Party Time?
It certainly was a good thing Fallon didn't work weekends. As it was, it seemed to be taking an inordinately long time to get everything organized for her dinner Wednesday night.
Having set one of the bags on the porch chair, while she unlocked the front door and went inside to put down the other three bags, she returned to the porch and grabbed it now. Then she realized the bag held things that she had bought for the porch, so she set it back down. She would deal with that project later.
For about the fifth time tonight, she wished she had asked Aishe if she wanted to help, but for the fifth time tonight she agreed that it wouldn't have been much of a treat for Aishe if she helped put it together.
No, Fallon was bound and determined to do this on her own, and suffer the consequences.
So far she had received three RSVPs, the sweetest having been Ana's. Such a nice message to leave on her voice mail. But there was still time, and if it turned out there would only be three others, that would still be three more at a party than she'd ever had before.
Noticing she was still standing on the front porch, Fallon laughed before turning and going back inside.
Once she had put the food away, certain she had enough for a house full of frat boys, she gathered all the candles together on the table, and then set out to distribute them through the house. Thinking they would make her house more festive, with spending the smallest amount of money, she had bought many. And they were all in complimenting scents. With winter still upon them in Nachton, Fallon had gone with comfort scents...cinnamon, apple pie, and vanilla. She now just hoped having the house smell like baked goodies wouldn't be offensive to anyone.
Taking the small stack of papers from her purse, she set them inside her bar. She had devised a list of items for the scavenger hunt, and had them printed up. Now she just had to remember where they were, and hope everyone would have fun playing.
Tucking the folded paper bags from her shopping under her kitchen sink, Fallon poured herself a glass of white zin, and went to sit on the porch. The night air was still crisp, but not as biting as it had been the past few nights. Setting her wine glass down, she took the other batch of candles out of the bag on the porch, and the little tin covers, and scattered them around. Some went on the railing, some went along the steps, and some were hung from hooks the prior tenants had left in the porch ceiling. Fallon took the long lighter from the bag, lit all the outside candles, and smiled. It did look very party like, and though it was a small effort, it made her feel a lot better about how things were going to go...or how she hoped they would.

Though she hadn't said so on the invitations, she hoped everyone knew it was casual dress. At least she was just wearing jeans. Her top was nice, but even it was just a simple black jersey top, a little on the slinky side, with a deep cowl neck and bare back. From the tiny bow tied behind her neck and under her hair, the back then plunged down to just above her pants. Her hair covered the top part of her back though, so only a few inches of skin was actually visible. The best part of the top was the way it clung to her in front, snugly up to her breasts, where the material then softly folded upon itself to create the cowl. It draped low enough to show she had cleavage, but not so low to look indecent.
Once her makeup was applied, and her hair dried and brushed smooth, Fallon went to the kitchen to get everything set out for dinner.
She was serving everyone buffet style, so the dinner dishes were placed at one end of the counter. The cold food would be placed next - a potato salad, and a fruit ambrosia would be set out when it was time to eat. Next would be plates of fried chicken, and bar-b-qued ribs, and then she had garlic bread, and hot baked beans. It was simple food, but things she had always told she made exceptionally well, and felt safe in serving. No one had ever gotten sick from her cooking, to date.
When she had done all she could in the kitchen, Fallon did a quick walk through of the house. Everything shined from her two days of cleaning, and everything was in its place. Cleaning in the past, for Ted, had always been a chore. Part of that had to do with the stress of making sure nothing was ever out of place. Now Fallon cleaned, because it made her feel good.
Taking the ice bucket out of the cabinet, she filled it from the freezer, and set it back onto the drop down leaf that she used as the bar. She had scotch, gin, vodka, and rum, as well as tonic, coke, seven up, and a fresh fruit punch, to use as mixers. The glasses were clean and arranged neatly, and she had coasters, napkins, and bar towels ready if needed.
A couple bowls of nuts and mints were set out on various tables, along with more cocktail napkins. She had found a box of napkins at the dollar store that had the initial F printed on them in gold ink, and she thought they would look nice...classy...set out for the party. But as she looked at the napkins now, she wondered if it was being pretentious. She gathered them up, and put them back in the bar, and surveyed the room again.
Walking over to the piano, she sat down and began to play, then stopped. Running her fingers lovingly over the keys, Fallon smiled. It had been delivered last week, and arrived before she had to leave for school.
Cyrus. Cyrus, wonderful, generous man that he was, had the piano delivered to her, and she had cried all the way to school, once the delivery men had set it up. For about the millionth time, Fallon said a quick prayer to whoever it was that sent him her way.
Cyrus was always doing things like that for her, and in the beginning she had felt quite apprehensive accepting things them. But he had never once asked her for anything in return. He gave to her completely because he wanted to. So she, to make him happy, stopped refusing things, and tried to just accepted them. She vowed never to take any of what he did for granted though, and tried to thank him at every opportunity. Best yet, she was now finding small ways of doing things for him too.
To relax, she began playing. At first she played some Beatles...Imagine, and Yesterday...then she went into a few random songs she always liked...For Once In My Life...Unchained Melody... Then decided she needed to liven things up a little more, so she turned on the cd player that sat on top of the bar.
Now...all she had to do was make it until people arrived, and then she could breathe again.

