First night home (Private, attn Fallon)

The ride home from the House of Pain was short and he had behaved like a gentleman, or as close as he could get to such a title. They exited the car with dignity and waved goodbye to Nicole who stated that she had taken Suki home earlier. Unlocking the front door, Cyrus tossed his coat towards the rack and it hung itself up perfectly. Walking through the house, after locking the front door behind them, he opened the back door.

The construction was progressing nicely, the lower level skeletal structure was impressive, the floor that covered the lower level was completed. Their home would be finished before fall, at the latest. Emotions washed over Cyrus; joy, pleasure, contentment, excitement and what he could only call love. Fallon was the cause of so many good changes in his life. How could he not love her. Looking at her with a smile and fire in his eyes.

"Want to run or play?"

Fallon 17 years ago
The sound of music was a nice touch, and one Fallon enjoyed but never thought to turn on herself. She winked at Cyrus as he growled and finished making the bed while he showered. She almost wished now that she had waited for him, as their showers together were always an adventure, but then too, they might have never made it out of the bedroom tonight, had she.

Such a small thing, to have him showering in the next room, yet Fallon sat on the foot of a nearby chaise and just listened. This...the normal day to day routine things...gave her a feeling of contentment. Grinning broadly as he strode into the bedroom she couldn't help but be stirred by the site of Cyrus in all his masculine splendor. The man was built so well, from his compact frame to his muscular exterior...Fallon never ceased to tire of admiring him. And lord how he could wear clothes! It was nice that Suki had such excellent taste, but Fallon truly believed Cyrus looked hot in just jeans and a tshirt.

Crossing her bare legs, Fallon rested an elbow on her knee, and her chin in her hand. Her eyes never left her lovers site. When he changed out his jewelry, she thought about buying him something else new. The last studs she had bought went over so well, she thought then it would be nice to get him another change. Of course those were not amongst the ones he wore on his head, and she liked the idea that no one else knew about them, besides the two of them.

"I never liked piercings much, until I saw how deliciously you wore them, Cyrus. Do you ever wish I had more?" She never considered getting things pierced before she met him, but was now just a tad disappointed she hadn't. Through Cyrus she had come to see them as being highly erotic, and was a little sorry she could never have any that wouldn't close up quickly.

Remembering she wanted to add just a bit of mascara, and gloss, Fallon stood and went back into the bathroom, to do so. Once she was finished she walked into the sitting area of their room, and saw Cyrus with their evening meal...and no glasses.

"Were you thinking to lick it off my body again?" She teased, but walked over and took the bottle from his hand, uncorked it and sipped thirstily. Putting her free hand around his neck she kissed him, and passed a small bit of the blood into his mouth, and then handed him the bottle.

"I don't mind drinking from the bottle on occasion. Not when I have you to share it with." And she caressed his cheek as she waited for him to drink.

"Did you call Amberelle?"
Cyrus 17 years ago
Cyrus thought of his piercings. They had been risky to accomplish and something he had not thought would stay with him all that long. But in this age, it was quite popular. "I always thought that one more would be nice. But I have never liked the look of nipple rings on males so I thought it would not look appealing on me either. Now on women."

Letting the thought trail off with a growl he realized just how much of this era he did enjoy. Dark clothes, piercings, wild hair colors, obsession with vampires. It was a good century to be a vampire in really. Plenty of food handy, plenty of ways to hide and jobs to claim keep your hours odd. While his pretty kitten did not fit in with his current scene, he was sure that together they would grow as humanity did.

"I think you are beautiful kitten, we will just decorate your body with gems and jewels a more traditional way."

Watching the sway of her hips as she went into the bathroom made the room just a bit hotter, but he exited the bedroom in favor of their sitting room and the bottle. He wondered if Suki could put in a wet bar with glasses so he would not run into this again.

Her comment and kiss were at odds with eachother within him. On one hand, the heat kicked up another notch but also the hunter in him awoke.
"Licking it off you while hugely erotic, is also dangerous. The predator in me likes that too much and I would rather meet the sun than harm you."

Kissing her lips tenderly after he swallowed his offering, Cyrus stepped back slightly and took a large swallow from the bottle before handing it back to her.

