Thaddeus joined Alfarinn in looking up at the impressive towers rising up into the night. While still concerned with making a good impression and somewhat preoccupied with the meeting in the house of pain, it was good for Alfarinn to be home and seeing his companion's contentment, he found, eased his mind as well.
He smiled as Alfarinn's offer, finding it difficult to imagine a tour of this massive facility being in any way 'quick' but reasoning that they had some time for a look around. Of course, the last tour offered in Anantya had been interrupted all too soon, but one could hope, after all.
"I would be delighted."Â?
He lifted his chin up to look once more to the top of the towers, wondering if they could make it to the top without some unknown disaster striking.
Picking up a few things (invitation only)
Alfarinn stood outside of the impressive glass and steel towers and looked up with a sigh of momentary contentment. Smiling at his companion, he reached out and laced his hand in Thaddeus's. He loved this place, had seen it being built from the ground up, had watched it change with the times and now marveled at its modern exterior over its older surface. The facade was so ironically like his own, something shiny and new covering something so very old.
"So.." He grinned in amusement. "Want a quick tour?"

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago

19 years ago
Alfarinn nodded at Thaddeus's consent and made his way through the front doors. He scanned the busy lobby for anyone likely to distract them and carefully made his way to the elevator.
"I believe you saw the lobby last time. Lovely as it is, I think we should pass it up for now. There are shops higher up that might provide something for you to wear. Did you have anything specific in mind? Other than non nudity?"
He smirked and leaned against the brushed steel wall of the elevator and waited for the doors to close. As soon as they were assured at least a small amount of privacy, Alfarinn pulled Thaddeus against him and wrapped his arms around him. Kissing him thoroughly but gently, Alfarinn eventually pulled back enough to smile down at his companion.
"I thought we could both use that."
"I believe you saw the lobby last time. Lovely as it is, I think we should pass it up for now. There are shops higher up that might provide something for you to wear. Did you have anything specific in mind? Other than non nudity?"
He smirked and leaned against the brushed steel wall of the elevator and waited for the doors to close. As soon as they were assured at least a small amount of privacy, Alfarinn pulled Thaddeus against him and wrapped his arms around him. Kissing him thoroughly but gently, Alfarinn eventually pulled back enough to smile down at his companion.
"I thought we could both use that."

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus managed a smile as they made their way through the lobby, taking in the sight once again before being led to the elevator. He shook his head at Alfarinn's question, keeping his voice low as he answered.
"Something that doesn't draw attention to myself."Â? He chuckled. "Which, oddly enough, would mean something one would expect to do just that. And people accuse Anantya of being backward in the face of such reversals."Â?
Still smiling, he turned to face his companion in time for Alfarinn to pull him close. It seemed his lover was of the same mind; he had also been waiting for the doors to close. The stolen moment was no less enjoyable for being brief, and Thaddeus kept his arms around Alfarinn even after he pulled away, looking up to meet gray eyes.
"You thought right."Â? He pushed a strand of blonde hair behind Alfarinn's ear, lingering to run his fingertips down the other man's neck. "In all seriousness, I'll work with whatever is available."Â? He tilted up his chin, resting it on Alfarinn's chest and grinning cheekily. "I imagine I can find something to suffice."Â?
Chuckling inwardly at the somewhat vain assessment of his own fashion sense, he continued to hold Alfarinn close until the elevator slowed, at which point he reluctantly disentangled himself and turned to face the doors.
"Something that doesn't draw attention to myself."Â? He chuckled. "Which, oddly enough, would mean something one would expect to do just that. And people accuse Anantya of being backward in the face of such reversals."Â?
Still smiling, he turned to face his companion in time for Alfarinn to pull him close. It seemed his lover was of the same mind; he had also been waiting for the doors to close. The stolen moment was no less enjoyable for being brief, and Thaddeus kept his arms around Alfarinn even after he pulled away, looking up to meet gray eyes.
"You thought right."Â? He pushed a strand of blonde hair behind Alfarinn's ear, lingering to run his fingertips down the other man's neck. "In all seriousness, I'll work with whatever is available."Â? He tilted up his chin, resting it on Alfarinn's chest and grinning cheekily. "I imagine I can find something to suffice."Â?
Chuckling inwardly at the somewhat vain assessment of his own fashion sense, he continued to hold Alfarinn close until the elevator slowed, at which point he reluctantly disentangled himself and turned to face the doors.

