding confidence in herself much more readily with her girlfriends. With any luck at all, further association with Kem might aid in her learning to overcome her shyness around men. Though Kem seemed to have similar issues, just with the opposite gender. At least Fallon didn’t think it was such a terrible flaw that it demanded attention right now. She had enough new things in her life to organize, and get used to, to be looking for more to add to the list. Just when she thought she had come to know herself, something else would change. All things considered, she thought she was doing remarkably well these days.
“Are you just visiting Nachton, or were you planning on taking up residence? It is a very nice city, with a lot to offer, in case you’re open to the opinions of other residents.”
Her hand was back in Cyrus’, and her center restored, as she grinned at the new man. She was curious to know where he had come from, but refrained from asking, knowing it would possibly be construed as prying,and rude.

But returning all of his attention to Khalid, he noted the odd blue eyes and concluded that this man must be vampire. Simply because things like that seemed to be more common among their kind, his own eyes included.
Since his memory could not place this fellow he simply concluded that he was either new or had joined when Cyrus was not living in the clan's territory. The later of course was highly likely and it made him curious as to the age and origin of the clan mate before them. Perhaps he would open up or Rupert would have the information.
"Rupert should have you on the list. He will not only make your appointment with Elder Mai but can get you a suite or supplies. Within reason of course."

Soon to be Arslantai...Fallon's words echoed in Khalid's mind, especially the last four words the fine woman had spoken. Not that they were all too shocking in one way or another, but it was another proven emotional connection between the two before him. A connection that, if the circumstances required it of the assassin or forced him to, could be easily exploited by a Vampire with his skills.
Others could or would be chilled by such a cold and calculating analysis of the relationship between Cyrus and Fallon. To Khalid, it was second nature. Knowledge was power and the Vampire intended to be quite powerful indeed. It had been the key to a proper assassination much more than once and probably would be in the bloody times to come.
"Are you just visiting Nachton, or were you planning on taking up residence? It is a very nice city, with a lot to offer, in case you're open to the opinions of other residents."
In the mean time, Fallon had said something else. Khalid raised an eyebrow a few millimetres for the last bit. "Open to the opinions of other residents...? I wonder what that has to do with the offerings...Take what there is to offer; there is often no need to think of what others think."Â?
But, the Vampiric assassin was smart enough not to say that out loud. Instead, he opted to keep polite.
"I was planning on taking up residence for a while. I have travelled...a lot, and I feel the need to settle down for, say, a few months. Maybe longer."Â?
With half an eye on Cyrus' golden eyes, to see if they'd spark, Khalid decided to test the waters a bit.
"I do not know much of this city. I could use a guide, truth to be told."Â?
"Â?Rupert should have you on the list. He will not only make your appointment with Elder Mai but can get you a suite or supplies. Within reason of course."
The assassin hadn't forgotten that Cyrus had spoken, too. So, he himself continued speaking, this time directing himself more to the Mongol warrior.
"However, a tour shall need to wait until I have spoken to Rupert. I do want a suite and some supplies and if he is the man to speak to, I will do just that."Â?
Khalid paused for a second.
"And he will have me on a list, you say? That would be a first..."Â?
The Vampiric assassin wasn't lying. He had consciously avoided being caught in the paper mill of the modern times and though he accepted that the Clan would have him in their records, it was peculiar to him that a butler would have access to it, or at least a part of it.

"A guide will be easy to find if you know the right people to ask. Rupert, again, would be the first person I would ask, the second would be my familiar, Suki. Either of them know over half the city or have enough contacts to come up with what is requested. From the mundane to the outlandish. A guide will be an easy task for them."
The lopsided smirk was still on his face when the tall Anantya expressed, what Cyrus assumed was his surprise at being on a list. Perhaps Khalid was another loner like him and thus unfamiliar with the typical workings of the clan. That made a lot of sense and with that conclusion drawn the Mongol stopped questioning.
"The Manor is the seat of power for all of the clan. If you have survived initiation, you are on the list."
Cyrus had always figured that Rupert was Elder Morrigan's familiar, thus privy to more information that most. Which would make sense because the butler had to be ready for anything the clan threw at him. Since he had physically let go of the door at the appearance of the stranger it had closed softly without notice. Now he again opened the door but with his mind so that he did not need to release Fallon. Waving his free hand he bowed his head slightly to Khalid.
"After you."