"I left Amberelle a voice mail, we can go explore if we take the phone with. Should she come she could follow the trail quite easily. Do you still wish to go out in the woods tonight?"

His kitten was beautifully dressed but that did not mean much as she rarely kept her clothes on when her change was upon her. He knew not all females did that, but maybe it was a quirk of new shifting females.
Fallon 17 years ago
A nipple ring was exactly what she had been thinking of, and blushed when the thought seemed to have occurred to him too.

"I don't really need decorations, Cyrus. The things you have bought me already are more than I ever dreamed of having. I have to admit to you, I wasn't really thinking of adornments when I was thinking of piercings." And not really able to explain what it was she 'had' been thinking about, she was glad to change the subject.

Maybe she should take heed of his words regarding the danger her little 'licking' game posed. That she might be risking anything in teasing him had never occurred to her, and deep down she refused to consider he could actually hurt her. That part of her life was over...behind her past. Cyrus loved her, and even admitted he would rather die than hurt her. Though that was an option she couldn't even give a cursory thought to.

"Let's not talk of anyone meeting the sun, please."

Taking the bottle back again, she drank. Now was not the time for games, but for survival, and nourishing their bodies for that purpose.

"Of course I want to go out. I'm very excited about changing again, and finding a den with you. If Amberelle is able to stop by that will be great, but if she can't, I won't mind. I think I just need more practice with the shifting...I'll get the hang of it. I'm getting the hang of the whole vampire situation, aren't I?" She handed him the bottle, and thought about finding food in the forrest. She also repeated the thought that he was proud of her...that must mean she was finally getting things right in her life.

"You know...not only am I now a part of Nachton, and Anantya, but even more important, I'm a part of your life. And this change we have the ability to do is a wonderful extension of that. So it's natural that the forrest becomes an extension of our home, right? Maybe we could feed outside later?"

It had been a while since she had drunk from an animal, and then she hadn't been in animal form herself. It piqued her curiosity to know what it would be like to feed as a cat. That idea reminded her of something she thought of earlier, that she wanted to talk to Cyrus about.

"Cyrus...when you change, do you comprehend things in the way that you do now? And is there some way we can communicate with each other?"
Cyrus 17 years ago
Listening to Fallon made one thing very obvious, women talk a lot. His mouth quirked up in a smile at the thought. Rubbing her scantily clad back with his hand before accepting the bottle as she passed it to him, he took a sip. It was nice to have a stash of blood, even nicer for it to be in wine bottles rather than blood bags. Suki was the best familiar he had chosen in a very long time but he needed to remember to strengthen their bond soon, so the young woman did not feel abandoned or rebellious.

Returning his thoughts to Fallon, as she wound down on her shifting questions. Raising her hand to his lips and gently kissing her knuckles before he tried to address her fears, which seemed to multiply with her every breath.

"Your adapting marvelously kitten, this will become second nature as well. You are part of everything never fear. I specifically wanted lots of forest so that could be our home as well, so yes, outside is an extension of our home."

Offering the now nearly empty bottle back to her, Cyrus looked around. There was nothing they needed to do prior to going outside to romp. Extending his hand to Fallon with a smile and excitement in his eyes. "Let's go explore."
Fallon 17 years ago
When Cyrus didn't answer Fallon's question, she was only slightly hurt. She guessed it must have been a stupid question, not worth answering, or one so obvious he thought she should either know the answer or would be finding out soon enough.

Because she trusted him, and didn't believe he would lead her into any situations that would put her in harms way, she didn't belabor the subject further, but instead directed her focus to going outside.

Taking his hand Fallon grinned and walked along side until they walked through the door to the rear of the house. When the night air filled her nose, she felt parts of her waken that she hadn't realized were sleeping still.

"Oh Cyrus! Why is it I never felt like this before, outside at night I mean. It's like being a part of the we it was just waiting for us to join it, and now that we have it can begin."

She knew her words were probably silly, as were the feelings she had, but so overwhelmed she was, it was just too difficult to think of containing it.

Pulling Cyrus now, Fallon quickened her pace as she headed for the trees. A little afraid to ask more questions, she decided she would try to shift as quickly and simply as she could, and then just watch Cyrus. She hoped things went better tonight, as she was getting the impression Cyrus was a little worried about her. She didn't like being the cause of concern, and would do whatever she could to eliminate that problem.

