Good clean fun

Nova looked around the arcade with a broad smile and gave Jan a little nudge as she stepped through the doorway.

"Look at us. Out on the town and having some good clean fun."Â?

True enough, they had managed to stay out of trouble so far and do a number of wholesome activities. Very respectable indeed, though the Tacharans could always make things more interesting if they were so inclined. For tonight, though, there was...

"Ooooh, skeeball!"Â?

Nova made an attempt to rush over to the classic game, forgetting her uncomfortable shoes in her excitement, and managed to twist her foot rather painfully in the process. Cursing, she managed to stumble over to a round table surrounded by stools instead, hoisting herself up and sighing in relief. The pain faded quickly enough...but she felt it would be better to just stay seated for a bit. Pushing off her shoes with a sigh of relief, she hung them by the heels on one of the supports for the stool and smirked at her companions.

"Who's making a fool of themselves now!"Â?

Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Amby nodded at Nova. Taking a dramatic pose, her head tilted up and with a fierce look upon her face, she clasped a fist over her heart and turned to face Nova. For the clan, for honor, and for glory I shall smite thee!

Giggling a little at her own melodrama, she turned to follow after Alec and stopped in front of the lane next to him, on his right. As she studied the ramp Amberelle's thoughts were a jumble. It felt so good to be out and having fun, but the fact that she was enjoying the company of fellow vampires was a new thing to the young Anantya.

Being raised by vampires had been hard on her. All of her life she had feared losing her humanity and since that night had done nothing but lament her turning for over a decade. From her experience, her kindred were a heartless and ruthless race. Yet here were several seemingly normal night-walkers. Admittedly, the clan difference could account for some of their more... human... attitudes. The irony of finding a Tacharan, with their bloodlusting reputation, more human than so many others wasn't lost on the southerner. Even among her own people at the manor she had found more compassion and freedom than she had ever dared to dream could exist.

Staring up at the swirling display of flashing lights, Amby smiled. She'd always held a sliver of hope in her heart that if she could just get away from New Orleans and free of her sire's influence then her life might turn out all-right. Tonight was proof to her that there was reason to hope of finding someone she could relate to, perhaps friends to fill the years ahead. And that eternity didn't have to loom ahead of her a desolate and barren place.

She hugged herself and smiled. The blonde felt like she was almost radiating the happiness she could feel bubbling up inside her right now. Bouncing a little with excitement, she turned and smiled at Alec. As he leaned over she couldn't help but chuckle and nod.

Hold it loosely.. I like to use more finger tips than palm. Watch me a couple times first, if you want, she whispered back.

Fishing a couple of tokens from her pocket, she dropped one into the slot to bring the wooden balls down, rattling and clicking against one another. Then she flipped one towards Jan.

Heads up!
Nova 18 years ago
Nova snorted at Amberelle's demonstration and looked up at the ceiling, deciding that those two were really pitching softballs and it would be unsporting to hit them out of the park.

But then, when had she ever been sportsmanlike? She decided to say to hell with it and was outright chortling when the Anantya got to the part about using the fingertips more than the palm.

"Now that Alec knows how to hold his balls, let's do this!"Â?

With that, she pulled one of the Alec-provided tokens out of her pocket and dropped it into the machine in front of her.

"So is this for Clan honor or are we upping the stakes?"Â?

She didn't mind either way, and just to prove that point she turned and picked up a ball, lifting it up to show Alec her gentle grip with a smirk before rolling it up the lane where it dropped neatly into the 30 hole.

"Meh. Could be worse."Â?

/ooc I found a happy game! I'm so using this!
Jan 18 years ago
Jan had been busy biting the inside of his cheek and looking at the floor in an effort not to say anything as he listened to the instruction. When Amberelle said "heads up" he had barely enough time to look up and keep the token from hitting him in the head.

He dropped the coin into the machine and then looked over at Nova. Inhaling fiercely to keep from laughing, Jan finally gave it up as a lost cause.

"Good thing Amberelle stepped up to show him then, isn't it?"

