Rowan Murphy
Dr. Glitter-Balls
Created on 02/27/2011
823 Posts & 41 Threads
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It took a full night and day to digest everything. And get used to it. Rowan didn't want the word to sound uncomfortable on his lips when he
12 years ago
Rowan had known the answer already but he still felt his heart thump little quicker and his breath hitch in his throat when Henri's voice sa
12 years ago
[I]Rowan looked down at his cell phone, his thumb hovering over Henri's number. He was frowning to himself, in thought, considering whether
12 years ago
"I don't know how I got so lucky," Becky said, "but I'm thankful for you, Rowan."
She rarely used his first name - usually just when she wa
12 years ago
Becky's expression turned to one of confusion. "My own future? In what sense?"
The wary look came back and Rowan rolled his eyes at her. "I
12 years ago
[I]Rowan smiled as he stood in his new office. His office. The official Meridian and Liefde doctor. From now on he would have in his care al
12 years ago
Rowan watched Kem raise an eyebrow at Cris. "I'm already corrupt," the Nachton Elder insisted while Aishe nodded vigorously. "Alfarinn saw t
12 years ago
It was Kem who laughed at the idea of taking Aishe party-crashing. "You're going to corrupt her," he said with a smile. "What am I going to
12 years ago
"Be my guest," Henri said with a grin when Cris offered to stand in. "But I don't want to know how it ends. Wait, check that. I know how it'
12 years ago
When Cris returned to his seat Rowan slipped his arm around his partner once again and pulled him close. "The next group of pictures are goo
12 years ago
Rowan was utterly pleased with the company around them. Henri's teasing, Cris's soft laughter, Alfarinn's feigned innocence. Kem was fairly
12 years ago
"I would eat them," Henri insisted, making a strangled noise when Renee did something uncomfortable to him. "I would have made them but I wo
12 years ago
A couple more people joining them? Had Cris invited someone else Rowan didn't know about? He shrugged inwardly; didn't matter much. If Cris
12 years ago
[I]Rowan had never felt more relaxed. He and Cris had been away for nearly a month cruising the Caribbean and generally enjoying each others
12 years ago
Rowan tried to think back before he'd met Cris, to what he'd felt like in general. Cris just blew it all away. And to think they had found t
12 years ago
"You do that. And I will too," Rowan said with a smile at his partner's serious, incredibly sexy, face.
When Cris said he had a stop to mak
12 years ago
Cris looked down at the pendant for longer than Rowan had expected. When he looked up again Rowan saw that his eyes were not the only ones t
12 years ago
Rowan smiled at Cris. "One time is enough," he said softly. "I know once you make a promise you keep it. It might be a great excuse for a bi
12 years ago
They ordered dessert and Rowan smiled at Cris's words. "I am," he murmured back. "The private menu. And I am all yours."
When Cris's phone
12 years ago
"I'll bring mine with us," Rowan said. They could sit out on the deck of his ship just after the sun had gone down and play chords; there wo
12 years ago