As they neared the little clearing they had enjoyed earlier, Fallon let go of Cyrus and kicked off her sandals. Running through the soft pine needles, she reveled in the cool night air, as she sprinted up and over boulders, and fallen trees, making a huge full circle and then throwing herself into Cyrus' arms.

"Ok...I think I'm ready." She said a little breathlessly. Moving away to give him room, she closed her eyes, and felt her body relax. Visualizing the changes in her body, less than a minute later she began to feel the changes, and this time there was no pain.

Dropping to her knees, the hem of her dress floated up to then settle softly on the ground around her. It never occurred to her to remove her clothes tonight, and apparently it didn't matter one way or the other. The bones began shifting as her skin was quickly being covered by soft fur, and her nails thickened and turned into claws. With or without clothes, Fallon had begun her change, and to her delight it progressed quickly and without incident.

Sitting back on her haunches, she licked her right paw, drug it across her cheek, and waited for Cyrus.
Cyrus 17 years ago
As they made their way outside, Cyrus tried to find a way to answer her other questions. "Even shifted I have a firm grasp on my human mind, but some of the instincts are harder to overcome. Though in human form those instincts are still present most of the time, but they are stronger as a leopard."

He tried to remember how long it took him to understand the language, grunted and body, of clouded leopards. He had started noticing things before he had learned to shift so it had not been totally alien, but it was still a big change. Explaining how a leopard communicated would take months so he summed it up briefly while she whirlled in the meadow.

"Feline communication is much different from human but consists of the same ideas. Its more body language than verbal. So if my ears flatten, I am angry. If I lick you, that is me expressing affection. If we are running and I push you in one direction with my shoulder, I am telling you to turn that direction. It will take some time to learn but I am sure you will pick it up quickly."

Cyrus watched as Fallon proclaimed her readiness and shifted. She had a much easier time of it tonight. Smiling at her pretty spotted form he could feel the pride and joy well up within him. Such a talented woman she was. Quick to adapt and precocious as well as caring and considerate. He was a lucky man. Shifting into his cat form, which was longer but not excessively larger than the bobcat.

The clouded leopard went directly to the smaller cat and nuzzled her happily. After licking her pretty ears and ruff, he headbutted her gently before taking off. Running at a medium pace and watching over his shoulder at her progress, Cyrus made his way deep into the untouched woods.

Passing small streams, downed trees and small clearings, Cyrus ran happily through the night. With his feline abilities, vampire agility and gliding, the forest held little challenge for him but the night sky overhead and the wildcat beside him made everything perfect. At one point they skirted a very bad dirt road and piles of garbage leftover from what looked like an illict camp out. He needed to get a good fence surrounding their entire parcel and to have this cleaned up. Hissing at the garbage, he paced away silently on four paws before following Fallon deeper.
Fallon 17 years ago
Again her trust was not misplaced as his delay in answering her had more to do with his considering the subject, and his answers rather than the value of her questions. His description of the feline communication skills made sense, and coincided with what she had already experienced, to the largest extent anyway.

"I hope you never have reason to flatten your ears at me." She answered as she regarded him seriously. She would much rather have his licks. With him by her side, Fallon felt much more secure and happy about learning.

After they had both changed she was delighted to see him showing affection right off the bat. It was reassuring more than erotic, and she returned the licks with a soft nip to his nape as well. When he took off, she was close at his heels, and remained there for a short while, until she was fully comfortable in her form. At that time she moved up closer to his shoulder, and kept pace for the most part. Every now and then he would get ahead of her, but she didn't fret. Instead she kept her pace and eventually regained the lost space.

The odor of the garbage assailed her nose, before she saw it. At first she didn't recognize it, so when she approached it she tentatively pushed a piece of something wrapped in oily paper, with her nose. The smell was atrocious, and caused her to pull back and sneeze. Not needing to investigate the pile of refuse any further, Fallon moved to Cyrus and rubbed her nose against his side, ridding it of the horrid smell. Inhaling his scent, she was again filled with the idea of adventure, and walked a bit with him before dashing off and back into the trees.