Jan kept a wary watch on Nova out the corner of his eye for a moment. Deciding it was safe at present, he tossed the first wooden ball up the ramp. 40 points. Well they were just getting started.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Having turned red at the direction the conversation went, Alec recalled his earlier reminder to giving these folks easy verbal ins.

Errr...heh. Well, these are a bit heavier and sizable than my own model, so I always find it best to ask someone in the know. Incidentally, it is good that I asked, as I would have chosen to palm something so sizable.

Winding up, Alec set his eyes on the targets. Extending his perception, he felt the flaws in the wooden sphere, and altered his hand position to ensure none would make contact with the relatively unscarred roll-way. Watching the others, he guesstimated the proper force with which to swing his arm. Lining up to the right side of his lane, he winds up, and...


Snickering, Alec states

Damn...I guess I am better at ball-fingering than I'd have guessed!

Feeling confident, he rolled another ball immediately, without the added focus. Mis-aligning his shot, it hits the metal rim where the 40 and 20 meet, bouncing it back down the ramp to him. Grumbling, he sends it back up, scoring a twenty, narrowly missing the 40 again.

Ah, guess it was just beginner's luck. I'm in trouble.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
"Now that Alec knows how to hold his balls, let's do this!"Â?

Gasping at the redhead with a little squeak, Amberelle quickly turned towards her lane and dipped her head, sending blonde hair down to hide the pink on her cheeks. The double meaning of Nova's statement wasn't lost on her. 'You just have a dirty mind, stop it and just play dumb..'

Clearing her throat she shook her head and picked up her first ball. The Anantya cupped it, then tossed it up a couple of times softly to test its weight. Smooth and cool, she rolled it in her hand and observed the nicks and bumps on it. Grasping it loosely with her fingertips she let her arm hang down at her side, loose. Tuning out the others her golden eyes carefully reviewed the rings, the hole placement and their spacing. Then, after studying the ramp for a second she lined up and was about to throw her first pitch when Jan broke his silence.

Turning her head, she gave him a scrunched up, lips pursed, annoyed glare before softening it to a grin and shaking her head at him. In the brief time she'd known Jan, she'd come to realize there was something about him that made her want to forgive his cheeky comments, and to even encourage them.

Looking back to the ramp she grinned. 'Time to trounce some Orphan butt!' Rolling out her first ball, it flew up the ramp and arced neatly into the most valuable center ring, earning her 50 points. She tried not to beam too much at her accomplishment, it would be rude to poor Alec after all.

"Errr...heh. Well, these are a bit heavier and sizable than my own model, so I always find it best to ask someone in the know. Incidentally, it is good that I asked, as I would have chosen to palm something so sizable."

She couldn't help it. Biting her lip to keep the laughter from bubbling out her shoulders shook. Slowly it built until it was too much for her and she started snickering. Shaking her head, she turned around and sat down on her lane. Picking up another of her balls she rolled it in her hands as she laughed, trying to decide if she wanted to beat it against her own head or toss it at one of the Tacharans.

She leaned a little to the side for Alec as he rolled his first ball. Watching it roll smoothly up the ramp she was about to praise him on his form when she saw the ball plunk neatly into the 100 hole. Her eyebrows raised. 'Damn it.' Amby sighed mentally. 'I think I am in trouble here...'

Shrugging at the futility of her own embarrassment she stood and turned her attention to the game in front of her. Lined up again she swung her arm backwards and released it with a fluid motion. It rolled up and plopped down into the center hole again.

All right, another 50. Not bad.. She looked over at Alec and wagged her finger at him. But I'm watching you. Beginner's luck... uh huh.. I don't believe in that stuff.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Savoring the fact that someone else had blushed, Alec forges ahead with his skeeballing.

"Beginner's luck...I don't believe in that stuff."

Shaking his head sadly, Alec says, So...if there's no such thing as beginner's luck, that means you're calling me inconsistent now...let's see...cowardly, gentlemanly, and inconsistent! Plopping down on his lane, Alec looks over to Jan. I swear...sometimes there's just no winning!

Watching Amberelle roll, he notices that everyone else is opting for a middle of the board approach. Knowing that will favor his nonexistent play style, he figures it might be best to follow suit. With little trouble, Amberelle nails her second fifty shot.