19 years ago
Alfarinn smiled at Thaddeus and was glad that his companion chose to stay close because he was in no hurry to let him go. Listening to Thaddeus's ideas and confidence in his fashion sense, Alfarinn agreed
"I am quite certain you'd look irresistible in anything...or nothing."
He looked at his companion thoughtfully and added.
"Just a bed sheet is a remarkable look that you happen to pull off well. Too bad we don't have time for that, I have some that would look particularly nice on you. They would compliment your eyes."
He told himself he should stop musing on such things, being flirtatious could be distracting and they had important things to worry about, though another part of his mind argued that their banter helped keep them both from brooding silently to themselves to the point of nervousness that would likely be a worse distraction than any innuendo he could manage to make.
"There isn't a store here for quite the House of Pain crowd but you might find something that would work and I'm sure I have things upstairs to make it look more in keeping with the preferred fashion of the place."
Alfarinn stepped out of the elevator and headed towards the Apex, a trendy clothing store located on the shopping section of the towers.
"I am quite certain you'd look irresistible in anything...or nothing."
He looked at his companion thoughtfully and added.
"Just a bed sheet is a remarkable look that you happen to pull off well. Too bad we don't have time for that, I have some that would look particularly nice on you. They would compliment your eyes."
He told himself he should stop musing on such things, being flirtatious could be distracting and they had important things to worry about, though another part of his mind argued that their banter helped keep them both from brooding silently to themselves to the point of nervousness that would likely be a worse distraction than any innuendo he could manage to make.
"There isn't a store here for quite the House of Pain crowd but you might find something that would work and I'm sure I have things upstairs to make it look more in keeping with the preferred fashion of the place."
Alfarinn stepped out of the elevator and headed towards the Apex, a trendy clothing store located on the shopping section of the towers.

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus found himself chuckling at the mental image of wearing a bed sheet, though somehow he suspected that in Alfarinn's presence, he would not be wearing it long.
"Perhaps everyone looks good in a bed sheet; that would explain the odd fascination with Toga parties."Â?
He had the sudden and slightly disturbing mental image of Anantya holding such a gathering before shrugging the rather ridiculous thought out of his head and following Alfarinn into the clothing store.
These clothes were slightly more in line with the 'typical' items he had viewed in one of the magazines Alfarinn had showed him that first night they had gone to the club. He smiled softly at the memory of that evening as he looked around at the rows of clothing.
There were, in fact, several things he could see himself wearing given the right setting, but he needed something for a specific purpose and that was somewhat harder to find. Finally settling for a long sleeved crew neck, black and with no incomprehensible sayings or silly logos, he selected a size smaller than he would normally wear and hoped Alfarinn would have something to finish the look off a bit.
He rejected the idea that he was getting just a little too into picking out something he would likely only wear once as he scanned the store for a descent pair of pants. His search took him near Alfarinn once more, and he held out the shirt for his companion's inspection.
"Feel it; it's quite nice actually. Though I may need to trouble you for something to make it look a bit more...he gestured vaguely...'House of Pain.'"Â?
He would have to check the tag, as a matter of fact; this was some blend of fibers that combined into something soft and pleasant to the touch.
He admitted to himself that he worried about this sort of thing far too much. Hopelessly vain of him, really, but life as of late had held plenty of concessions.
"Perhaps everyone looks good in a bed sheet; that would explain the odd fascination with Toga parties."Â?
He had the sudden and slightly disturbing mental image of Anantya holding such a gathering before shrugging the rather ridiculous thought out of his head and following Alfarinn into the clothing store.
These clothes were slightly more in line with the 'typical' items he had viewed in one of the magazines Alfarinn had showed him that first night they had gone to the club. He smiled softly at the memory of that evening as he looked around at the rows of clothing.
There were, in fact, several things he could see himself wearing given the right setting, but he needed something for a specific purpose and that was somewhat harder to find. Finally settling for a long sleeved crew neck, black and with no incomprehensible sayings or silly logos, he selected a size smaller than he would normally wear and hoped Alfarinn would have something to finish the look off a bit.
He rejected the idea that he was getting just a little too into picking out something he would likely only wear once as he scanned the store for a descent pair of pants. His search took him near Alfarinn once more, and he held out the shirt for his companion's inspection.
"Feel it; it's quite nice actually. Though I may need to trouble you for something to make it look a bit more...he gestured vaguely...'House of Pain.'"Â?
He would have to check the tag, as a matter of fact; this was some blend of fibers that combined into something soft and pleasant to the touch.
He admitted to himself that he worried about this sort of thing far too much. Hopelessly vain of him, really, but life as of late had held plenty of concessions.

