Alec Devereaux Broken
Created on 08/25/2005 • 1201 Posts & 66 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Alec nodded once, slid his goggles on and waited for the mercs to shuffle out before him. Whispering over their shoulders, he stated 16 years ago
- post Startled, Alec could only listen as Ellis revealed that not only did she maybe actually have feeling and remorse for things, but shocked t 16 years ago
- post Alec felt physically ill when Simon's eyes met his. He had the good grace to blush, and turned slightly away, unable to meet his eyes. H 16 years ago
- post Alec blinked. He had never been addressed in a particularly positive manner by the former Clan leader - barely acknowledged, really. To 16 years ago
- post Frowning, Alec shrugged. "He was Tacharan before he was stolen. Even in his compromised state he has been useful to us - your little i 16 years ago
- post Yes, I noted that too. I just deleted everything Aishe sends out, and that dropped it back down. If you add an Aishe spam filter you shoul 16 years ago
- post Alec blinked. The response from Ellis had been completely unexpected. He had not realized that he had even HAD expectations toward a pot 16 years ago
- post As Ellis played the room, sized up the audience, she mentioned that Ginnie was missing after Nova's query. For a moment, Alec flushed, ra 16 years ago
- post Some people felt that waiting was the hardest part of any endeavor. Alec disagreed with this sentiment in most cases. Even when all form 16 years ago
- post Events were still swimming through his head when the summons to the debriefing occurred. Typically, he would go casually and lightly arme 16 years ago
- post Alec had managed not to laugh, and considered it a moral triumph. Unable to keep the grin from his face, he nodded. "Delighted." He 16 years ago
- post At Carol's sudden outburst, Alec blinked. He was simply shocked. He...did not disagree on any particular point...and did have to admit h 16 years ago
- post Mai? Who dat? :P 16 years ago
- post As Carol summarized, Alec heightened and wrapped his tendrils of perception around the dormant form of Simon. His rate of recovery was tr 16 years ago
- post To: Tacharan Heads of Staff From: Devereaux Subject: Merc Extractions 3431-A, 3431-B All, Simultaneous extractions 3431-A and 3431-B 16 years ago
- post Screwing up his mouth slightly, Alec considered how far out on the limb he wanted to go. "I suppose that I can see the benefit of such 16 years ago
- post Cocking his head at the family comment, he HAD to ask. The morsel was just left out there too plain not to be taken...it was in his natur 16 years ago
- post The revelation was certainly unexpected, but put a lot of things in order. "I imagined that there had to be something on the side. In Ne 16 years ago
- post Listening intently to the advice, Alec thought to try it. Some of what Amberelle was saying made good sense. From a psychological standpoint 16 years ago
- post Heart wrenching inside at the sudden display of emotion before him, Alec fell into the hug easily. Keeping from crying himself was very d 16 years ago