Silly Fun

One month done...It may take a while to finish the entire year though...:eek:

Base by Wayuki

Fallon 19 years ago

Cyrus, Addison, Apollyon, and Milazo I think are all that's left...

May, April, November and March?

It's finding the bases that's taking so long now *cries*
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
April showers bring May flowers. March in like a lion, out like a lamb. nothing for November. Have fun! :P
Alexandra 19 years ago
These are so cool I can't wait what you guys come up with next.
Maeve 19 years ago
Not sure how I missed it before, but Maeve's not on the girl's list.

*slinks off to pout*

Sorry she just hates being left out...hehe
Shay 19 years ago
Alec Devereaux
...running a knife through that cake where Alfarinn and Thaddeus are keeping their wee wees is a trifle disturbing. /panic

Though I've never been married, I thought the top part of the cake was saved and eaten by the wedded pair on their first anniversary...therefore, no knife should come near any 'bits', and oh what fun the two of them could have with it then. ahem...sorry...mind wanderings.
Artemis Bellezone 19 years ago
See what happens when you are away for a day? You end up playing with explosives in the buff. Though that might be pretty smart, less to catch on fire that way.

These are great Shay. I love it.
Shay 19 years ago
lol - I'm glad you guys like these...they really are fun to do, and I'm getting to know the characters somewhat better too

Base by Bunnystick
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Ok. Cyrus wins the May Pole competition. :P
Aishe 19 years ago
And he looks right proud about it, too! Awesome work, lol.
Addison 19 years ago
Ah but April is tax month....
Alfarinn 19 years ago
So that's perfect for you right?

Cyrus is awesome! Nice pole you got there. >_>
Fiona 19 years ago
oh shay ~ that is just to perfect for Cyrus!!! and he even got his ribbons to chase!!
Alexandra 19 years ago
Lmao that Cyrus one is so cute and funny
Cyrus 19 years ago
Thank you Shay, its very nice. Now everyone can admire my *cough* pole.
Shay 19 years ago

(Ack! I just realized I forgot the guitar strap! Will fix later :P)

Base - duktoonz
Shay 19 years ago

Base - by Scatron/EE Exclusive
Shay 19 years ago
Ok -- Nic says he never once thought of Gilligan, when he called Addison 'Little Buddy'...but I couldn't pass up the idea - the base is a Gilligan base

Base - duktoonz

Mathias 19 years ago
*continues to be in awe of Shay's creativity*

Great job hon!!
Aishe 19 years ago
Wow. Apollyon looks big. *cower*
Fiona 19 years ago
wowzers! great job with all of them!