19 years ago
Alfarinn laughed at Thaddeus's reasoning.
"And all this time I thought it was the free alcohol, silly me."
He watched Thaddeus shop, enjoying the activity to the exclusion of looking around at the merchandise himself. He didn't need to shop for his own sake so he could enjoy the moment of idleness. Alfarinn pondered where else on their tour they should go and if they should stop in and harass Zone while they were here. Admittedly though several hours wouldn't give them much time for that. It would be better to see if Megan were available for a quick chat and then go up and change clothes in order to be ready to head back out.
As Thaddeus came back his way, he held out his choice for inspection. Running a hand along the fabric, Alfarinn acknowledged that it did feel rather nice. He grinned at Thaddeus and said quietly.
"It does. You'll have to let me feel it again when you have it on."
"And all this time I thought it was the free alcohol, silly me."
He watched Thaddeus shop, enjoying the activity to the exclusion of looking around at the merchandise himself. He didn't need to shop for his own sake so he could enjoy the moment of idleness. Alfarinn pondered where else on their tour they should go and if they should stop in and harass Zone while they were here. Admittedly though several hours wouldn't give them much time for that. It would be better to see if Megan were available for a quick chat and then go up and change clothes in order to be ready to head back out.
As Thaddeus came back his way, he held out his choice for inspection. Running a hand along the fabric, Alfarinn acknowledged that it did feel rather nice. He grinned at Thaddeus and said quietly.
"It does. You'll have to let me feel it again when you have it on."

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus smiled mischievously and raised one eyebrow at Alfarinn's request, leaning forward and keeping his voice low as he responded.
"Without a doubt."Â?
He continued on before he got carried away with scandalous behavior in public, though he brushed his fingers against Alfarinn's in passing. Passing by the wide selection of denim, he went for the khakis, finally finding a pair of cargos in black. While lacking in the many straps and buckles of his other pair, they had pockets and were loose enough around the legs to allow for concealed weapons.
He was not quite sure how he felt about carrying tonight, though he was somewhat disturbed to find that the idea did not bother him as much as it probably should have. They were going into a dangerous situation, and they were going to do what they had to do, and that was simply the end of it.
He shrugged off his musings, flashed Alfarinn a smile, and held up his second selection.
"I'll just try on then."Â?
With that, he slipped into a changing room, locked the door behind him, and let out a breath. He was, for some reason, getting just slightly jittery now that it was coming down to it, though he pulled it together quickly enough as he changed.
"Without a doubt."Â?
He continued on before he got carried away with scandalous behavior in public, though he brushed his fingers against Alfarinn's in passing. Passing by the wide selection of denim, he went for the khakis, finally finding a pair of cargos in black. While lacking in the many straps and buckles of his other pair, they had pockets and were loose enough around the legs to allow for concealed weapons.
He was not quite sure how he felt about carrying tonight, though he was somewhat disturbed to find that the idea did not bother him as much as it probably should have. They were going into a dangerous situation, and they were going to do what they had to do, and that was simply the end of it.
He shrugged off his musings, flashed Alfarinn a smile, and held up his second selection.
"I'll just try on then."Â?
With that, he slipped into a changing room, locked the door behind him, and let out a breath. He was, for some reason, getting just slightly jittery now that it was coming down to it, though he pulled it together quickly enough as he changed.

