Fallon's Initiation (EVENT)
You find yourself in a line along with the cowled forms of your fellow clan members. Though the Ritual is very much the same from city to city there is a member of the Order of the Rose at the head of the hallway to answer any questions someone might have and to quietly explain to those that have never been to a Ritual, save their own, what is expected of them as an established member.
- Before the Ritual begins everyone is given a hooded black robe to wear symbolizing the equality of all Anantya. Once you have reached the entrance to the chamber you will find it guarded by the Order of the Hunt. You must pull back your hood to show yourself to the guardian before you are allowed to enter. Once you've been granted access please pull your hood back up. -
Mai stands in the doorway to the Initiation Chamber. Her expression is uncharacteristically stern as she lifts her white eyes to challenge the first in line requesting entrance into the room. The plain black robe seems to swallow the small elder in its folds but she remains fierce and watchful.
The figure in front of her pulls back their robe and reveals their face. Mai nods once and raises the thick crystal phial that she has been holding. Tilting its blood red contents onto her thumb, she then presses this to the person's forehead. Once she has marked the entrant, Mai quietly speaks.
"You are Anantya and you are welcome."Â?
She then moves aside to allow them to pass into the room before standing in front of the next person in line.
Everyone will file around in the room clockwise until the group forms a full circle.
[color=red]NOTE: For the purpose of your entrance you may assume that Mai greets you and allows you to pass.[/color]

Fuck, this whole "learning restraint" thing sucked ass.
Shuffling out, she remembered that there were a mess of people waiting around after hers. She didn't know if that was expected or not...that whole "going with the crowd" thing sucked ass as well.
For the next few minutes, Dawn was willing to bet that Fallon would be having a better time than she was. Maybe she could slip away and change clothes. That might be a good idea - getting out of this shapeless tent-city thing.
((Dawn out))

He followed his clan mates out of the catacombs and while he was looking forward to the party he was also looking forward to getting back to his rooms and getting his cane. There was equality and then there was being able to walk.
((ooc… out))

Once the sounds of foot steps grew quiet, and she guessed she was now alone, and free to begin her quest, she closed her eyes. Having walked into the catacomb blindfolded, she hoped maybe something would sound different as she chose the paths. Moving tentatively, hands in front of her for protection, Fallon began moving to her left. She was pretty sure she had entered from that side, so she hoped she had at least that much advantage to the start of her journey.
Walking slowly, and carefully, Fallon tried to hear anything that might confirm her trail was the warm one.
"Okay Cyrus, here I come...hopefully."
You feel the intricate carvings of the door leading to the initiation chamber as you navigate, your eyes closed to hear every sound. Do you hear footfalls ahead of you? You cannot be sure, but it seems that you can.
The door gives way to the rough texture of stone, cold under your fingertips. The hallway is so wide that you cannot easily sense the opposite wall, but the slight alterations in sound are enough to indicate you are not quite in open space. The ceiling is close; you think you might be able to touch it if you stood on tip toe, or perhaps gave a little jump.
Eventually the hallway leads to a fork; three separate tunnels in three separate directions.

As she followed everyone out she sent positives thoughts towards Cyrus' new child and crossed her fingers for a nice party upstairs to await her arrival.
((OOC Amby out, sorry I'm slow!))

Carefully making her way through one door, she found she wasn't in the cathedral, but another passage way. Opening her eyes, she decided it was so dark that it really would only serve to distract her more, trying to focus. So, eyes closed again, Fallon felt her way along the right wall until she felt another door. Opening her eyes, and taking a minute to let them adjust she could see there were three doors. 'Of course', she thought...it would have eliminated all the 'fun' had there only been one door.
Having no clue as to which one she should pick, she could only hope if she chose wrong she would have two more chances. Narrowing it down to the 'right' one, or the 'straight path', Fallon could also argue that the left one could be right, just because in her mind it seemed the least likely. But not wanting to spend the night, she chose the right door, and walked through.
Flip poke. Flip poke.
A slight shift in air is all the indication he needed to learn that the initiate had entered the hallway. There was still a good chance they would not cross paths, but just in case, he was ready.
You open the door only to find yourself in another tunnel. The hallway has a marble step down that would be easy to miss in the darkness. Do you remember a step? You don’t think so, and in any case you know you do not want to go down. Further in the distance, you can make out another step in the dim light, and the tunnel appears to taper. There might be a door on one wall, but it could be a trick of the light.

