Basic Information
Birth Name: Khalid Al-Mufrid
Aliases: The Scorpion, the Hunter, and the Shadow
Place of Birth: Cairo
Age: Real: 883, apparent: 25
D.O.B.: 16-10-1124
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Hitman
Past Occupation: Assassin
Hair Color: Black
Length and Style: Medium, slicked back.
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Olive
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 203 Lb
Nationality: None (see Personal History)
Race: Vampire
Body Type: Athletic
Description creator:
The elite of the Hashshashin had always been Vampires of Clan Anantya and Numair, Khalid’s creator, was one of them. He had been impressed by Khalid’s performance within the Hashshashin and as was a custom for the Order, those members who had risen high enough, were changed into Vampires.
Numair’s decision turned out to be a good one; as a Vampire, Khalid performed even the most difficult tasks well and they met regularly at Alamut to discuss what was going on in their lives, for the Hashshashin as well as in their personal lives. Unfortunately, when the Order broke up around 1256, each walked his own road to a new live, so Khalid has no idea where Numair currently is or if he’s even alive.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality:
A cold-blooded killer. That’s how most of Khalid’s business associates describe him. People don’t easily like him, and he doesn’t easily like people. He’s a bit of a loner, a loner who doesn’t allow himself to show any weakness. This is mostly because of the criminal underworld he’s in and partly because of the conditioning he received so long ago when he was still with the Hashshashin.
His strong will, coupled with the disability to be lenient towards most others, has a strong effect on how he approaches his immortality. He solves problems by simply eliminating what’s causing him the problem. If it’s impossible to do this, for instance if bound by honour or other rules, as a last resort, he’ll try to negotiate, but even then he’ll budge as little as possible.
And even with all this, he isn’t truly evil or cruel towards the whole world. He still has respect for some. Often it’s the case that those he respects are just as harsh and straight-to-the-point as he himself.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger:
Khalid looks like the kind of person you don’t want to meet in an dark alley, especially once you’ve found out that’s exactly where he hangs out a lot. Though, with his eastern features, length measuring six foot and one inch, his blue eyes and the ‘sleek’ look, some women would consider him handsome anyway.
That is, the few that can make out his features under the dusty, brown hood he usually wears, pulled down, to hide as much of his face as possible. You’ll rarely see him in non-functional clothing. His own appearance is important to him, but not all too important. He makes sure he keeps his small beard in check, but that’s about it. Most of the time, he does his own hair, merely making sure it’s not obstructing his view or is irritating in any other way.
3.What does your character like?
With Khalid’s profession comes a lot of money and he likes to spend it in practical ways: he’ll buy the best gear available on the market – black or otherwise. If he’s feeling bold, he’ll visit a high-class establishment, a nightclub or restaurant, to let himself be pampered by those of whom he knows their client’s privacy is paramount.
Furthermore, he loves it when a plan comes together. Few things thrill him as much as following through a contract from beginning to end. Rating high on his ‘thrill scale’ are extreme sports; another way for him to spend his money, from time to time.
Lastly, he likes women, both mortal and immortal. Especially those women who don’t have plans for a long term relationship, but are looking for a few days of fun, befitting Khalid’s ‘nomadic’ way of living.
4. Dislike?
As much as he loves a good plan, he hates it when a plan blows up in his face. Khalid prides himself of thinking of as much factors as possible and sometimes has a hard time admitting an error in either his plans or his thinking.
If he has to team up for a job or has to cooperate or live with another person for whatever reason, he’ll dislike the situation if they want to know too much about him too quickly.
Going on with the above, if those living with him for any amount of time mess with his habits, he isn’t exactly a happy camper.
6. What are your fears?
Khalid fears he will become obsolete – in the modern times, it sometimes seems a messy drive-by shooting is preferred over a perfectly executed assassination. If the time comes no single being wants to hire him, Khalid will have no idea how to continue.
Khalid fears standing still, figurally speaking. He’s afraid of commitment to any one cause, because he’s afraid it’ll be too dangerous to throw his lot together with one cause, as the fall of the Hashshashin has proven, in his eyes.
Khalid fears being caught and becoming a known assassin. He values his secrecy above a lot of other things and his face on the news is something he doesn’t want at all.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Martial Arts: Khalid is an Assassin first and foremost and trained as such. His biggest strength is that he doesn’t need any weapons to kill and when he’s got a weapon, he’s all the more dangerous.
Level Headed: being a Hitman is done best if you’re a cold blooded killer, being able to kill without loosing your cool, and luckily Khalid is such a person. Even in a gunfight, he will be relatively calm.
Slow to Anger, Hard to Appease: If Khalid kills you, it’s nothing personal; 99 out of a 100 times, he’s not angry and it’s just business. That’s because he’s slow to anger. But, he’s also hard to appease and no one can hold a grudge like an immortal being…
Anal Retentive: Khalid has two ‘rituals’ for before and after making a hit. He also has a rigid way of stashing his stuff wherever he’s staying. If that’s disturbed, he’ll be off balance for some time.
