
Waitaminute...Vex is gonna start...playing?! Eep!

Whee...good show! I'd welcome you, but you're like the Goddess of Lurkers - silent and eternal. You know all that has transpired before this moment and have only now decided that we are worthy of your presence. ;)

Have fun!

Aishe 19 years ago
*cheers for Vex*

Too bad she had to go pick Tach. They're about to have an alien love child. I mean, aside from Winter.
Shay 19 years ago
Ohhh...an assassin...what else would she be but Tach? Maybe she can learn some mothering tips. Being the newbie in the clan, she'd probably get stuck babysitting the little tyke, no?
Rachyl 19 years ago
Just hope it isn't a baby squid. I hear they projectile vomit quite regularly.
Lotus 19 years ago
haha, thanks guys =) Yeah, Roz really got me into it with her raid. I am not much of a writer but i've kidnapped Roz and Eve to help me along =) I've got a longtime plot already in my head
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
/fear on
Alexandra 19 years ago
Yay Vex is joining in great news sweets
Mathias 19 years ago
Welcome to the party
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
Shalimar O Mannon
Ohhh...an assassin...what else would she be but Tach?

*snickers* I'm so nice people tend to forget I was raised / trained as one. And I'm an Anantya..
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Wait...what? You're *nice*?!

Winter 19 years ago
**Alien Love child disco dance go!**