19 years ago
Alfarinn grinned at both Thaddeus's response and the light brush across his hand. He very much loved his partner's hidden gestures of affection while they were in public, there was something so very charming about them and he found it even more compelling in some ways than a very open public display. He believed it was because he knew that it was meant for him alone and not a gesture to be seen by everyone watching.
He noted with a raised eyebrow that Thaddeus had once again found loose fitting pants. He sighed to himself before shaking his head and looking around the place, nodding to a Meridian employee shopping on a break with a coffee in his hand. Alfarinn thought about going to get them each something to drink perhaps having something to hold on to would help calm their nerves but he had promised Thaddeus he'd be right here and so that was where he'd stay, even if he'd have only been walking to the next store over, he wouldn't want his companion to come back out and find him gone. Even a moment's panic was not something he wanted to cause Thaddeus today of all days.
Walking over to an industrial looking pillar that served no purpose other than decoration, Alfarinn put it to use as a prop and leaned against it while waiting for his companion to come back out.
He noted with a raised eyebrow that Thaddeus had once again found loose fitting pants. He sighed to himself before shaking his head and looking around the place, nodding to a Meridian employee shopping on a break with a coffee in his hand. Alfarinn thought about going to get them each something to drink perhaps having something to hold on to would help calm their nerves but he had promised Thaddeus he'd be right here and so that was where he'd stay, even if he'd have only been walking to the next store over, he wouldn't want his companion to come back out and find him gone. Even a moment's panic was not something he wanted to cause Thaddeus today of all days.
Walking over to an industrial looking pillar that served no purpose other than decoration, Alfarinn put it to use as a prop and leaned against it while waiting for his companion to come back out.

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus managed the surprisingly comfortable clothes with little trouble, though he frowned at the tightness of the shirt. The seams barely reached the edges of his shoulders and if it shrank just a little it would no longer fit, but it would, he decided, suffice. The look overall lacked a certain something to blend into the House of Pain; if not for the fit of the shirt, in fact, Thaddeus felt he would look almost respectable. At least it was an improvement over showing up in a suit, though he thought he looked somehow younger and, ridiculous as it was, more...attackable this way.
Then he decided it was just nerves and he really needed to take it easy. But not too easy. He needed to be exactly the right amount of nervous.
He stepped out of the changing room, realizing too late that he could have just changed back into his suit, purchased the clothing and had done with it. Alfarinn, calmly leaning against a pillar and looking just as cool as you please, likely thought him an indecisive mess.
He went ahead and asked anyway.
"I imagine this will work?"Â?
Then he decided it was just nerves and he really needed to take it easy. But not too easy. He needed to be exactly the right amount of nervous.
He stepped out of the changing room, realizing too late that he could have just changed back into his suit, purchased the clothing and had done with it. Alfarinn, calmly leaning against a pillar and looking just as cool as you please, likely thought him an indecisive mess.
He went ahead and asked anyway.
"I imagine this will work?"Â?

19 years ago
Alfarinn pushed himself off the pillar and smiled at Thaddeus. He looked...touchable, at least to his mind anyway, and oddly somehow younger. He guessed a suit did make people look serious than they were but this.. Alfarinn moaned inside his head, how did Thaddeus expect him to concentrate with him looking so seductive and yet innocent...infinitely corruptible? He'd have to worry about the regular patrons wanting to carry his lover off as well as the crazed maniac that was after him. Hell, he wasn't thinking pure thoughts himself.
"Yes, You look..tempting, Thaddeus, very tempting." He looked at his companion once more, his desire plain before lowering his gaze to the floor and then back to the counter
"We could just take the tags and charge them at the counter, no need for you to change back if we are going upstairs to change anyway."
Smiling at his companion he said.
"Then you can help me pick out something to wear."
Rembering the drink idea, He turned back to Thaddeus and asked.
"There is a coffee shop just next to this store, would you like to get something to drink? We can carry it up with us."
"Yes, You look..tempting, Thaddeus, very tempting." He looked at his companion once more, his desire plain before lowering his gaze to the floor and then back to the counter
"We could just take the tags and charge them at the counter, no need for you to change back if we are going upstairs to change anyway."
Smiling at his companion he said.
"Then you can help me pick out something to wear."
Rembering the drink idea, He turned back to Thaddeus and asked.
"There is a coffee shop just next to this store, would you like to get something to drink? We can carry it up with us."

