The Wolf picked up a long blade and ran two fingers along the edge before putting it back with a frown and picking up the clawed glove he had used when aiding the Tacharans. This he set on the table before going back to look again.
Which one had he used on The Bitch? That had been some time ago, but once he saw the long curved sword he recognized it instantly. The poetic justice appealed to him, and that weapon was also rested on the table before the ringing of the phone interrupted further musings.
Hmm. The Praetor, perhaps? The Wolf hoped the Tacharan did not intend to change his plans or back out now, but he didn't think that was likely. Shrugging, he picked up the phone and growled into it.
Calling an old friend
Sorin looked through his files at the apartment and found what he was looking for. Though he had not spoken to the man in....well centuries, he still kept track of the Wolf. It was like two wild dogs circling each other in his mind. He pretended to ignore the man and his business but always kept a wary notice of him out of the side of his eye, so to speak.
He sat back in the arm chair and dialed the number on the slip of paper with his cell phone. There was no real guessing what kind of reception he would get but he thought it best to be prepared for anything. Sorin would prefer the whole thing be done with quickly if that was at all possible.
19 years ago

19 years ago
Sorin glared at the phone a moment before putting it back to his ear and answering in a cold voice.
"I have another job for you. One that you might be interested in for....personal reasons."
He couldn't imagine the Wolf not wanting to off Thaddeus. The little shit managed to get away from the killer shortly after his creation and seems to have done a decent job of eluding him since that time. Sorin doubted it was any talent on the blonde's part, in fact Thaddeus didn't know who the Wolf was, but for whatever reason the thug hadn't followed through. Still, Sorin doubted that it was due to any feeling of familial ties on the Wolf's part.
"I have another job for you. One that you might be interested in for....personal reasons."
He couldn't imagine the Wolf not wanting to off Thaddeus. The little shit managed to get away from the killer shortly after his creation and seems to have done a decent job of eluding him since that time. Sorin doubted it was any talent on the blonde's part, in fact Thaddeus didn't know who the Wolf was, but for whatever reason the thug hadn't followed through. Still, Sorin doubted that it was due to any feeling of familial ties on the Wolf's part.
19 years ago
The Wolf scowled and hissed into the phone upon hearing the all too familiar voice.
It was rare enough that The Wolf was caught by surprise, but hearing from The Supplanter after all these years of careful dancing, and casually putting in a commission no less, was enough to cause him to fall silent for a moment. Soon enough, though, the twisted amusement was back on his face.
For years, there was a balance, an order to his dealings with that usurping son of a bitch. Each had something the other wanted, and so each had their respective reasons for keeping the other in the land of the living. It was an interesting arrangement, though not without its occasional scuffle. The Wolf had chosen patience over violence, though in reality he supposed killing not one but -two- Elders might be a cause for alarm in some circles.
That patience may well pay off. For who else could The Supplanter be speaking of save The Heir? The only person he wanted dead for personal reasons was, in fact, The Supplanter himself, and he would hardly be calling The Wolf to arrange for his own death.
Though that could be arranged. Oh yes. Once he got the ring...
He realized that he had remained silent for longer than intended, and spoke again.
"A Supplanter always does bring a Wolf such -interesting- work."Â?
The jab was subtle, but he had no doubt The Supplanter would pick up on it. The Anantya had unwittingly gifted him with a more...personal job last time around, and had been quite put out when The Wolf decided to play with The Bitch a bit before killing her. The Wolf wondered if the Supplanter was more annoyed about the job not going exactly the way he wanted it to go, or if he was merely upset because there had been an important fact he hadn't known. He suspected the latter was part of it, though, and felt the need to rub it in.
They would want to meet to discuss the matter more, of course, and The Wolf considered just how wise that was. The Supplanter was crafty, that much was certain, and this could be a trap. The two vampires were well matched in both malice and skill, but he didn't think either of them had much to gain by killing the other. For his part, The Wolf felt that if nothing else The Supplanter seemed to be doing a fine job with killing off his own and might be useful to have around. And The Wolf still had that little item from the ruins; while he did not know just how much he could rely on that to keep him safe, he felt it was enough for the moment. Still, it would be best to meet The Supplanter on his own turf, or what he considered his own turf anyway.
"The Sewers. First and Charles. Thirty Minutes."Â?
It was rare enough that The Wolf was caught by surprise, but hearing from The Supplanter after all these years of careful dancing, and casually putting in a commission no less, was enough to cause him to fall silent for a moment. Soon enough, though, the twisted amusement was back on his face.
For years, there was a balance, an order to his dealings with that usurping son of a bitch. Each had something the other wanted, and so each had their respective reasons for keeping the other in the land of the living. It was an interesting arrangement, though not without its occasional scuffle. The Wolf had chosen patience over violence, though in reality he supposed killing not one but -two- Elders might be a cause for alarm in some circles.
That patience may well pay off. For who else could The Supplanter be speaking of save The Heir? The only person he wanted dead for personal reasons was, in fact, The Supplanter himself, and he would hardly be calling The Wolf to arrange for his own death.
Though that could be arranged. Oh yes. Once he got the ring...
