Sitting in the privacy of the master suite's sitting room, Cyrus perused his list while he spoke to Suki on the phone.
"You sent invitations to Mathias, Ginnie, that Artist we met last year, Desiree and Calum? I would hate to have our New York based CEO not get invited."
The familiars response was afirmative and her list included several other prominent people he had dealt with in the past year. He was reassured that Suki would remember everyone that was important to their life while keeping it small enough to be handled by their catering and security arrangements. Cyrus knew Suki was racing about the kitchen and lanai as she directed the people hired for those specific jobs as well as fussing with the decorations. Still he was not going to chase after her when he could sit in the private luxury of his room. The fountain was a great calming influence on his mood as the thought of so many people invading their new home stressed him out.
Once all the confirmation details were discussed he let his familiar hang up the phone and continue her duties. Rising from the cushioned bamboo couch he made his way to the bed where his outfit for the evening was laid out. With a quick shrug the silky black robe he had been wearing slid to the floor. Before it crumpled in a heap he mentally picked it up and placed it neatly on the foot of the bed. Quickly wrapping the pāreu about his waist he cheated, securing it with a belt. The belt contained several knives so it was a win win situation. The shirt he pulled on next, foregoing his typical undershirt for the more casual look. Still it seemed an odd mix of cultures and casualy dressy. Shaking his head he made his way to the dresser and found the jewelry of choice for the evening, small spike ended carved bone curved barbells. Each had to be held in place with a small clear rubber band.
Once that was finished he looked down at the shoes Suki had suggested. The casual leather shoes were casual but the pale natural leather looked more formal than the sandel implied. Two straps crossed over the top of his foot while a third looped behind his heel, it was quite unlike anything he would normally wear but gamely he put them on, feeling highly naked without knives at his ankles.
Looking at the wetbar he saw the two glasses he had poured earlier. Hopefully Fallon would have time to drink before people started arriving. Their leis had been carefully placed inside the small fridge to await the last minute.
Love Abounds at Ger Kogji

Fallon had reverted to chewing on her cuticles, and had her right index finger in her mouth at that precise moment. The invitations had been mailed, and in her mind everyone who was anyone...anyone she considered friends or family...had been invited. Now the night of the party was upon them, and it was just a matter of waiting to see if those who had 'RSVP'd' would actually show.
Of course a blanket invitation had been sent to her Anantya brothers and sisters. They had so warmly welcomed her into their fold that she felt it was time to try and repay that kindness. She was also excited about seeing them again, as it seemed a long time since her initiation, and she had wanted to talk more to those she had met, and meet those she hadn't.
There was room for several of Cyrus' business associates, but Fallon had no clue who they might be. All that part of the inviting had been done by Suki, she imagined. For her part, in addition to Anantya, she had included:
Fallon laughed when she looked over the guest list and realized all her friends had 'A' names...not that she was 'that' friendly with Alec, and Ana's name really was Montana...but on the list it looked kind of funny. She was going to invite Tristan, but then found out he had moved back to California. Undoubtedly that was for the best, as he had really only been food for her. However she was just slightly disappointed that Bob was still away on business. She hadn't gotten terribly close to her old neighbor, but close enough that she thought it would have been nice to see him again.
Suki had asked that a 'Wesley' be added, and Fallon was rather intrigued by that request. Maybe all her talk of dating had finally captured her friend's attention, and she looked forward to meeting the mystery man.
Of course everyone invited was urged to bring a guest, and in addition to Wesley, Fallon had to wonder if Aishe's lack of contact might have been a result of a man as well. It had been so long since the two woman had spoken, but Fallon hoped her friend had been able to resolve things with her man.
As Fallon assembled the place cards around the large table, she placed each person and their guest next to each other, but tried to also place them next to someone they might not know. Clans people she tried to spread out, since they were the largest in number, and then Ana, Aishe, Alec, and Wesley she placed among them. Standing back a bit, she gazed at the scrumptiously decorated table, and how it fit so well in the very colorful tropical setting her home had become.
The flowers had been delivered, and were being set up now, filling the house with that color and wondrous smells. Fortunately the scents weren't terribly strong...more like just a hint of something wafting on the air, which she attributed to the fantastic air system Cyrus had built into the house. Temperature, humidity, all these things could be controlled by a touch pad that still had Fallon a bit intimidated, but that did exactly what it was reported to do...keep the atmosphere in Ger Kogji fresh, and clean, and very comfortable. Even when there might be snow outside, inside Ger Kogji would be a place of tropical delight.
Her theme was something else Fallon couldn't have been happier in her choosing. Ger Kogji already had a slightly island feel with all the plants, flowers, fountains, and bamboo, but thankfully the other leathers and woods and and silks and glass stopped it from being too overpowering. There was a nice harmony throughout the home that suited Fallon, Cyrus, and Suki too, to a 'T'. She hoped that same feeling spilled onto their guests tonight.
Snapping out of her party daze, it occurred to her she really needed to start getting ready, and make sure Cyrus was as well. Though she hadn't seen Suki all day, she never worried about her housemate. If anyone had everything on the ball, Suki was it.
Dashing into their suite, Fallon began looking for Cyrus, while heading for her closet.