There wasn't a whole lot she remembered of her mother. Twelve years, it had been... but some things stuck pretty solidly in her mind. Like the things she'd mentioned about parties.
"If you go to a party, dress neatly according to the invitation and be a little on time, if not exactly prompt. If the invitation doesn't specify dress, it's probably a casual friendly party." Neat dress wasn't an issue. She'd gone shopping the day after the Mayor's Ball - after all the interviews - and even though her body hurt from all the dancing and action, she still tried on seven different casual dresses. None of which she liked or bought. She settled on a brand new pair of stone-washed blue jeans, a navy blue sleeveless tank hiding under a midnight blue sheer duster. Her feet were mostly warm inside her thick-soled sneakers, but the wind coming around the corner of the house bit into the little bit of uncovered skin at her hands.
"If you go to a party, take a small gift." Well, in Ana's mind, the box of assorted Napa Valley Wines was a bit larger, physically, than what could be considered a small gift, but the card atop it was the icing on the cake, she thought. She'd remembered Fallon not having mentioned a home in Nachton, so guessed this residence was a recent settlement and welcome change. She considered balancing the wine on her knee to ring or knock, but settled for leaning forward over the box to push the doorbell button with her nose. A lock of hair fell forward into her vision, which she blew away with a puff of air. She'd enjoyed doing her hair for tonight - brushed it for longer than she was used to and even used a little bit of mousse to make it behave. Except for that one lock she always seemed to miss! Her heavy jacket was warm but her customary gloves, scarf, and hat ensemble was left at home to keep her hair neat.
"Don't leave early unless you're dying or pregnant." Ana hadn't planned on leaving early. This was the first party she'd been invited to since... Since... She couldn't remember the last party she'd been invited to. It must not have been a particularly good party. She was going to do her darnedest to enjoy herself until Fallon kicked her out! Or until she realized she'd overstayed her welcome.
"Don't ask for a tour of the house." Of course, it wasn't until now, waiting for Fallon to open the door, that she'd realized she should have read a few books on parties and etiquette...
After all, she DID work in a library. No shortage of books there!
(( similar attire to Ana's but in blue ))

Somewhat relieved to see it was Ana, Fallon's face broke into a huge smile, and she moved away from the door. It was then that she noticed the box Ana held.
"Ana! I'm so glad you could come, please...come in, come in!"
She looked at the box again.
"Can I help you with that? Did you want to set it down somewhere?"
Fallon motioned to a small table to the side of the front door, and casually placed a hand on the girls upper arm, in greeting.

Ringing the bell and waiting, she looked around. It was a nice neighborhood, and she was glad Fallon was living someplace decent.
She had wanted to help her friend get everything together, but she suspected it was important to Fallon to do this by herself, so she hadn't offered. She figured she would simply help out as they went, clearing dishes away and helping Fallon keep it neat and tidy. Aishe's parents had been firm on her learning how to be a proper lady in all situations; although she herself tended to remain casual about most things, she was perfectly comfortable playing the hostess, or helping to do so.
With that in mind, she'd dressed comfortably. The usual cargo pants in white, and a cute halter top to match.