He realized that he had remained silent for longer than intended, and spoke again.
"A Supplanter always does bring a Wolf such -interesting- work."Â?
The jab was subtle, but he had no doubt The Supplanter would pick up on it. The Anantya had unwittingly gifted him with a more...personal job last time around, and had been quite put out when The Wolf decided to play with The Bitch a bit before killing her. The Wolf wondered if the Supplanter was more annoyed about the job not going exactly the way he wanted it to go, or if he was merely upset because there had been an important fact he hadn't known. He suspected the latter was part of it, though, and felt the need to rub it in.
They would want to meet to discuss the matter more, of course, and The Wolf considered just how wise that was. The Supplanter was crafty, that much was certain, and this could be a trap. The two vampires were well matched in both malice and skill, but he didn't think either of them had much to gain by killing the other. For his part, The Wolf felt that if nothing else The Supplanter seemed to be doing a fine job with killing off his own and might be useful to have around. And The Wolf still had that little item from the ruins; while he did not know just how much he could rely on that to keep him safe, he felt it was enough for the moment. Still, it would be best to meet The Supplanter on his own turf, or what he considered his own turf anyway.
"The Sewers. First and Charles. Thirty Minutes."Â?

19 years ago
Sorin could wish the Wolf would have come up with a new name by now. It was not completely derogatory, after all it did point out that he came out of this on top, but he felt that he had come into the role of Elder in his own right by this time.
Dismissing the reminder, he listened with some impatience for an answer. How long did it take the man to think?
Sorin felt his jaw clench at the turn of phrase the was used to remind him of the last job they had together.
"Yes, and the Wolf has an -interesting- idea of expedience, but that is in the past."
If he had known the bastard was her child, Sorin would have just let the news slip of where she could be found alone, through other means, leaving himself clear of this whole mess. Ironic that he should find the one hired assassin that happened to want Emma dead anyway. There was no help for it now, and the result was that the same man would want her other child dead as well, which was at least useful.
Listening to the time and place, Sorin rolled his eyes and frowned in disgust. Why did these people always think secret meant gritty and dirty? Did anyone notice his lovely visit with Ellis? No, of course not, and it was done with style and grace. At the very least, Lykaios could have picked somewhere clean.
"If you..insist."
Sorin disconnected the call and fliped the phone closed, placing it in his pocket along side the more public phone he used for every day business. Rolling up his sleeves, he then pulled on a pair of driving gloves, pausing for a moment to notice the similiarity in attire to the man who's death he was about to arrange.
Half shrugging to himself, Sorin picked up his jacket and keys and headed down to the black Aston Martin V12 Vanquish S and slipped inside. He should probably take a taxi but that also left him with one more person who had seen him, driving himself was a better choice.
((OOC: out))
Dismissing the reminder, he listened with some impatience for an answer. How long did it take the man to think?
Sorin felt his jaw clench at the turn of phrase the was used to remind him of the last job they had together.
"Yes, and the Wolf has an -interesting- idea of expedience, but that is in the past."
If he had known the bastard was her child, Sorin would have just let the news slip of where she could be found alone, through other means, leaving himself clear of this whole mess. Ironic that he should find the one hired assassin that happened to want Emma dead anyway. There was no help for it now, and the result was that the same man would want her other child dead as well, which was at least useful.
Listening to the time and place, Sorin rolled his eyes and frowned in disgust. Why did these people always think secret meant gritty and dirty? Did anyone notice his lovely visit with Ellis? No, of course not, and it was done with style and grace. At the very least, Lykaios could have picked somewhere clean.
"If you..insist."
Sorin disconnected the call and fliped the phone closed, placing it in his pocket along side the more public phone he used for every day business. Rolling up his sleeves, he then pulled on a pair of driving gloves, pausing for a moment to notice the similiarity in attire to the man who's death he was about to arrange.
Half shrugging to himself, Sorin picked up his jacket and keys and headed down to the black Aston Martin V12 Vanquish S and slipped inside. He should probably take a taxi but that also left him with one more person who had seen him, driving himself was a better choice.
((OOC: out))
19 years ago
The Wolf hung up the phone after hearing The Supplanter disconnect. The Anantya sounded vaguely discontent, not that he particularly cared; at least he had agreed to the location. The Supplanter may, after all, claim their little disputes were in the past, but The Wolf imagined the grudge ran deep on both sides. Standing, he walked once more to his wall of weapons and picked up the clawed glove and sword, placing the former in his backpack for the moment but keeping the latter at his side. He checked one last time to make sure he had everything for the meeting with the Praetor as he had no way of knowing if he would have time to return, then threw his cloak on over the entire ensemble and stepped out of his front door.
He let out an unearthly howl and smiled when his pet joined him at his side.
[Retrieve your friends. Tonight the pack hunts.]
Knowing his wolf would return with more when called, he set out on foot into the night.
/ooc outie
He let out an unearthly howl and smiled when his pet joined him at his side.
[Retrieve your friends. Tonight the pack hunts.]
Knowing his wolf would return with more when called, he set out on foot into the night.
/ooc outie