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus looked down momentarily, realizing that this particular outfit seemed to make him look 'attackable' in an entirely different light. He met Alfarinn's eyes, and might have smirked if not for the blushing. He turned to grab the clothing left behind in the dressing room quickly enough to hide that, if not from Alfarinn, at least from the rest of the store.
"That makes sense. And a coffee sounds wonderful, yes."Â?
Thaddeus had somewhat of a blind spot when it came to coffee; while he stomped out nervous habits viciously upon noticing them, though even he was aware that he slipped sometimes, coffee seemed to be one vice he could never quite give up.
He reasoned that it all depended on what one considered a vice.
He fished his wallet out of his suit pocket and yanked off the tags as he walked to the counter to pay. The cashier did not seem to think this behavior unusual and rang everything up with a smile and a good day, handing Thaddeus a bag for his clothes. He signed the receipt somewhat absently; it was rather difficult, he found, to pay much attention with Alfarinn looking at him that way.
Finally done the purchase, he tilted his head up to Alfarinn, smiling now.
"Lead the way. And yes...I might have ideas for you when we get upstairs."Â?
"That makes sense. And a coffee sounds wonderful, yes."Â?
Thaddeus had somewhat of a blind spot when it came to coffee; while he stomped out nervous habits viciously upon noticing them, though even he was aware that he slipped sometimes, coffee seemed to be one vice he could never quite give up.
He reasoned that it all depended on what one considered a vice.
He fished his wallet out of his suit pocket and yanked off the tags as he walked to the counter to pay. The cashier did not seem to think this behavior unusual and rang everything up with a smile and a good day, handing Thaddeus a bag for his clothes. He signed the receipt somewhat absently; it was rather difficult, he found, to pay much attention with Alfarinn looking at him that way.
Finally done the purchase, he tilted his head up to Alfarinn, smiling now.
"Lead the way. And yes...I might have ideas for you when we get upstairs."Â?

19 years ago
Alfarinn grinned back at his companion and raised his eyebrow in question. He found himself wholly engrossed for a moment or so in wondering just what kind of ideas Thaddeus might have in mind and forgot to move.
"Oh" He looked chagrined at his companion and then gestured. "This way."
Leaving the clothing store, he walked the short distance to the counter of the little coffee shop. In his opinion they served some of the best coffee of any place in the area. He was glad someone in Meridian insisted on this little company instead of the larger chains that seemed to be taking the country by storm.
He smiled to the cashier in greeting and nodded to "the usual" turning to Thaddeus questioningly. Alfarinn could already see the barista making him a cup of french roast black coffee.
"What would you like?"
"Oh" He looked chagrined at his companion and then gestured. "This way."
Leaving the clothing store, he walked the short distance to the counter of the little coffee shop. In his opinion they served some of the best coffee of any place in the area. He was glad someone in Meridian insisted on this little company instead of the larger chains that seemed to be taking the country by storm.
He smiled to the cashier in greeting and nodded to "the usual" turning to Thaddeus questioningly. Alfarinn could already see the barista making him a cup of french roast black coffee.
"What would you like?"

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus breathed in the smell of the coffee shop with a smile, enjoying the atmosphere for a moment before bringing his attention to the counter.
He mused over the menu for a moment, his somewhat traitorous mind lingering on the espressos in spite of the fact that he was quite wired enough at the moment. The selection, however, proved varied enough, and he finally settled on something at least a bit less loaded.
"The Italian Roast, I think, will do nicely."Â?
Perhaps it was silly of him, but he couldn't help but find it wonderfully comfortable to be doing something as simple as getting a cup of coffee with Alfarinn. He supposed it was nice to be doing something normal; they could be stopping here on the way to a concert or a trip to the library or simply an evening alone, and though tonight's activities would involve nothing of the sort, there would be Alfarinn and a warm cup of coffee on the other side.
He stepped close enough to touch shoulders and waited for their orders to be filled.
He mused over the menu for a moment, his somewhat traitorous mind lingering on the espressos in spite of the fact that he was quite wired enough at the moment. The selection, however, proved varied enough, and he finally settled on something at least a bit less loaded.
"The Italian Roast, I think, will do nicely."Â?
Perhaps it was silly of him, but he couldn't help but find it wonderfully comfortable to be doing something as simple as getting a cup of coffee with Alfarinn. He supposed it was nice to be doing something normal; they could be stopping here on the way to a concert or a trip to the library or simply an evening alone, and though tonight's activities would involve nothing of the sort, there would be Alfarinn and a warm cup of coffee on the other side.
He stepped close enough to touch shoulders and waited for their orders to be filled.