18 years ago

18 years ago
"Wow! Look at you...not only are you already dressed, but you look amazing."
Fallon slowed her steps as she saw Cyrus standing by the wet bar, and took in the outfit he so nicely wore. Detouring from her path to the closet was done without hesitation, and when she was standing in front of him she pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth, as she reached for the glass he had prepared for her. Not exceedingly hungry, she still drank the contents quickly, knowing she didn't want to forget about it until it was too late, like she had during the last party she'd given.
", and this." She grinned at him as she held up the now empty goblet. Setting it down on the bar, and kissing him again, albeit a bit more deeply now, Fallon didn't stop but then moved into her closet.
"You don't feel terribly uncomfortable in those clothes do you? You really do look very sexy." Her words were said loudly, as she knew the acoustics in the closet were muffled by all the clothes. Taking the two pieces of her dress off the hanger, Fallon padded to the bed where she laid them, and began removing the clothes she presently wore. Once she was nude she dumped the worn clothing in a hamper in her closet and bustled past Cyrus on her way to the bath.
She had decided to wear her hair up, hoping that would help keep it out of her face, and thinking the garland of flowers she had to wear would look better that way. After she had showered, Fallon towel dried her hair and twisted it up into a loose mass of curls that hung down the back of her head. When it was completely dry it would still look pretty much the same, and yet require no further attention now.
Drying off fully, she returned to the bedroom and dressed. The halter bra top clung to her breasts as if custom fitted, allowing a nice, but not obscene view of the curves there. The skirt was being worn, as she assumed, the same as Cyrus' naturel. She wasn't at all concerned though, since it wrapped around her waist completely, and only let a little bit of calf and ankle show.
Because she had so many flowers to wear, at least Fallon had no worries about jewelry. She simply wore none. One small anklet of flowers went on over her bare feet, and at the last minute she decided not to wear the circlet of flowers on her head, but instead plucked several off and placed them amidst the curls. The leis for Cyrus and her would be placed last.
Smiling at Cyrus she half hula'd to the full length mirror, tugging a few times on her clothes, making sure they were where they ought to be. Satisfied, she did a slow hula turn, hand movements and all, and then 'presented' herself to him.
"And...will this do?" She objectively thought it was a very good color for her, but now did feel a teensy bit...naked. Once the evening began, and she was more concerned with her guests, she knew that feeling would subside. Right now though, all she wanted was a little support from her partner.
Fallon slowed her steps as she saw Cyrus standing by the wet bar, and took in the outfit he so nicely wore. Detouring from her path to the closet was done without hesitation, and when she was standing in front of him she pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth, as she reached for the glass he had prepared for her. Not exceedingly hungry, she still drank the contents quickly, knowing she didn't want to forget about it until it was too late, like she had during the last party she'd given.
", and this." She grinned at him as she held up the now empty goblet. Setting it down on the bar, and kissing him again, albeit a bit more deeply now, Fallon didn't stop but then moved into her closet.
"You don't feel terribly uncomfortable in those clothes do you? You really do look very sexy." Her words were said loudly, as she knew the acoustics in the closet were muffled by all the clothes. Taking the two pieces of her dress off the hanger, Fallon padded to the bed where she laid them, and began removing the clothes she presently wore. Once she was nude she dumped the worn clothing in a hamper in her closet and bustled past Cyrus on her way to the bath.
She had decided to wear her hair up, hoping that would help keep it out of her face, and thinking the garland of flowers she had to wear would look better that way. After she had showered, Fallon towel dried her hair and twisted it up into a loose mass of curls that hung down the back of her head. When it was completely dry it would still look pretty much the same, and yet require no further attention now.
Drying off fully, she returned to the bedroom and dressed. The halter bra top clung to her breasts as if custom fitted, allowing a nice, but not obscene view of the curves there. The skirt was being worn, as she assumed, the same as Cyrus' naturel. She wasn't at all concerned though, since it wrapped around her waist completely, and only let a little bit of calf and ankle show.
Because she had so many flowers to wear, at least Fallon had no worries about jewelry. She simply wore none. One small anklet of flowers went on over her bare feet, and at the last minute she decided not to wear the circlet of flowers on her head, but instead plucked several off and placed them amidst the curls. The leis for Cyrus and her would be placed last.
Smiling at Cyrus she half hula'd to the full length mirror, tugging a few times on her clothes, making sure they were where they ought to be. Satisfied, she did a slow hula turn, hand movements and all, and then 'presented' herself to him.
"And...will this do?" She objectively thought it was a very good color for her, but now did feel a teensy bit...naked. Once the evening began, and she was more concerned with her guests, she knew that feeling would subside. Right now though, all she wanted was a little support from her partner.

18 years ago
He loved watching his mate move about their new home. It filled him with pride and a sense of contentment he had never realized was missing from his life. With a deep bow at her comliments on his attire he then returned her kisses. "Thank you love."
Cyrus finished his glass and cleaned up the dishes slightly by rinsing them out in the sink. Only a very perceptive vampire would know the glasses contained blood and not red wine. Of course their rooms would be securely locked so that was not really his worry, he simply did not want Fallon to fret over dirty glasses cluttering up their space.
Pulling the flowers from the fridge he went to his amoire and removed two black velvet boxes. One was secured in his waistband for later and the other he opened and admired as his kitten emerged from the adjoining bath warm and moist. Silently he watched her dress while admiring her form. The box snapped closed as he realized she was not intending to wear panties. With a groan he quickly walked to her side with an aroused growl. Her dresser opened and a pair of pale pink panties emerged, they were the ones on top. The soft cotton was scalloped in the front and edged in silky lace and the back was only lace in a very brief stretchy female panty type of way. Once it landed in his hands he whispered hotly in Fallon's ear.
"Love, I have two things for you to wear. This sexy scrap of fluff, just so I dont look like this all night." Offering up the scrap of fabric to her he then pointed to the obvious arousal tenting his pāreu. Hopefully she would take pity on him.
Next he exposed the box to her gaze. It was a long thin velvet box that opened in his hand for her. Inside was a string of diamonds that should fit around her neck like a band of light draped around her. It was a bit longer than a choker but not enough to dangle in her cleavage. Watching her warmly he hoped she wouldn't mind his additions.
Cyrus finished his glass and cleaned up the dishes slightly by rinsing them out in the sink. Only a very perceptive vampire would know the glasses contained blood and not red wine. Of course their rooms would be securely locked so that was not really his worry, he simply did not want Fallon to fret over dirty glasses cluttering up their space.
Pulling the flowers from the fridge he went to his amoire and removed two black velvet boxes. One was secured in his waistband for later and the other he opened and admired as his kitten emerged from the adjoining bath warm and moist. Silently he watched her dress while admiring her form. The box snapped closed as he realized she was not intending to wear panties. With a groan he quickly walked to her side with an aroused growl. Her dresser opened and a pair of pale pink panties emerged, they were the ones on top. The soft cotton was scalloped in the front and edged in silky lace and the back was only lace in a very brief stretchy female panty type of way. Once it landed in his hands he whispered hotly in Fallon's ear.
"Love, I have two things for you to wear. This sexy scrap of fluff, just so I dont look like this all night." Offering up the scrap of fabric to her he then pointed to the obvious arousal tenting his pāreu. Hopefully she would take pity on him.
Next he exposed the box to her gaze. It was a long thin velvet box that opened in his hand for her. Inside was a string of diamonds that should fit around her neck like a band of light draped around her. It was a bit longer than a choker but not enough to dangle in her cleavage. Watching her warmly he hoped she wouldn't mind his additions.