It was the reference to a ‘guide’ that caught Fallon a bit off guard. Surely this man wasn’t soliciting her in acting in that position. No, he must have meant Cyrus, or at the very most Cyrus and her. Though she would have felt duty bound to give the man any help she could muster, being she knew nothing of him, she wouldn’t have felt at all comfortable in that role.
Cyrus’ intervention saved her from having to address the comment directly, and since Mr. Al-Mufrid himself went on to say he’d rather settle in first, she discarded any fears of future requests to show him around town.
Fallon was quite content to stand in the background, and listen as the men discussed what would be the next logical step for the new arrival. Fallon shot Cyrus a quick look of concern, hopefully disguised under her heavy lashes, so Mr. Al-Mufrid wouldn’t have caught it, when Suki’s name was brought up. Fallon would never try to dissuade Cyrus from offering Suki’s services, but she couldn’t help but feel a little protective of her friend.
But Suki was Cyrus’ familiar, to do with as he saw fit, and Fallon would need to stay out of any arrangements her friend became involved in. Suki was, after all, an adult woman, quite capable of taking care of herself…and Fallon had to rely on that.
Besides, the new man seemed nice enough, even if somewhat mysterious looking. Fallon would give him benefit of doubt, as she usually did. If something occurred later to change that, she would concern herself then.
When Cyrus spoke of surviving the initiation into Anantya, Fallon’s hand instinctively gave his a soft squeeze. Though her own recent indoctrination had been a little scary, she had survived, and come out unscathed. Plus she was now part and parcel to a wonderful family, so it had all been worth it in her eyes.
Standing back with Cyrus, Fallon waited until the dark gentleman preceded them inside.

The somewhat casual conversation between himself and the Vampiric couple before him went as well as Khalid could wish for. A few minutes in and he still hadn't made a freakish fool out of himself. As strange as the thought might have seemed to others, it was something Khalid thought about regardless. The assassin had never been known for his social skills, his ability to chitchat or to be amusing, so a conversation like this one was a nuisance at best and something to be afraid of at worst.
But, right now, the Vampire was going fine. If he would ever need to fight Cyrus, the man would have one surprise less: Khalid had noticed how the other male Vampire reopened the front door of the Manor, without touching it...With telekinesis, in other words. An interesting titbit.
Fallon, at the other hand, looked more like a harmless kitten to Khalid with every passing minute. Perhaps the woman wasn't powerless, but her stance, the way she acted, said to the assassin that she was afraid to use her power to say the least. Of course, the Vampiric assassin had lived too long to let such a judgements cloud his judgement, so he wouldn't underestimate her. In time, he'd merely find out if he had been wrong or not.
The thoughts sped through his mind like lightning and the time to converse some more had come.
"A guide will be easy to find if you know the right people to ask. Rupert, again, would be the first person I would ask, the second would be my familiar, Suki. Either of them know over half the city or have enough contacts to come up with what is requested. From the mundane to the outlandish. A guide will be an easy task for them."
Cyrus hadn't said it like "Rupert again"Â?, but it was what Khalid thought.
"Rupert truly seems to be the man I need to speak to, to get anything done. So I will."Â?
"The Manor is the seat of power for all of the clan. If you have survived initiation, you are on the list."
For a second, Khalid thought about formulating a reply to Cyrus' remark about the list. He didn't and merely nodded. That was a tricky topic, the assassin felt, something to think about before acting upon it.
At this point, it was that the other male waved his free hand, bowed his head slightly to Khalid and spoke.
"After you."
"Yes...Time to meet Rupert, I suppose."Â?
A few steps into the main lobby, Khalid halted his steps and momentarily stopped his search for the butler. He had a question about Suki, and wasn't sure if he could ask it Cyprus without fear of reprisal. It was a risky question, to be sure. A few more seconds and Khalid had made his decision. He would go about it in a slightly different way.
"Out of curiosity, Cyrus, what is Suki's area of expertise as far as knowledge and contacts go?"Â?
Awaiting Cyrus' answer, Khalid continued scanning the lobby for hints about Rupert's location, as well as wondering if the other male Vampire could taste on the air what he was getting at, with his question to him.

"My familiar has the uncanny ability to make friends as easily as breathing." Cyrus commented, upon entering the building behind Fallon. "When I say she knows half the city, its pretty close to accurate. She has contacts with the House of Pain nightclub, goth and vamp groupies, two martial arts studios, innumerable shops and recently the college."
While he was unsure just what exactly Khalid was asking about indirectly, he tried his best to cover all the bases. Should he be wondering if Suki dabbled in either side of the law, well the stranger would just have to mention which side he wondered about. With a slightly predatory gleam in his eyes he added on another tidbit of information with just a slight twist of the truth.
"Elder Mai herself even approved of Suki becoming my familiar."

Feeling more uncomfortable around the newcomer, Fallon was torn between staying safely next to Cyrus, and finding a reason to leave Mr. Al-Mufrid's presence. She assumed it was just because she didn't know the man, and that if she were to be in his company more, possibly during Anantya functions, she would eventually grow to feel more at ease. But for now she had her own agenda, and thought by seeking Rupert she might be able to help her brethren, as well as further her own cause at the same time.
Ignoring the presence of the other man, Fallon gave Cyrus a quick buss on his cheek, and released his hand. In seconds she had disappeared from the company of the two men.