Two doors remained. Since she had just been through this in her recent decision making, Fallon decided to try the door in front of her...the center door...the one that had she just walked in a straight line, she would have taken in the first place. Again a part of her screamed 'NO! It's your last choice! But again she ignored that option.
"Oh Cyrus...I am still trying." She only felt slightly disappointed, and refused to acknowledge even that little bit. How many hundreds of Anantya before her made their way out successfully...many, she was sure. She was no less a person than they had been, and no less an Anantya. She 'would' find her way out!
Fortified with a new surge of bravado, Fallon twisted the knob to the center door, and walked through. Once on the other side, she blinked a few times to focus her eyes.
In a way, it was the most beautiful despair there was. But so cold! One could spend an eternity here and still feel that relentless chill.
How ironic, then, that just above was one of the more comfortable hallways of the catacombs. Well lit, inviting. It was a reminder of how quickly a soul could be lost.
The lighting in this hallway is much brighter, almost inviting, and you can clearly see the pale gray stones that form the walls. The hallway appears to end in a wall which you can perceive as being slightly rounded, but there is the clear indentation for a door on the right hand side, at the far end, and in the center of the left hand wall there is a shadowy place that could be another hallway.

Because she was concentrating on the door, to the right of the hall, she paid little attention to the rest of the hall, except to note that it appeared to look like the rest of the catacombs she had already seen. Nothing remarkable struck her about it.
Fallon was getting slightly antsy now. She wanted to see Cyrus and share her feelings with him, but she also wanted to meet and get to know the rest of her new family. There had been a lot of beginnings in her life recently, but this was going to be one of the more important ones, she was sure.
Cautiously approaching the door, again she didn't take a long time to decide to open it, and did so. She slowly peered into the next area, and entered.
As you walk along the hallway you may notice a chill, colder than a draft, on your left hand side, though its origins remain in shadow as you continue on. It fades quickly enough, though as you proceed you can smell a more ordinary sort of fresh air; you find yourself wondering if the hallway really ends at the curved wall. You can perceive recesses on either side of the wall, but they appear too narrow to be doorways. Could there be tunnels? In any case, there is a door on the right to investigate, a dark wooden door, and you open it easily. You find yourself in a small chamber, clearly some sort of waiting area. The walls are wood paneled here, and there is a single low bench on one side. A Tiffany style lamp, oddly not out of place even in the catacombs, sits on a small table, lighting the room.
The only other item of interest in this room are the double doors on the far wall; they look ordinary enough, but they appear to have no handles. A closer look reveals the doors cannot simply be pushed open, but you notice to either side of the doors there are small recesses, each of which have smooth polished metal knobs. If you were to turn one, nothing would happen, and it is physically impossible to turn both at the same time, unless you happened to have another person with you.

While Fallon did have some curiosity, usually buried deep inside, she had no interest at all knowing what she might find if she could wander the catacombs now. Her sole thought was to find her way topside, and feel the night air, and Cyrus' arms envelope her. A nice glass of wine wouldn't be discouraged either. So it was with some relief that she welcomed the scent of cleaner smelling air. Quickening her step she reached the next door and passed through it with less caution as before. Once she had, she chastised herself a little, remembering a little care might go a long way in speeding up the exit journey.
Looking around the other side of the door, she found at least she was no longer in a tunnel. Instead it was a finished room of some sort, and held not only more light, but something she could sit on, if she felt inclined. Which she didn't. There would be time for sitting later.
Once she made note of the room, her eyes went straight to the other doors there, and she followed her gaze. Seeing no door knobs, Fallon pushed on the doors from several angles. Nothing. No give...nothing. Running her hands along the edges, next to the framing, Fallon found no triggers or abnormalities either. Sighing, she stepped back and looked at more of the area, when she noticed something in the walls to the sides of the doors.
Moving her hands around the knob in niche on the right, and trying to turn it did nothing to open the doors. Attempting to do the same with the knob on the left, yielded the same results...nothing. Again stepping back she wondered if there might be a way to reach one knob with her foot, while turning the other with her hands, and then shook her head at the absurdity. A second later she even laughed out loud when she rethought the idea. The laughter came when she understood there was just no merit in the notion.
Again she sighed, and her gaze went back around the room. Was there anything there she could use, to help open the doors? A negative response persuaded her to take a seat upon the bench, at least for a few minutes. Maybe something would come to her.
"I could be way off base, Cyrus, but I think I'm getting closer." Did it help to talk out loud to him, knowing he couldn't hear a word? Yes. It helped Fallon stay connected. And as she sat there waiting, for whatever, she began to hum. It was an action she sometimes did to help relieve stress, but now she was doing it unconsciously, without even a tune to follow.
That done, he walked further down the hall, almost to the exit, then took a sharp turn and climbed up a staircase that anyone watching might swear wasn’t there a moment before…
As you contemplate the doors, you hear a slight clicking sound, followed by what sound like footfalls, above your head and trailing into nothing. You realize you would not have heard this had you not been sitting still, as the sounds were quite subtle.
Oddly enough, the sounds came from beyond where the hallway ends – are you –sure- the hallway really ends where it appears to?
In any case, the doors are definitely magnificent and would warrant further contemplation at some later date but right now perhaps the real lead is the sound that just died off.