Hm. Looks like there might be even more "no winning" on the menu tonight for me...

Lining up for his shot, Alec rolled...well aligned, but against the grain, plopping neatly into the 40, but short of the 50 target. Glancing up on the board, he became aware that he was outpacing everyone else. Starting to speak, he halted himself. "Yeah...making a comment like 'Sorry - don't want to run out of balls before Jan' would get me nailed. Good save." Straightening nervously...!
Nova 18 years ago
Nova laughed out loud at Alec's response, thinking that she liked this guy more and more. They were going to have to do something about that blushing thing though. Such comments went over so much better when one's cheeks weren't red.

Besides, Tacharans didn't blush. Or cry.

They could, however, be hypocritical on occasion.

They could also -really- be getting their ass kicked at skee ball. She and her brother were playing respectably but Amberelle, true to her word, seemed to be getting pretty steady 50s and Alec's 100 had come from out of nowhere. She wasn't complaining; Alec was teamed up with her after all; she just didn't want to be dead weight.

Eh, fuck it. It was just skeeball and anyway Tacharan wasn't likely to go down on the books for being honorable. Nodding at Alec when he motioned for someone else to take a turn, she took one ball in her left hand, the other in her right, and launched them in quick succession with a grin.

"Huh. Go figure."Â?

The one from her right hand, the dominate one, landed neatly in the thirty slot. The ball from her left, however, slipped right into the fifty.

Deciding to be scientific about it, she picked up another ball and placed it in her left hand.

Her next effort probably proved the whole thing was a fluke; the ball ended up back in her hand.

"Eh, was worth an experiment."Â? She gave a little wink and grinned.
Jan 18 years ago
Jan watched Amberelle hit consistent 50's and figured they might just beat the other team yet. He chuckled at Alec's comment about the obvious no win situation and nodded.

"Sometimes the best thing to do is remain silent and let them think they've won. They are a lot like cats for a good deal of them only content when they believe themselves in control of the situation and then they are insufferably smug but wonderful to watch."

He winked at his fellow Tacharan and wondered who was going to throw something at him.
Nova was busy trying is to find some sort of scientific method to the whole game but the theory didn't seem to be quite holding up.

"Eh, that's too much thought for me."

Jan rolled the next ball into the 40 slot again and then with the feel of that shot still in mind pushed it just a little further and landed the next in the 50 slot.

He shrugged.

"Getting better."
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Watching the others pitch, she couldn't help but grin at Nova's scientific approach. While there was indeed some mathematics to it, she was more the roll by feel and sight type. Instincts were what guided her in fighting and they seemed to do well for her at things like this too. And it was supposed to be fun after all, not a pop quiz.

Giving the redhead a cheeky grin, she said,
Experimentation is for college and laboratories. Just try to have fun and go with the flow, it's a game. Even if you are losing.

Listening to Jan as he imparted his wisdom on women, she shook her head and chuckled. That sounds like the voice of many, many years experience talking all right.. and I'd deny being catty but well, it's true. The double meaning was lost on the Tacharans but she found it quite amusing considering her shape shifting ways.

Lifting another ball and tossing it in her hand almost absent mindedly she studied the ramp. Her hand itched to try and throw at the small 100 point holes. Warring with herself, she debated the slow and steady versus wild and reckless approaches. Funny how it was a nice parallel between their two clans, and even her own life.

Rolling her eyes at her mental wanderings, she shook herself out a little and tossed the ball. It rolled its way up with a little too much force and bounced down into the 40 instead of 50 ring, earning a sour face from the blonde.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Managing to follow the pathing of the ball rather than the flowing motions creating the initial velocity, Alec smirked as the ball landed off-target.

Good job Nova - I bet she didn't even notice you shake the machine there. Very subtle! Or...perhaps the ancients are not as perfect as they proclaim?

Pleased with his temporary reprieve, he waited, ready to roll, but knowing some comeback would soon be hurtled at him that would likely distract him. "Ah, patience. Wait for it."
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Gasping slightly open mouthed a little at Alec, she gave him an incredulous look and sputtered, What.. me, not perfect? Unthinkable! Fighting back a giggle at her own silliness, she kept a straight face as she continued to tease him. Narrowing her eyes, she pursed her lips and studied him a moment.