19 years ago
Alfarinn paid for their coffee and went to get them both from the barista. He then handed Thaddeus his cup. Pausing a moment, Alfarinn enjoyed the warm drink in his cool hands, taking in the scent of freshly brewed coffee before taking a sip.
Looking at Thaddeus, he smiled.
"Need anything else with yours?"
Alfarinn glanced over at the counter with creamer and sugar wondering what his companion preferred. He smiled at the thought of paying extra special attention to this information but he was doing so just the same. He felt it was good to know for future reference should he want to wake his companion up some evening with a cool kiss and a warm cup of coffee.
Looking at Thaddeus, he smiled.
"Need anything else with yours?"
Alfarinn glanced over at the counter with creamer and sugar wondering what his companion preferred. He smiled at the thought of paying extra special attention to this information but he was doing so just the same. He felt it was good to know for future reference should he want to wake his companion up some evening with a cool kiss and a warm cup of coffee.

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus accepted the coffee from Alfarinn's hands with a smile of thanks and wrapped his fingers around the cup, taking in the heat through his gloves and letting the steam rise for a moment before taking a sip.
"Thank you. I am glad you thought of this."Â?
He shook his head at his companion's query, privately thinking that there was no better way to ruin an exceptional cup of coffee (which this happened to be) than by adding to an already ideal flavor.
"Something else we have in common, I see. I imagine 'coffee maker' will have to go on the list."Â?
He gave Alfarinn a little wink and considered what other little things they would need for their new home as they walked out of the coffee shop together, trying to keep thoughts of what this particular evening would bring them at bay at least long enough to finish his drink.
"Thank you. I am glad you thought of this."Â?
He shook his head at his companion's query, privately thinking that there was no better way to ruin an exceptional cup of coffee (which this happened to be) than by adding to an already ideal flavor.
"Something else we have in common, I see. I imagine 'coffee maker' will have to go on the list."Â?
He gave Alfarinn a little wink and considered what other little things they would need for their new home as they walked out of the coffee shop together, trying to keep thoughts of what this particular evening would bring them at bay at least long enough to finish his drink.

19 years ago
"You are most welcome."
He was gratified to see that it was some comfort to his companion as it had been intended to be. Alfarinn nodded agreement with a pleased grin that he could just make two of the same type of coffee and not have to worry about his companion wanting something different. He pondered wandering off with Thaddeus's cup some time when he was busy researching and a mischievous grin formed that he found hard to be rid of. He looked down hiding his amusement behind the curtain of hair before replying.
"Yes, coffee pot, chess set, bath tub, telescope, drapes... what else was on there again?"
Alfarinn headed to the elevator and held the door open for Thaddeus before walking in and pressing the top floor of this tower.
"Hopefully you won't be too disappointed by my place, I'm afraid there is no piano."
He was gratified to see that it was some comfort to his companion as it had been intended to be. Alfarinn nodded agreement with a pleased grin that he could just make two of the same type of coffee and not have to worry about his companion wanting something different. He pondered wandering off with Thaddeus's cup some time when he was busy researching and a mischievous grin formed that he found hard to be rid of. He looked down hiding his amusement behind the curtain of hair before replying.
"Yes, coffee pot, chess set, bath tub, telescope, drapes... what else was on there again?"
Alfarinn headed to the elevator and held the door open for Thaddeus before walking in and pressing the top floor of this tower.
"Hopefully you won't be too disappointed by my place, I'm afraid there is no piano."