"Oh Ana! That is the sweetest thing. You really didn't need to do that, but I so appreciate it."
She took the box to the kitchen, and set it down on the counter across from where the buffet was set out, and picked the card off the top to read.
"Thank you for the invite and thank you for being my friend; I wish you a long and happy life in your new chosen home of Nachton"
Fallon pressed the note to her chest, and ran over to where Ana was standing, and embraced her firmly.
"You are just the sweetest person...I love how you thought of me like that."
Now Fallon was rambling, and even repeating herself. But she was so flabbergasted that someone else would think of her enough to actually give her a gift. Her smile never faltered, even though she felt as if she could cry. Releasing Ana from the hug, she walked over to the bar, and set the card on the shelf inside, right above where the liquor was displayed. It was the only thing on the shelf, and that gave it the look of importance Fallon felt it deserved. She then turned back to Ana and resisted hugging her again.
"Can I get you something to drink, while we wait for the others?"
Fallon asked as she walked towards the kitchen again, and took the wine out of the box. She moved the empty box to the porch outside her back kitchen door, and then started taking things out of the refrigerator, and oven. Holding the bowl of potato, Fallon heard the door bell, and handed the bowl to Ana.
"I really don't intend on putting you to work, but could you set this down over there for me?"
She nodded towards the spot on the counter where she wanted it, and hurried to the door.
She yelled, and pulled the woman into her home, while hugging her at the same time.
"You came! I'm so glad! Come in...more."
Fallon laughed and turned towards the kitchen to see Ana.
"Do you remember Ana...from the library? Ana! Aishe is here now."
Fallon was running on a double dose of adrenalin now, and having a hard time containing her excitement.

His pants were a tailored wool and silk blend in a soft natural color which looked deceptively dressy until you noticed the casual brown silk tee shirt peeking out from under his long black coat. His standard black boots contrasted with the pants as well. Someday he would have to find boots a bit less industrial. He carefully walked up the path to Fallon's door and mentally pushed the doorbell.

Waiting in anticipation of Fallon reading the card, Ana stood on tippytoe as if she could read it from the door of the kitchen. When her friend embraced her, saying "You are just the sweetest person...I love how you thought of me like that," she responded, "I did what I would hope any friend would do." The embrace was warm and comfortable; it had been a while since Ana had had an unexpected, friendly hug, and she relished it. They only held onto each other for a few breaths of time, but Ana got a few good whiffs of Fallon's perfume and hair. "I like your perfume, it's very lovely. What is it?"
She watched as Fallon put the card up into a glass-fronted cabinet. Smiling, pleased, she declined the drink, saying, "I'm fine for now, thanks. I'll wait til a bit later."
Ana felt bad standing and watching as Fallon was pulling things out of the oven and fridge, and was about to ask "May I help you?" but she handed her the bowl as the doorbell rang. Holding the bowl, she turned and set it down on the counter.
A yell sounded, almost like a sneeze, and Ana called, "Bless you!"

"I'm coming in, I'm coming in," she laughed. "Here, do me a favor and take your present off my hands! Happy housewarming and such!" She handed Fallon the gift bag, a shiny blue paper bag bedecked with matching ribbon.
The mood upon entering had been instantly lighthearted, and Aishe went along willingly. She saw Ana in the open kitchen and waved, even as Ana looked up and said "Bless you!"
"We've actually met since then," Aishe said. "Hi Ana! Need a tissue?" She gave her a mischievous little smirk, knowing full well how her name sounded when called out.

The doorbell rang.