18 years ago
Why it was that his handing her the panties made her blush more than seeing his aroused state Fallon didn't understand, but at that moment it was one of the most intimate gestures he'd ever made. Her eyes bore hotly into his as she took the bit of material, and bent over to step into them. Once they had been slid up her legs, and her sarong readjusted, she gave Cyrus a smile, knowing smile. The fact that he was naked beneath his cloth would be just as difficult for her to bear, but Fallon would find some way to keep her mind off that little bit of information, until later in the evening.
"There...all better?" Leaning towards him she let her lips brush his, oh so softly.
"Two things?" She wondered what the other thing was that he wanted her to wear, but didn't have to wonder long. As he presented the velvet box, Fallon was thoroughly perplexed. It was a jewelry box, of that she was pretty sure, but she had no idea what he would be giving her, or why. Once he opened the lid, and her eyes gazed at the delicate, sparkly strand of diamonds, her breath caught in her throat.
"Cyrus? Cyrus! Those are beautiful!" She reached out and ran a loving finger over the icy stones, still stunned to be receiving such an extraordinarily beautiful gift. "I've never...ever...had diamonds before, and these...these are exquisite." Looking up at him as if she still didn't quite believe they were for her, Fallon's lips widened into a huge smile.
"But why? What's the occasion...I've just given me the most incredible home anyone could ever ask for...why...?" Thinking quickly, Fallon couldn't think of any anniversary, or other momentous event that he might wish to celebrate and mark with the gift. Yet she knew it had to be something...a gift like this was much too extravagant to be given for no reason at all.
Turning around and presenting her back to him, she wouldn't think of refusing his present, and wanted nothing more now than to wear it for him to see.
"Please? Would you put it on me?" Her voice held only a small hint of the emotion she felt was almost ready to burst from her heart. And yet though the diamonds were a wonderful gift, Fallon was moved more by the affection the gift represented. She only hoped she would continue to please him with her love in return.
"There...all better?" Leaning towards him she let her lips brush his, oh so softly.
"Two things?" She wondered what the other thing was that he wanted her to wear, but didn't have to wonder long. As he presented the velvet box, Fallon was thoroughly perplexed. It was a jewelry box, of that she was pretty sure, but she had no idea what he would be giving her, or why. Once he opened the lid, and her eyes gazed at the delicate, sparkly strand of diamonds, her breath caught in her throat.
"Cyrus? Cyrus! Those are beautiful!" She reached out and ran a loving finger over the icy stones, still stunned to be receiving such an extraordinarily beautiful gift. "I've never...ever...had diamonds before, and these...these are exquisite." Looking up at him as if she still didn't quite believe they were for her, Fallon's lips widened into a huge smile.
"But why? What's the occasion...I've just given me the most incredible home anyone could ever ask for...why...?" Thinking quickly, Fallon couldn't think of any anniversary, or other momentous event that he might wish to celebrate and mark with the gift. Yet she knew it had to be something...a gift like this was much too extravagant to be given for no reason at all.
Turning around and presenting her back to him, she wouldn't think of refusing his present, and wanted nothing more now than to wear it for him to see.
"Please? Would you put it on me?" Her voice held only a small hint of the emotion she felt was almost ready to burst from her heart. And yet though the diamonds were a wonderful gift, Fallon was moved more by the affection the gift represented. She only hoped she would continue to please him with her love in return.

18 years ago
Logically, Cyrus knew her actions were not meant to be seductive. She was simply getting dressed. His rampaging libido though found it the most errotic thing ever. It was all he could to stand still beside her. Perhaps he would find his own pair of undergarments simply to avoid walking about with a very apparent errection. That little kiss almost undid him completely. Only the muffled sounds of people in their home kept him from ripping that sultry outfit from her body and making love to her all night long.
At her astonished reaction to the necklace he could do nothing more than eye her hotly. He needed no reason to buy her beautiful things other than to see the amazement and joy light up her eyes. The confusion but delight pleased him as well. It was a beautiful thing to see her clothed in jewels. Hopefully she would accept his next gift with just that shine of shock, love and joy. Putting the cool stones around her neck he knew that in minutes they would be warm and simply reflect the beauty that was there prior to their addition.
Kissing the soft skin behind her ear after finishing the latch he spoke quietly in her ear. "You are so beautiful. They can only shine the light you radiate and be a small token of the love I have for you."
Picking up her lei that he had put on the bar, Cyrus put this around her neck as well. It draped lower, exposing the string of sparkling gems trying to hide behind the flowers. Pulling out his items he admired the florists work. While Fallon's was a beautiful creation of snow white orchids and bright green leaves his was more leaf, black painted nuts and a few orchids. He knew the string signified royalty and he certainly felt king of his castle this evening. Contemplating briefly he headed to his dresser briefly. Pulling on a silky pair of briefs in an almost matching shade of red he adjusted himself slightly. It was no use, he would likely be sporting the stiffy for most of the evening. With a shrug he made his way back to Fallon.
"I cant think of you without getting hard, so going without is not polite."
Swiftly he pulled on the ankle lei and crown before bending just slightly to allow his mate to put his lei on him. Once they were finished touching eachother up slightly he offered the ravishing woman his arm.
"Shall we?"
At her astonished reaction to the necklace he could do nothing more than eye her hotly. He needed no reason to buy her beautiful things other than to see the amazement and joy light up her eyes. The confusion but delight pleased him as well. It was a beautiful thing to see her clothed in jewels. Hopefully she would accept his next gift with just that shine of shock, love and joy. Putting the cool stones around her neck he knew that in minutes they would be warm and simply reflect the beauty that was there prior to their addition.
Kissing the soft skin behind her ear after finishing the latch he spoke quietly in her ear. "You are so beautiful. They can only shine the light you radiate and be a small token of the love I have for you."
Picking up her lei that he had put on the bar, Cyrus put this around her neck as well. It draped lower, exposing the string of sparkling gems trying to hide behind the flowers. Pulling out his items he admired the florists work. While Fallon's was a beautiful creation of snow white orchids and bright green leaves his was more leaf, black painted nuts and a few orchids. He knew the string signified royalty and he certainly felt king of his castle this evening. Contemplating briefly he headed to his dresser briefly. Pulling on a silky pair of briefs in an almost matching shade of red he adjusted himself slightly. It was no use, he would likely be sporting the stiffy for most of the evening. With a shrug he made his way back to Fallon.
"I cant think of you without getting hard, so going without is not polite."
Swiftly he pulled on the ankle lei and crown before bending just slightly to allow his mate to put his lei on him. Once they were finished touching eachother up slightly he offered the ravishing woman his arm.
"Shall we?"