Seeing an old gnarled tree ahead, Fallon easily jumped onto the center of the branches, and out along one of the heavier, sturdier limbs. Looking at Cyrus she almost immediately jumped to the ground just a few feet in front of him. She seemed to remember he liked being in trees, and turned to climb back up into the tree again, lying down astride the branch, with her eyes on him.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Cyrus watched his wildcat leap to a tree then down again. She was quite cute in this form. Spotted and fluffy. If he could have smiled as he watched her climb up the tree he would have. With a leap and mental boost, Cyrus landed on the large branches of Fallon's tree, but several feet over her head. Walking down the limb towards her location was simple for him to accomplish. His head poked out of the leaves, looking at her. Making his way headfirst down the branch was simple for a clouded leopard with their different ankles.

When he was only a few feet away he lay down slightly, in the pounce ready position with his hind legs curled underneith himself, tail twitching slightly. Contemplating the chance of one of them becoming hurt should he actually pounce upon the cute kitten below him had Cyrus' leopard head cocked at an angle. Watching her silently, he waited for her to run, so he could chase happily after her.
Fallon 17 years ago
Craning her neck, Fallon watched as Cyrus ascended higher into the tree, and settled on a branch above her. One day, when she was more at ease in her cat form, and confident in her climbing abilities she might push herself to venture higher too. But for now she was content. Emitting a soft growl, she looked from him to the ground, and saw a large, fat quail below, scampering around a bush, possibly looking for food. Fallon's nose quivered at the scent of the bird, and her ears perked up. Glancing back to Cyrus for a second, she threw herself from the branch, landing on her feet, and snapped at the bird. Being so very new to hunting, and moving as a cat, the noise of Fallon's jump preceded her, and gave the bird fair warning. So much so that the bird was under the bush before Fallon's teeth could come close.

Not understanding that she had given the bird sufficient time to escape, Fallon rooted under the bush seeking her prey. Noises from a few feet away alerted Fallon to the fact that the bird had slipped beyond the bush and was now running for cover. Skirting the bush, Fallon slunk along the ground, slowly looking for the bird. Her legs and paws moved as if in slow motion...and her eyes darted along the earth in search.

Her interest wasn't held long, when it became apparent the game was gone. Turning back and looking towards Cyrus, Fallon let out a cry, and took off running. There was no point in wasting the night trying to find one small bird. She would rely on Cyrus to provide whatever food they would enjoy, as usual. However, she made up her mind she would learn, and eventually be able to participate in the hunt and kill herself.

Periodically looking back for her mate, Fallon ran willy nilly through the woods until her back paw didn't clear a felled tree, and the tug threw her off balance to tumble through the air. Rolling as she landed, she wasn't hurt, but a bit embarrassed. Funny how human failings seemed to remain with her even in her cat shape. She stopped and licked her scraped paw, and waited for Cyrus.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Watching from the tree with amusement and sympathy as his kitten fumbled her first attempt at catching a bird. She was ambitious and good hearted to try and keep at it, but the skills needed were stealth and surprise. He would have held the bird immoblie for her if he had thought that it would help her learn, but the racket she made showed him that the hard way was the best way.

He was grooming his ear with a paw when she expressed her displeasure and darted off. Leaping from the tree easily he gave chase. Every once in a while he would crash into her shoulder lightly and direct her back onto their land but mostly he held back, following her cute short tail.

Finally a tree limb tripped her up literally. Nuzzling his head against her shoulder before he inspected the minor scuff. Nothing major but he should find his little kitten a meal so the healing went faster, she was still young. Scenting the air silently he smelled a small pack of deer not too far. Deciding that this was a good enough place to have her wait Cyrus tried to communicate. Placing his paw on her neck he pushed her down to the ground and held gently for a moment before licking her ears. Hoping she understood that it ment stay, he started off into the trees to circle around his prey.
Fallon 17 years ago
She let him inspect her, unconcerned. The small abrasion would heal quickly, and in the mean time would pose no problem. It was a nuisance more than anything else. But she enjoyed feeling him nudge against her, as she had when they ran. Every now and then she would let go of a soft cry, as a means of trying to let him know she was fine, and enjoying their run. She had no idea if the noise meant anything to him, but she continued anyway, trusting in her instincts. They may not be near perfect yet, but they were all she had at the moment.

