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Settling in for "

(OOC: Addison has to stay in the domicile during the event for the beast, so I figured he could have his own thread in case others were staying as well. Figured it could start before the event though. He is giving himself a "me" weekend of movies and the like.)

Addison fished his custom door plate out from his bag. He'd had this custom made for him, in dark cherry wood with black lettering spelling out his name. He liked the computerized aspects of his entry ok, but felt he could use something that made it feel more like...a place where he lived versus slept. The red head pulled his hair back into a ponytail before setting about the task of affixing the name plate to his door securely. No where in the rules did it say it wasn't allowed....

There....Addison stood back, in the middle of the hallway to admire his work. Perfectly straight and it looked good on his door. Addison pulled one foot out of his slipper to tug down the other pant leg. He was no carpenter, but simple tasks were a-ok.

(OOC: Feel free to say howdy. He's out in his slippers and jeans and a shirt in the middle of the hall right now)

Jan 19 years ago
Jan pondered a moment and then said.

"Hmm probably a good thing I'm in here then, a pissed off Ellis is something to avoid at all costs if you can help it."

He wondered what was wrong with Addison's shoulder. Did Ellis bite him? She might have, him being a new familiar and all. Turning back to the movie, he answered with a shrug

"Some of her stuff is interesting and she certainly paints a hot...if inaccurate, picture of vampires. Still got it more right than a lot of people which always made me wonder if perhaps she knew more than she should. She's made us pretty popular and its not quite true so I guess they let her live."

Watching the eye candy for a moment, he turned back at the offer of something to drink. Smiling slowly at the redhead with an expression akin to a lazy predator who just had dinner walk in on him, he paused before grinning out right.

"That is quite a tempting offer...but I don't think Ellis would appreciate me accepting my drink of choice. If you happen to have some wine though, that would be great. "
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Walking back through the Domicile, Alec noticed an open door along the hallway. "That's odd...I don't think I've seen someone leave their door open here..." Approaching the door silently, he extended his senses. Oh. Movies. Cool. Popping his head into the room, he said

What's all this now? Domicile movie night? Tacharan Gentleman's Club? And me still in my work clothes. Thought I'd pop my head in and see if everything was ok - never seen a door open around here.
Artemis Bellezone 19 years ago
Absynthe had been heading to her own quarters when she spotted someone standing half in and half out of a doorway. A slow grin crossed her face. Boy toys were so much fun to play with, and this one appeared to be distracted. With a practiced use of blending and subterfuge, she came up behind the man.

"Indecisive much?"

Smiling she walked past the man to lean on the door frame. She nodded a brief greeting to the other two before noticing what was playing on the television.

"Ah, Louis the Whiny Vampire. The only thing that keeps one from wanting to find the actor and drain him after watching this movies is that he has a nice ass."

Absynthe would have reached around and pinched the Indecisive fellow's ass and told him she approved, but she figured she should probably give a name first.
Absynthe Domnivoy 19 years ago
Absynthe had been heading to her own quarters when she spotted someone standing half in and half out of a doorway. A slow grin crossed her face. Boy toys were so much fun to play with, and this one appeared to be distracted. With a practiced use of blending and subterfuge, she came up behind the man.

"Indecisive much?"

Smiling she walked past the man to lean on the door frame. She nodded a brief greeting to the other two before noticing what was playing on the television.

"Ah, Louis the Whiny Vampire. The only thing that keeps one from wanting to find the actor and drain him after watching this movie is that he has a nice ass."

Absynthe would have reached around and pinched the Indecisive fellow's ass and told him she approved, but she figured she should probably give a name first.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
At the sound of the voice, Alec nearly started, but the implications overrode surprise. Another silent stalker in the family. Nice.

Ah...I wasn't quite sure if the invitation extended to those still in work clothes. Wouldn't want to stain the furniture. Perhaps I'll pop by later.

He was pretty sure that there was some sort of unspoken social rule about not engaging in first meetings with oil and other people's blood on you. Heading back to his new room, Alec would wash up and pop back if time permitted.

((ooc: Alec out to wash up ))
Addison 19 years ago
Addison was so tempted to ask Jan which parts were right and which were wrong. But, the other vampire might be put out for being asked as it was probably Ellis' or Carol's job to make sure he was properly taught these things. He just hadn't had time to ask without sounding foolish. Granted, the ignorance thing was far worse.

"Maybe she was a familiar?" That was a possiblility more than she was, herself, a vampire. After all, he'd seen a couple of different pictures of Anne Rice and she's aged, albeit well, but she's not the same as the first in the second. He supposed that could be the effect of lighting or make up, but it was very slight that she was a vampire. More like a familiar or human friend who knows a bit. Interesting that she was allowed to publish at all then.

"That is quite a tempting offer...but I don't think Ellis would appreciate me accepting my drink of choice. If you happen to have some wine though, that would be great. "

Blue eyes widened and a slight pink overtook his cheeks as he realized how his offer must have come across to Jan's kind. "'t mean that..." He stood suddenly, trying to get over the fluster. "And, yes, I have some dry wine, if that will do."

Addison was standing and still berating himself for his word choice when he saw another guy standing in the doorway. He was...familiar...and covered in...well, stuff that Addison would not want on his carpet. The accountant smiled politely, but before he could offer the guy some wine, there was yet another figure at the door. This must be the most people that have ever been in his quarters at once...ever.

"Ah, Louis the Whiny Vampire. The only thing that keeps one from wanting to find the actor and drain him after watching this movie is that he has a nice ass."

"I don't know...he's got sexy lips as well...." Addison said in response, looking over his shoulder and looking at Louis as he looked to be sampling some wildlife. "Please, come in and make yourself comfortable. I am about to get some wine if either of you would like a glass?"

And then the other guy...the familiar looking one with the name addison couldn't quite remember was leaving. He smiled and echoed a, "You are welcome to" before heading into the kitchen and pouring himself some wine and grabbing a couple more glasses and started pouring.

(OOC: Wasn't sure if Ab would want some wine or not, but he'll pour an extra glass or anything she wants to drink)
Jan 19 years ago
Thinking on Anne Rice for a moment, he nodded.

"Yeah, she could be. I suppose that might make a bit of sense. Obviously likes vampires enough to write a lot about them and some of her stuff come awful close. Of course, even shooting in the dark you're likely to hit something a few times, right?"

Jan had to grin at the delightful blush that crept across Addison's features. Damn but that would be a fun past time, Ellis was a lucky wench.

"That would be great."

Turning to see Alec with his head in the doorway, Jan smiled.

"Yeah, well that's because open doors are too much of a temptation for us, Tacharan. Case in point..."

He raised his eyebrows as the lovely white haired woman snuck up behind Alec. Another Tacharan drawn by the temptation of an open entry way.. or perhaps in this case attempting to surprise the hell out of Alec.

"Yep, Louis of the nice ass but to be fair to the actor, Louis in the book was a whiner also."

Jan's eyes sparked with mischief as Alec left.

"Couldn't handle the conversation, poor guy. Did you pinch him?"

He turned back to the movie with half his attention but sat up straighter on the couch in order to make more room, not that he'd been taking up a lot of it but he tended to slouch like the teenager he appeared to be.
Absynthe Domnivoy 19 years ago
Absynthe nodded politely and smiled at the red head's offer. She could see no reason not to accept the offer of wine. there did not appear to be any power plays or ego boosting about it, and it certainly didn't cost her a dime.

"A glass of wine would be lovely thank you. Absynthe by the way."

She smiled wryly at the statement. Absynthe had gathered many aliases over the years. When she was feeling particularly charming, she delighted in giving a different one each time she saw the same person again. It was her true name she gave this time. Her mother had clearly had a wicked sense of humor. The mention of her name, when she bothered to give the real one, usually elicited confusion and occasionally pity. It occurred to her that placing her name at the end of her sentence might add to the mental disruption.

"That would be my name, not something I would like in my drink."

she eyed the one on the sofa suspiciously for a moment. Had he somehow managed to tell what she had considered doing to the now duely departed? Absynthe allowed herself a small grin before taking a seat.

"Not this time, but he did say he might come back."
Addison 19 years ago
Addison puttered around in the kitchen, locating the rather art deco looking wine opening device he'd found just a few days ago while walking to his other residence. He poured three glasses of the red liquid, then balanced two between fingers on one hand and grabbed the other, heading back to where Jan and Absynthe were seated.

"Not this time, but he did say he might come back."

He handed the light haired woman a glass. "The man in his...'work clothes?'" He'd looked filthy from what Addison had seen, just sitting on the couch, but he supposed that was to be normal...not everyone could be number crunchers.

"Here you go..." The red head smiled and doled out the remaining glass. "What have I missed?"

(OOC: Sorry so long to post....end of term rushing about made harder by the fact I missed a week while in fla. ack!)
Jan 19 years ago
Jan reached up for one of the glasses Addison carried.

"Thank you... and not much.. more whining, more looking sexy."

He looked over at Absynthe and smiled.

"And plans to pinch Alec when he returns. Good call on waiting until he's showered."

Jan had shrugged about Alec and his work clothes; he'd never asked the new Tacharan what he did, which in this clan, could be just about anything.
Absynthe Domnivoy 19 years ago
Absynthe took the glass of wine. Passing it under her nose, she smiled in approval.

"Thank You"

Absynthe watched the movie with a bemused smile, while the recap was being made. Even more amusing was the mention of ass pinching. Alec, was that his name?

"Well, I am not overly fond of blood and guts under my nails. It's bad for the manicure. I am holding out hope that that ass will look even better later. Although, that ass clean and wet has definate possiblities."

Absynthe grinned into her glass before taking a sip.

"Good wine by the way."
Addison 19 years ago
"Thank you... and not much.. more whining, more looking sexy."

Addison smiled and flushed before he realized Jan was talking about the movie. 'Great way to jump to hear only what you want to...' he chided himself as he sat back down, sipping from his wine glass and focusing on the television.

The two other clan members were talking about the fella...the one with the soiled clothing. Addison didn't know him ...or, really anyone. He supposed he should probably try and get around and at least introduce himself to the other clan would help his ability to recognize clan members from non and maybe save himself some embaressment later on.

"Good wine by the way."

"Oh, thank you. I'm a sucker for red wine and movies are an excellent way to relax."

(OOC: Sorry for the silence. Addison was watching the event avidly and not been paying much attention to his own posts)
Absynthe Domnivoy 19 years ago
Absynthe smiled and nodded at the comment about relaxing.

"Pinching a naked wet ass has its benefits too. Though in general, I tend to play the piano when I need to relax or think."

Absynthe comptemplated the ass for another moment, wondering if she would see it again. The next question was whether or not it belonged to anyone. She gave a mental shrug, that particular issue had never bothered her before, and was not likely to now either. She generally enjoyed the game a bit more when there were obstacles. Jealousy was by far one of her favorite human traits. Cheerleaders, dancers, librarians, jealous humans were easy to manipulate. Absynthe turned to the dark haired man.

" What about you?"
Jan 19 years ago
Jan arched an eyebrow at Addison's blush but chalked it up to the wine and Brad Pitt. The man did seem to blush easily though but then the last time Jan had seen him, Addison was wearing a furisode, not that he could have said much about that being in tights as he was.

Naked.. he should definitely try going to the next party in the buff. That way they have something to stare at and comment on with good reason. It would be comfortable too and he wouldn't have to worry about not matching or being too formal for the party.

Nodding his agreement about the red wine, Jan then listened to Absynthe's explanation of what she did to relax. He nodded sagely to this as well.

"Personally I don't find ass pinching relaxing. Certain parts of me find it very un-relaxing but the actions that it would hopefully lead towards -those- tend to have a sort of calming effect on me...once they are done."

He took a sip of his wine and then considered the other method she spoke of.

"Playing the piano can be many things, relaxing is certainly one of them. There is something in music for any mood and the motion on the keys is soothing."

He turned back to the redhead and asked.

Do you play an instrument, Addison?"
Alexandra 19 years ago
Very new to the domicile Alex was doing some exploring trying to NOT get lost when she heared voices coming from a room, stopping she considered her options.. she hadn't met anyone there yet, true she was a loner, she had been on her own for years (if not centuries).. but it would be kind of nice to meet her fellow clan memebers.

Walking closer to the door she bit her bottom lip, almost drawing blood as her left fang scrapped across the glossy surface, spotting two men and a woman sitting inside she softly cleared her troath.

Tugging a strand of hair behind her ear she produced a little smile before she spoke up.

"Hi.. umm yeah, I'm Alexandra.. I'm new here"

Feeling very uncomfortable she looked down at her feet for a moment, tugging another strand of hair behind her ear before looking back up, her nearly black eyes shifting from one person to another and back hoping she wasn't intruding.

((ooc, hope i'm not intruding)
Addison 19 years ago
All this talk of pinching arses was going to make Addison start giggling soon. It certainly didn't feel like a conversation he would have with two other vampires, but he supposed they were people too...or were at one time. It was certainly amusing to listen to absynthe and Jan talk, so he contented himself with that and trying to discern vampire habits as he sipped his wine. He wanted to be less....ignorant of his other clan members to impress Ellis.

"Do you play an instrument, Addison?"

"Hmm..." It took a second to remember, as he'd not played since he was in school. "I played the violin in school. My parents felt that an instrument would give character and look good on the college resume. Although...I haven't played since I graduated, so it wasn't a big interest of mine, just another requirement growing up."

"Hi.. umm yeah, I'm Alexandra.. I'm new here"

The red head turned to the new voice and saw a dark haired woman standing in the doorway. Granted, he didn't know everyone in the clan yet, so if she'd not just stated that she was new, he would have never known. "Please, come in. Nice to meet you, Alexandra. I'm Addison and this is Jan and Absynthe." He nodded towards the others, playing a little bit like the host, since it was his room. "Did you want something to drink?"
Alexandra 19 years ago
"Please, come in. Nice to meet you, Alexandra. I'm Addison and this is Jan and Absynthe." He nodded towards the others, playing a little bit like the host, since it was his room.

Smiling a little wider Alex stepped into the room as Addison invited her in, as he gestured towards the others she smiled at them her dark eyes sparkling in the light.

"Did you want something to drink?"

Shifting her eyes back to Addison as he spoke to her she nodded her head slowly making her way over to where they were sitting.

"I would love to"

Giving him a warm smile she took a seat next to him, crossing her slender legs at the knee she made herself comfortable while she waited for him to get her a drink.

Jan 19 years ago
Jan smiled at Addison and shrugged.

"I suppose not everyone can be musically talented or find it interesting enough to continue. Some time you'll have to tell me what music you like though. "

He got up and headed towards the kitchen and put away his empty glass. There was a new face at the door and Jan smiled at her.

"Welcome to Addison's humble abode. You can take my place. I need to get myself ready for the upcoming 'event'."

He smiled at the other two and blew a kiss at Louis before heading towards the door.

"It was good chatting with you both. We should do movie night again."

Jan headed down the corridors to his own apartment in order to get his things together for the upcoming raid.

((OOC: Hey! welcome to Tacharan. This thread was started prior to the raid and I have some things to do with Jan post raid so I did not want to have him lingering and falling behind. Will have to catch up with you later some time. ))
Alexandra 19 years ago
As one of the others smiled at her and spoke Alex smiled back.

"Welcome to Addison's humble abode. You can take my place. I need to get myself ready for the upcoming 'event'."

"Thank you, glad to meet you"

Turning back to Addison she looked him over for a moment, Alexandra studied people.. it was wath she did, she was a quiet person, very much to herself, her books keeping her company, looking away she took in her suroundings, the room had a cossy feel to it.
Absynthe Domnivoy 19 years ago
Absynthe had been content with herown musings and listening to the two men discuss music. She looked up as one came in and the other prepared to leave. Addison really should look into shutting the door, anyone could just walk in.She grinned in amusement and then nodded a farewell to the parting guest.

" Good luck with that event. Don't have too much fun."

Absynthe turned and watched the new girl for a moment. Angelica was new to the party and new to the clan. Nothing like fresh cannon fodder to brighten a girl's day. She smiled, the picture of warmth and kindness. As had become a habit, Absynthe cloaked herself in her ability of subterfuge, masking her true thoughts and emotions.

" Welcome to the clan. Let me know if you need any assistance getting settled."