18 years ago
Struck speechless, Fallon didn't regain her voice or thoughts until after Cyrus slipped into his own briefs, and then placed the lei over her head. Just when she thought she had reached the pinnacle of love for her man, he went and did something like this and reminded her that there was just so much more there between them.
"I'll just never be able to show you how much I love you, but from now to eternity, I hope to try."
Placing his lei around his neck, hand still resting on his shoulders, Fallon pulled him to her and kissed him firmly. She stopped the kiss from becoming too intimate, aware that they had other commitments for the time being, but intimate enough to blatantly suggest where they would return to after the party later.
"Just marking my place for later...don't want to forget where we left off." She grinned and then giggled softly, her fingers trailing along the gems now circling her neck.
Choosing to remain barefoot, being that they would remain inside the house or lanai this evening, Fallon took Cyrus' arm, and nodded as they began the short trip out of their suite.
"Always love."
"I'll just never be able to show you how much I love you, but from now to eternity, I hope to try."
Placing his lei around his neck, hand still resting on his shoulders, Fallon pulled him to her and kissed him firmly. She stopped the kiss from becoming too intimate, aware that they had other commitments for the time being, but intimate enough to blatantly suggest where they would return to after the party later.
"Just marking my place for later...don't want to forget where we left off." She grinned and then giggled softly, her fingers trailing along the gems now circling her neck.
Choosing to remain barefoot, being that they would remain inside the house or lanai this evening, Fallon took Cyrus' arm, and nodded as they began the short trip out of their suite.
"Always love."

Suki Langston
18 years ago
Suki raced about the house in bare feet. Her brown dress not hampering her movements in the least. Her necklace jingled slightly as she moved swiftly from the caterers to the security personal as she checked and rechecked everything. The decorations had been placed and tweaked by Fallon so she knew that was not her worry. But still there were lights to make sure were on, getting lotus blooms placed in the pool, making sure catering had all they needed in their various stations and that the security guards hired for the event were at their posts.
The last was her greatest worry since it was Cyrus' worry. Two per door even if they were remaining closed. One in front of the suite and several circulating about the house. In the back of her mind she hoped Wesley would come to the party. She was sad that there had been no time to between meeting him and now to set up a lunch together. Still she had a job to do and was determined to see it through. Especially with Cyrus fretting over the few invitations he had asked her to send out. Of course she invited his somewhat local CEO and accountant. Though she had received an RSVP from the former, Desiree the accountant had not responded.
As she reviewed the responses on her PDA she absently flicked the thick braid back over her shoulder. People would be arriving soon and neither of her vampires had emerged yet. Perhaps it had not been wise to let them get ready together. She knew from experience that they could be easily distracted like newlyweds. Giggling she slipped the tiny computer into the small crochet bag she wore across one shoulder to the opposite hip. The thin strap all but disappeared against the dress so she had her PDA handy but it wasn't obvious. The bag itself was decorated in shells slightly so that if it did attract attention one would consider it an accessory.
Heading to the door she stood next to a large polynesian guard, ready to allow entrance to those with invitations.
The last was her greatest worry since it was Cyrus' worry. Two per door even if they were remaining closed. One in front of the suite and several circulating about the house. In the back of her mind she hoped Wesley would come to the party. She was sad that there had been no time to between meeting him and now to set up a lunch together. Still she had a job to do and was determined to see it through. Especially with Cyrus fretting over the few invitations he had asked her to send out. Of course she invited his somewhat local CEO and accountant. Though she had received an RSVP from the former, Desiree the accountant had not responded.
As she reviewed the responses on her PDA she absently flicked the thick braid back over her shoulder. People would be arriving soon and neither of her vampires had emerged yet. Perhaps it had not been wise to let them get ready together. She knew from experience that they could be easily distracted like newlyweds. Giggling she slipped the tiny computer into the small crochet bag she wore across one shoulder to the opposite hip. The thin strap all but disappeared against the dress so she had her PDA handy but it wasn't obvious. The bag itself was decorated in shells slightly so that if it did attract attention one would consider it an accessory.
Heading to the door she stood next to a large polynesian guard, ready to allow entrance to those with invitations.

18 years ago
Stepping up to the palatial doorway of Fallon's new humble abode, Ana checked her reflection in a pocket mirror once more before knocking upon the door. The top layer of her hair was carefully braided, overlaying a poofy wave that trickled down her back and over her shoulders. Taking a deep breath, shivering lightly at the breeze across the lawn that tickled around her bare skin - that she hoped wasn't showing too much - she fidgeted with one of the flowered hair combs that pinned back the hair over her ears. Only lightly made up, with a pale shade of silver - if silver could be pale - highlighting her eyes, and a matching color on her lips, she wiggled an eyebrow at herself. Her dark, floral tank hung unbuttoned from her shoulders, the wide spanse of skin from her neck to the top of the sunset-colored sarong enveloping her waist broken only by a matching bikini top and a tiny silver unicorn hanging just below the hollow of her throat. When she moved she could smell the light coconut-mango scent she'd selected for the night.
As she walked across up the extensive drive, her black sandals clicked lightly against the still-warm asphalt. In her one hand, she held a trio of small boxes... Gifts for Fallon, Cyrus, and Suki. They weren't elaborate; in fact she felt they were down right chintzy - but they made her giggle when she thought of gifting them to her friends, so she pushed aside all thoughts of 'but they're stupid' and put them, wrapped, next to her gift for the house. In her other hand, Ana dragged a rolly-cart with a square bronze planter in the shape of two feral cats. Newly polished, it glinted with the lights of the house as she crossed to the front door.
She reached up and knocked sharply, announcing her presence.
As she walked across up the extensive drive, her black sandals clicked lightly against the still-warm asphalt. In her one hand, she held a trio of small boxes... Gifts for Fallon, Cyrus, and Suki. They weren't elaborate; in fact she felt they were down right chintzy - but they made her giggle when she thought of gifting them to her friends, so she pushed aside all thoughts of 'but they're stupid' and put them, wrapped, next to her gift for the house. In her other hand, Ana dragged a rolly-cart with a square bronze planter in the shape of two feral cats. Newly polished, it glinted with the lights of the house as she crossed to the front door.
She reached up and knocked sharply, announcing her presence.