While she stopped and tended to her paw, and after he had made sure she was still functional, Cyrus gently bumped her till she dropped to the forrest floor. A scent of something wild, and palatable filled her nose at about the same time and she thrust her head up towards the wonderful smell. Cyrus seemed to have smelled it as well, as he stood poised towards the same direction. He kept his paw on her, indicating he wanted her to remain where she was. She gave her paw another lick, and stilled. She wanted to run with him, towards the scent, but she would bide her time and remain where she was now. There would be time another night, when she could help bring the prey down. She would stay, tend to her paw further, and watch as Cyrus showed her how it was done.

Luckily there was enough moon tonight, that she could see not only Cyrus, but the deer as well. She only saw two small bucks, but sensed there must have been at least one or two more, near by. The aroma of deer was too thick to have come from just the two bucks.

Because she and Cyrus could smell the deer so easily, Fallon had to guess they were in the optimum position for pursuing the prey. Licking her muzzle, Fallon licked her uninjured paw and stroked it across her nose. She then stilled, and watched, and waited. Cyrus had crept within feet of the deer, and they had yet to catch his position or intent. Fallon now saw just how quietly, and stealthily the pursuit needed to be, to be successful. He hadn't caught his prey yet, but Fallon had no doubt Cyrus would.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Normally he would have taken to the trees to hunt game. It was easier to hunt from above because prey never looked up. But knowing his wildcat was watching he hunted the way she would have to, on the paw. Due to the earlier noise of a small cat tumbling, the two bucks were standing and alert for danger while several does lay still and alert. Moving further downwind and pacing closer in slow motion was easily done with no sounds to give him away.

His spots made him blend into the dark of night perfectly unless one knew what to look for, moving shadows. Once within leaping distance of the pack of deer, Cyrus chose his prey. The old looking doe had no fawns with her and lay slightly apart from the pack. She did not look sickly or thin, just barren which would mean no harm to the small herd.

Without giving the animals time to spook and run, the leopard pounced on his prey. His teeth dug deeply into her throat, strangling her as well as breaking the fragile neck while the other deer raced away. Cyrus swiftly dragged his catch back to where Fallon lay watching.

While he had not used any abilities outside that of a normal leopard to catch is prey he certainly used many to take it to his mate. The carcas hanging from his mouth did not drag upon the forest floor, instead it hovered easily as he made his way back making full use of his agility. He had even gone so far as to staunch the wound with his own teeth so that the deer did not bleed all over the ground.

Laying his offering in front of the bobcat, he released the throat and made some exagerated licks hoping that she would realize she could drink easily from the current wound which would start streaming blood should he let up his mental pressure upon it. He wondered briefly if eating the raw meat would gross the human side of Fallon out so he abstained for the moment but eyed the particularly meaty rear haunch.
Fallon 17 years ago
Her eyes were fixed, and her body like stone. The only evidence she was alive came from her position, flat to the ground but with her head up, neck extended, and facing towards her mate.

Cyrus' movements took him out of view a couple times, but only for seconds before he would reappear, and Fallon's heart beat a little slower. She guessed he must be targeting the one deer who seemed slightly apart from the rest. From where Fallon sat, she couldn't tell if it were a doe or a buck, but it did seem sufficient size for both Cyrus, and her. Her heart sped up again as the thrill of seeing what was about to happen, happen. And fortunately she didn't blink, or she might have missed the point at which Cyrus took down the deer. Fallon was not a fan of violence, but she also knew the food chain existed for a reason. Confident that Cyrus killed only for their sustenance, and not for sport, Fallon was completely at ease with what she witnessed. She knew too, she would be able to kill to survive. She already had.

Forgetting his abilities, Fallon was momentarily stunned to see how easily Cyrus transported the carcass back to where Fallon lay. And then any thought beyond feeding escaped her. Though the deer wasn't bleeding, there was still blood upon it, and that is what whipped up Fallon's excitement, and hunger. Once the carcass had been deposited in front of her, Fallon was on her feet. She didn't lunge for the deer though, and instead walked over to rub against Cyrus, and lick his muzzle, from his neck, under his chin, and upwards. The minute specs of blood she tasted from his fur reminded her of what she was there for, and she then turned away from Cyrus.