Seeming to decide something, she crossed her arms under her bosom and the blonde slowly nodded her head. With a playful glare at Alec and Nova she wiggled a finger as she spoke with a little huff,
You keep up little tricks like that and I am going to have to find ways to distract you..

Looking over at her Tacharan partner, she gave him a subtle wink. What do you think Jan, should I flash them when they try to roll? She turned back and smirked at the 'competition' happily.
Jan 18 years ago
Jan smirked at Alec's comment waiting for Nova to disagree, punch him in the arm or something equally pointed to get her opinion across.

When Amberelle spoke up with her suggestion, he raised his eyebrows and looked down at the objects of distraction. Speaking thoughtfully, while still observing the Anantya's chest he said

"Well, I think that might indeed work but you'd have to make sure they can see them."

Turning towards the machines, he pointed to the side railing against each lane.

"I think you could safely straddle their machine but be careful they don't miss so badly they hit you instead."

He looked over at her and smiled wondering if she really did plan on flashing their opponents.

"And before you suggest I, because Nova really would hit me and in that position I would be supplying her with handy targets that I value rather highly."
Nova 18 years ago
Nova made a noise of general indignation and turned to Alec with a mock scowl.

"Hey, if I were going to cheat I wouldn't be so obvious as all that!"Â?

She shook her head at Amberelle's half threat of retribution, half offer, and rolled her eyes at Jan's 'helpful' suggestions, smirking at him.

"Well I don't know Jan, can't hit a target too small to see..."Â?

That said, she did the only thing one could do after insulting one's older brother.

She hid behind Alec and used him as a human shield. Or vampire shield in this case.

"Don't let him get me!"Â?
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Laughing at the interaction, Alec took stock of the latest development.

Whoawhoawhoathere! I'm supposed to have the corner on the coward market here! I guess it must run in the family! But...since I am pretty sure y'all won't kill me in public, I'll pretend for now.

Stepping completely in front of Nova, Alec flexed his somewhat present muscles.

I smite you with my manliness and ball-rolling prowess!

Turning swiftly, Alec took up yet another wooden ball and quickly rolled it up the ramp. The ball spun magically, hypnotically...and bounced off of the metal rim and flew back down the ramp. After catching the ball, he looked over his shoulder at Nova...

Um...well, I guess you're pretty screwed if we're relying on my skill. Hey, is there a rule for that?

((OOC: Ok, ok...I didn't use the little game for that one, but it was too perfect. =P ))
Jan 18 years ago
Jan smiled sweetly over at Nova at Alec's response and then looked at their new Tacharan friend, himself.

"Now that would be the first in a very long time wouldn't it, Sister Dear? You might accuse my parts of being small but at least they get used."

He slapped Alec on the arm.

"Thanks for the opening, man, I owe ya one."

He took his next ball and tossed it neatly watching it go up the ramp and land in the 50 slot.

"Well would you look at that, insulting your sister before shooting improves your game. I will have to try that again."

Jan smirked at Nova and gave her a wink before waiting on the next person to go.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Enjoying watching the ribbing, Amberelle decided to hold her tongue for once and let some of the "barn door" comments from her Tacharan friends pass. Picking up another wooden ball she tossed it a few times, testing its weight, then slid a little to the side and let it roll. She watched as it curved up and just missed her target, bouncing off of the 100 point hole. The blonde made a frowning 'hmm' as it rolled down and disappeared in the 20 point slot.

Shuffling her feet a few more inches over, she grabbed up another ball and looked over at the "opposing team". Her amber eyes twinkled as she asked,

So, what do you two want to play after we beat you? She grinned smugly at them, then tossed her ball and watched it roll up and into the 100 point slot cleanly. Booo-yah!

((OOC ... o_O don't play that game with a roller ball mouse!! Unless it's been cleaned.. I luv my optical at home instead of this crappy old ball one at work *sigh* ))
Nova 18 years ago
Grinning at Alec's proclamation of her cowardice, Nova tossed the ball still held in one hand in the air and declared:

"Hey, there's some saying about discretion being the better part of valor. At least I think there is..."Â?