It was probably due to the Vampiric assassin’s question about the familiar. Cyrus arched a brow at the question regarding Suki; Khalid had been too careful and the question in and of itself had been strange. This was something the assassin would need to get used to, this certain amount of openness between the Clan’s Vampires. He had never been open about his job, his illegal practices, so it hadn’t crossed his mind at all to simply ask, straight to the point, if Suki had connections in Nachton’s criminal underworld.
"My familiar has the uncanny ability to make friends as easily as breathing. When I say she knows half the city, its pretty close to accurate. She has contacts with the House of Pain nightclub, goth and vamp groupies, two martial arts studios, innumerable shops and recently the college."
Though he wondered what kind of college was meant exactly, Khalid had something more interesting to respond to: that which Cyrus added a few seconds later. He said it with a slightly predatory gleam in his eyes, which only barely caught the assassin’s eye. Khalid didn’t know what to make of it and thus he pretty much discarded what Cyrus’ eyes told him. There was just one too many possibilities for what it could mean.
"Elder Mai herself even approved of Suki becoming my familiar."
“Thank you for the information. She has quite interesting contacts; I would like to speak to her about those martial arts studios some time, for instance. As far as Elder Mai’s approval goes...I suppose that means Suki is quite good indeed.”
When he said that, Khalid really meant it. One way or the other, Elder Mai had, apparently, been involved in Suki’s ‘creation’ and as both Cyrus and Suki were still alive, the involvement had been positive, so the assassin reasoned. Something to keep in mind. A second later, half smirking, half serious, Khalid added another sentence.
“Now, would I need to make the appointment for Suki with you, Rupert or Suki herself?”
"If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I think I'll see if I can track down Rupert."
In the mean time, Fallon went on the one hunt Khalid though her to be capable of: the hunt to find a person. Just before she left, she had managed to amuse the Vampiric assassin once more: she had given Cyrus a quick kiss on his cheek.
Khalid figured that such an action would’ve made Fallon slightly uncomfortable, so it had required a certain amount of nerve. Which made Fallon slightly braver in Khalid’s eyes. Smiling because of the turn of events, Khalid awaited Cyrus’ next move.

"Please feel free to contact her, I have a card of hers." He said as he pulled a slim clip from his front pocket. Brushing aside the large denomination bills he fished out the lavender and silver card. It had Suki Langston in black and silver script and a phone number. The only other line was her email address. Offering it to their clanmate, he put the clip back into his pocket.
Since Fallon had departed, Cyrus realized the tension probably made her uncomfortable. She was not the obedient pet that would scurry to do things he said, he probably wouldn't lover her if she was. Looking at Khalid with his head slightly cocked to the side and smiled as friendly as possible, which probably was not all that inviting.
"Fallon is quite young but you, I figure closer to my age. Have you been an assassin long?"
It was a wild guess but by the man's demeanor it all fit. Perhaps he would open up a bit more and relax some, though if Cyrus was correct the man probably never got more casual than this.

"Please feel free to contact her, I have a card of hers."
With those words, Cyrus started to sift through the contents of a slim clip he had pulled from his front pocket. Though Khalid wasn't surprised swiftly, it did surprise him how much bills Cyrus was carrying around. As far as the assassin understood, he himself wasn't poor by most human's standards, but it was all safe and sound on the bank account he had used since arriving in the New World.
Khalid was trained to hide his true emotions, and as such, he hid his surprise about the money with little problems. Taking the card offered to him, the assassin put the card into the deepest reaches of his clothing. True to his craft, he had many pockets, some of them hidden and all with their own purpose.
Next, Cyrus cocked his head to the side and smiled; one round of the conversation had been closed off and it was time for the next one.
"Fallon is quite young but you, I figure closer to my age. Have you been an assassin long?"
Khalid smiled back, if you could call it that. Rumour had it he could be charming with the ladies, but this smile was colder than a fridge standing in the snow. The assassin was probably not even trying. For a split second, Khalid considered denying he was an assassin, but ultimately, that would've been pointless.
"That, of course, depends on your definition of 'long'. But I have been an assassin for around eight hundred years, now."Â?
Somewhere in the back of his head, Khalid realized Cyrus wanted to make him relax a little. But what he didn't know and the assassin did, was that was nigh impossible to do.

"We have enough assassins in the clan in residence for you to feel at home. I hung up my sword almost that many years ago, before the Golden Horde moved on to Europe."
His years as a hired warrior with is creator in the Horde were bloody enough to make singular killing for a living uninspired. Plus he had found it so much more lucrative to start his own business. Had he not done that, there was no way he could have gotten to the position he was in now. With estates in China and Nachton, income coming in without his constant attention to the companies and enough liquid assets to buy his mate anything she desired.
"Nachton is a good town to spend a few decades in. The elected officials are mostly familiars to the clans or orphans, so the peculiarities always lean in our favor. There are several clubs that cater to our diet as well, with willing patrons and secure rooms, though they frown on dead bodies, so in town at least, its best to release your food while they can still survive."

