Buffy types?

Hay question?

are there any vampire slayer's in this game?

Alfarinn 17 years ago
You beat the child's head against the wall? I knew Anantya had some depraved clan members but wow, Ambrose! O_O
Ysabel 17 years ago
That's my boy.

*snuggles Ambrose*

He's a tough guy, I tell you. Ready to take on small children for me.

That's how I know he cares.
Ambrose 17 years ago
Well I was gonna apologize for my lack of a comma or period but if I'm getting snuggled for assaulting small children... maybe I should take on a whole orphanage
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
*releases all of his Dodgers to get Ambrose's Englishwoman faction up*