18 years ago
As Cyrus and Fallon entered the living area, Fallon heard the door. Though there was someone there to answer it, she wanted to welcome the first guests to Ger Kogji, and after giving Cyrus a quick peck to his cheek, let go of his arm.
Motioning to the guard, Fallon stopped when she reached the door, caught her breath, and opened the door widely.
"Ana! I'm so glad you're the first to arrive. I'm so nervous, but now that you're here I'm sure that will just fade away. Come in! Come in...Ger Kogji awaits!"
Grabbing her slightly younger friend in a bit of a bear hug, Fallon noticed someone else was pulling up into the driveway, where attendants stood to valet park the cars. However, her focus was on Ana now, and she squeezed the girl even harder as she tried to gain a little bit of calm from her friend.
"You must meet Cyrus...Cyrus? Please love...come meet one of my closest friends on the face of the earth." Stepping back from blocking their view of each other, Fallon kept an arm around Ana's waist, and reached towards Cyrus, as the guard slowly closed the door behind them.
Tilting her head until it rested against Ana's temple, Fallon just beamed as two people she loved dearly met.
"Cyrus, Ana...Ana, Cyrus."
She had talked to Ana about Cyrus several times at length, and had done the same with Cyrus. She only hoped they would take an instant liking to each other, for to do otherwise would probably come close to breaking her heart.
Motioning to the guard, Fallon stopped when she reached the door, caught her breath, and opened the door widely.
"Ana! I'm so glad you're the first to arrive. I'm so nervous, but now that you're here I'm sure that will just fade away. Come in! Come in...Ger Kogji awaits!"
Grabbing her slightly younger friend in a bit of a bear hug, Fallon noticed someone else was pulling up into the driveway, where attendants stood to valet park the cars. However, her focus was on Ana now, and she squeezed the girl even harder as she tried to gain a little bit of calm from her friend.
"You must meet Cyrus...Cyrus? Please love...come meet one of my closest friends on the face of the earth." Stepping back from blocking their view of each other, Fallon kept an arm around Ana's waist, and reached towards Cyrus, as the guard slowly closed the door behind them.
Tilting her head until it rested against Ana's temple, Fallon just beamed as two people she loved dearly met.
"Cyrus, Ana...Ana, Cyrus."
She had talked to Ana about Cyrus several times at length, and had done the same with Cyrus. She only hoped they would take an instant liking to each other, for to do otherwise would probably come close to breaking her heart.

18 years ago
Aishe accepted Kem's hand as he helped her out of the low-slung convertible, tucking her present securely under her other arm lest she drop it. She couldn't have wrapped it in a million years, and the arrangement made it very difficult to box as well.
It was a little chilly out, and a good breeze ruffled the long strands of palm around her legs. Fortunately, she had a sweater in the car for later if she wanted it; Kem had been thoughtful enough to remind her to bring one when he'd picked her up from Liefde earlier that night, so she'd tossed it into the bag with their outfits.
She made sure none of her dress got stuck in the door as Kem closed it behind her, and as she straightened she smiled up at him, rose onto her tiptoes, and sneaked in a quick peck on the lips. Stepping back, she looked at him and couldn't help laughing.
Kem had decided that an Evenhet at an Anantya party would certainly qualify as a tourist, so his dress had completely reflected it. It was everything Aishe had had in mind, and more. He was wearing a pair of white knee socks and sandals, khaki cargo shorts, the shirt Aishe had found ('Paradise on a Hanger baby,' he reminded her), and, of course, the straw pith helmet. There was a pair of sunglasses tucked into the top of the shirt at the neckline, clacking against the camera hanging around his neck, and he'd covered his nose with (of all things) a generous amount of sunblock.
The only bit of his costume that was out of place was his usual silver ankh, the match for hers, which hung discretely around his neck, resting between his collarbones.
The entire getup was about as over the top as you culd possibly get, and although she knew he was having fun with it, there was no mistaking the fact that he was indeed blushing a bit as they emerged from out of the shadows into the brighter lights at the front of the house. Aishe saw Fallon -and Ana!- on the doorstep, and she released Kem's hand briefly to give a wave.
It was a little chilly out, and a good breeze ruffled the long strands of palm around her legs. Fortunately, she had a sweater in the car for later if she wanted it; Kem had been thoughtful enough to remind her to bring one when he'd picked her up from Liefde earlier that night, so she'd tossed it into the bag with their outfits.
She made sure none of her dress got stuck in the door as Kem closed it behind her, and as she straightened she smiled up at him, rose onto her tiptoes, and sneaked in a quick peck on the lips. Stepping back, she looked at him and couldn't help laughing.
Kem had decided that an Evenhet at an Anantya party would certainly qualify as a tourist, so his dress had completely reflected it. It was everything Aishe had had in mind, and more. He was wearing a pair of white knee socks and sandals, khaki cargo shorts, the shirt Aishe had found ('Paradise on a Hanger baby,' he reminded her), and, of course, the straw pith helmet. There was a pair of sunglasses tucked into the top of the shirt at the neckline, clacking against the camera hanging around his neck, and he'd covered his nose with (of all things) a generous amount of sunblock.
The only bit of his costume that was out of place was his usual silver ankh, the match for hers, which hung discretely around his neck, resting between his collarbones.
The entire getup was about as over the top as you culd possibly get, and although she knew he was having fun with it, there was no mistaking the fact that he was indeed blushing a bit as they emerged from out of the shadows into the brighter lights at the front of the house. Aishe saw Fallon -and Ana!- on the doorstep, and she released Kem's hand briefly to give a wave.
18 years ago
Wesley had gotten this invitation from out the blue. It was from people he never even heard of. Not much interested in it, he tossed it on his cluttered computer desk with the bills, bank stamens, and school papers. Besides, he was right in the middle of his write up of his master presentation. It was something he dreaded, as he was still not clear as to what he wanted to do for it. So the party was just a meaningless nothing to consider.
However the day of the party, he being totally frustrated with four starts and four failures to getting something he could live with his master's presentation, decided to go after all.
"What the hell, maybe if I empty my mind of this damn thing, something might come to me,"Â? he thought to himself.
So he looked over invitation and plotted his transfers on the city's bus service.
"Only one transfer. That's promising,"Â? he smiled.
He was dressed in his only suit, a black 90ies style thing. He never liked ties so his cream-colored turtleneck was his best option. The pants were slightly wrinkled, but his sox matched his shirt. The coat had been altered on the left sleeve, cut off and sown shut, to compensate for a missing arm. All and all, he felt himself reasonability presentable.
Two hours later and thirty minutes late he arrived at the residence and rang the doorbell with his invitation in hand.
However the day of the party, he being totally frustrated with four starts and four failures to getting something he could live with his master's presentation, decided to go after all.
"What the hell, maybe if I empty my mind of this damn thing, something might come to me,"Â? he thought to himself.
So he looked over invitation and plotted his transfers on the city's bus service.
"Only one transfer. That's promising,"Â? he smiled.
He was dressed in his only suit, a black 90ies style thing. He never liked ties so his cream-colored turtleneck was his best option. The pants were slightly wrinkled, but his sox matched his shirt. The coat had been altered on the left sleeve, cut off and sown shut, to compensate for a missing arm. All and all, he felt himself reasonability presentable.
Two hours later and thirty minutes late he arrived at the residence and rang the doorbell with his invitation in hand.

18 years ago
Kem was having a difficult time not staring at Aishe as she unfolded herself from his passenger seat and smoothed out the long fronds of palm that made up the grass skirt. It was a tiny bit large on her, falling to her ankles and settling around her hips instead of her waist, but that only seemed to accentuate the pretty little hourglass and the incredibly firm set of abs above the waistband. He wasn't about to say so, but in the lewd little chauvanistic part of his mind that was all caveman, he couldn't see a single thing wrong with the fact that Aishe was just about as perfectly preserved as she could possibly be.
She had, indeed, worn her coconut bra, and he regretted the fact that he hadn't brought a stick to beat people off with. He'd had to help her into it, as it tied around the back and neck, and that had been something else. His face grew red at the memory; he'd been doing his best not to look, touch, and or in any way be inappropriate about it. Ah well... if he was red, at least he could let folks attribute it to his sunburn.
The wind blew and Aishe's grass skirt flew up to reveal the little pink flowered boyshorts she'd worn beneath, and the matching pink tatami sandals. Her hair was down and loose, spilling over her back and shoulders in blue-black ripples, tiny pink orchids behind her right ear.
As she waved at the women at the front of the impressive house, he smiled down at her, the expression coming far more easily than usual, her enthusiasm, as always, contagious.
She had, indeed, worn her coconut bra, and he regretted the fact that he hadn't brought a stick to beat people off with. He'd had to help her into it, as it tied around the back and neck, and that had been something else. His face grew red at the memory; he'd been doing his best not to look, touch, and or in any way be inappropriate about it. Ah well... if he was red, at least he could let folks attribute it to his sunburn.
The wind blew and Aishe's grass skirt flew up to reveal the little pink flowered boyshorts she'd worn beneath, and the matching pink tatami sandals. Her hair was down and loose, spilling over her back and shoulders in blue-black ripples, tiny pink orchids behind her right ear.
As she waved at the women at the front of the impressive house, he smiled down at her, the expression coming far more easily than usual, her enthusiasm, as always, contagious.

18 years ago
Cyrus followed his kitten to the door to see Suki standing with the security guard. Smiling at his familiar he stepped back with her as Fallon bounded to the door, excited and thilled. As she let in Ana and introduced them Cyrus recalled his first meeting with the human. Extending a deep bow to Fallon's librarian friend he smiled.
"A pleasure to meet you again Ana. Thank you for coming this evening. I know it means a lot to Fallon and I am happy to see you here."
Noting Suki going back to the door to speak to the guard, perhaps to mark names off the list, he still played gracious host. At least until the door opened again to reveal a man in what appeared to be a pith helmet exiting a car. Suddenly all he could hear was the blood pounding in his ears as it roared through his veins. A twitch under his left eye jumped spasticly as his hand actually went to one of his hidden knives along his belt. A low growl emerged from his throat almost completely obscuring his voice.
"Tell me that someone did not just arrive at my home dressed as a HUNTER."
Despite knowing logically that his anger was unreasonable did not make it go away. Hands aching to form claws and teeth tingling to draw blood he growled meanacingly.
"A pleasure to meet you again Ana. Thank you for coming this evening. I know it means a lot to Fallon and I am happy to see you here."
Noting Suki going back to the door to speak to the guard, perhaps to mark names off the list, he still played gracious host. At least until the door opened again to reveal a man in what appeared to be a pith helmet exiting a car. Suddenly all he could hear was the blood pounding in his ears as it roared through his veins. A twitch under his left eye jumped spasticly as his hand actually went to one of his hidden knives along his belt. A low growl emerged from his throat almost completely obscuring his voice.
"Tell me that someone did not just arrive at my home dressed as a HUNTER."
Despite knowing logically that his anger was unreasonable did not make it go away. Hands aching to form claws and teeth tingling to draw blood he growled meanacingly.

Suki Langston
18 years ago
Suki waved at Ana before returning to her post beside Dave the security guard. Opening the door because she heard a car, she smiled until the growl sounded behind her. Looking again at the couple she realized Cyrus may have a problem. Turning she spoke quietly to her master.
"Cyrus, he's not dressed as a hunter. All you can see is the hat, his shirt is sporting bananas and a camera around his neck. Please just give them a chance to make it to the door. Everything will be fine once you see his full outfit. I promise."
"Cyrus, he's not dressed as a hunter. All you can see is the hat, his shirt is sporting bananas and a camera around his neck. Please just give them a chance to make it to the door. Everything will be fine once you see his full outfit. I promise."

18 years ago
At Suki's calm tone, he blinked and his head tilted to inspect her. As she would not be prone to trying his boundries he could only think she was correct. Still his blood pounded. At least the growling had stopped though. He had probably scared Ana with his overreaction. Suki patted his hand and pulled it away from the knife while quietly telling him to go get a drink and leave the greeting to Fallon and herself. No one inappropriate would enter she promised.
With a hiss he turned and stalked to the study. Inside he sat down with a glass of scotch and tried to calm down. Someday he needed to work out his issues with hunters but tonight was apparently not the proper time. Plus he simply could not rip Fallon's friends to shreds because of a costume.
Downing his glass in one gulp he poured another from the decanter and willed himself calm again.
With a hiss he turned and stalked to the study. Inside he sat down with a glass of scotch and tried to calm down. Someday he needed to work out his issues with hunters but tonight was apparently not the proper time. Plus he simply could not rip Fallon's friends to shreds because of a costume.
Downing his glass in one gulp he poured another from the decanter and willed himself calm again.

Suki Langston
18 years ago
Blushing and breathing heavily at having to shoo away a very angry predator, Suki smiled weakly at Fallon and Ana.
"My apologies. He should calm down in a few minutes."
Turning back to the open door she composed herself while awaiting for the couple to make their way to her, praying that they had not heard the exchange. The guard put his large hand on her shoulder, comforting her. Since he was a familiar turned vampire he knew the thin line familiars walked to do what was best for their masters.
Suki took a deep breath, centered her mind and body before smiling, ready once more. She hoped Fallon would be greeting and she could simply mark names off the list, but she knew as more people arrived that would be impossible.
Spying Wesley at the door her smile turned more genuine but frightened as well. She welcomed him and crossed her fingers that he had not paid any attention to Cyrus' hissy fit.
"Hi Wesley. I'm so glad you could make it."
"My apologies. He should calm down in a few minutes."
Turning back to the open door she composed herself while awaiting for the couple to make their way to her, praying that they had not heard the exchange. The guard put his large hand on her shoulder, comforting her. Since he was a familiar turned vampire he knew the thin line familiars walked to do what was best for their masters.
Suki took a deep breath, centered her mind and body before smiling, ready once more. She hoped Fallon would be greeting and she could simply mark names off the list, but she knew as more people arrived that would be impossible.
Spying Wesley at the door her smile turned more genuine but frightened as well. She welcomed him and crossed her fingers that he had not paid any attention to Cyrus' hissy fit.
"Hi Wesley. I'm so glad you could make it."

18 years ago
Almost the minute the words left her mouth, Fallon realized her mistake. She had forgotten Ana had met Cyrus at the small gathering at her...their...Fallon's old cottage. But as usual her mate saved her from terrible embarrassment by merely greeting Ana and welcoming her into the house. The probably unconsious act helped ease Fallon's nervousness by leaps and bounds.
Activity at the door, Fallon turned to see a man she did not know standing there, but more important to her was who she saw behind him.
"Aishe!" She half yelled, and then looked at Ana hoping her exuberance hadn't been directed to her friend's ear.
'...HUNTER!' were the next words Fallon heard, and knew precisely what Cyrus was seeing, but also knew what he thought he was seeing was not what he was truly seeing. She stiffened at the anger she perceived in his voice, and dropped her arm from around Ana, readying to go to Cyrus' side. She needn't have worried though. As usual Suki had everything under control, and was explaining that the man...who Fallon assumed was Aishe's long lost lover...and who wore one of the funniest shirts Fallon had ever seen...was in no way a hunter.
Giving Ana a small smile, she went to Cyrus' side and rubbed his back. Thinking a way to try and lighten the moment a little, it occurred to her that she had seen a picture of a man Aishe's man reminded her of.
"You know who he reminds me of? I saw a book on Disneyland once...he reminds me of a tourist in Africa who was treed by a hyena, on their jungle ride." She looked from Cyrus back to the pair still outside, and giggled, before she left his side and walked out the door.
"Well come on you two, I need to introduce you before someone reports that shirt for indecent exposure." Fallon's heart was gorged with emotion, and anyone who knew her at all could only see how elated she was right now. People she loved were coming to visit, and soon her new home would brimming with even more happiness than she could have ever imagined. She squeezed her hands at her sides, staying the tears her emotions threatened to show.
Activity at the door, Fallon turned to see a man she did not know standing there, but more important to her was who she saw behind him.
"Aishe!" She half yelled, and then looked at Ana hoping her exuberance hadn't been directed to her friend's ear.
'...HUNTER!' were the next words Fallon heard, and knew precisely what Cyrus was seeing, but also knew what he thought he was seeing was not what he was truly seeing. She stiffened at the anger she perceived in his voice, and dropped her arm from around Ana, readying to go to Cyrus' side. She needn't have worried though. As usual Suki had everything under control, and was explaining that the man...who Fallon assumed was Aishe's long lost lover...and who wore one of the funniest shirts Fallon had ever seen...was in no way a hunter.
Giving Ana a small smile, she went to Cyrus' side and rubbed his back. Thinking a way to try and lighten the moment a little, it occurred to her that she had seen a picture of a man Aishe's man reminded her of.
"You know who he reminds me of? I saw a book on Disneyland once...he reminds me of a tourist in Africa who was treed by a hyena, on their jungle ride." She looked from Cyrus back to the pair still outside, and giggled, before she left his side and walked out the door.
"Well come on you two, I need to introduce you before someone reports that shirt for indecent exposure." Fallon's heart was gorged with emotion, and anyone who knew her at all could only see how elated she was right now. People she loved were coming to visit, and soon her new home would brimming with even more happiness than she could have ever imagined. She squeezed her hands at her sides, staying the tears her emotions threatened to show.

18 years ago
Ana returned Cyrus' formal bow hopefully with grace, then when standing again warmly smiled at the man. "Good to be here, Cyrus. Thank you for having me." She looked to Fallon and winked at her friend then, stepping close, gave her man a soft kiss on the cheek.
Turning to Fallon, she moved to present the three small boxes but instead wrapped her arms around her tropically-attired friend. "The house is lovely," she whispered, "but not as lovely as you." Pressing a soft kiss to Fallon's cheek as well, she stepped back after a moment and offered the boxes to the hostess.
"I brought pittance gifts, kind of my version of a housewarming gift. I hope you all like them... That is you all Cyrus Fallon and Suki. I hope they at least garner a smile." She glanced over her shoulder at the rolly-cart. "That one's actually for the house, though I'm sure you all will enjoy it."
"If you don't mind I'll go steal a kiss from Suki too, and give her hers, and let some of your other arriving guests through?"
Turning to Fallon, she moved to present the three small boxes but instead wrapped her arms around her tropically-attired friend. "The house is lovely," she whispered, "but not as lovely as you." Pressing a soft kiss to Fallon's cheek as well, she stepped back after a moment and offered the boxes to the hostess.
"I brought pittance gifts, kind of my version of a housewarming gift. I hope you all like them... That is you all Cyrus Fallon and Suki. I hope they at least garner a smile." She glanced over her shoulder at the rolly-cart. "That one's actually for the house, though I'm sure you all will enjoy it."
"If you don't mind I'll go steal a kiss from Suki too, and give her hers, and let some of your other arriving guests through?"

18 years ago
Aishe heard Fallon call her name and had to restrain herself from bouncing, as well as running to hug her friend. Not only would it be foolish to run with her gift in hand, but she wasn't entirely certain her coconuts could stand the stress. She wasn't overly buxom, but coconuts weren't exactly well regarded for their exceptional support and control. She was, at least, pleased with the fact that they did fit well enough.
She propelled Kem forward by pulling him as she hurried to the doorstep nonetheless. She knew that in light of all the people in the doorway, his natural shyness would cause him to lose a good deal of whatever bravado had gotten him into that shirt she'd picked out and she didn't want him to have the chance to chicken out.
Aishe was only mildly aware of any commotion in the doorway; there were so many people arriving at once, she caught a glimpse of Cyrus and then he was gone, but she was only paying any attention to Kem's hand in hers and getting over to Fallon (and Ana, who was disappearing inside) as quickly as possible so she could envelop each of them in a warm, one-armed hug.
"Fallon! I'm so sorry I've been out of touch," she said as she hugged her friend closely. "We have some catching up to do." Her eyes and face reflecting the apology.
Her gift was largely in the way, fairly unwieldy when trying to keep your coconuts from slipping, and she offered it to Fallon with a little sigh of relief. It was a waterford crystal rose bowl, with an arrangement of tropical flowers in it. The bouquet she'd chosen hadn't been meant for a round vase, but the florist had been professional and adaptable and had rearranged it so the ginger blossoms and the tall, exotic bird-of-paradise were in the middle of the bowl, surrounded by palm fronds, orchids, and anthurium. Most importantly, the palm leaves were folded artfully under themselves, so the simple design on the vase was quite obvious.
In her hurry to present her housewarming gift her hand slipped a bit and the vase began to fall, but oddly righted itself somehow. Aishe looked down at it in confusion, having been certain that her worst nightmare had been about to play itself out as she dropped her present, but the vase seemed to shift imperceptibly in her hand and she felt it settle once again, the balance evened out.
Thrown off a bit by the oddity of it, but fairly certain that what had happened had been on such a small scale that perhaps no one else had even seen it, Aishe quirked an eyebrow in confusion and tried to recover (she hadn't done that, had she?).
"Fallon, I'd like you to meet Kem. Kem, Fallon Tierney. She's like a sister," Aishe explained, glancing up at Kem with a smile.
She didn't want to crowd the doorway or the front steps overlong, but introductions must be made, as well as apologies. Aishe was terribly sorry to have missed so much time with her friends, but she would have done it all over again for the result.
Fallon's comment about Kem's shirt had her laughing easily; and here she'd thought she would be the one guilty of indecent exposure. "I take responsibility for the shirt," she admitted in a stage whisper. "I've been told my internet privileges may be curtailed in the future."
She propelled Kem forward by pulling him as she hurried to the doorstep nonetheless. She knew that in light of all the people in the doorway, his natural shyness would cause him to lose a good deal of whatever bravado had gotten him into that shirt she'd picked out and she didn't want him to have the chance to chicken out.
Aishe was only mildly aware of any commotion in the doorway; there were so many people arriving at once, she caught a glimpse of Cyrus and then he was gone, but she was only paying any attention to Kem's hand in hers and getting over to Fallon (and Ana, who was disappearing inside) as quickly as possible so she could envelop each of them in a warm, one-armed hug.
"Fallon! I'm so sorry I've been out of touch," she said as she hugged her friend closely. "We have some catching up to do." Her eyes and face reflecting the apology.
Her gift was largely in the way, fairly unwieldy when trying to keep your coconuts from slipping, and she offered it to Fallon with a little sigh of relief. It was a waterford crystal rose bowl, with an arrangement of tropical flowers in it. The bouquet she'd chosen hadn't been meant for a round vase, but the florist had been professional and adaptable and had rearranged it so the ginger blossoms and the tall, exotic bird-of-paradise were in the middle of the bowl, surrounded by palm fronds, orchids, and anthurium. Most importantly, the palm leaves were folded artfully under themselves, so the simple design on the vase was quite obvious.
In her hurry to present her housewarming gift her hand slipped a bit and the vase began to fall, but oddly righted itself somehow. Aishe looked down at it in confusion, having been certain that her worst nightmare had been about to play itself out as she dropped her present, but the vase seemed to shift imperceptibly in her hand and she felt it settle once again, the balance evened out.
Thrown off a bit by the oddity of it, but fairly certain that what had happened had been on such a small scale that perhaps no one else had even seen it, Aishe quirked an eyebrow in confusion and tried to recover (she hadn't done that, had she?).
"Fallon, I'd like you to meet Kem. Kem, Fallon Tierney. She's like a sister," Aishe explained, glancing up at Kem with a smile.
She didn't want to crowd the doorway or the front steps overlong, but introductions must be made, as well as apologies. Aishe was terribly sorry to have missed so much time with her friends, but she would have done it all over again for the result.
Fallon's comment about Kem's shirt had her laughing easily; and here she'd thought she would be the one guilty of indecent exposure. "I take responsibility for the shirt," she admitted in a stage whisper. "I've been told my internet privileges may be curtailed in the future."
18 years ago
Wesley was very surprised to see Suki, but then it clicked why he had gotten the, out of the blue, invitation.
“Wow what a pleasant surprise. It was you who put me on the guest list then?” he asked grinning like a kid.
He was totally relieved to see her there; it gave him, at least a point of reference. The place was quite up scale as were the people compared to his humble flat and simple life. Suki made him feel he could at least focus on someone rather then stumble about trying to connect.
“Wow what a pleasant surprise. It was you who put me on the guest list then?” he asked grinning like a kid.
He was totally relieved to see her there; it gave him, at least a point of reference. The place was quite up scale as were the people compared to his humble flat and simple life. Suki made him feel he could at least focus on someone rather then stumble about trying to connect.