Artemis's Abode (invitation only)
Artemis entered with several items in his hands. He turned on the lights effortlessly as he moved from room to room. Artemis smiled as he passed the living room, thinking about his plans for the evening. The note from Alfarinn had better not be a cancellation. Glancing briefly around the room, from the soft black leather sofa and two matching chairs to the entertainment center made of ebony wood, everything appeared to be in order.
Artemis continued on to the study. His smile changed to a look of surprise and then to mild annoyance. In the middle of the room, the large box he had used to ship some antiques from Italy had been turned over and many of the precious contents had been rolled on to the floor. An angry beeping and whirring could be heard as well. Artemis spotted the flat disc vacuum turned over on its back. Well, at least it wasn't beeping at him this time. Stepping over the mess, he walked over to the desk, where he placed the items he was carrying on its clean barren surface. Artemis turned the box upright with a mischievous grin. The act was met with mewling of surprise and irritation. With a chuckle he reached in a pulled out a kitten. "Good evening Pascal."Â? The thought that was transferred across the link they shared only made Artemis laugh harder. "Well, you shouldn't make such a mess."Â? Artemis placed the kitten on his shoulder. With a few waves of his hand the contents returned to the box and the vacuum righted itself. Artemis retrieved the note from Alfarinn, as well as a silk covered box and another slender package, before leaving the study and returning to the living room.
Settling himself on the sofa, he placed Pascal gently on one of the wine colored accent pillows. He once again used his telekinetic abilities, this time to open the black drapes to reveal a lovely view of the city. Satisfied, he turned his attention to the other objects he had with him. The silk covered box he placed on the glass and ebony coffee table in from of him. He allowed himself a brief smile as he looked at it, clearly pleased. Turning his attention to Pascal he said, "Don't worry I have not forgotten you."Â? Reaching into the slendor box he pulled out a jeweled collar. It was all white cubic zirconia except for two dark multi-colored gems in the center. Artemis placed the trinket around the kitten's neck. Pascal purred in approval. Pascal was solid black except for white patch on his chest. The addition of the collar with it's two dark gems gave the impression that he was the best dressed cat in the Towers. Giving his companion a scratch behind the ear, he picked up the missive from Alfarinn and read it. Once done he said, "Another 'recruit' for the department. What are we going to tell this one Pascal?"Â? He was answered with only a blink and bemused expression. With a sigh he went to the phone and called his assistant. "Keri, please contact Mr. Xerxes Asha and let him know that I will meet with him at my suit in the Towers. Thank you."Â? He returned to his place on the sofa, content to talk with his cat while he waited.

Satisfied, he closed and locked his door and made his way towards the elevator. From what Mari had told him Mr. Bellezone's room was up a few floors and around on the other side of the building. A 5 minute walk only made easier by the AI that lit the floor ahead of the Persian in a dark suit.
He recalled again the cheerful voice that had been on the other end of the phone earlier.
"Hi, Mr. Asha! My name is Keri, and assistant to Artemis Bellezone. He would like for me to let you know that he can meet with you in his suite at your earliest convenience."
To his surprised her enthusiasm at such a simple task brought a wide grin on his face. It is too rare, he thought, that such an assistant could be found. It seemed as though her excitement for such tasks would extend into all of her work.
He had cleared his throat and gratefully acknowledged Artemis' wishes. And now, he was on his way to the Science and Technology Director's home.
He slowed his pace as he approached the door Mari indicated was Artemis' and rapped on the wood pointedly.

Opening the door, he said "Hello, please come in" Artemis stepped aside so that Xerxes could do just that. With a simple gesture toward the living room, "If you like, have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Glass of wine?"

He smiled at his host and extended his right hand, "Mr. Bellezone, I assume? Xerxes Asha, pleasure to meet you."
He remembered Alfarinn's words and as such brought one of his best bottles of wine. He held it casually in his left hand, which rested comfortably beneath his long cashmere coat.
As such, when the intelligent clansman asked for a glass of wine he slid his hand from beneath it's concealment and the bottle materialized.
"Its a bottle of Clarendon Hills 2003 Astralis Syrah; One of my favorite wineries, and a particularly good year. I bought quite a few bottles, they age for decades marvelously." Then as if explaining his imprudence, "Alfarinn mentioned you favored wine, which is fortunate as I do as well."

With a gesture toward the kitten that had decided to sit on his foot, " Thank you for the offer. if you would care to take the bottle and follow Pascal here, he will lead you to the living room. I will get us a couple of glasses for the wine." Artemis looked down at the kitten and suppressed a smile. "Pascal, please show Mr. Asha the way."
After a brief glance at Artemis, Pascal began to walk away. After a few steps, he turned and looked at Xerxes to see if he would follow.
(ooc: Out until you are ready to come back to this.)