Women: Khalid’s fairly harsh and uncaring character doesn’t disable him to see beauty in others, especially women. Some would claim that women are indeed his weak point. The effect of a beautiful woman on Khalid is that she dulls his senses, so to speak, and they will get things easier done with him.
Iron Will: Often, it’s Khalid’s way or the highway; he doesn’t budge much when negotiating something.
Slow to Anger, Hard to Appease: If Khalid kills you, it’s nothing personal; 99 out of a 100 times, he’s not angry and it’s just business. That’s because he’s slow to anger. But, he’s also hard to appease and no one can hold a grudge like an immortal being…
Ethereal, Agility, Perception
Anal Retentive; see Weaknesses. Nervous Twitch: Khalid's fingers start to make idle motions (strangling, tapping, cracking his knuckles, etc.) whenever something starts to stress him out. If he's at his peak stress level, he'll actually start strangling people, though he's most often calm enough to prevent such impulses.
Hobbies & Skills:
Hobbies: Extreme Sports, studying the Art of War, Meditation.
Skills: Martial Arts, Infiltration, Information Gathering.
Cosmetic Traits:
Khalid has unusual blue eyes; more ‘blue’ than most humans have.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention:
Khalid has two ‘rituals’, one for before and one for after making a hit.
First, before a hit, he will meditate for exactly 24 hours, most often visualizing how he wants the hit to go. He hates it when this period gets disrupted; see also Dislikes and Weaknesses.
Secondly, after a hit, he will meditate for exactly 24 hours once more. During this period, he will analyse what has happened, what went well and what can be improved.
Personal History:
Khalid Al-Mufrid was born in the underbelly of Cairo, Egypt, in the year 1124, to a leader of a gang of cutthroats and thieves and his latest ‘love’, in their own house. Growing up amongst violence, Khalid didn’t knew any better then to do what his father did: he waged war with other gangs, guards…basically everyone that got in his or his dad’s way. When he grew older, he started to display qualities greatly appreciated amongst the local criminals, and in particular this gang: strength, endurance, willpower and great skill in hand to hand fighting.
Not surprisingly, those qualities didn’t come out of thin air. The roughest and toughest of his father’s gang were always there to bully them...and to teach him. Whenever he would try and run of to his old man, that same man drove him back onto the streets. It was a tough and rough life, but like no other, his parents knew that you had to be strong, enduring, skillful and have great willpower.
After some years of backstabbing, bribing, assassinations and duelling, he finally made it to second hand man of his own father. The way towards that position had been paved with problems, but with overcoming every major problem, came a lot of gold. With the money, he had been able to buy himself quality equipment unavailable to most of the ‘competition’, which meant he had an edge. Most infamous was the acquiring of a traditional Egyptian weapon: the kopesh “Arrakis”.
It was around this time he felt he would need weapons such as Arrakis a lot. He wasn’t ignorant and knew the previous two second-in-commands of his father had disappeared without a trace. His father had never mentioned them and Khalid became more nervous every day on his new ‘job’.
Finally, when the young man felt like he would snap at the slightest hint of danger from his own father, the old man revealed a truth: his gang had been a front for the Order known as the Hashshashin, an almost sect-like organisation of shadowy assassins and a group within Clan Anantya. In fact, the Hashshashin had been founded by Anantya Vampires, something Khalid, of course, didn't know at that point.
Khalid’s father was one of the men in charge of recruitment and so far, every man that had made it to be his second in command, was guided into the Hashshashin. That was where the previous two had gone and that was where Khalid was going.
With that, Khalid’s life changed radically. He seemingly disappeared from the face of the earth, but in truth was taken to Alamut to be trained in the arts of stealthy killing. Many years passed and slowly but surely, Khalid grew in importance.
One day, Numair, his mentor, made a decision that would change Khalid’s life dramatically once more: Numair bestowed upon Khalid the honour of becoming a Vampire. In a period of months, many rituals and extra ‘classes’ readied Khalid for this enormous change and finally, the traditional Anantya initiation ceremony was performed with him.
Numair’s decision turned out to be a good one; as a Vampire, Khalid performed even the most difficult tasks well and they met regularly at Alamut to discuss what was going on in their lives, for the Hashshashin as well as in their personal lives. Unfortunately this came to an end when the Mongol warlord Hulagu Khan destroyed the power of the Hashshashin. He and his troops assaulted the Hashshashin power base on 1256 December 15, during which the Human and Vampires of the clan where scattered on the four winds.
Each and every one of them walked their own road to a new live. Most of the Vampires moved to other bases of power of Clan Anantya, but Khalid was one of few who, though keeping contact with the Clan, didn't want to settle right away. He started to drift throughout the Old Continent, in the shadows of the new civilisations. With the progress of technology, he started to be quite selective of what he used.
He admired things such as new weaponry, but abhorred being registered within any paper mill, not even trying to get an official nationality. All he ever got was an identity to tie his bank account to; he liked the security and secrecy a good bank offered him.
Eventually he made his way to Nachton, to see if he could have a future there and to see if he could continue plying his trade, as he had done since becoming a Vampire.
OOC Checklist
Player name: Hellwolve
Other Characters you play: None at this moment
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc): Got to know of it through board member Alyshia
Have you read all the Rules? Yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes