Happy Hunting!

Greetings, Vampires, Werewolves and Humans :vampgrin
I hope you find yourself wondering "Who is the player behind Khalid?", because that's the question I'll be answering in this thread ;)
The name 's John, but I'm primarily known on the internet as "Hellwolve" and I'm a 22 year old male living in the Netherlands.
I enjoy mucking about with Photoshop CS2 and DAZ|Studio (the results of which can be found here), participating in LARP events, designing and coding sites, PC gaming and the main reason I'm here is that I like RP'ing as well.
I've played a fair few characters on the world wide web, and I look forward to RP'ing here; y'all seem like fun to play with :mrgreen:
The above are just the basics; feel free to ask me some questions; I won't mind answering 'em :)
Welcome to the board.
We do enjoy having more Anantya around despite Cyrus' threats to bite.
I hope you find the roleplay here to your liking.
Mai is the Elder of the Hunt which is most likely the order Khalid would be a part of in Anantya. If you should need to pm her though it would be better to contact my main account which is Alfarinn.![]()
Happy Hunting!
If his bite is no worse than his bark, I'll be fine
BARK?! My Cyrus NEVER barks...
Greetings and salutations! Welcome to Sanguine Affliction.![]()
A really interesting character sheet on Khalid and a great Avatar.
Looking forward to seeing you around the forums.
hello and welcome.
I prefer to think I'm doing this all by myself
hahaha.. Ahh, something you will learn is a single man on these boards does stir up quite a bit of interest. Add to that an intriguing and well done background witj a bit of writing skills.. and let the entertainment begin!
*is glad she's not single anymore* lol
No it's the Dutch charm
Girlfriends are nice too though!
Rofl neeallemaal Dutch charm
and nah hon just kidding you're very charming on your own *wiggles brows*
And yes girlfriends can be good too, i'll jus stick to men for the time being unless Amby offers herself *cracks up and cackles evilly*