"There is a new Anantya in the foyer, who needs assistance." Was all she explained, mainly, because she really had nothing else to tell. At least this would provide rescue for Cyrus, if he wanted it.
"I'm sorry gentlemen, but Rupert must be busy elsewhere. I was able to obtain the assistance of one 'Roderick' though, and I'm sure he'll be able to help you get settled, at least temporarily, Mr. Al-Mufrid."
Smiling first at Roderick, trying to keep him at ease under the spontaneous commandeering of his services, Fallon then turned the smile to Mr. Al-Mufrid, but moved on to settle on Cyrus. The gentleman she had confiscated, tall and almost painfully thin, but of a friendly face, seemed to take the interruption of his daily routine with quiet aplomb.
She refrained from reaching for her lover's hand, aware she might give the newcomer the impression she was less than able to stand on her own. It wasn't anything she felt the need to advertise, but on the other hand it didn't hut to make the ability known.
"So...did I miss anything?" It was just a small attempt to bring herself back into the conversation, and not really a request for a review of the conversation that had taken place in her absence. With any luck at all, the new resident would be making his departure now, giving Cyrus and her leave to do the same. Unfortunately Fallon did not have any ability to make that happen, so she would remain close to Cyrus until it transpired of its own accord.

The Golden Horde...Khalid’s blood, already quite chilly because of him being a Vampire, pretty much froze solid upon hearing those three words. The Golden Horde. A Horde of Mongols, a horde of ferocious warriors, the likes of which had never been seen before they came into the world’s play.
A Horde that, perhaps only by association, had caused the destruction of the one organisation that had made him, Khalid, who he was: a feared and respected assassin. And that man, that assassin, looked at Cyrus with renewed vigour. He didn’t recognize the face, but was that a face that had looked on as Hashshashin blood was spilled? Hashshashin flesh was carved into pieces?
Emotion raced through Khalid’s systems and almost they broke surface tension. Almost. In a way, he had been trained for times like these; suppressing emotion had always been a part of the Hashshashin conditioning. It had been sorely needed; especially the later mission of his career had been directed to hated enemies and had been less like business contracts.
In the end, common sense persevered. Cyrus, even if he was a Hashshashin killer, was now Anantya, like he himself. And Anantya did not attack, let alone kill, other Anantya.
Another smile spread across Khalid’s face, perhaps even colder than the last one and decidedly more false.
“Enough assassins to make me feel at home...Good. Perhaps I can share techniques with them.”
"Nachton is a good town to spend a few decades in. The elected officials are mostly familiars to the clans or orphans, so the peculiarities always lean in our favour. There are several clubs that cater to our diet as well, with willing patrons and secure rooms, though they frown on dead bodies, so in town at least, its best to release your food while they can still survive."
“As far Nachton itself goes, I am glad to hear it has so much uses. Feeding, I think, shall be much easier here.“
Khalid was planning to continue about Nachton, and perhaps inquire about those clubs, when Fallon entered, a man he had never seen in tow. Even if Cyrus' servant was the expert in making new friends, it would appear Fallon wasn't a slouch in that department, either.
"I'm sorry gentlemen, but Rupert must be busy elsewhere. I was able to obtain the assistance of one 'Roderick' though, and I'm sure he'll be able to help you get settled, at least temporarily, Mr. Al-Mufrid."
The fresh, young Vampire Woman smiled at the assassin, apparently unaware of the fairly tense situation she had just walked into, once more confirming Khalid’s strong believes.
"So...did I miss anything?"
This made the assassin smile, for real this time around.
“No, you didn’t miss much, miss Fallon. Thank you for bringing Roderick to me.”
Turning to the man in question, Khalid started to talk with Roderique who, as a sign of perfect training, didn’t even flinch when the assassin explained what he’d require. Momentarily concentrating on properly instructing the man, Khalid had momentarily forgotten about Cyrus and Fallon.

"I'm going to go look further, and see if I can locate the elusive Morrigan, love. Please join me when you feel comfortable enough to leave our new brother alone."
There was a tinge of humor in the tone of her words. She knew Cyrus was the one in their couple, better equipped, and skilled at the matter of security. Therefore she knew he would probably want to keep company with the newcomer until he felt secure in his own mind.
Fallon, on the other hand, really couldn't offer anything further at the moment, and knew she'd do better elsewhere.
Turning back to the dark man, Fallon gave him a small, but genuine smile.
"Again let me welcome you to Anantya, and wish your time here to be pleasant and all you wish it to be. It was good meeting you."
And with that, Fallon walked off down the hall.
(ooc-Fallon out)