Tentative only at first, Fallon nudged the doe to expose her throat more fully, then dropped her fangs into the spot Cyrus had recently opened. The warm, thick, blood filled Fallon's mouth, and soon spilled down her throat when she swallowed.
Something kicked into Fallon's bobcat brain, and instead of timidly continuing to suckle, she stopped, gave a soft bobcat cry, and proceeded to sink her teeth into the flesh of the doe's neck, to the side of the wound. Jerking her head sideways, Fallon bit off slightly more than a mouthful of meat, and proceeded to chew it until it was small enough to swallow.

Looking over her shoulder at Cyrus, Fallon cried out again, trying to tell him to feed as well. Lapping up more blood, she moved away from the doe's neck, and pushed her face, and teeth, into the soft underbelly of the deer. Ripping it open, Fallon continued eating, not considering her actions as anything more than what was natural.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Watching proudly as his feline mate ate happily at their meal, Cyrus could actually feel the love in his heart grow. Realizing swiftly that should she continue to gnaw at the belly of the dead deer she may get some of the nasty bits Cyrus lept over to the abdomen. Using his larger head he nudged her away from the area she was currently chewing on before swiping a claw along the lower abdomen. The flesh parted easily for his claws and mentally he removed all of the ofal that neither of them should eat. Intestines, stomach and reproductive organs squished wetly from the body and into a small depression in the ground. Mentally he shoveled dirt over the whole bunch.

Returning his attention to his mate and meal happily, the leopard proceeded to eat a bellyfull of meat and as much blood as could be found. Pleasantly full he watched Fallon and made sure she did not gorge herself. It was easy enough for him to bury the remains while he licked his paws and fur clean.

Scenting the air for the most direct way home, he nudged Fallon with his head to rise and follow him at a leasurely pace. The slow walk through the forest is what caused Cyrus to find the perfect spot for a den. A small cave had been formed by a stream that had since been redirected by several fallen trees. The trees also sheilded the entrance almost entirely. Finding evidence that foxes had used this spot before made him feel this would suit them nicely. Cleaning out the cave and markimg it with his scent he set about moving dead branches to cover the rocks entirely.

If his nose was correct they were only a mile from home but well away from anything humans would find usefull except the stream. Dead trees were in abundance and limbs broke and moved easily to cover their wild habitat.
Fallon 17 years ago
Not knowing if it was usual or not, having never fed this way before, Fallon was a little surprised to find her belly was filling rather quickly. So when Cyrus gently shoved her away from the part of the deer she was eating, she didn't really think too much about it. She was quite interested though, when he did his little ritual, and removed a good section of the deer's insides. Some of it looked rather appetizing, but Fallon knew if she was still hungry there was plenty of meat to be had. Cyrus must have had a reason for removing the entrails, and Fallon hoped to remember to ask. Whether it was an offer to the gods for their bounty, or some health reason, she had no idea.

Rolling onto her side, still lying next to the deer, Fallon proceeded to clean herself as Cyrus continued to eat. She had to wonder if she would ever get used to having dirt on her fur, but then decided probably not. From what she saw of domestic cats, it must be their lot in life to constantly feel the need to be clean. It was a little price to pay for the fun and freedom this form gave her.

She stood when Cyrus looked to have finished feeding, and joined him as they left the deer behind. Knowing there were other, smaller predators hiding in the forrest, Fallon assumed the deer wouldn't be around long. It seemed the way of nature, and it seemed a good way.

Stomach full, Fallon moved a little lazily, rubbing against Cyrus as they walked. She didn't see the cave right away, but when they came to an area of the woods where he slowed down, and looked around, Fallon guessed they had come to the location of the den. As Cyrus began moving things about, Fallon sensed that he was preparing the cave for them, and sought to try and assist. Though she smelled the odor of other animals, it seemed faint, and covered over with dirt and dust, as if it hadn't been inhabited for some time. Walking the perimeter of the cave, she felt almost immediately at home. But then too, wherever Cyrus was, she felt at home.