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus smiled softly at the list, having half a mind to pull out his small notebook and actually put the items to paper. He restrained himself only because he felt doing so would take away from the lighthearted nature of the whole thing, instead giving Alfarinn a grin as he stepped into the elevator.
"We mustn't forget the garden."Â?
He found he was quite curious to see Alfarinn's quarters and was somewhat surprised to hear his companion's apparent concerns.
"I assure you, I can survive an evening without being in the proximity of a piano."Â?
He realized that a keyboard had, in fact, been purchased before he bought items that most would consider far more essential for the apartment; Alfarinn was hardly amiss in getting the impression that he preferred to have one around. Still, he raised one eyebrow, teasing.
"In any case, it is fortunate that I have other ways to keep my hands occupied."Â?He held up his coffee cup and schooled his expression to the picture of innocence. "In all seriousness, I look forward to seeing your place."Â?
"We mustn't forget the garden."Â?
He found he was quite curious to see Alfarinn's quarters and was somewhat surprised to hear his companion's apparent concerns.
"I assure you, I can survive an evening without being in the proximity of a piano."Â?
He realized that a keyboard had, in fact, been purchased before he bought items that most would consider far more essential for the apartment; Alfarinn was hardly amiss in getting the impression that he preferred to have one around. Still, he raised one eyebrow, teasing.
"In any case, it is fortunate that I have other ways to keep my hands occupied."Â?He held up his coffee cup and schooled his expression to the picture of innocence. "In all seriousness, I look forward to seeing your place."Â?

19 years ago
Alfarinn opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again. Smiling at his companion, he finally said.
"This is true. I am sure I have a few books you might be interested in."
He did his best to look equally innocent as the elevator came to a halt. Stepping out, Alfarinn took one of Thaddeus's hands gently and led him down the short hallway to his suite which was the only thing on this floor. It was so different from the decor of the Manor that he was not certain that his companion would like it and he found himself a bit apprehensive but curious just the same.
"Open please"
Alfarinn said to the ever present MARI and smiled into the plate next to the door so that the scanner could read his dental pattern. It unlocked with a click and he pushed the door aside. Entering and standing out of the way, he said.
"Well, its what I've called home for a while now."
He set his coffee down on the bar and turned to Thaddeus.
"Want a look around?"
"This is true. I am sure I have a few books you might be interested in."
He did his best to look equally innocent as the elevator came to a halt. Stepping out, Alfarinn took one of Thaddeus's hands gently and led him down the short hallway to his suite which was the only thing on this floor. It was so different from the decor of the Manor that he was not certain that his companion would like it and he found himself a bit apprehensive but curious just the same.
"Open please"
Alfarinn said to the ever present MARI and smiled into the plate next to the door so that the scanner could read his dental pattern. It unlocked with a click and he pushed the door aside. Entering and standing out of the way, he said.
"Well, its what I've called home for a while now."
He set his coffee down on the bar and turned to Thaddeus.
"Want a look around?"

Xerxes Asha
19 years ago
Xerxes had spent more and more time at his new apartment and, in fact, began to think of it as his new home. The towers held all the things a resident could ever need or desire and he was readily available to the clan should they need him.
Though he hadn't heard from Megan or her eternal kin, Alfarinn, he felt assured they were aware of his request to meet with them and understood their preoccupation. Running a clan as powerful as Evenhet would be no easy task.
This evening he was headed out to get some fresh air and continue his ongoing investigation of the vampire Sorin. The obvious information had been easy to locate. Elder of the Night, Anantya. Xerxes had never met the man though he had been a Anantya of the Night. He had come to power when the former Elder, Emma, died. Xerxes felt bad he had been absent then, Emma had been his mentor in many ways, though he only knew her professionally.
His greatest threat was another member of the Order of the Night, a man named Thaddeus. Due to the nature of the man's character, Xerxes assumed this man was in danger.
Xerxes closed his apartment door quietly and instinctivly made his way towards the elevators; he was lost in his thoughts, so much so that he nearly missed the two men standing outside a nearby door.
"Open please."
The voice's familiarity shock Xerxes out of his self-induced haze enough to look closely at the men, immediately recognizing the Elder of his clan, Alfarinn.
He trotted towards the door as the two entered the apartment and called from the hall.
"Excuse me, Alfarinn!"
Though he hadn't heard from Megan or her eternal kin, Alfarinn, he felt assured they were aware of his request to meet with them and understood their preoccupation. Running a clan as powerful as Evenhet would be no easy task.
This evening he was headed out to get some fresh air and continue his ongoing investigation of the vampire Sorin. The obvious information had been easy to locate. Elder of the Night, Anantya. Xerxes had never met the man though he had been a Anantya of the Night. He had come to power when the former Elder, Emma, died. Xerxes felt bad he had been absent then, Emma had been his mentor in many ways, though he only knew her professionally.
His greatest threat was another member of the Order of the Night, a man named Thaddeus. Due to the nature of the man's character, Xerxes assumed this man was in danger.
Xerxes closed his apartment door quietly and instinctivly made his way towards the elevators; he was lost in his thoughts, so much so that he nearly missed the two men standing outside a nearby door.
"Open please."
The voice's familiarity shock Xerxes out of his self-induced haze enough to look closely at the men, immediately recognizing the Elder of his clan, Alfarinn.
He trotted towards the door as the two entered the apartment and called from the hall.
"Excuse me, Alfarinn!"