There...she heard it again, but it was a different sound now. The first noise sounded more like a tapping, though by the time it registered in her mind, it had stopped, so she wasn't absolutely sure. This second sound was more like someone walking, different from the first sound. But did either sound mean anything? Had someone been in the tunnel above her, and if yes, was there a connection to those outside the catacombs. She guessed there could be other people doing other things in different areas of the tunnels. But since those things didn't concern her, nor would they have anything to do with her getting out, she didn't want to waste time investigating them.
She sat down for a few more minutes, but when no one came, and she couldn't think of any way to turn both door knobs at the same time, Fallon stood up again. Maybe she should go back out, and go see where the left door led...it wouldn't seem logical that she would find her way out from the room she was in now.
Leaving the warmth of the room behind, Fallon entered into the well lit hallway, and walked back through it and out the door. She now stood facing the three doors again, and turned the handle to the door on the left, shaking her head. If this turned out to be the correct door, she would - from this day forward - always go with the opposite of her gut instinct.
Once she walked through the doorway, she again stopped to focus on what was there.
Although he was well aware there was someone other than his fellow Unspeakables in the catacombs, his thoughts were not directed toward initiates or guarding hallways or standing silent vigil until the newest Anantya came out from the catacombs. No, he had other duties tonight, and was determined to go about his business as usual.
He entered the small chamber, just below the room he wished to enter, and pulled firmly on a ring above his head. Despite rumor to the contrary, this door was one way; no one would find themselves unceremoniously dumped into the small round room below in the midst of official business.
You open the third door, last of the lot, and step into a hallway as well lit as any museum. In fact, that is what this hallway appears to be; the walls are lined with paintings, artifacts, statues and relief sculptures. There are no placards cleanly illustrating the origin of these pieces in a few clipped sentences, but otherwise, as you proceed down the hall, the illusion is complete.
A few doors line the hallway – if you were to investigate them, you might find them either inaccessible to your attempts, or occasionally you might discover tiny rooms that hold only a single piece of furniture, or some random oddity. One room holds what appears to be a living tree with twisted faces carved into the trunk and branches growing out like snaky hair.
If you were to continue on, you would discover something clearly intended to be more of a focal point; a high archway made of brightly polished black stones. This archway marks a T shaped intersection, and while the light falters down this new path, you can see it grows wider and wider in the distance. It appears to slope down, very gently. In the distance you hear a slight scraping noise coming from that direction.
Now you must choose; continue down the well lit hallway of artifacts and odd little rooms, or take the turn and see where it leads.

Only distracted from her goal for a few minutes, Fallon did take a little time to admire the things before her. Though she had only been to a few museums in her time, she truly did appreciate good art. And as she paused to look at each individual piece, she saw not only the esthetic value, but the time and effort the artist had taken in their creation of the piece. Moving along she saw pieces she loved, and those that didn't move her as much, but which she could see a beauty in none the less.
Once she had moved down the hall, and seen enough, she reminded herself this was not why she was here. She had to refocus, and get her ass out of these tunnels, and soon. She had begun to wonder now, how long it would be, before people...Cyrus...might begin to worry about her.
Testing the handles on the doors she passed, she found nothing of use when she tried to open them. Some didn't open at all, and those that did revealed no evidence that they were ways out. The next decision she was faced with was another choice in routes. Sighing, Fallon looked at the dimly lit path, where she could have sworn she heard strange noises emanating from, or stay in the area of the hall that was brighter but probably filled with more of the same she had already found unhelpful.
Thinking she should go after the noise, Fallon did start down that way, but then stopped. This hallway was sloping downward, and down was not the direction she thought she should be going...even if it was only a slight incline. Besides, that scraping noise gave Fallon a slightly creepy feeling.
Yet to go back seemed futile too. Chewing her lip, she passed the ideas back and forth for only a few more seconds before throwing up her hands and moving down into the darker chamber.
As you continue down the darker hallway, cautiously observing the slope, you notice several unlit torches line the wall. This path might look quite different when all of those torches are lit, and taking the unique archway into consideration, you might conclude that this hallway serves a significant purpose.
Going further down, you see what could be another archway, but coming closer you realize it is a pair of massive doors that dwarf everything you have seen before. You catch a vague scent of cedar.
The doors, unsurprisingly, have no readily apparent way of opening. However, if you stand directly in front of the doors and look left, you see a narrow opening where corners should be. Turning to the right indicates a similar opening. A closer investigation (and it is surprising how close you must get to see into the sudden inky blackness on either side) would reveal that both openings are, in fact, nearly hidden tunnels. The tunnel on your left seems to slope down, while the tunnel on your right appears to curve up.

