Khalid Assassin
Created on 04/17/2007 • 56 Posts & 6 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Maybe this mansion and its serves weren't so different from what he was used to after all. That was the first thing Khalid thought when the 10 years ago
- post Khalid smiled as he followed the woman. Little by little he started to get to know her. She was still nervous - just like Sara was when the 11 years ago
- post Taking a walk? This suggestion amused Khalid. Though it had crossed his mind seconds ago to take her on as his own personal aide, of sorts, 11 years ago
- post For a few seconds, Khalid just blinked. She required his name? Of course. That would make sense.It was indeed in Alamut that the Egyptian la 11 years ago
- post Khalid was pleasantly surprised with the response of the mortal; it was rather to the point and pretty practical. Such things varied across 11 years ago
- post Contrary to popular believe, being dead didn't dull the senses. Quite the opposite, even - well, at least as long as it concerned Vampires. 11 years ago
- post On his way to the training complex just outside the manor, Khalid had spotted what he believed was the way to the library in the mansion its 11 years ago
- post After hearing out Amir, Khalid started smiling. A rather honest smile, even. He genuinely liked pushing his limits - hence his hobbies being 11 years ago
- post Khalid was mostly silent when Amir was busy with his damaged protégé, only speaking up when the Elder asked where Ran had gotten the a 11 years ago
- post Amir. At the sound of the name, Khalid stood just a little bit straighter. One of the Elders of the Clan, he knew that much. And the man had 11 years ago
- post Khalid smiled, ignoring the black spots that happily swam through his vision now and then. It was clear he hadn't gotten out of the sparring 11 years ago
- post With his opponent slumping to the floor, unconscious, Khalid drew a deep breath. He didn't really need to, but it was a old hold-over from h 11 years ago
- post This didn't work. Khalid couldn't tell for sure whether or not Ran was falling for his baiting, but one way or another, the assassin didn't 11 years ago
- post The fight was probably going too fast for Ran to notice it, but when he started cussing vehemently, Khalid had the smallest of smiles. Even 11 years ago
- post Smart. Going with the flow, using the kinetic energy output of your opponent to advance your own moves, that was what is at the base of most 11 years ago
- post All the preparation that Khalid needed for this sparring match had been done in mere seconds; the Vampire needed to know what the rules were 11 years ago
- post Khalid smirked, which was a rare occasion by any account. Not that he was so ancient or jaded that he didn't remember what humour was or did 11 years ago
- thread It took me a while, but here's an ancient sketch of Khalid's previous incarnation: [img]http://hellwolve.kikaimegami.com/stuff/khalid.jpg[/i 11 years ago
- post Khalid smiled at such youthful exuberance, almost involuntary so. Well, youthful...Obviously, with Vampires, it was always hard to tell if a 11 years ago
- thread [i]A wise martial artist had once said that you do not truly know someone until you have fought them. After having had [url=http://www.sa 11 years ago