Disengaging herself from her friend, Fallon opened the door to see Cyrus, and felt her stomach do yet another flip flop.
Ever since the night of the Mayor's charity ball, Fallon had been looking at, feeling, and thinking about Cyrus in a much different light, and had yet to resolve those things within her. But she knew tonight wouldn't offer her the opportunity either, so instead she stepped down onto the porch, directly in front of him, and greeted him with a hug.
Though her excitement of the evening hadn't diminished at all, she did lower her voice and outward appearance to one of a much calmer level.
"Hello Cyrus. Thank you for coming tonight. Won't you please come inside, and meet the others who have already arrived?"
Stepping up into her home again, she took his arm lightly, and gestured him inside.
"Aishe...Cyrus, you two know each other already. Cyrus, this is another friend, Ana. Ana...this is Cyrus. There is a bar over there, please help yourselves...and I've got more soda in the fridge."
Suddenly Fallon felt woefully inept at hostessing, and excused herself to the kitchen, to finish setting up the food.
Before she could set out the rest of the meats, there was a knock at her back door. Wondering who would be coming in that way, Fallon got her answer when she opened the door and found her neighbor standing there with a small vase and one pink rose.
She ushered him inside, and gave him a small hug, as she took the flower from him, and set it on the coffee table.
"Everyone, this is my neighbor Bob. Bob, that's Ana, Aishe, and Cyrus...all very good friends of mine."
Thanking him for the flower, and showing him the liquor, she asked him to make himself at home, and again returned to the kitchen.
(ooc - Bob is NPC...feel free to do with him what you will

Turning to greet the ladies he smiled and offered his now free hand to each one in turn. "A pleasure to see you again Aishe."
Bowing to Ana he offered his hand to her as well. "A pleasure to meet you Ana."
Pouring himself a glass of scotch after bowing over each hand, he inquired if the ladies needed anything. "Can I pour a glass for anyone?"
Nodding politely to Bob as Fallon introduced him, Cyrus wondered where he came from, the back door perhaps. How thoughtfull of the neighbor to come over like a predinner snack. Barely restraining a chuckle he licked the inside of his fangs at the thought.

She was happy to see Cyrus enter. "You too, Cyrus!" Fallon had hugged the Anantya very briefly; Aishe's mind flew back to her conversation with Fallon in the restaurant, and wondered why she didn't seem quite as comfortable with him now, as she had at Flannigan's. She hoped he hadn't been pushy with her, or vampire or not, she'd kick his ass.
"No thanks," she turned down the offer of a drink. "I'll grab a soda."
Trotting into the kitchen, she immediately went straight to Fallon.
"Ok, sis, what can I help with?"
She looked around, spotted trays of food in various states of preparation, and set herself in front of what looked like a vegetable tray in the making. Giving Fallon a smile, she began assembling things artfully on the platter.
((ooc: liberties taken with Fallon's kitchen and hors d'ouvres, will change if necessary!))

At Cyrus' offer of a drink, she declined. "Thanks, but I think I'll start with a soda too."
Realizing she didn't want to be suddenly alone with the two men, though not out of any fear or discomfort, she followed Aishe into the kitchen. "Hey now, no taking my sub-assistant hostess position... oh wait, you're the assistant, and I'm your sub, so... never mind."
She nudged Aishe playfully and tried to figure out what to do with which bowl of the suddenly very delectable looking food.

He and Bob made idle conversation about the weather, local sports teams and work. Somehow he failed to live up to the guys idea of an antiquities collector or businessman. Perhaps he should take out the piercings.
Finding the fortitude to not turn Fallon's neighbor into dinner was difficult. But Cyrus awaited the actual thing.

She gave Cyrus a friendly wink, smiled at Bob, and headed back in to grab another tray of food. Aishe adored the business of party-prepping. And she was happy to help Fallon as much as she could. She was also thrilled to see Ana helping out as well, but hadn't expected much less of her after getting to know her.
Grabbing Ana's bowl from her, she made another trip out. This she placed on another table. There were little bowls of nuts to munch on, and some mints as well. She thought they were good for hors d'ouvres. From the looks of the kitchen, Fallon was planning one hell of a buffet.
"What's next?" She popped back into the kitchen, poking her head around the corner so as not to completely desert the men.

"I am sure dinner will be great and worth loosing the lot of you to the kitchen. I always eat whats put in front of me."
Of course his joke was really only to himself, since Bob had sat across from him but it amused him just the same.

She waited for Fallon's direction, watching Ana do.... something... with a plate of wings.

Watching Aishe walk away blithely made him envious.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me..."
The librarian in her kicked in, and she'd begun moving all the wings around, putting the drumsticks heavy-to-thin end so they'd fit more neatly on the plate. They'd be easier to pick up that way, and they could fit a few more on there... "Sorry, anal retentive organization habit."
She set the wings aside and licked her fingers clean, then washed them in the sink. "Anything less organizable and therefore safer for me to take out to the buffet?"