Her sense of accomplishment was very short lived when she noticed again no apparent way to open the huge doors. Remembering the knobs in the recessed areas in the other room, she moved to the side of these doors and inspected. No knobs were found, but it did look like there were more passages on either side.
Since she could barely make out anything in the narrow openings, Fallon moved her head into the access way on the right, and found it was just large enough that she could pass through if she sucked everything in, and didn't mind scraping her body against the walls. Before she pushed herself into the tunnel on the right, she inspected the one on the left again. The choices she now had appeared to be to venture further 'down' or head back upward. Knowing eventually she would have to go up at some point, she again chose the right tunnel and squeezed herself through.
Stopping once she'd moved to the other side of the doors, Fallon held her breath and listened, hoping to hear sounds of her Anantya clansmen, or anything else that might indicate she was nearing her goal.
Inside the narrow tunnel, it is so dark that you have to feel your way along. If you were to look over your shoulder, you would see nothing but darkness behind you, in spite of knowing there was light not three yards away. The walls are rough but dry, and while there is a sense of closeness in this tunnel to the left and right, there is no chance of brushing the ceiling; at least you don’t have to duck you head! As you continue on, the air seems fresher in contrast to the incense infused hallways your nose has become accustomed to. In fact, you can smell a mix of grass and blossoms, that scent that is unique to Nachton in spring.
Even with this small encouragement, the tunnel seems to go on for ages in darkness. You may notice that in addition to going slowly upward, you are also walking in a slight curve, as though making a circumference around a large round room.
When the passageway ends, it is so abrupt that the dim light on the other side is startling. Once you exit, if you were to turn to see the path that you had walked you would see only darkness; a few steps into the new hallway, and you would see no evidence of there being a tunnel at all.
In any case, you find yourself in a hallway quite similar to the one you just left behind. Another pair of doors, just as impressive as the first and apparently made from the same sort of wood, dominates the wall behind you. Ahead of you is another long hallway, lined with unlit torches. It is so long you cannot make out the end of it, but it continues in a gentle upward slope and you can more clearly smell some rich garden sort of scent.

Wondering where the tree scented air had come from, Fallon was a little discomfited not to find the exit just inside the tunnel entrance. But she refused to accept defeat, or let the delay dampen her spirit...much. She 'had' to be getting close...if she wasn't, everyone above would probably be ready to call it a night soon, and she wouldn't get a chance to meet any of them. The idea that Cyrus would leave was not even considered.
Fallon took note of the fact that her current route was still going upwards, and she felt good about that. The one major concern now was in that she thought she was walking along a curved path, and was scared she might be going in a huge circle. Afraid thoughts like that would not support her productive, and positive attitude, she put them out of her mind, and kept walking.
"Soon...I know it...I've got to be getting closer..."
Minutes passed, and still she walked until she didn't. Sensing something in front of her, before actually seeing it, Fallon slowed down to a near crawl, before crossing through the hallway and into yet another. She might not have even noticed the difference, were it not for the new set of double doors. At least she hoped they were new, and not the ones she had passed earlier. A quick inspection revealed no side tunnels, and therefore that they were new doors, or rather doors she had not yet passed. Her choice now was to see if these doors opened up into the cathedral, or outside the catacombs somewhere, or if she had yet more hallway to walk.
A strong scent of something familiar brushed against her nose, and drew her attentions towards the new hallway. Turning away from the doors, Fallon decided to head towards that fragrance, and if it turned up another dead end, she would come back and investigate these doors more thoroughly. It never even occurred to her to see if there were knobs on these doors. No, she was walking down the hallway, still.