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus smirked at Alfarinn's wholesome suggestion and feigned innocence.
"Yes, I would imagine you have a quite impressive...library."Â?
He accepted the offered hand, giving the fingers a light squeeze before following Alfarinn to the door. The method of entrance was a bit unexpected, though Thaddeus supposed he should be getting used to such things by now. Still, it was somewhat unnerving and a reminder that they were in fact being watched.
That thought was completely forgotten as they stepped inside. Thaddeus felt the corner of his mouth curve into a smile at the clean lines and contrast of the dwelling and brightened immediately at the floor to ceiling windows on the far side of the room. It was somehow both inviting and orderly, structured and comfortable and so like Alfarinn. His eyes scanned the pictures on the wall and the books on the shelves with interest; he could almost see Alfarinn sitting on one end of the white couch with a book in hand and a glass of wine at his side, looking up at the photographs and preparing to relax into the evening.
He wrapped one arm around his companion's waist and shook his head at the somewhat modest introduction to Alfarinn's home.
"It is, like you, amazing."Â? He looked up to his companion, smiling. "And yes, I would like that."Â?
A part of him was in honest disbelief that Alfarinn had been so willing to stay in that little apartment rather than return home, and furthermore was amazed that his companion actually wanted to move into church that could kindly be described as having seen better years.
He was, however, cut off from further musing on the matter at the sound of an unfamiliar voice asking for Alfarinn. He turned his attention to the open door, then to his companion, imagining this was a clansman of Alfarinn's and getting just slightly nervous at the thought.
He supposed it was time to make a good impression.
"Yes, I would imagine you have a quite impressive...library."Â?
He accepted the offered hand, giving the fingers a light squeeze before following Alfarinn to the door. The method of entrance was a bit unexpected, though Thaddeus supposed he should be getting used to such things by now. Still, it was somewhat unnerving and a reminder that they were in fact being watched.
That thought was completely forgotten as they stepped inside. Thaddeus felt the corner of his mouth curve into a smile at the clean lines and contrast of the dwelling and brightened immediately at the floor to ceiling windows on the far side of the room. It was somehow both inviting and orderly, structured and comfortable and so like Alfarinn. His eyes scanned the pictures on the wall and the books on the shelves with interest; he could almost see Alfarinn sitting on one end of the white couch with a book in hand and a glass of wine at his side, looking up at the photographs and preparing to relax into the evening.
He wrapped one arm around his companion's waist and shook his head at the somewhat modest introduction to Alfarinn's home.
"It is, like you, amazing."Â? He looked up to his companion, smiling. "And yes, I would like that."Â?
A part of him was in honest disbelief that Alfarinn had been so willing to stay in that little apartment rather than return home, and furthermore was amazed that his companion actually wanted to move into church that could kindly be described as having seen better years.
He was, however, cut off from further musing on the matter at the sound of an unfamiliar voice asking for Alfarinn. He turned his attention to the open door, then to his companion, imagining this was a clansman of Alfarinn's and getting just slightly nervous at the thought.
He supposed it was time to make a good impression.