Ran Iyala
Invasive Species
Created on 12/19/2012
244 Posts & 14 Threads
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Ran kept silent on the mention of what he'd be getting into. And what he'd not be getting into, which was Mara. Maybe when they'd first met
12 years ago
Ran let his eyes grow wide to address Pak when she mentioned Bao's preference to stay inside the box. "No, we never go outside the box. The
12 years ago
Ran turned to look at the woman who joined them. She was very pretty, petite, Asian, with beautiful blue eyes. She wasn't smiling. He did, h
12 years ago
"I want to come with you some night," Ran said, grinning at Mara. "I have got to see this."
Mara rolled her eyes at him. "That wouldn't be
12 years ago
[I]Ran sat with Mara on a bench in Vesper Gardens. It might surprise plenty of people to know it about him, but he loved to garden. Nurturin
12 years ago
Ran beamed at Damaris. Excellent. She was cute, she was deadly, what more could he want in a fling? And, she was a Clanmate which was even b
12 years ago
"I never work too hard. Just hard enough. Smart-assing, though, that's a hobby."
Ran dragged his attention away from Damaris, but Amir was
12 years ago
Ran raised his head and looked at Amir. "I only count as one loudmouth? I'm going to have to work harder."
He watched as Amir obliged Damar
12 years ago
Ran didn't last more than a few minutes against Amir when he was in full force like this. The little bastard was quick like a weasel, clever
12 years ago
Normally Ran's loyalty was unswerving - normally. But this was the practice arena. All loyalties were suspended, especially in light of the
12 years ago
Ran watched the flying feet and fists and flailing limbs, impressed at the speed with which both fighters moved. Damaris was fluid and sleek
12 years ago
"Maybe the battle," Ran conceded. "I'll have my revenge."
His voice sounded less like revenge and more like Revenge of the Nerds as he whee
12 years ago
Of course. Of course Amir would walk in while this woman - Damaris, apparently - had him face first in the mats. Even worse that Damaris con
12 years ago
Ohh, the snapped ribs hurt. His jaw was fine; he was pretty sure the previous snap had just been something popping around but the ribs were
12 years ago
Ran gave the woman a cocky grin. "Who says I'll tell you?"
He wasn't above playing hard to get; he might like the women-folk but he wasn't
12 years ago
Ran lifted a shoulder at his opponent. Welcome home would suit well enough, really. "Thanks," he said. "Nothing says home like a midnight as
12 years ago
Ran's eyes glowed with approval when she commented on his willingness to go naked. Restraint wasn't Ran's forte, nor were his people known f
12 years ago
Ran stood, arms on his hips, as the black-haired woman looked him up and down then grinned. He returned it; he didn't suffer much worry abou
12 years ago
Ran paused in his explorations when the woman spoke to him. He didn't take well to perceived criticism from people he knew, not to mention p
12 years ago
[I]Ran was being totally nosy. He knew it and he owned it. He was new - that was his excuse. If he was going to learn every bit of the Manor
12 years ago