
Please reply to this thread with which clan you would like to be sorted into for those of you who would like to start off in a certain one. We will not sort you until you've posted here. Wouldn't want to assume and all that, now would we?

Mai 19 years ago
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Evenhet, please
Gaia 19 years ago
Tàcharan please!
Océane Émond 19 years ago
Evenhet Please!
Mai 19 years ago
All sorted up to this point.
Chryseis Angelique 19 years ago
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
Umm.. Anantya, please. Thank you.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
All sorted, please let us know if you cannot see your clan sections.
Chryseis Angelique 19 years ago
i can not! nor can i post in the manor as of now /crys
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Chryseis Angelique
i can not! nor can i post in the manor as of now /crys

Try now, they were all discombobulated somehow.
Talon 19 years ago
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Talon's done.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Mai 19 years ago
Nope, not gonna let ya in.

Oh..... ok.
Panos Mehalitsenos 19 years ago
Tacharan por favor
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Excellent. Welcome to the fold, brother Panos.
Winter 19 years ago
Cause i'm Tacky!!

**trashes the place**
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Welcome to the fold, brother Winter!
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Forgot to mention it... Evenhet for da win!
Miika Laine 19 years ago
Evenhet, please