It seemed that, for the moment, she was safe from her brother's wrath, though Alec's attempts at intimidation probably had little to do with that; she'd seen Jan go nose to nose with guys twice his size and not bat an eyelash. No, her brother was probably plotting something.

She turned to watch Alec's display of skee ball skill with a grin that turned to an arched eyebrow as the ball rolled back down into the Tacharan's hand. She was about to tell him to go ahead and toss it back up there, as that had been her intention for her own ball gone astray, but Jan picked that moment to strike.

Mouthy little bastard.

"I don't think the 'relationship' you have with your mattress counts as 'use'."Â?

That said, she launched her own ball up her lane, realizing on release that she had thrown too hard and earning a 10 for her trouble. Wanting to wipe that one off the books, she picked up another and tossed that one down as well, this time faring a little better with a 40.

She turned in time to see Amberelle hit the 100 spot and blew air through her teeth.

"And she didn't even have to insult anyone."Â?
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Well, it certainly didn't go according to plan...but you're welcome just the same.

Eying the returned ball, Alec realized that everyone had dodged the question. Viewing the lack of rule as permission to do what he would like, he turned and bowled it back up the ramp. Opting for a slightly more conservative approach in light of his recent blunder, he bowled smoothly and true...right into the 50 slot.

Hey...being polite works, too!

Encouraged by his recent success, Alec rolled again...a bit too enthusiastically. Perfect in form and line, but too much power...the ball launched and landed neatly past the 50 point score, bounced off between the 50 and 100 score areas...and netted him a chilling 10.

Hmph. Guess pointing out the rules is taboo.

As for what game comes next...we'll have to decide on whether the winners get to decide to solidify their dominance, or if the losers get an attempt to redeem themselves. Or we can go democratic and try something most folks have interest in...
Jan 18 years ago
Jan grinned at Amberelle's statement and then turned to look at Nova who commented further this time about his relationships.

"Ah so that's the issue. You realize that you're supposed to bring a person to -share- the mattress right?"

Jan reached over and put an arm around his sister and smiled at her in apology.

"Hey, it just means you have higher standards than me and I can live with that. Don't sweat it, there is someone out there for you and hopefully." He quickly moved back over to where his own lane was. "He'll be very good at dodging."

He looked up and noticed Amberelle scored a 100 about the time Nova made her wise crack about her doing so without insulting people. Jan grinned.

"Well maybe that works for Anantya but do you think politeness works for Tacharan?"

Watching Alec throw his ball back up the ramp and into the 50 without an insult, he looked thoughtful.

"Ok, maybe it does." Alec's next shot wasn't as good as the first and so he added. "And then again, maybe it doesn't."

Alec speaking about what they should do next made him wonder what would be a good diversion for them. There was the competitive racing games that might interest Nova and Amberelle. He was personally partial to the air hockey machine and the pin ball games but perhaps that was telling his age... okay, not actually anywhere close to his actual age but he did like the more hands on games compared to the electronic ones, though some of the computer games on the shelves these days had been tempting him to try them. Jan would admit to being a sucker for good graphics and could spend hours just walking around 'looking' at things.

In response to Alec's question on the next decision, he said.

'Woah democratic! You're starting to sound like an....Evenhet. Next thing you know Alec will be wearing a suit and going to business meetings."

Jan smirked before rolling the next ball up the ramp and watching it settle in the 40 slot. He shrugged at the other Tacharan and smiled.

"Democratic works and if you say one word about me wearing a suit, Nova, I'll graffiti your tee shirt collection."

((OOC: Permission to hug Nova the player at least ))
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Uh oh...I DO have a suit...Evenhet isn't contagious, is it?

Remembering what brought him to Nachton to begin with, Alec consulted his watch - a steel face chained to the inside of his pocket. "Don't put off checking in too long, but don't alienate new connections either. You've got time."

It doesn't look like they have darts here, so my vote is wasted. They do have the greatest pinball table ever created, however...but pinball, when played traditionally, is not much of a team sport.

Shaking his head internally at some of the other uses of pinball tables, he gets back to the matter at hand, and scoops up another ball.