Once he seemed happy with the condition of the den, Fallon laid down on her side and cried out once, softly. However, still slightly energetic, when he didn't move quite quick enough for her she jumped up and covered the short distance between them in seconds. After a head butt to his neck and chest, Fallon nipped against his shoulder and tugged. The bite was soft, and released before any damage could be done, but she hoped it was enough to pull him away from the organizing, and over to lay down with her.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Cyrus was pretty sure the cave faced south rather than east or west and would be protected from the sun with proper care. He was fussing with the last minute details when Fallon cried at him and tugged him. Once her teeth released him he headbutted her shoulder in return and followed her into the cave.

While it was not tall enough for a human to stand, it was find for the felines. The rear went back several yards and even slightly curved. Rubbing his head and neck along the top of the bobcat's head before he found a comfortable spot in the left behind sand. He lay sprawlled out slightly, tail tip twitching as he watched his mate. Wanting to curl himself up around her and sleep, he watched and waited.
Fallon 17 years ago
When he finally appeared satisfied with his preparations, and came to lie down, Fallon decided she didn't want to sleep just yet. As she watched Cyrus get himself comfortable, she then sprang to life.

Dashing madly around the cave, from the front to the farthest back point, and then up to the mouth of the cave, Fallon stopped when she again reached Cyrus' side, and dropped flat. Her back legs were folded beneath her, and her front legs were straight out, almost touching his front legs. Reaching up, she swatted her right paw, and it came down barely brushing his. She repeated the process after slinking just a tiny bit closer to her mate, and this time struck the edge of his leg. A soft growl came out, and Fallon moved just a tiny bit closer. Then, before too much time elapsed, she sprang up again, and onto Cyrus' back, only to roll over and end up on her own back between him and the cave wall.

Rolling to her side again, Fallon reached out a paw to Cyrus and kneaded the soft furry flesh behind his neck.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Cyrus watched Fallon play like a tollerant parent enjoying the exuberance of youth without feeling the need to join in the game. He even went so far as to not move his paws as she played pounce on him. Finally she jumped up on him and he shifted his weight ever so slightly to send her tumbling to the ground near the wall.

Rolling over he played bat at eachothers paws with her for a while. Neither tried very hard to do more than swipe at the others paws. They finally ended up mock fighting without claws or teeth in a jumple of fur and limbs on the cave floor. Cyrus rose to his feet after a considerable amount of time had been spent playing. Shaking off his fur and spending a moment to groom himself before he once again resumed his spot near the back wall sprawlled out.

He let out a sound and hoped she would settle down and curl up for sleep. The meat he had eaten was still full in his tummy, making him content and sleepy. Putting his head on his paws he watched his wildcat though half closed eyes.
Fallon 17 years ago
She got the clue when he was finished playing, and because he had been such a good sport, she didn't mind putting a halt to the fooling around. She felt like a child again, in her awe of all the new things she was seeing and feeling, and couldn't be happier that he was as tolerant as he had been.

But as he was becoming lethargic, so was she, and now ready to curl up and sleep. She returned his noise with that of her own, and padded softly over beside him. Nuzzling him just a bit, she promptly laid down beside him and moved his head with hers. Resting her chin on the paws he had just been resting on, Fallon closed her eyes. If bobcats could smile, and there had been anyone in the cave with them to see it, they would have seen a very happy cat. She knew the chances were great that Cyrus would now make himself more comfortable, and probably dislodge her from her comfy spot. But at this point she thought she could have been sleeping hanging from one of the vines overhead, and as long as he was beside her she'd be content.

Returning his lazy, half eyed gaze, she licked his muzzle and again closed her eyes.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Sighing just a bit as she pushed his head away so she could claim the comfortable spot. Had he been human his brow would have arched quite high at her impudence. Instead he simply curled himself around her and rested his head atop her neck. His overly long tail found her muzzle and he draped it over her as he normally did himself when curled in sleep.

It was quite a change to be sleeping with another feline. Good as it felt there was still that sheen of new and unexplored territory clinging to him. Telling himself that this was his mate and Fallon was perfect while he rubbed his chin along her fur helped soothe him. Soon he drifted off to sleep, safe and content in their wild home.